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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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To all the non-recount/dps meters people:

You don't want to use meters, that's fine. Stop being selfish and keep me from playing the way I want. I won't tell you that you need meters. I won't tell you how to spec. But don't tell me I have to play with you if you don't take the time to learn how to play at a fairly decent level.


Freedom for all:

You are free to not use meters.

You are free to play however you want.

You are free to not group with elitist jerks who post meters in your face and tell you that you're bad.

I am free to use meters.

I am free to review the combat logs and see what spec works best so I can know I'm bringing my maximum potential to every operation.

I am free to not group with slackers who make me work harder to dps because they don't know or don't care to know how to optimize their performance.


Current state:

They nay-sayers are dictating the restriction of a useful tool because they don't like the feature. Thanks for choosing for me! /sarcasm

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The combat log portion does, which I am in favor of seeing implemented. All other aspects are epeen exercise enablers.


And how does it hurt anyone when someone else flexes their epeen?


I mean, really, when was the last time a human being insulted you and it actually caused a negative emotional response?


When you were maybe 10 years old?


Who here is actually affected by the opinions of others, raise your hand.

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You do realize that when we were playing Cata, the Chinese were still playing Wotlk? Glad your confident of your facts, i'm not as the decline started during Cata according to Wow census.


Of course LFR stemmed the bleeding of subs, easy mode pug raids for players that sit around in cities all day. Blizz had to do something to keep the remaining members of the casual community. It was a desperate act that paid off.


Also reread my post I never said addons killed wow, I did say they contributed to creating a nasty community. Your argueing for the hell of it with anyone who has a differing opinion to you, good luck in life when your older.




Again with the insults. I simply pointed out you were wrong about where the sub losses came from. No need to get so upset. As far as the decline you are definitely inferring that addons had something to do with the decline. If not, why post this in a thread on Recount?


And I agree with you that there are easy raid options to casual players in WOW now. That isn't a bad thing. There are also the difficult Heroic raids for those that want more of a challenge.


Finally, a little helpful advise. Insulting people because you have nothing better say only emphasizes the fact that your argument is flawed to begin with.

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No, I don't. I realize looking up how to win before you even try is common but I don't do it. Do my friends and I die sometimes? Yep. But when we win we actually won. We didn't need help.


I'm not talking about how to win fights, I'm talking about anything related to the game.


You do not use any websites at all that provide any information or content related to SWTOR.

Because if you do, then you are cheating by not learning these things yourself in the game. You're making the game "easier".


You do not read any forum thread posts by other users regarding your class, crew skills, companions, etc. You do not read any blogs regarding SWTOR. You do not watch any Youtube videos. You do not read reddit or other sites that posts helpful information regarding SWTOR.


Because if you do then you're a hypocrite, and your argument against add-ons for "making the game easier" is complete hypocritical. You are a cheater, and a liar as far as you are concerned.

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No, i dont think there is any necessity for a Damage meter in the way Recount works on WoW. I think that it doesnt give any information you cant figure out by yourself, and ends up beeing abused from an informational tool to a discriminating one.


I do like to min-max though so i see two possible solutions:


1 - A damage meter that only tracks your own information.

2 - A training room in your ship or upcoming guild ships in wich you can hit a dummy and a console tells you how you're doing threat wise, damage wise and healing wise.


I personally like option 2 alot more as its integrated into the game universe and its not just a bunch of statistics on your UI.

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To all the non-recount/dps meters people:

You don't want to use meters, that's fine. Stop being selfish and keep me from playing the way I want. I won't tell you that you need meters. I won't tell you how to spec. But don't tell me I have to play with you if you don't take the time to learn how to play at a fairly decent level.


Freedom for all:

You are free to not use meters.

You are free to play however you want.

You are free to not group with elitist jerks who post meters in your face and tell you that you're bad.

I am free to use meters.

I am free to review the combat logs and see what spec works best so I can know I'm bringing my maximum potential to every operation.

I am free to not group with slackers who make me work harder to dps because they don't know or don't care to know how to optimize their performance.


Current state:

They nay-sayers are dictating the restriction of a useful tool because they don't like the feature. Thanks for choosing for me! /sarcasm


It's very short sighted to suggest it doesn't effect others.


Either way I'm done for now. The addon people are outnumbered handily in this thread, lets hope BW takes notice.

Edited by Gohlar
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But here's the thing, since recount does nothing to make the game easier, it's not going to have an affect on content.


Recount is not Deadly Boss Mods.


Recount is just parsing your combat log and outputting it in a more easily read format.


You guys are treating recount like it's something it's not.


Me knowing my DPS doesn't make me a better player, it simply allows me to see where I am making mistakes.


I still have to be the one that fixes them. Recount will do nothing to assist me to fixing my problems, it just highlights the problems.


I am completely against a Deadly Boss Mods type mod.


But recount is not that mod.


Excuse my resorting to cliche, but half of solving a problem is knowing that it exists. *g* I'm pretty sure that anyone with any sense could work out a remedy to their DPS woes - if they knew those woes existed; we're playing an MMO, not a game of chess.


But truly, when I said 'if', I meant it very sincerely. If the appearance of something like Recount doesn't effect the structure and content of the game during the months, years to come, then I have absolutely no objections to making it available to those players who'd enjoy it. To those of us for whom a boss encounter is a means to an end, rather than an end in itself, it just happens to be pretty much irrelevant.

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The combat log portion does, which I am in favor of seeing implemented. All other aspects are epeen exercise enablers.


Actually 90% of the time, they are slacker disablers. I have no idea what servers you guys have been playing MMO's on where all you have in group chat is spammed DPS charts and fighting, but apparently you are on the wrong servers, none of the ones I've played on have had it. Hyperbole to support a groundless point maybe?


Anyway, I have to go drive somewhere now. I'll be sure to cover my spedometer and use the "knowing my speed would have been a crutch" explanation if I get pulled over.

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Ok it doesn't play the game for you. It shows you what buttons to press and when to press them.


Your elite skills take it from there captain literal.


And it all comes into focus.


Recount doesn't do that.


Never has done it.


All it does is parse your combat log and tell you how much DPS you did.


That is literally ALL IT DOES.


Learn about a subject before speaking.

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Let them add in a personal damage meter, that doesn't log other player's data. Other player's data adds in concerns about how long to keep it, when to count it, whose damage to count, etc.


Add a personal damage meter that includes:




Fight Breakdown by:


Last fight


Last boss


In a Party


In an Operation (not just Ops group as you might solo while waiting for all members)






Damage Breakdown:


Damage % by ability


Hit/Crit/Miss/Shielded % for each ability


DoT uptime




Similar stats for tanks and healers (ability usage, amount healed/avoided, etc)







Since healers can dps in this game (hammer shot weaving to keep up ammo for instance), and 3 dps ACs can also drop heals on the fly, this is worth knowing. Were you constantly casting something?



Since it is only your data and not spammable it removes most of the concerns people are worried about, and also gives all the data you need to improve your rotation.

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Ok it doesn't play the game for you. It shows you what buttons to press and when to press them.


Your elite skills take it from there captain literal.


Once again. It does no such thing. Please go to Curse and look at Recount because it's obvious you have no idea what it does.

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Let them add in a personal damage meter, that doesn't log other player's data. Other player's data adds in concerns about how long to keep it, when to count it, whose damage to count, etc.


Add a personal damage meter that includes:


Fight Breakdown by:

Last fight

Last boss

In a Party

In an Operation (not just Ops group as you might solo while waiting for all members)



Damage Breakdown:

Damage % by ability

Hit/Crit/Miss/Shielded % for each ability

DoT uptime


Similar stats for tanks and healers (ability usage, amount healed/avoided, etc)



Since healers can dps in this game (hammer shot weaving to keep up ammo for instance), and 3 dps ACs can also drop heals on the fly, this is worth knowing. Were you constantly casting something?


Since it is only your data and not spammable it removes most of the concerns people are worried about, and also gives all the data you need to improve your rotation.



Amen. 100% for that! *g*

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This is a crutch for the weaker player's that cannot play with it being an add on or a bulit in tool. I don't want people spamming requirement's for DPS. I don't want this game to become work. If it does it LOSES ITS CASUAL APPEAL.


If they do make a recount in game. I will quit my sub in protest. I know other's will follow. Part of the reason we came here. We are tired of gear score...tired of recount..threat DBM. Wow has all of that and more if people want that.


This game has had great success without it and BECAUSE OF IT. It will no doubt divide the community. (Age old argument if you don't like it don't use it.) Really? so your telling me that raid asking people to join won't require a certain DPS. Well a built in tool is not optional. It is FORCED. You are forcing this down our throats while laughing in our face.


Let the game be as it is.



Second this. If your hell bend on having recount/dbm..etc please go back to WoW. It is not needed here.

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And it all comes into focus.


Recount doesn't do that.


Never has done it.


All it does is parse your combat log and tell you how much DPS you did.


That is literally ALL IT DOES.


Learn about a subject before speaking.


Dude if you want to pretend like recount isn't used to get optimal rotations I have no idea what to tell you.


You guys are confusing interpreting incredibly easy to read data with learning to play. It's not the same thing. I mean if you can't see how having everything broken down for you as helping, well, that's why you need recount lol.


I thought you guys would be able to make the logical connection with having all the data presented to you with teaching you a rotation. I clearly overestimated you. It's like you want to pretend you are doing the work yourself....you aren't.

Edited by Gohlar
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Dude if you want to pretend like recount isn't used to get optimal rotations I have no idea what to tell you.


You guys are confusing interpreting incredibly easy to read data with learning to play. It's not the same thing. I mean if you can't see how having everything broken down for you as helping, well, that's why you need recount lol.


I thought you guys would be able to make the logical connection with having all the data presented to you with teaching you a rotation. I clearly overestimated you.


Recount is used to help figure out optimal rotations.




It doesn't tell you what buttons to press or what buttons not to press.




That's it.






You got caught being ignorant.


Ignorance is the only true sin in life.


You argued against recount without knowing what recount does.


That is unforgivable.

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The lengths people go to to try and cover their elitist tendencies baffle me. let me give some examples of people I know in "another game" who were essentially locked out of end game content because of these types of 'features'

1) A young lady who is physically disabled and able to press correct buttons fast enough to perform to others expectations. This info got around and she found herself pretty much banned from groups because she 'sucked' and refused to 'l2p'.


2) An older, slightly mentally challenged gentleman who found himself in the exact same situation.


I feel for those of you who really do just want to better yourselves, or have friendly competition among your friends. But the fact is that more often then not these systems are used to keep undesirables out of your groups. And that is not something I can approve of.

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It is quite obvious, the only thing they want is to gloat about their numbers being bigger than yours. I mean, wouldn't you if you were stuck living in your parents basement and working 3rd shift at McDonald's your entire life?


Now you are generalizing with baseless attacks. The only thing your post proves is that you can't argue in a rational manner and have to resort to name-calling and false accusations.


Ok it doesn't play the game for you. It shows you what buttons to press and when to press them.


No, recount doesn't show you what buttons to press. All it does it provide numerical data. You have to interpret the data to determine what's the best thing to do. That's called data analysis... recount doesn't do that for you.


Recount also doesn't tell you what you should do when you have a lightning orb following you and have to stay away from the boss, thus resetting some cooldowns on your abilities. It doesn't tell you to pop a heal on the tank when a dedicated healer is Mind-trapped.


Please understand this: Recount doesn't do any of these exaggerations you have been stating. Stop stretching the truth to prove your point.

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Dude if you want to pretend like recount isn't used to get optimal rotations I have no idea what to tell you.


You guys are confusing interpreting incredibly easy to read data with learning to play. It's not the same thing. I mean if you can't see how having everything broken down for you as helping, well, that's why you need recount lol.


I thought you guys would be able to make the logical connection with having all the data presented to you with teaching you a rotation. I clearly overestimated you.


I'm stupid. Can you give me a brief step to step that fills in the blanks here:


1. Download Recount






10. Optimal Rotation


Thanks a bunch!!!

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How did they develop the game around addson?


The game was perfectly feasable with the standard UI, lots of people used it. Just because it's not for you, doesn't mean it's not for everyone..



if you go and watch the blizzcon raid panels on you tube you will find plenty of instances and admitions that addons created an arms race in wow. many design choices came about because of the assumption that certain add ons would be used

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Yes I support recount/skada for this game. I use them as a tool to see what I need to work on, where I'm weak etc..


I also use them for my group. If the boss has an enrage timer, it would be nice to know how short of dps we are to making the timer so we can figure out what we need to do to make the timer.


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Dude if you want to pretend like recount isn't used to get optimal rotations I have no idea what to tell you.


You guys are confusing interpreting incredibly easy to read data with learning to play. It's not the same thing. I mean if you can't see how having everything broken down for you as helping, well, that's why you need recount lol.


I thought you guys would be able to make the logical connection with having all the data presented to you with teaching you a rotation. I clearly overestimated you. It's like you want to pretend you are doing the work yourself....you aren't.

This is a hot key mmo don't make this out to be rocket science. Recount does exactly what he said, your brain does the rest. And it isn't much with or with out recount.

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Figuring out how to prioritize and chaining up skills is only a matter of simple math, nothing fancy to it at all.

I have played top dps in several raids in different mmo's without having added bloat on my screen, so I'm not scared of dps meters myself.

Did install them thou, since people told me my dps, and got annoyed after some time looking over the numbers that the rest didn't drag along, I shouldn't have installed it in the first place!


I can't see any reason to have such into SWTOR either, since there is nothing that hard that you need it.

A Star Wars game like this shouldn't be biased on hardcore raids, but rather keep it cool and simple so that everyone can take part.

Lol, even WoW isn't hardcore raiding, all it is about these days is micro management.


So I'm for that those thinking that they are elite players should suck it up and live without addons at least for this game.

Edited by Mineria
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