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Social Armor. Something isn't.. "Right"


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I was happily leveling up my social tiers so I could use some of the social armor. As I was browsing some of the vendors I started noticing something.. While many of the Social armors are attractive or down right functional, they are.. Light Armor.


After doing research it seems there are no medium or heavy armor variants of Social clothing. Even Social clothing that should be heavy or medium is light armor, leaving me scratching my head.


I would just argue "Pfft.. It's social armor, it doesn't matter!" Except that all social armor is moddable, meaning it is functional in combat.. If the highest tier armor you can wear is light armor..


I want to enjoy the Social armor, but I'm a Bounty Hunter and need Heavy Armor. Will Medium and Heavy Armor users get some love or are we doomed to see Light Armor users enjoying it and nobody else?

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I was happily leveling up my social tiers so I could use some of the social armor. As I was browsing some of the vendors I started noticing something.. While many of the Social armors are attractive or down right functional, they are.. Light Armor.


After doing research it seems there are no medium or heavy armor variants of Social clothing. Even Social clothing that should be heavy or medium is light armor, leaving me scratching my head.


I would just argue "Pfft.. It's social armor, it doesn't matter!" Except that all social armor is moddable, meaning it is functional in combat.. If the highest tier armor you can wear is light armor..


I want to enjoy the Social armor, but I'm a Bounty Hunter and need Heavy Armor. Will Medium and Heavy Armor users get some love or are we doomed to see Light Armor users enjoying it and nobody else?


I'm bumping this because my Juggernaut would like to know the answer as well.

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i've heard is 1 medium social armor and 1 heavy social armor... but yea as an SI i was fine with it but my friend was quite upset. Then we realized that was only a 5% differance in armor mitigation between his medium armor and my light so he just started wearing social stuff and have no issue so far.


To give a comparison...


Light Armor: 15.37% mitigation from armor(me)

Medium Armor: 20.33% mitigation from armor(my friend)

Heavy Armor: 23.47% mitigation from armor(khem val)


so seems unless your tanking mode/spec armor really not going to be a HUGE differance over all. Mind you we are all 3 in basically same level of gear and this is level 45ish so it seems armor mitigation is very very minor.

Edited by Lokai
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I thought the mods made the difference? You slot the mods for a Bounty Hunter or Jugg and you're effectively a nicely dressed killing machine regardless.


No, armor mods give a grater armor rating on medium and heavy, so you would be sub-optimal.

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I thought the mods made the difference? You slot the mods for a Bounty Hunter or Jugg and you're effectively a nicely dressed killing machine regardless.


Light armor will always be inherently less in the 'armor' stat than heavy and medium.






I believe it is this way because EVERYONE has the light armor prof. Less of the population get heavy and medium proficiencies. -So if you were making the art that would go the farthest, and allowing anybody to use social clothing... Light would be the logical choice for ease and all players use.

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Okay, here's the answer.


You CAN mod it and use it, but it won't be the best gear for flashpoints or pvp. However, after you mod it, you should be able to quest in it just fine, and you can always pull out your optimal gear if a certain fight is a little too tough.


In other words, it's just another OPTION to give players more ways to customize their characters. It surely is never intended to be End Game gear. But yes, you can use it.


There is no problem with this, unless you are one of those people who want to do absolutely everything in only the best gear possible, which makes no sense in a mmorpg. That's like Easy Mode. This isn't a dungeon runner game. You can use gear/mods etc to customize just how "difficult" the game is for you at any point in time.


What isn't 'right" is the notion that you should be able to raid or pvp in social gear. Why would you even want to? Those activities have their own gear rewards.

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Okay, here's the answer.


You CAN mod it and use it, but it won't be the best gear for flashpoints or pvp. However, after you mod it, you should be able to quest in it just fine, and you can always pull out your optimal gear if a certain fight is a little too tough.


In other words, it's just another OPTION to give players more ways to customize their characters. It surely is never intended to be End Game gear. But yes, you can use it.


There is no problem with this, unless you are one of those people who want to do absolutely everything in only the best gear possible, which makes no sense in a mmorpg. That's like Easy Mode. This isn't a dungeon runner game. You can use gear/mods etc to customize just how "difficult" the game is for you at any point in time.


What isn't 'right" is the notion that you should be able to raid or pvp in social gear. Why would you even want to? Those activities have their own gear rewards.


You miss the entire point. That light armor wearer sacrifices nothing to put it on while heavy armor wearers are sacrificing a ton. They may not even be able to do tough quests while wearing it.


My solution, though? Take the mod slots out of it all. Don't use social armor in combat. Problem solved, fair for everyone.

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Are you implying that the slave bikini should have a heavy armor version?


I'd have a hard time supporting that logic


I think most social outfits are just worn to be social, not for your in combat appearance


No, but should the Imperial Armor and Republic commando armor be Light armor? O.o

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I think that while 'most' social armor should remain light armor (dancer outfits for women and formal wear for men) certain armor 'should' be of a higher armor ranking or at the very least 'scalable' to whomever intends to wear it! It's silly that I paid the extra money for the collector's edition, have purchased a full suit of Imperial Trooper armor for FOUR separate Agents and am in a sense going to be 'gimped' for wearing something that looks amazing and would fit the background 'fluff' of my soldiers for RP purposes.
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You miss the entire point. That light armor wearer sacrifices nothing to put it on while heavy armor wearers are sacrificing a ton. They may not even be able to do tough quests while wearing it.


My solution, though? Take the mod slots out of it all. Don't use social armor in combat. Problem solved, fair for everyone.


If it's that important to you, then play a light armor character. why does everyone think they are entitled to everything in the game, no matter how they play it? Since when does everything have to be equal?


I think you miss the point. It's not the best gear in the game, even for light armor classes, and it's all fully moddable. So there's no problem.


Your "solution" to remove the mod slots would render it all absolutely useless except for standing around in a cantina. The way they have it, and they way they got it right, is that you can still use it for questing etc. if you want to, and it will work just fine, but you should never expect it to be your end game gear for raiding or pvp.


There is no "solution" because there is no "problem".


"They may not even be able to do tough quests while wearing it."

Yep, that's right. And that's not a problem.

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I noticed this too. It annoys me because I'd love to have my Smuggler wear that lovely social set from Coruscant, but it is light armor so I really shouldn't. Yet I get to see Jedi Sages and a bunch of Kira Carsens running around questing in it. ;_;


Social gear is just as useable for combat as any other orange piece of gear, and it seems hardly fair to make it only available to light armor users. And though tanking in a slave girl outfit may seem silly, I think it is equally silly that social "trooper" type gear is classified as light armor, or that a Jedi can traipse around the galaxy dressed as an Alderaanian noble or a sand person. :p


Besides that, I distinctly recall a certain quote about being able to raid dressed as a slave girl or sand person . . .


I always reasoned that it is called "social" gear not because it is designed solely for socializing in, but because it is available only to those with a certain social level.

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Its the same with the Dark / Light armors, there is almost no medium armor at all, which is already the hardest to get type in the game compared to light and heavy.


They messed up armor altogether in the game anyway, lvl 50 you have to get pvp armor with expertise and look like every other lvl 50 or you suck compared to other lvl 50's....


Orange armor becomes pointless at lvl 50....crafting pointless after lvl 50....( except for biochem and cybertech ).....


I hate the way they made armor in the game. Cant make your charcater look original without gimping it or making it worse or less powerfull.


Fricking lame....

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Either no one can use them for combat (remove mod slot) or everybody can ( make medium and heavy version).


Atm only sith inquisitor and jedi consular can use them in combat without losing any armor stat.

Edited by boobaffet
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Here is SR's response (from another thread) on social gear being only light armor. I know he says "moddable gear", but it was in response to a question about social gear.




There are plans to allow those who adopt tanking roles to be able to gain the armor benefits when wearing moddable gear. Again, this is not a high priority feature right now, but I know it's something that Damion feels is important.


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Really? you can't answer this yourself? The game kind of Answers it for you. its SOCIAL armor, not ADEVENTURING/LEVELING/PVP ARMOR.


If Social armor were medium/heavy then classes would just wear it all the time because it looks so awesome/unique/RPish. They dont want you wearing it all over.


Its SOCIAL armor. Armor for bank sitting. Get it yet?

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