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The Leveling Grind Is Dead! All Hail SWTOR!!!


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its bonus either do it or don't. If you feel like its a grind then don't so you can avoid the grind.


Seems pretty simple if you don't wanna break immersion.


There is no immersion in SW:TOR, unless you count being "one of 270,000 Jedi Knights who happen to save the Galaxy", immersive.

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its bonus either do it or don't. If you feel like its a grind then don't so you can avoid the grind.


Seems pretty simple if you don't wanna break immersion.


it was said they took the grind out of it.. You cant just ignore the grind as dont do it, because that was the same argument that could be made of any game, except EQ1

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Thank Gawd! Someone has finally designed an MMO with Gamers in mind. With the Voice Acted missions -- yes, even the side quest are voice acted, the grinding for levels is officially dead!


Thank you SWTOR for killing this beast by making leveling fun, engaging, and very immersive. I actually look forward to leveling. Its no longer just a race to the highest level to begin the "real" game. In SWTOR the "real" game starts at level 1 with your very first mission and your very first dialogue decision!




You are absolutely mad. I just lost out, again, to a pair of people who were ahead of me leaving me with a 5 minute respawn on an outdoor boss. That, sir, defines the very essence of mmo grind: waiting on respawns.


When I stop playing MMOs, this will be the reason: fast, outside respawns and an inability to get from one place to another without fighting 15 random packs of mobs. A situation, I might add, that this game has exacerbated 5x as much as WoW does--never mind we actually had flying mobs to absolutely avoid some of that nonsense.


You also must understand that the more heroic and special I feel leveling, the more jarring it is to see 16 jedi/Sith in the same goddamn area as I am. The game's voice acting will probably turn into a colossal weakness because it makes people less compelled by grinding out raid material and it's extremely expensive to produce.

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There is no immersion in SW:TOR, unless you count being "one of 270,000 Jedi Knights who happen to save the Galaxy", immersive.


Wow really......I mean if you can't use or have no imagination then well yeah every thing can be looked at this way. Any game you play or have ever played somebody else was playing it too so umm.......I really don't know what to tell you....

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it was said they took the grind out of it.. You cant just ignore the grind as dont do it, because that was the same argument that could be made of any game, except EQ1


And what you though that they would have a game where you did what? Every game has a grind from Mario to uncharted to even madden.(kill goopas,kill zoombies and thugs, score touchdowns) So please please tell me what your system would be I gotta know how would u take the grind out of video game because it must be pretty revolutionary

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The same theory can be applied to every MMORPG out there, are people really this stupid:confused:


I'm fine with hundreds of players doing the same "Kill X Droid Quest". That doesn't bother me really.


I'm not fine with my character being told that I am the "chosen one" (Actual ingame quote), when I am clearly not.


Fundamental problem with "Story based" mmos.

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I assume by grind you mean boring repeatitive quests.


The boredom doing the quests in other MMO's was because I could see no reason for doing anything than kill X rats.. Biowares vioce over have allowed me to perceive these quests in a much richer more entertaining way.


It's like eating flavourless food and then adding salt and pepper makes the same food much more enjoyable. Vioce over gives the flavour I and many others needed so that the quests are no longer boring.



Try reading, reading is fundamental.

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Thank Gawd! Someone has finally designed an MMO with Gamers in mind. With the Voice Acted missions -- yes, even the side quest are voice acted, the grinding for levels is officially dead!


Thank you SWTOR for killing this beast by making leveling fun, engaging, and very immersive. I actually look forward to leveling. Its no longer just a race to the highest level to begin the "real" game. In SWTOR the "real" game starts at level 1 with your very first mission and your very first dialogue decision!




Just because there are voices does not mean the grind is not there. The XP curve is still exponential and chaining voice acted quests really doesn't camouflage as no grind.

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The grind is almost worse than in wow when lvling an alt. I dont care about a 5 minute speech for why I should kill 10 droids.


Bored to death with this outdated lvling system. I log on alt cause pvp at endgame is a mess and I look at my quest and think why am I playing this? So boring.


What a giant waste of money bioware. Spending 90% of your budget to VA terrible sidequests was your biggest mistake. Should've spent it on actual class story, or endgame content.

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And what you though that they would have a game where you did what? Every game has a grind from Mario to uncharted to even madden.(kill goopas,kill zoombies and thugs, score touchdowns) So please please tell me what your system would be I gotta know how would u take the grind out of video game because it must be pretty revolutionary


Learn to read, I never said there would not be a grind, however the point is, it is still there, the OP claimed there was NO grind.

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I'm fine with hundreds of players doing the same "Kill X Droid Quest". That doesn't bother me really.


I'm not fine with my character being told that I am the "chosen one" (Actual ingame quote), when I am clearly not.


Fundamental problem with "Story based" mmos.


Are you also fine with a million players getting to save the world from Deathwing, Lich King etc. hundreds of times?

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Are you also fine with a million players getting to save the world from Deathwing, Lich King etc. hundreds of times?


Yup! Raid Content =! "Immersive Solo Quest Content!"


Btw =! means "Does not equal". Just in case.

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Learn to read, I never said there would not be a grind, however the point is, it is still there, the OP claimed there was NO grind.


Ummm you okay man? Do you need a hug some love something. You seem a bit riled up. Drink some coffee do some yoga go kill some droids. You need to take it a bit easy. Relaxation is your friend.

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Yup! Raid Content =! "Immersive Solo Quest Content!"


Btw =! means "Does not equal". Just in case.


So you're fine with hundreds of different groups saving the world from deathwing multipile times but solo-driven story content is a no no. Nice logic there pal:rolleyes:

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Wow really......I mean if you can't use or have no imagination then well yeah every thing can be looked at this way. Any game you play or have ever played somebody else was playing it too so umm.......I really don't know what to tell you....


Exactly. It seems that people now days have a hard time using their imagination. As tech has become more prevalent with younger and younger ages, the imagination doesn't seem to develop as well.


I play my char, and I have no trouble with other like chars in the area, because I just "imagine" that he is the only one there, and I have no trouble getting immersed in the story.


Yes, all MMO's are grinds of one kind or another, but IMO BW has done an excellent job in letting us use our imaginations to make the "grind" into a story for our chars.

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Turning the quest text into poorly voiced dialog doesn't make the grind dead.


Every quest is still kill X, collect Y, press Z that is about it really.

I mean the dialog options you get is essentially 3 ways of saying yes and the canned response for a lot of the character answers that is in a totally different tone doesn't help either.


I mean I prefer the Swtor quests over your standard MMO quest presentation, but the charm wears off rather quick if you ask me.

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A level grind with voiced over cutscenes is still a level grind. If you don't think so, reroll the same class, or even a different class on the same faction, then time how long before you start spacing through dialogue on side quests. Edited by Gungan
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A level grind with voiced over cutscenes is still a level grind. If you don't think so, reroll the same class, or even a different class on the same faction, then time how long before you start spacing through dialogue on side quests.


wait people listen to the voice overs? why waste time whatever they are saying I can read faster and get the grind done with quicker.


way to waste money bioware~

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