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What lesson have we learned from EA and Bioware with this launch?


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First off, if you are currently in-game and bragging about how this is the best launch ever, shut. up.

a. This isn't the launch, this is the Early Access.

b. Early Access is clearly a beta-ish period they have spun as a marketing tool. "Buy now! Get up to five days of Early Access!" Using the number "5" in their marketing materials is misleading and disingenuous especially these last few months, knowing that current buyers would not even get close to five days. Even now you can still find that phrase in their ads to lure in more people. Shady.

c. "They VERY clearly stated 'up to' five days so why are you guys all pissing and moaning?" Ahem.....The phrase "up to five" also includes the number zero, so should we all be happy with absolutely no Early Access? Especially considering that was the driving motivation for hundreds of thousands of us to pre-order in the first place? If EVERY pre-order was given only one hour of Early Access, that would STILL fit the criteria of that phrase. Would that be fair? According to you, yes. But in reality, no. It's not.

d. This isn't about stress, and everyone knows it. If it was, they could have easily maintained waves throughout the night. It's not like there's actually some guy personally sending out all those invites ya know. And who wouldn't choose to wait in a queue for a while before playing rather than totally being blocked.

e. "This is the reward for the truly faithful!" Who decides that??? If they limited Early Access to one guy, the absolute first guy to get his order in, and then claim that his "true" loyalty is being rewarded while all the rest of us, the "johnny-come-lately" crowd has to wait until launch because we aren't big enough fans. BS


Maybe BW really will speed up the waves and make everyone happy. Who knows? In the meantime, let people vent if they want to. It isn't really fair and they're just as excited to play as the people who got in in the first minute.


(I personally think this smells a little like industry VIP treatment/swag. How many industry peeps/celebrities were sent a "July 21st" edition of the game for free? You KNOW people from the likes of Lucas' kids and Mark Hamill to Jimmy Fallon and Seth Green are online right now trying to get the jawa panion.)

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The point of sale should be reliable it is where you are afforded most protection legally. Guess there is not much more to say on the topic really. I'm not bent out of shape about it, communication between publishers and e-tailers seems pretty poor imho. Seems like that is what it was all down to.


When did you order? I am hoping to get in some time tomorrow. I suppose last wave today is an outside chance but they would have to crank up the intake substantially.

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It's the only logical conclusion to why they'd let the majority of their servers sit at low-medium capacity.


No. They can be over-protective about their servers, for example. Logical enough. Or they can also have access to more informations about the servers' load than we do. Logical enough too. "Pissing at their customers' faces" is only logic in your mind.


It would mean, after years of works, that they themselves, purposefully, shooes away their customers even before the official launch, throwing away all their work and making sure to have colossal loses that none of us could even imagine in our whole life. Where's the logic in that ? :)

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agreed... i ordred mine from gamestop the first day it was avil.. but didnt get a code til oct because they ran out so i guess im SOL on getting in for early access.. which is what i paid for... nice job bioware... since i was told that the code shortage was because gamestop couldnt get any more codes from them to cover the presales. Dont presale items you cant cover... period


Again, this is not BW's fault but Gamestop. Think about it:


Some people pre-ordered the game just to get Early Access and canceled. Yet their code is used and cant be changed. What did Gamestop do? Did continue selling those pre-orders with used codes which have no more Early Access code. Did they shelve those pre-orderes to wait and get more code? No they did continue selling without codes. You can't blame BW because of this.


Yes they could give more codes but look the other side of the medallion. This would feed Gamestop and such others only. I believe BW did exactly what they supposed to do.


You blame BW blindfolded instead of trying to understand the reasons.

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With all the **** they've been shoveled in games since wow game along can you really blame people (especially those who were around back when game companies weren't afraid to take chances) from being pissed when they're treated like second class citizens, when in the same situation at a retail establishment their problem would of been taken care of immediately 9/10 times.



Once you used "wow" in a response all creditability is gone. Get over it, people like you who are obsessed with that crappy game have very myopic points of view. It paints a golden age of a pre and post wow MMO landscape that is unrealistic.



Also, really second class citizens, a bit melodramatic don't you think? You have a very sheltered life if a video game not letting you play when some else gets to play classifies you as a second class citizen. Oh the injustice! The Horror! Next Biowares will be busting out the fire hoses and sicking the dogs on us.

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I knew what I was pre-ordering.


Before going to a movie, do you demand that you get the script for the movie so you know exactly what you'll be watching?

Or do you just check what category the movie is in, what actors there are and watch a trailer or two like normal people?


Personally I knew more about this game than I needed long before I pre-ordered.



When I go to a see a movie at launch I get a time and place. I attend, maybe there is a queue maybe their isn't, I go in and watch the film.


What they do not do is tell you that you can come and watch the movie sometime this week. We will phone you when you can come and see the film, maybe we will call you at 2pm, 3pm, 4 pm... maybe not at all maybe tomorrow or the next day or the next... Don't worry to much just sit there with your coat on, you'll get to see the movie sometime this week and that's all that matter right ?!


That would not be a good movie launch, and this is not a good game launch no matter how much people are trying to sugar coat it.

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Did they say it was 5 days earlier? or 10 days or anything? No


Did Early access over? No


You still got time to an early access and there still are 5 days to come? Yes


You pre-ordered the game and you will get your access to the head start before 19 right? Yes


So why do you still moan about it?


I simply do not really understand. Why?


You should read my posts more carefully all those questions are answered. tl;dr version at the point of sale (in the UK) I was offered un-restricted access to the head start. It was unequivocal that the 'reward' for pre-ordering was being first to access the game. I realise that was not meant to be the case.


I am not QQ'ing about it (honestly) I am actually moaning about all the dipsticks who have said "it clearly said up to 5 days when I ordered". Guess what other places it did not.


To answer your last question if I was moaning about it (I am not) it would be because I was denied what was in the promotional offer that was advertised and that I pre purchased.


Whatever, I'm sure I'll get a 5 or 10 quid voucher out of it.;)

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When I go to a see a movie at launch I get a time and place. I attend, maybe there is a queue maybe their isn't, I go in and watch the film.


What they do not do is tell you that you can come and watch the movie sometime this week. We will phone you when you can come and see the film, maybe we will call you at 2pm, 3pm, 4 pm... maybe not at all maybe tomorrow or the next day or the next... Don't worry to much just sit there with your coat on, you'll get to see the movie sometime this week and that's all that matter right ?!


That would not be a good movie launch, and this is not a good game launch no matter how much people are trying to sugar coat it.




That's a bad analogy. The movie screen isn't going to break down if too many people are looking at it. An MMO launch can change based on what happens, delaying or speeding up access.




They don't want to give us hard numbers on when we will get in because it handcuffs them.



People are upset now, can you imagine if they were promised a day and it was pushed back, it causes more problems than it fixes. Giving a window 13 - 19th allows them to adjust as needed. Windows of expectation are given in all professions that have variables that can change dates/times.


Hard numbers would be painting themselves into the corner if stress on the server was more than they anticipated.


It's like when you have a Cable/AC/Refrigerator/Ect guy out to your house. He doesn't tell you he will be there at 2:23 pm. He says he will be there between 12 - 5pm. It gives a window of expectation, but allows for him to be later or earlier depending on if his other jobs run long or not. This is no different, our window is Dec 13 -19th, because this is dealing with as many as a couple million people.

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The point of sale should be reliable it is where you are afforded most protection legally. Guess there is not much more to say on the topic really. I'm not bent out of shape about it, communication between publishers and e-tailers seems pretty poor imho. Seems like that is what it was all down to.


When did you order? I am hoping to get in some time tomorrow. I suppose last wave today is an outside chance but they would have to crank up the intake substantially.


I entered my code on about the second day I was able to I think and I got my invite email about 6.30pm UK time yesterday.


Fingers crossed for you :)



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What people ll learn from this launch ?


Well, it's quite simple imo.


Some people ll buy Bioware games as soon as it's possible even if there is no info about the content of the product or its quality.


And some people won't buy Bioware products anymore because of the frustration that they ve felt during this launch.


All others don't care about what happened and ll keep doing stuff the way they did with this game.

Edited by EmmanuelFR
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First off, if you are currently in-game and bragging about how this is the best launch ever, shut. up.

a. This isn't the launch, this is the Early Access.

b. Early Access is clearly a beta-ish period they have spun as a marketing tool. "Buy now! Get up to five days of Early Access!" Using the number "5" in their marketing materials is misleading and disingenuous especially these last few months, knowing that current buyers would not even get close to five days. Even now you can still find that phrase in their ads to lure in more people. Shady.

c. "They VERY clearly stated 'up to' five days so why are you guys all pissing and moaning?" Ahem.....The phrase "up to five" also includes the number zero, so should we all be happy with absolutely no Early Access? Especially considering that was the driving motivation for hundreds of thousands of us to pre-order in the first place? If EVERY pre-order was given only one hour of Early Access, that would STILL fit the criteria of that phrase. Would that be fair? According to you, yes. But in reality, no. It's not.

d. This isn't about stress, and everyone knows it. If it was, they could have easily maintained waves throughout the night. It's not like there's actually some guy personally sending out all those invites ya know. And who wouldn't choose to wait in a queue for a while before playing rather than totally being blocked.

e. "This is the reward for the truly faithful!" Who decides that??? If they limited Early Access to one guy, the absolute first guy to get his order in, and then claim that his "true" loyalty is being rewarded while all the rest of us, the "johnny-come-lately" crowd has to wait until launch because we aren't big enough fans. BS


Maybe BW really will speed up the waves and make everyone happy. Who knows? In the meantime, let people vent if they want to. It isn't really fair and they're just as excited to play as the people who got in in the first minute.


(I personally think this smells a little like industry VIP treatment/swag. How many industry peeps/celebrities were sent a "July 21st" edition of the game for free? You KNOW people from the likes of Lucas' kids and Mark Hamill to Jimmy Fallon and Seth Green are online right now trying to get the jawa panion.)


a. Your Point?

b. What evidence do you have to support this claim. We are currently as -6 days. Do you know for a fact that by midnight tomorrow they have not let in all the preorders? No, you don't? Making outrageous claims without any proof or even possibility of proof is not going to help your argument. Even BW probably don't know for certain whether they will get everyone on by tomorrow night, they will have an idea and a plan, but depending on the server status, they don't 100% know.

c. Again, you make a stupid argument with no facts. What if everyone gets in by friday? That is 4 days so still very much early access..certainly not 1 hour. Again, inventing facts to make a point pretty much ruins your argument. I'm sure as I hope you are that BW plan on letting everyone in before 11.59 on 19th. Please try and make a valid argument.

d. You don't know that. I sat in queues waiting on MMO's before and it isn't fun. At least this way I can get on with my life instead of sitting at my PC for hours. You also don't know why they stopped the waves. Maybe it would have been good to get a statement about it, which would be a valid complaint, but again you are making unfounded claims without knowing all the facts.

e. hmm...you are going to get early access. Maybe not today or even tomorrow, but you will get in early and early enough that you can have a half decent play before the floodgates open on the 20th. So your point is..?


You want to vent fine, but claiming it isn't fair because someone got in before you and then inventing facts to back up your vent just makes you look childish. "VIP treatment/swag" - do you really think that? I mean seriously?

Edited by Rollcageuk
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That's a bad analogy. The movie screen isn't going to break down if too many people are looking at it. An MMO launch can change based on what happens, delaying or speeding up access.





The film would not break down (the game will not break down) the only problem would be the number of people they could fit into the cinemas screening room before it starts to become unsafe and they have to close it. If the cinema sales passes and knows that it has up to a million people descending upon it each day then it needs to be able to cater for them or stop selling tickets.... no difference with pre-orders and servers. At some point soon everyone (even those without pre-orders) will be playing the game, there needs to be enough servers to handle them all - either they can do this and this staggered release is non-sense or they cannot handle the numbers meaning that within a few days the game seriously screwed.

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If this staggered launch goes as slow as day one ill never ever again pre-order anything from bioware/EA.


Whats the logic of pre-ordering a product at day 1 that you know crap about it because they hide everything afraid of criticism besides being a blind fanboy that would buy a devs used condom?


Smart consumers MUST know what they are buying before putting their money on something. Pre-ordering to have 1 week behind blind customers is the same as buying retail, or worse.


I've never bought a Bioware game... and I just cancelled my order and will continue that trend.


This release is insulting on a personal level.

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If this staggered launch goes as slow as day one ill never ever again pre-order anything from bioware/EA.


Whats the logic of pre-ordering a product at day 1 that you know crap about it because they hide everything afraid of criticism besides being a blind fanboy that would buy a devs used condom?


Smart consumers MUST know what they are buying before putting their money on something. Pre-ordering to have 1 week behind blind customers is the same as buying retail, or worse.



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You should read my posts more carefully all those questions are answered. tl;dr version at the point of sale (in the UK) I was offered un-restricted access to the head start. It was unequivocal that the 'reward' for pre-ordering was being first to access the game. I realise that was not meant to be the case.


I am not QQ'ing about it (honestly) I am actually moaning about all the dipsticks who have said "it clearly said up to 5 days when I ordered". Guess what other places it did not.


To answer your last question if I was moaning about it (I am not) it would be because I was denied what was in the promotional offer that was advertised and that I pre purchased.


Whatever, I'm sure I'll get a 5 or 10 quid voucher out of it.;)


In that point you are mistaken. 'being first to access the game' means you will be one of the first pre-orderers who access the game before launch, that being said, you will be the very first one to access compared to those who didnt pre-ordered the game and have to wait till launch.


It doesnt mean you will be exactly the 'very first'. Till Early Access Period is over, you will get your invitation and that means you are one of the many firsts who pre-ordered the game.


Which part didnt you understand or figure out really? It's crystal clear to understand.

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