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This is what makes a class OP.


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1. What is the most OP class in the game, in your opinion?

Operative and whatever the Republic side is.

2. Why is this class so overpowered? What features of its play style make it so?

They can see me in stealth further than I can detect them in stealth. They drop me down to 35% health in their initial stun, after using CC to break that stun they stun again because resolve is fail.

3. What AC, including spec, do you play?

Deception Assassin. (With the increased stealth level)


Other way around friend,cmon be honest you guys see my scoundrel far and away before i see you,and you guys win 90% of the time.

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Most OP class in game at the moment is Tropper/BH ( Tracer Missile/ Grav Round spec )


Heavy Armor and Heals


I was until recently a Healer Merc at level 50 and wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I change my spec into this OP build.

I was using level 30 ish skills since I couldnt afford to buy the level 50 DPS ones as I spent all my credits only on skills that my healer would use. I am aslo only wearing healer gear.


I got 400k in my first warzone by spamming only 3 skills, it really is amazing. I killed eveyone one on one (only including other level 50s ofcourse since anyone lower than that died on the second missile spam).


Cant wait to see what I can do when I get max rank of these DPS skills :D

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Im not here to do some lengthy arguement,thats pointless what you wish a power point and some graphs?


EDit for post below,im a 50 lvl Scoundrel one of themost bashed classes on this forum lately,utterly unjustified .


The Scoundrel is a really good class for PVP, the problem is they're rather squishy, so they die fast! The Sorcerer (I have to agree with you on that one) is the most Overpowered class in the game at the moment. The amount of stuns together with the massive damage they deal is utterly insane!


That on top of the fact that everyone on the Imperial side wants to be Emperor Palpatine (ergo they all play sorc)means I try to steer clear of PVP...

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The thing that really gets me about people complaining about Mercs/Commandos is that almost all of them are speaking in the context of 1v1, when EVERY CLASS should pretty much destroy them 1v1.


what gets me is the majority of people complaining about them are shadows or Assassins.


I had an epic Facepalm for every nub that said " BH/Commando's are too strong and they kill me" when they are playing assassins.



low slash or spike


Force shroud ( and its mirror)

Force speed..


Assassins are literally walking counters to mercenaries

Especially since the majority of them free cast in the back


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Everyone knows ops/scoundrel is silly right now, yes even Bioware. I feel like they made sure the class was way overpowered on purpose so that players would actually pick it, otherwise why not just go with the lightsaber version of the class assassin/shadow. We will have to suffer their overpoweredness until more players play it, I fear.
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44 Jedi Shadow here.


I've never felt that any class is op minus a fully geared 50... Especially tanks. I can't touch them. but anyone else, I've been able to hold my own with and during matches where all parties involved support each other, pair off and run as a group it's Never resulted in a face roll and more often than Not we win... and I almost always pug. there aren't nearly as many CC's and stuns as people believe to any one class. it's walking into a group of people and getting focused by 3 or 4 people that all that kicks in. and you should expect no less for being the dummy caught with your pants down and no back up in sight.


I don't think there's any question of how imbalanced the population is between Republic and Empire and more so how many more 50's exist on Empire side vs republic, at least on my server. however we're all coming up And the playground will eventually even out if people keep pushing and spend a little less time crying.


game isn't even a month old and I do believe the devs are listening, but you can't just make snap decisions overnight and then make it happen. they have to have data to support those changes. they already stated they're going to put 50's into their own bracket, and there will be more maps as well as addressing world pvp but What specifically about world pvp I dunno yet outside of making ways to gain more valor.


back on topic, I don't feel any class is particularly OP. I will say BH's are the strongest players I've fought against, and that's only because I've never seen not use their surrounding to their advantage. I think they have great mobility for their class and hit like a mac truck

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I too cannot honestly say 'any' class is OP, at this point. I don't have enough PVP experience to justify making this claim.


I can only say; that a LVL 50 should not be fighting lvl 10's. It's just wrong in every sense of the word.


My personal experience was that the SAGE was totally kicking my Merc's butt with that 'throw pebbles at me" power. Arrrgh.. even popping my personal bubble didn't help. Ate through it like it wasn't even on.


Granted, I was only lvl 23, he/she was lvl 50. So... hardly a fair fight to begin with.


My Sorc (18) took on a lvl 50 Sorc, fair fight. Nobody else got involved. I was CRUSHED!!

I didn't even knock 25% of his health off before he killed me. It was just lightning attacks, no CC's played a major factor in the fight. His DPS just cratered my face in. My bubble lasted about 1/10 as long as his did. (absorb.. absorb... absorb....)

Face roll!!

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My problem is not with a specific class being overpowered, I think it's a little too early to really tell. I have a problem with the rock, paper, scissors concept that MMO designers seem to love. The rock, paper, scissors concept is where a lot of imbalance comes from, and true MLG games, like Halo and CoD have no true imbalances because everyone starts with roughly the same stuff. Yeah, you can upgrade your weapons a little, but everyone has access to the same stuff. Everything is balanced around everyone having an equal chance in 1v1.


Some people might be screaming "That's boring, I don't want every class to be the same." Right-o, variety is the spice of life, but games like Halo and CoD have been successful MLG games because of exactly that same reason. Everyone is on the same level, noone is any different then another, except in what they can gain from the environment (or w/ CoD some minor customization.)


Now, I'm not saying we should only have 1 class, I like variety as well. What I am saying, is that pre-release, designers should be testing each spec of every class in 1v1 situations, making sure that every class spec has an equal chance against every other classes specs. Balance the game around 1v1, and the game is balanced in group pvp. It's undeniable, because if everyone stands an equal chance against everyone else, then every group makeup should be able to succeed against any other group makeup.

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Everyone knows ops/scoundrel is silly right now, yes even Bioware. I feel like they made sure the class was way overpowered on purpose so that players would actually pick it, otherwise why not just go with the lightsaber version of the class assassin/shadow. We will have to suffer their overpoweredness until more players play it, I fear.


In early beta, the scoundrel and OP were dying the most. Perhaps they over compensated???


Yes, they are VERY powerful. I've been.... face rolled quite a few times by them, with absolutely no counter to the KB, stabbity stab, stab, rotation they have.


Maybe remove or reduce that KB 'might' give other players a chance to counter, but as a whole the class seems to play the way it was intended. A boat load of up front DPS, with a glass jaw.

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No, I am talking in the context of that I can just tab to someone, kill them in 5 seconds, tab to someone else, kill them in 5 seconds.


There is not a single class that can kill a Merc BH before they can kill them. Also BH already wear heavy armor, and get a further 10% damage reduction in the Arsenal spec (the OP one). Shove guard on one or give it a healer, and it is invincible to anything but another few BHs / Troops in the same lame spec.


My sorceror, who I originally rolled, on the other hand dies quite easy from focus fire. The so called overpowered bubble is lucky to last a few seconds and with a 20s cooldown.


I originally thought 'oh there must be a counter class', but then I rolled one (to perpetuate the imbalance so it gets fixed quicker) and realised... wow, nothing short of focus fire from 4 people can kill me... and even then it takes nearly a minute. I just stand there and blow anyone up that comes near, its that rediculous. And with only 3 buttons no less.


Id rather they nerf this sooner rather than later, so we can see more than 80% Arsenal / Gunnery in PvP again. Its getting boring.


Power tech/vanguard can kill merc or he will stop him from doing any reasonable dps for a while.


Like i said some time ago the only abilities (not clases) that could get a nerf atm are

Force speed its cd is way to low for insane utility this skill is giving to an experienced player.

Buble might need a small cd increase or a slight hp drop or a duration drop. Saw a lot of decent sorcs that were able to kite dps till it was once more off cd at that point dps could just give up due to resouce starvation.

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For me (sage) the most OP class is a Sith Assassin. Bear in mind this is a 1v1 and I know some classes arent meant to be able to counter all classes. (Disclaimer)


1. CC doesnt seem to work on them, I have no idea why. I stun them, they immediately get out of it. I slow them, and they always catch up with me.


2. Along with the first, they are unkiteable. I have encountered a number of them, cast slow on them, and they are still right on me no matter what I do. I never stop moving, yet I cant get away from them.


3. They do massive damage. 3-4K crits in one hit.


4. They can do massive damage at range. I have no idea what the ability is, but I have had assassins hit me for 3.5k damage from 30 yards... I thought this was a melee class.


5. And the most annoying. You are winning, (if possible) and they just stealth away from you. So stupid.


I dont think I have ever won an assassin 1v1. Perhaps sages were never meant to. I'll keep trying though til I get it right, or know for sure that its impossible.

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The Scoundrel is a really good class for PVP, the problem is they're rather squishy, so they die fast! The Sorcerer (I have to agree with you on that one) is the most Overpowered class in the game at the moment. The amount of stuns together with the massive damage they deal is utterly insane!


That on top of the fact that everyone on the Imperial side wants to be Emperor Palpatine (ergo they all play sorc)means I try to steer clear of PVP...


Sorcs and the BH's Mechs whatever they are called are hands down the most powerful classes,sith side imo,because these classes do not mirror.

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Power tech/vanguard can kill merc or he will stop him from doing any reasonable dps for a while.


Like i said some time ago the only abilities (not clases) that could get a nerf atm are

Force speed its cd is way to low for insane utility this skill is giving to an experienced player.

Buble might need a small cd increase or a slight hp drop or a duration drop. Saw a lot of decent sorcs that were able to kite dps till it was once more off cd at that point dps could just give up due to resouce starvation.


Please. With 35% armor penetration, Tanks get chewed up just like anyone else.


Bubble has a lockout of 20s from casting it on the same person. The bubble only lasts like 1 or 2 hits. Sorcerors are by far the squishiest out there. But yes, they are good kiters, but only 1 vs 1. Add a second melee and they go down like a tonne of bricks since they only wear light armor and get no boosts.


Having played both, BH is just laughably easy. Sure I can get decent damage on my Sorc, but I'm not invincible while I do it. I rely on sniping people unawares to get the advantage, once I am the prime target I am dead, even with my mates healer trying to save me.


Since rolling the BH Merc, I can just stand in place. I dont need to kite or use any tactics other than tracer missile x3 then rail shot and heat seeker missile. I dont need to run, nothing does much damage to me and I do heaps of damage to everyone.


I laugh as BH tanks pull me over to them, cos I just start the same old combo, dont bother to move and kill them in a few seconds.

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Sorcs and the BH's Mechs whatever they are called are hands down the most powerful classes,sith side imo,because these classes do not mirror.


Hahaha are you serious? Epic fail. Every class has a mirror.


Sage is the Sorceror Mirror, and Gunnery Commando Troopers are the Arsenal Merc BH mirror.

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Sorcs and the BH's Mechs whatever they are called are hands down the most powerful classes,sith side imo,because these classes do not mirror.


Sage is the mirror of Sorc and Trooper is the mirror of BH.


Atleast with sorc you can get in close to it and kill it, Arsenal BH will kill you before you get the chance.

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For me (sage) the most OP class is a Sith Assassin. Bear in mind this is a 1v1 and I know some classes arent meant to be able to counter all classes. (Disclaimer)


1. CC doesnt seem to work on them, I have no idea why. I stun them, they immediately get out of it. I slow them, and they always catch up with me.


2. Along with the first, they are unkiteable. I have encountered a number of them, cast slow on them, and they are still right on me no matter what I do. I never stop moving, yet I cant get away from them.


3. They do massive damage. 3-4K crits in one hit.


4. They can do massive damage at range. I have no idea what the ability is, but I have had assassins hit me for 3.5k damage from 30 yards... I thought this was a melee class.


5. And the most annoying. You are winning, (if possible) and they just stealth away from you. So stupid.


I dont think I have ever won an assassin 1v1. Perhaps sages were never meant to. I'll keep trying though til I get it right, or know for sure that its impossible.


Saying that Sith Assassin which is the weakest most bugged class in the game beats a sorc is just amasing to hear. Your obviosly played Sorc wrong in some way becose you and pretty much all classes steamroll Assassins...

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I don't think Mercs are really overpowered, just too simple. They need to go back to the drawing board with that class. Even the talent tree is a joke, you're basically just filling it out as you go, no real choices.


No, the damage output is definitely overpowered. Its not even burst like assassins / operatives. Its constant and rediculously overpowered.


I dont care that the spec uses 3 buttons, if people enjoy that. But the damage needs to be toned down to comparable levels.


And the survivability AA needs to be removed. They dont need 10% damage reduction on top of heavy armor and the temp damage reduction buff all BHs get.

Edited by Daeth
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I don't think Mercs are really overpowered, just too simple. They need to go back to the drawing board with that class. Even the talent tree is a joke, you're basically just filling it out as you go, no real choices.


I agree that theyre simple and involve no skill to use in Arsenal spec but they are OP when you only need 4 - 5 skills on your hotbar compared to other classes that have to have multiple hotbars.

Taking 20% of someones HP off with a skill thats only 1.5 seconds cast time with instant refresh is a bit of a joke.

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For me (sage) the most OP class is a Sith Assassin. Bear in mind this is a 1v1 and I know some classes arent meant to be able to counter all classes. (Disclaimer)


1. CC doesnt seem to work on them, I have no idea why. I stun them, they immediately get out of it. I slow them, and they always catch up with me.


2. Along with the first, they are unkiteable. I have encountered a number of them, cast slow on them, and they are still right on me no matter what I do. I never stop moving, yet I cant get away from them.


3. They do massive damage. 3-4K crits in one hit.


4. They can do massive damage at range. I have no idea what the ability is, but I have had assassins hit me for 3.5k damage from 30 yards... I thought this was a melee class.


5. And the most annoying. You are winning, (if possible) and they just stealth away from you. So stupid.


I dont think I have ever won an assassin 1v1. Perhaps sages were never meant to. I'll keep trying though til I get it right, or know for sure that its impossible.


you can't kite/run from an assassin/shadow... their official descriptions even point this out. as a shadow, a certain combination of skills and procs can drop a massive burst in your face... and while force cloak may sound cheap, an AoE in the area they cloaked in or a DoT will bring them right back out.


As you pointed out though, we have an anti-stun, and if you root and they spec'd it in their skill tree, force run counters that, And last Resilience drops all negative affects... knock downs will usually put a sin/shadow down. I can't count how many times an operative walked over me after a knock down and just put me out of misery lol


what a lot of people may not know is that a shadow/sin's skill set is murder with the current layout. without a lot of practice it's hard to effectively put all our skills to good use And stay effective due to how varied they are

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