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Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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Could turn into 7,8,9 in the future depending on what things they add/fix.



For instance texture resolution:




I am sorry, but this is simply unacceptable for a modern game.


On the left side we can see what they used in the advertisments and in beta you had these textures everyhwere.

Today these textures are only to be seen in cinematics.


On the right side is to be seen, what is soon to be the new "high" setting with version 1.1!

Edited by Ommm
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I'm not an MMO player, I'm very much the traditional Bioware/KOTOR/Star Wars fan. That having been said, I love the game so far! It's been a great KOTOR 3 for me. I really get into the story, even making up a backstory for my character.


The only thing I'm having trouble with is getting more out of the MMO aspects of it. I haven't really made any friends yet... I mean there are people on my friends list but that's about it. I've been trying to convince my RL friends (singleplayer RPG fans like me) to join, maybe that would help...


Anyway, long story short... 8.5/10, but it may go up to 9 or higher.

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I have tried lots of mmos, one of my favorites being warhammer online, because PQs were awesome and I like the table top game, but I played WoW mostly as that's where my friends were, my main is a lvl 78 warrior. So I've played it quite alot of it. But eventually I realised how cr*p it really is and unsubbed, started playing this and before level 10 all I got was this impending feeling of.. I've been here before. It was so similar that I unsubbed because this industry didn't need another WoW.


I have been following guild wars 2 for ages now, and tbh I now hate it, as it has ruined every other mmo for me because of how it is risking so much to change an increasingly stagnant industry,


Tl,dr I haven't seen enough of this to give a rating, but unsubbed because nothing its new and they didn't try to push the industry forward, but instead played it too safe.


No risk, no reward

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8/10. Would be a 10 if all the bugs were gone and some of the tedium were alleviated.



Regardless, I've got faith in Bioware and I'm here to stay. I want SWTOR to succeed, and I'm not one of the many WoW fanboys who drift between whatever the new MMO is and then back to WoW.

Edited by IheartGreenGirls
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Only MMO since WoW Vanilla and and my time in EvE Online (Pre & Post Trinity) to keep me interested beyond a couple of weeks.


Need polish thats for sure but i've seen nothing that has made me think this game is sh*t!


Main things I would like to see. (No these aren't me demanding things but thing that would be amazing for myself)


More from Space Combat, more variety in the Space Missions, I've only got an Empire Player to level 18 but the first 3 are exactly the same as Republic just in a different part of space (Obviously other than the reskinned fighters and capital ships).


Free Roaming Space Missions! Please Bioware! and Space roaming in general


A PvP Flashpoint like Vanilla Alterac Valley (Before they removed the Lieutenants and made NPC Cavalry, Troop pushes and the Big Bad Faction summonable more or less useless), Yea this wasn't everyone's cup of tea but I thought it was awesome and playing that still rates as some of my best times in WoW.

Edited by CptBrit
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Single player experience 7 out of 10 and will probably get better...


Voices ace

Graphics good

Story arcs are good


No Orcs

your toon looks cool

Sound effects really meaty


as an MMO\timesink 3 out of 10....


PVP broken

Trade broken

LFG not there

Support appalling

UI Eye mincing

NO MODS arrghhhhh

Space Combat total and utter on rails boredom.

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I see SWTOR going places.


I'd imagine that there will be a top 3, so to speak, leading with World of Warcraft, with Diablo III in second, if not first someday, then TOR and Guild Wars 2 in third and fourth. I read somewhere that there might be over 4 million players at present, somebody else said 6 million. That wouldn't surprise me. I think that there's a polished finesse to combat and I think that the integrated questing system of heroics and large instanced questing areas loaded with detail, and with bonus objectives, is this game's attempt at bringing something a little more interesting to the table.


I feel the 3 biggest weaknesses with this game at present are as follows:


1) A little too much instancing for me. You don't even see yourself travel in the elevator so much as just a click. I understand that the game is huge, but it's more of a let-down in massive beautiful zones that you just want to call home, yet the experience is dulled to working together on some quests, in some areas. This is the system though, and the other features and dynamics of the game blend to take from the weak spots.


2) A lack of certain customizations. I know that at least 25% of the player base wishes there was an option between body size 2 and 3. Things like being able to name your droid for a bit of difference, and access to armor, hood up, hood down, like we were introduced to in the progression videos and interviews leading up to release. Nobody wants to feel like a clone of a bunch of other people. Give the player a unique, rewarding feel and you win.


3) The last is regarding a memory leak or networking error with regards to frame drops or "stuttering", most notably that of the Republic or Imperial fleet. You could be out in the wilderness on a planet with an extreme draw distance and not experience this. It needs to be addressed and explained. This is one of the top threads of the performance forums and has been since the game was released. Primarily the thread: "Horrid FPS"


There's also the issue of textures at present only being medium from what most seem to be saying. My Jedi Guardian has a more unique armor right now that is very poorly faded as if my textures were on the low with no AF enabled. Other armor and instances of the game are not this way, but overall there's a feel that high textures are not enabled.




Voice Acting 10/10

Interface 9/10

Audio 9/10

Visuals 8.5/10

Performance 8/10

Customization 8/10




Combat 9/10

Flashpoints/Heroics 9/10

Story 8.5/10

Companions 8.5/10

Universe 8/10

Questing 8/10

Crew Skills 8/10

Mounts 7.5/10

PvP 7/10

Space Combat 6/10


Overall: 8.5/10


The reality is that this is the Star Wars universe, there are many planets, and many more will most likely be added. There's Space Combat, decent for a mini-game and some initial XP rewards. Combat, which is the game's strongest point in combination with the sheer magnitude of the game world and the feature of constant voice acting. PvP is an option, nostalgic of battlegrounds in a big way. Classic questing, feel like a boss with your own ship, and a lot more features.


For an initial launch with little issues preventing most from playing the game, that alone is a huge pro. You can bet that PvP will be refined with time, and things like the crew skills and companions will no doubt have their updates. One can hope that the mount system, specifically that of the speed is upped to at least 150% if not 180% and in several updates 200% like most games do it. I feel that getting around can really bog a person down sometimes, and that feeling of getting your mount is just not as present in TOR.


If you look at the core of this game, then you can just imagine the types of updates to come. Class additions, perhaps, but scarcely with time depending on success, same with race additions as now we know how much time went into voice acting and character design through the game. It's why realistically I cannot see them adding a body between option 2 and 3 which I feel this game needs badly. It's the only thing I've heard constant chatter of.


I'll be getting 50 and I hope that end-game content grows. If all looks well I'll definitely be rolling a Bounty Hunter or a Marauder or something to experience the dark side.

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I like to blindly put my faith into anything.

I don't ask, "why is this game good? Why do I like it."

When someone tells me to jump, I say, "how high."

I enjoy being fed hash, when others are fed beef.

When i ask for steak well done and get it back medium-rare, I don't complain.

When someone makes fun of my friend, I just laugh and don't raise a fuss.

I'm passive and would eat cow **** if given.




Just as a guess you taking the piss out of people who like the game? Go Fu*k yourself hard with a cattleprod.


People who don't like the game for whatever reason, yea fine I understand, this game ISN'T the best ever, but I think Bioware can improve it a lot with new content etc. But people aren't all going to be happy. This is life, I wish them well in future games.


If your serious, get help.

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Single player experience 7 out of 10 and will probably get better...


Voices ace

Graphics good

Story arcs are good


No Orcs

your toon looks cool

Sound effects really meaty


as an MMO\timesink 3 out of 10....


PVP broken

Trade broken

LFG not there

Support appalling

UI Eye mincing

NO MODS arrghhhhh

Space Combat total and utter on rails boredom.


This.. add in too much instancing as well as an MMO

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I greatly enjoy the game, but there are a lot of bugs and issues: Most noteable would be ability delay and heavy lag in warzones. Yet I have no doubt that these things are going to be fixed soon enough, and I'm definately sticking around to watch them get there! :jawa_wink:

Edited by DarkRedFreddy
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really like the graphics, i wish the combat was more DCUO, I really appreaciate the time and effort they put into the the stoies OMG I love that plus with the superb voice acting TYVM it's awesome. Can't wait for more stuff down the road. I know it'll be great!

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