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Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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The customer support is completely useless


out of the EGA and 30 days free time that comes with purchase of the game I have only had 16 hours of total play time due to Corrupt data from CDN's / Horrible bugs / inability to patch the game / Client crashes and Launcher errors


all in all the game itself is fun to play (when i actually get to play) but with the lack of a solid CSR team that actually responds to its customers this game is not worth the trouble for me (at least until they fix there major issues and by major issues i dont mean /getdown)

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Just a point to note for everyone after I read through the responses: notice how most of the people giving the game bad reviews feels the need to follow up with a justification of their position?


Those of us with perspective understand why you feel you have to explain your malcontent, little man... this game is pure art and you know it: character models, environments, textures, matte paintings, rigs, animation, fx, I could go on.

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what struck me today was that its not my character....its not MY storey. In wow and RIFT I at least had an illusion of choice even if in reality that choice was not there in any meaningful form.


I could do what I wanted. But in swtor I HAVE to do my class quests...my levelling path is identical on every character of the same faction after the first world. Its not my character, its the one handed to me. I cant even choose what weapons to equip...(btw, where does that 2nd missile come from on BH Powertech when doing death from above lol)>

Edited by Cameirus
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few bugs


unbalanced factions/ some classes aren't "mirrored"


pretty good game overall, but i'd wish they would have some other dialogue options i.e if i choose the "i like challenges" option my consulars say "I have yet to face anything i can't overcome" like 90% of the time..


i'd like some cocky lines lol :D

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9 / 10


The quests don't feel like I'm grinding at all to reach level cap. Other than a few noticeable bugs and ability delay, I have really enjoyed the game.


However, one thing I really hate is the instancing of worlds in the game. At times, it feels like a ghost town and doesn't have the real MMO feel to it, but BioWare did say that they would remove sharding as the servers became more stabilized so I'll manage for now. :sul_frown:

Edited by Ventonix
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Just a point to note for everyone after I read through the responses: notice how most of the people giving the game bad reviews feels the need to follow up with a justification of their position?


Those of us with perspective understand why you feel you have to explain your malcontent, little man... this game is pure art and you know it: character models, environments, textures, matte paintings, rigs, animation, fx, I could go on.


I think it is important for people who give a low score to say why. Fan boys will give a high score no matter how bad the product is and they are in no risk of losing the fan boy customers. It is the others they are at risk of losing and they should be warned why.


I think the only thing SWTOR has excelled at is the questing side of things. I really enjoy the quest aspect but in terms of a MMO I believe it is inferior to what SWG was at a design level. I think the SWG model was well ahead of it's time and Sony wasn't able to pull it off but I don't think it was entirely the fault of the model, just the execution.


I think Blizzard lucked out with WoW, people who have copied it since haven't had the same level of success and I think the burnout WoW is seeing now SWTOR will experience a lot quicker because many of the ex-WoW players are already burnt out of the end-game grind model and have less capacity to tolerate it for long.


If you combined the SWTOR story telling and quest system with the SWG sandbox, crafting system, exploration and space combat then I think it would have been an amazing product.


I log on with my BH who is level 50 and I do my dailies and do the odd end-game instance and that is it, there is no real immersion left, it feels like WoW in space and I left WoW for a good reason.

Edited by traft
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Personally I'd give it a 10/10 considering that it's new and the fact that they are constantly trying to fix the problems being reported.


So you would give the final fantasy mmo which is a flop 10/10 because they are trying to fix that from a steaming heap to something playable? You can only judge a product on what they are delivering, not what they promise to deliver. Otherwise everything is a 10.

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8/10 with the story and dysfunctional gui/animation instead of gcd restricted combat system.

5/10 after the stories are over with same dysfunctional gui/animation instead of gcd restricted combat system.

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