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Everything posted by Zinze

  1. Mods/add ons are for the weak. L2 game ppl.
  2. I would absolutely love this, but I am sure many would not. I would also be delighted if chairs were sittable. BW, why so many chairs and me cant sit?
  3. Because there is no cross realm lfd, lfr and what not, eventually ppl will know them by reputation. I am becoming all too familiar with the dbags on my realm and know not to group with them.
  4. Your doing it wrong if you think all SI companions are useless. I loves me some Khem Val. I can kill 6 packs with one or two spells while he tanks them all and I take zero damage. How is this useless? Maybe up date their gear once in a while.
  5. 8/10 A few fixes and I would give it 9.5/10 Even with the bugs I am loving the game.
  6. 1. They expanded the number of ppl allowed on a server, to reduce ques. 2. Zones are instanced. That is all.
  7. I am synthweaving, I get mostly cloth and gift missions. When I do get metal missions tho I tend to get alot of epic grade metals. Unfortunatly my cloth missions seem to yeild zero epic cloth, which I need to make anything worth while. I also see zero cloth in the GT, epic or other wise. Don't know if other synthweavers have the same experience. (or even if there are anyother synthweavers.
  8. Add ons are for the weak. Also, aren't add ons how bots are created? Thank You BioWare for the lack of bots.
  9. My SI female is body type 1, and bald. All of the force flowing thru me burns alot of calories, and all of the electricity (lightning) I use keeps my hair from being able to grow.
  10. When I watch a movie, I watch the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes. I find that this is the most efficient way... No actually I don't skip any of the dialog. Its what makes this game fun and immersive.
  11. The thing is, all mmos are a genre of gaming. Just like all mmos are similar all first person shooters are similar, all strategy, all sims...you get the idea. Wow wasnt the first to do anything in the genre. And lack of innovation? Have you played the game at all op? I am thinking not.
  12. Ok I get it. I get the same messages on the website about "code already redeemed blah blah. There is a link to what is happening....(rustles pages around) here! http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=359 Hope that helps op
  13. I am toasting epic bread to soak up all the tear flavored jelly. Nom nom.
  14. I'm playing the lol at crybabies game. Its alot of fun.
  15. I didnt even know there were such "achievements" as "world first" this and "server first" that in the game. Did I miss some secret achievement system in this game? Daym.
  16. Ah someone who actually does remember, like myself.
  17. Meh, another Blizz employee trying to fuel the mass hysteria. Nothing to see here.
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