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Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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The UI is trash.

Seriously this is 2012, games that released almost 2 decades ago had better UI's.

Most of the game has a cut-n-paste feel to it.

Graphics feel fake and toony.

Class quests are decent.

Gameplay in general is alright.

Lack of any real space component is unforgivable.

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overall...a 7.


i dont see a lot of potential yet for end game. i see a lot of city sitting. the leveling content, best yet in a mmo.


but the UI is a half assed copy of wow, and is missing key elements. and that is huge. ease of use and the attention to detail matter

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For me personally, 7/10.


It's one of the most fun games I have ever played, but I don't really like the big level gap in Warzones, there are problems like error code 9000 and FPS issues for a lot of people, and the biggest is the lack of good customization. Pretty much everybody at certain lvls all look the same because of not having an appearance tab. To add to customization, I don't like how you are forced to be good or evil to have good gear. I don't always want to pick the good or always pick the evil.



If those things were fixed I would have no problem giving it a 10.


I'm pretty sure they're going to be adding different gear for people who chose both dark/light options, but I agree... the system right now is lacking.

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hmmm.. honestly. When I started first 2 days 9/10, after week lvl 25--> 6/10. Now after lvl 40 and 3 weeks of playing 2/10.


For comparison. EvE online, when I started, first week 2/10, week number 10ish 5/10, after 4 years 9/10.


What made your score lower after playing it for longer? Did you find it grindy?


I only have a few complaints about this game, one of them being grindy quests (especially bonuses).

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What made your score lower after playing it for longer? Did you find it grindy?


I only have a few complaints about this game, one of them being grindy quests (especially bonuses).


Probably the learning curve. Once you get used to Eve it's really an amazing MMO.

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Brutal Honesty.


WOW at launch 9

Rift at launch 8.5

SW:TOR at launch 7.0


Not as smooth as Rift, and not as majestic or forward thinking as WOW was at their respective launches.


Don't bother disputing this because I don't feel like telling you why you are wrong. The evidence will present itself. This is not Bioware hate i've played most of their RPGs except for Mass Effect(I swear Joe i'm going to play it soon! This time i'm for real lol). I have a buddy that I keep telling i'll play them lol.


My affinity for Star Wars in General is much higher than Warcraft. That's why i'm here being super critical and brutally honest. I want it to succeed!

Edited by Chosenxeno
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So far its a 7.5 for me because I'm a big PVPer.


PVP needs a lot of work done to it, world pvp is a joke especially the illum dailies.

A ton of bugs need to be addressed, I talked to Kira maybe 3 times and have almost full affection. Warzone ability delay issues need to be addressed as well. Not to mention the bs champion bag luck system.

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Boring quests with good voice acting.

Decisions don't matter. Ending is almost always the same no matter what you decide.

LS/DS points don't matter.

Bad PvE.

Bad PvP.

Way too many 'loading screens'.

Planets are (mostly) too small.

No phasing like in WoW. I can free a planet and nothing changes.

No customization of my own ship.

Bad character customization.

Boring space battles.


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