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This game is an amateur adventure in MMORPGs


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First off in the 90's there were no online games that would cause you to lag with a 56k modem...


Second off If you don't like it, We don't want you here ... BYE! and don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Third There has yet ever in the history of PC gaming that a game has released with non game breaking bugs. trust me... Ill give you 1,000,000 Dollars if you can come up with 1 PC only MMORPG that came out with 0 game breaking bugs.

Edited by meminemall
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lol, these posts are pathetic really. I mean yeah Im unhappy with a few things I stated my opinion about it then left it alone. Seriously though. If you dont like it chalk it up to a loss and move the fetch on for crying out load. You QQing on the forums really isnt getting you anywhere.


Sadly thats true, voicing your opinion does not get you anywhere and does not attract enough attention from the people you are voicing your opinion to. It works the same way in real life too - if you are unhappy about something, it's easier to leave, no point in trying to organize a critical mass of people who are concerned over the same things, to force or get the "higher ups" to notice them. Better to just shut up and leave or suffer, amirite?

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The usual reply from fanboi's that don't like to see the game they are investing their time in being called out for the poor quality it is.


Just saying that it sucks isn't calling it out. Why should people bother to type anything else than that to you, when you put zero effort into getting a constructive discussion going in your OP?


I don't give a rat's what you expect out of a 2011 game and I'm having a blast with TOR. But if you have issues, then why not specifically say what those issues are?


And fanboi? Really? As soon as someone goes against you guys it's "fanboi!". Get some new material. Seriously. You're investing time in this game too. You just invest it in complaining on the forums...

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The list of things wrong with this game is so long, so complex, so game-breaking, that I think that the game can only be described as amateur.


From running along and getting stuck on blades of grass, to the terrible delay in using abilities, this game reminds me of the 90s when we were playing on 56k modems on 128bit machines with 200mb of RAM and thinking our systems were awesome.


I thought we had moved on from this sort of rubbish, I thought that games like WoW and Rift had moved the goalposts so that future developers had to try harder.


Not rehash the same problems of 20 years ago and expect the players to accept it.


Is it really just simply a matter of slapping the Star Wars logo on something mediocre at best and making a profit?


I won't go into the individual problems, we all know them, them appear in PvE and PvP, and I am sure if I listed them someone will only argue that it either doesn't exist or when shown that Bioware already accept that it exists that since it will be fixed soon that somehow justifies the fact that it is exists now.


I expected better from Bioware and I expect better from an MMORPG in 2012.


Guess your not goin to re sub :(

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It isn't about just bugs. It is about the entire game. the mechanics, the graphical interface, the lack of macros.


These aren't bugs, these are by design.


The game is amateur and I thought we had moved on.


This game in comparison to any other MMORPG that charges for subscription is sub-standard.


And i think we all know it. Just some of us are unable to accept it.


macros are for those who cannot play and think for themselves .... seriously if you can't play because there are no macros then the door is that way ---> WOW will be happy for your return

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There is nothing wrong with voicing your opinion.. The OP however was ranting.. he was not offering feedback..


Look at the big long thread about ability delay. There is ability delay.. This is feedback


to say I am quitting because of terrible ability delay is gamebreaking and getting stuck on blade of grass is ranting. To then demand money back + sub is more ranting. This is whyy the OP gets told to shut up and go away like a petulant little kid or bated by posters.

Edited by corbanite
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The game hasn't even been out a month yet, jesus christ...do you really think they aren't going to fix all these bugs and minor details that where left out at launch? Be patient...


Excuse me for thinking that a BETA test is for fixing bugs. Well I'm gravely mistaken then. Beta test seems to be for playing the game for free and see how servers are running only.

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Once you peel away all the defensiveness and bile of the OP and his/her responses, I actually agree with a some of what they stated.


Peronsally I think Bioware made a huge mistake designing this off of WoW. I don't know if they choose that route because of $$$ or ease or did not want to deal with all of the the 'this is not SWG' threads they thought they'd get. What they got was an even larger fanbase crying 'this is not WoW!' (not that the OP is saying that! Wanted to make that clear before they got butt hurt) Their initial design choices were a little boggling, but understandable from a bean counters perspective I guess.


And the so called repeatability...uhm...yeah. Sorry BW, I am enjoying playing your character but there will come a time I'd like to play mine and I know that will not come.


As far as strategic overall design goes I agree, boring, dull, been done A TON already. Quest hub to quest hub to quest hub, whatever.


With that said, IMHO, I feel like this is one of the better beginnings of an mmo ever. There is tons of content, most works. I can get form point a to point b with little skipping, running into invisible walls or the areas just plain not there.


Should we expect more in 2012? Sure we should, releasing a game with known bugs deserves criticism. However compared to other recent games, this is defintly the most complete.


I am more dissappoited in what could have been done as oppssed to what wasn't done, and that goes back to their initial design, but too late now.


And don't worry BW will give in to the whinning, every company does.

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It's pretty boring after lvl 20. The game was a gift so I decided to try it for a month. I'm glad I only bought a month, I won't be playing when it's up. I hoped it would be better than this. Rift was better than this.
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The truth is that this game is not up to the standard of MMORPGs of the quality that demands a £45 price tag and a monthly subscription.




I guess you never played ANY MMO at release because this one is overall the BEST release I have ever been apart of.


WoW lol was a joke at release


Rift did not have macros at release and many more game defining bugs


You people are so demanding it is funny. Like someone said earlier get over yourself.


This game is awesome the BEST mmo I have ever played (next to DAOC)

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Excuse me for thinking that a BETA test is for fixing bugs. Well I'm gravely mistaken then. Beta test seems to be for playing the game for free and see how servers are running only.


It's an MMO. The game is in a constant state of development. The world is continually growing. I can tell you. These bugs will be fixed. There will be more bugs.. There will be more content.. There will be new class imbalances. There will be new broken content.. There will be new exploits. MMO's are not bug free. I cannot think of one MMO that is bug free.


Imagine the QQ on these forums if there was a bug where a dungeon boss placed a debuff on players that spread to nearby players that did not dissappear once they left the instance but infected people he went near in the real world killing low level players without warning.




Imagine the rage caused by this bug



We laughed about it at the time.

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Your complaining about bugs. But, what if by some magical wand all the bugs were fixed? What's left is an empty vessel. I start with the writing. Voice over actors are fine, they just read what's given to them, but the writing is worse than a B movie. With all the Star Wars literature out there, you would think they could find someone passable.


Then there is pvp. It's a complete joke.

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The list of things wrong with this game is so long, so complex, so game-breaking, that I think that the game can only be described as amateur.


From running along and getting stuck on blades of grass, to the terrible delay in using abilities, this game reminds me of the 90s when we were playing on 56k modems on 128bit machines with 200mb of RAM and thinking our systems were awesome.


I thought we had moved on from this sort of rubbish, I thought that games like WoW and Rift had moved the goalposts so that future developers had to try harder.


Not rehash the same problems of 20 years ago and expect the players to accept it.


Is it really just simply a matter of slapping the Star Wars logo on something mediocre at best and making a profit?


I won't go into the individual problems, we all know them, them appear in PvE and PvP, and I am sure if I listed them someone will only argue that it either doesn't exist or when shown that Bioware already accept that it exists that since it will be fixed soon that somehow justifies the fact that it is exists now.


I expected better from Bioware and I expect better from an MMORPG in 2012.


Blah, Blah, Blah...... time for you to move on to the next game forums board and cry there isn't it?

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stop using the word amatuer when you mean to imply 'novice'. an amatuer does something out of love and not for money, versus a professional who does the same thing for pay. it has nothing to do with skill level.


aslo, BW has been pretty good about identifying issues and following up on customer complaints, i don't know how you can insist that "these aren't bugs, they are features". maybe if people posted more constructive criticsm than "everything sucks" they would have an easier time isolating and resolving problems... just sayin.


frankly, 30 days have not yet passed since launch, and as a software developer i understand how daunting a task it can be to identify AND resolve all issues reported by users. bugs need to be organized and prioritized before they can even be addressed, tested, and then patched into the game.


long story short: be patient.

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The list of things wrong with this game is so long, so complex, so game-breaking, that I think that the game can only be described as amateur.


From running along and getting stuck on blades of grass, to the terrible delay in using abilities, this game reminds me of the 90s when we were playing on 56k modems on 128bit machines with 200mb of RAM and thinking our systems were awesome.


I thought we had moved on from this sort of rubbish, I thought that games like WoW and Rift had moved the goalposts so that future developers had to try harder.


Not rehash the same problems of 20 years ago and expect the players to accept it.


Is it really just simply a matter of slapping the Star Wars logo on something mediocre at best and making a profit?


I won't go into the individual problems, we all know them, them appear in PvE and PvP, and I am sure if I listed them someone will only argue that it either doesn't exist or when shown that Bioware already accept that it exists that since it will be fixed soon that somehow justifies the fact that it is exists now.


I expected better from Bioware and I expect better from an MMORPG in 2012.


The second you mention WoW and Rift, you just became a troll. Its not a perfect game but it has way more value then those stated.

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The second you mention WoW and Rift, you just became a troll. Its not a perfect game but it has way more value then those stated.


The second you brushed aside all other arguments when seeing the mention of some other games from the same genre, you became a troll.

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Hello everyone,


While we do welcome all feedback, we ask that whether it is positive or negative feedback, that it is constructive. For better understanding on helpful feedback, please do see this sticky by Allison Berryman. We are closing this thread, but do strongly encourage anyone who wishes to submit feedback to please do so. We only ask that when anyone posts new feedback, it is done in a constructive manner.


Should anyone wish to offer suggestions, please do use RuinGaming's compilation thread, here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=87349


Thank you!

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