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All-Out war, Treaty of Coruscant broken, never happend according to Wookiepedia.


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I don't get it at all.


Let's recap.


First Return (trailer), Hope (trailer) then Deceived (trailer) in this order.


The sith empire has been rebuilding in hiding, they came back with a bang in Return and took Korriban.


This was the beginning of the Great Galactic War, which lasted 28 years. In these 28 years Hope and Deceived happend, with Deceived ending the Great Galactic War when Coruscant was sacked.


Thus the Treaty of Coruscant came to be and the Cold War has begun.


Now I'm a Trooper, my friend is a Jedi Counsular. And in Chapter 3, we've got an all-out war. The Treaty of Coruscant broke. So those are not "Border skirmishes and proxy wars" like it says in Wookiepedia. This is actually a full-scale all-out war.


Problem is: According to Wookiepedia it didn't happen. Or I just can't find it. And yes, I'm awara Wookiepedia is a user-edited database. But let's be honest, Wookiepedia is the best source, when it comes to Star Wars lore.

Edited by Picoom
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Okay well first of all in timeline, it was:


"Return" first, when the sith reclaimed Korriban.


Then it was "Hope" where the battle of Alderaan took place.


Then "Decieved" when the sacking of Coruscant happened.


Now mind you, this is an MMO. And the game itself isn't supposed to be canon. Otherwise, everyones characters would have actually existed in the timeline for Star Wars.


This being a MMO aside, 10 years have passed since the sacking of Coruscant, and the Republic knew the Treat of Coruscant wouldn't last.

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.. How exactly are the cinematics relevant to this? They happen x years before the game starts, and we go from cold-war to all-out war during the game. Surely you got some story elements slapped in your face that it happened? At the start of Ch. 2 I recall my agent watching a Holo-bullitin of a Republic Chancelor throwing a fit and calling for War after the Empire started moving ships into the Core sectors again.
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Now mind you, this is an MMO. And the game itself isn't supposed to be canon. Otherwise, everyones characters would have actually existed in the timeline for Star Wars.



False. This game is canon. Each class story actually happened in the timeline. Now obviously, there is only one "canon" JK, SW, Smuggler, Agent, and so on.




OP - Yeah, don't worry about wookieepedia not mentioning it. Majority of the game takes place during the Cold Wars with proxy wars and disputes reoccuring across the galaxy. By the time you are at the end, say Corellia and Ilum, all-out war has begun.

Edited by JediArchives
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False. This game is canon. Each class story actually happened in the timeline. Now obviously, there is only one "canon" JK, SW, Smuggler, Agent, and so on.




OP - Yeah, don't worry about wookieepedia not mentioning it. Majority of the game takes place during the Cold Wars with proxy wars and disputes reoccuring across the galaxy. By the time you are at the end, say Corellia and Ilum, all-out war has begun.


False. The only thing canon in the Star Wars universe are the movies and whatever Lucus says are Canon.


Games, Novels and the like are allowed to play in the universe but are not fully canon. They often trample over each other and ignore points, change characters, and only take things that they want from each other. Lucus is also free to change things however he sees fit and nullify entire swaths of the story in any source.

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Regarding Wookieepedia: Yes, it is a huge resource on Star Wars stuff, but by no means is it an official resource nor is it affiliated with Lucas Licensing or any of the other Lucas owned companies. It's a project by fans, for fans. And the fans are currently busy playing TOR. =p
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False. The only thing canon in the Star Wars universe are the movies and whatever Lucus says are Canon.


Games, Novels and the like are allowed to play in the universe but are not fully canon. They often trample over each other and ignore points, change characters, and only take things that they want from each other. Lucus is also free to change things however he sees fit and nullify entire swaths of the story in any source.


Games are canon. Please don't make me have to get out the letters.


Also, it's "Lucas".

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Regarding Wookieepedia: Yes, it is a huge resource on Star Wars stuff, but by no means is it an official resource nor is it affiliated with Lucas Licensing or any of the other Lucas owned companies. It's a project by fans, for fans. And the fans are currently busy playing TOR. =p


Yet the starwars.com encyclopedia section actually tells you "more on Wookipedia" and refers you a link to the site, so yeah, its at least respected by LucasArts.

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When exactly does this all out war happen btw... End of chapter 3? Beggining? transition from chapter 2 - 3?


I dunno if I've missed it or it happens on the last planet but I've been getting very confusing and mixed signals on my JK.


Especially from flashpoints. For CWG Satele starts with "we're not doing good in this war" and the flashpoint after that is back to proxy "rogue sith" stuff going on.


As a JK I was captured by the Emperor then escaped and went on my merry way to quest on Quesh and Voss, nothing seemingly big happening in relation to the Treaty/war.


On the PvP terminal it states to me that the war isnt official yet, but on the story summry screen load-page it says that the Empire and Republic are at war.


Its all a bit confusing atm lol. Enough to make me think some type of bug got me. :p

Edited by aeterno
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When exactly does this all out war happen btw... End of chapter 3? Beggining? transition from chapter 2 - 3?

As a Sith Warrior i spent my entire Chapter 2 preparing for war by killing enemy commanders - that was called Plan Zero, and it was a success. So end of SW Chapter 2 is war's start.

Edited by Gelious
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When exactly does this all out war happen btw... End of chapter 3? Beggining? transition from chapter 2 - 3?


My impression is that the events at the end of act 1 for most classes are the opening shots that restart war. The events of Act 2 are the war starting up, and Act 3 are full out war.

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