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Beyond the first couple of worlds are Heroics being ignored?


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I do not do the group quests above 2+ level, either. Most of my characters can solo the 2+ content with their companion.


That said, I think a huge part of the 4 player group quests is to give people a chance to learn their party roles. Now, I have not done any Flashpoints yet..Would I be right in guessing those are like "Dungeons" on other MMOs?

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I do not do the group quests above 2+ level, either. Most of my characters can solo the 2+ content with their companion.


That said, I think a huge part of the 4 player group quests is to give people a chance to learn their party roles. Now, I have not done any Flashpoints yet..Would I be right in guessing those are like "Dungeons" on other MMOs?


pretty much like a regular dungeon in WoW or Rift.

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I've pretty much stopped doing the 4 man heroics as I find them mindnumbingly boring. BW's way of making something "hardcore and challenging seems to inflate mobhealth to stupid levels. Repeatedly killing tank and spank mobs with 100k health is neither fun nor engaging to me.
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Gotta admit, I ignore the heroics. Id rather just move forward with my quests and story than wait for 3 more people to answer a group request.


It took me like 5 hours to finally get a group for Red Reaper, and thats a major flashpoint!

(I dont know why, it seems like no one does Red Reaper. Same for Directive 7, but I found out the hard way that Directive 7 is bugged...or at least it bugged for us on one of the bosses.)

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OP, do you not have any friends to do them with? Do you not have a guild? Many heroics don't need a full group. I advise being more social, I am on hoth too and have done all heroics in all areas through a mix of friends guildys and pugs. I am also a fully specced healer.
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I would have to say that I also skipped over most of the heroics. The commendations are worthless, and I don't want to wait 30 minutes to get a group simply for one person to quit if they get beaten once.


You do not get very good rewards for heroics, and they mean nothing to your leveling or class story.


I only warn you that trying to hurry to level 50 is pointless. There is nothing at level 50 to do except grind for no reason:P


EDIT: You do get some nice Orange gear from heroics, but might as well wait to level 50, then do the heroics alone. Doesn't take long, and you will have the better mods. Orange is only needed to get the "look" you want for your toon.

Edited by LordNyxus
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I think there's little incentive to do a lot of the challenging content in the game, or more people would be doing these missions and repeating them daily. When you spend an hour clearing out hordes of elite trash, it would be nice to kill a boss or two at the end and getting something more than a crappy green item and a few hundred credits.


I really feel the rewards for these missions would be more worthwhile if they did a couple of things:


1. Improve drop rates in these areas so that you are better rewarded for taking the time to do the missions. Perhaps even raise the item levels a bit so you might even get something worth hanging on to and using in a level or two. Can't tell you how many times a Heroic has been utterly disappointing because the boss drops nothing (or doesn't exist at all). At the very least, give these missions a higher chance of consistently dropping purple item modifications, schematics, etc.


2. Re-implement the ability to trade commendations toward higher level commendations at reasonable ratio and make commendation drops more common in these areas. This would allow people to get upgrades and gear for their level without skipping large portions of content due to out-leveling it. As it currently stands, you can skip every single Heroic and Flashpoint and still out-level the content just by taking your time and completing all of the missions for each planet. There's no point in me doing a Heroic 4 that's five levels below me and guaranteed to drop nothing remotely useful, let alone repeat it daily...


With that said, I do think the Heroics and Flashpoints provide some of the most challenging and fun experiences in this game, especially if you are already playing with another person. The rest of the content is so mind-numbingly easy that it's worth doing these simply for the challenge sometimes. They really should be more rewarding for the time investment, though.

Edited by Legendari
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I find it almost impossible to do FP"s. I havent done a single Flash Point since Black Talon. I sit in the Imperial Fleet for 30 minutes and get nothing. I even que myself up in LFG and still nothing. Currently lvl 41.


It is beyond frustrating.


I dont waste my time with Heroics. I did early on, but they are so boring and not worth it.

Edited by AluminumMonster
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I am at social 6 now so I am not afraid of doing stuff with others, have done most of the heroics to about level 40s and a lot of the flashpoints. However, stopped doing Heroic4s around Hoth+, the time investment for the reward is just not worth it. Too many packs, too many elites in each pack, you need 3-4 long-duration CCs and a number of dps classes do not have long-duration CCs unless you are fighting robots. They are just not fun so we decided to stop doing them.


Most flashpoints packs are easier than heroic4 packs.


The lower level heroics weren't so bad but since classes have progressively become weaker vs mobs they have progressively become harder and you are more and more dependant on CC and a lot of our friends who play dps classes with no cc makes these are no go sadly.

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only takes me 5-10 mins except for the last 2 on taris i think is knight fall and mutaions i never could get groups for them but all the other planets i have gotten them so far


only 5- 10 mins need to form my groups

Edited by navycrow
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I usually skip then and move on to the next planet.

When I finish that planet, before heading to the next, I go back to the old one and do them. If they are still too hard, I come back after the next new planet and so on.


Unless my friend(s) is on, in which case I do it with him/.

If I happen to run into someone doing them at the same time I get near it, I'll help. It's a win-win situation, but I really dont waste my time. I'd much rather press on and get my companions quicker. But that's just me.

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Not to mention, my class doesn't get a healing companion until Balmorra.


What class do you play, a non-ship class? Everybody gets a healing droid with the space ship (assuming both sides gets the same butler)



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