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MASSIVE Economical Failure


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OP if you have to rely on being in day 1 of an MMORPG to make good profit on the market then I suggest that you should stay away from the markets altogether! - as you obvously don't have the required ability, strategy of thought or natural attributes required to play with the big boys at playing the market.


I have always been a top market trader on the markets in any MMOs I have played and have never had to rely on being there day 1 to do that.

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So the people who have been exploiting/rushing, get to get to level 50, then go farm all the bind on equip items they can find, and they get to set the market price. Because they preorded between july 21st and july 28. It's ironic july 21st is my birthday, but i don't spend my life on the net, so i didn't know about the preorder until much more recently, but had i known, i could have preordered on day one with ease.


So basically finding out about preorders at a later date, makes you less entitled to play then the person who paid the same amount of money as you or perhaps less money then you based on what edition you bought. This whole thing is ********. People think that this won't effect the games economy. If thats the case, sadly you've never grasped the economy of any mmo you've played, because day one effects the market that exists a year down the track. So screw you bioware, thankyou for ruining the launch experience for 70-80% of your community. Elitist ********'s please refrain from posting on my thread, i don't want to hear about how you think we don't have the right to complain.


The fact is


-Bioware refers to it as a game launch


-Early access advertising for you, may have said "up to 5 days", but there are many examples where the advertisement simply december "EARLY ACCESS- DECEMBER 13TH"


-Bioware has failed to sufficiently inform their community as to whats going on, people have resorted to 'EDUCATED SPECULATION' as to when they'll get to play. People shouldn't be speculating when they'll be able to play a game, like most companies, you should have a fixed release date in which everyone is able to play at the same time


-Bioware has claimed it's not a stress test, but claims that letting more people in than what they did is a form of stress testing (Which is ********) the server proved it could hold up and to 2 million people during the final beta weekend. So why couldn't they begin with 2 million people this time.


-Go ahead. Complain that we're complaining, elitists. You are simply arguing for the sake of arguing, at least we have legitimet reasons as to why we can claim to be an unhappy/disatisfied customer, as opposed to complaining that people are using the forums to voice their opinion (which guess what, is what a forums for).



Jesus be quiet, you snooze you lose end of story. No one had to "live on the net" to know when preorders went out, those who were signed up to this site got emails when they started, if you were following the game and had any real interest in it, I am sure you could have taken a couple minutes out of your very busy day apparently and typed in your email address.

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I'm gonna go ahead and say what people have said before: Nobody cares about BoEs.


Credits are, aside from training, crafting and speeder bikes (which if you have any common sense, you can afford all 3 no problem without a single credit from another player) rather useless. Sure you'll wanna buy stimpacks and stuff for endgame Ops, but your guild should be able to provide those for you.


I wouldn't worry about the economy in this game; it's doomed from the start, like so many others. With self-sufficient crafting, there's no need to rely on supply, and quest and flashpoint rewards keep you more than geared out for anything else.

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Ive been reading the forums for the last day or 2 and i am very shocked at the number of people who didnt seem to know that early access was going to happen in waves. I didnt pre order untill sept 21 and i have no problems as to when I get in. Its free game time anyway.


I suppose I must be better at understanding advertising then most as not only did it say staggered release on this site but also when I pre orderd in game uk they guy told me that I would most likley not get in on the first day as access is decided by the time you ordered.


On top of this when i entered my code in it also told me then that access was in stages as well as the follow up email i got. Unless bioware are treating me with special intrest then i assume everyone would of got the exact same info??

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So the people who have been exploiting/rushing, get to get to level 50, then go farm all the bind on equip items they can find, and they get to set the market price. Because they preorded between july 21st and july 28. It's ironic july 21st is my birthday, but i don't spend my life on the net, so i didn't know about the preorder until much more recently, but had i known, i could have preordered on day one with ease.


So basically finding out about preorders at a later date, makes you less entitled to play then the person who paid the same amount of money as you or perhaps less money then you based on what edition you bought. This whole thing is ********. People think that this won't effect the games economy. If thats the case, sadly you've never grasped the economy of any mmo you've played, because day one effects the market that exists a year down the track. So screw you bioware, thankyou for ruining the launch experience for 70-80% of your community. Elitist ********'s please refrain from posting on my thread, i don't want to hear about how you think we don't have the right to complain.


The fact is


-Bioware refers to it as a game launch


-Early access advertising for you, may have said "up to 5 days", but there are many examples where the advertisement simply december "EARLY ACCESS- DECEMBER 13TH"


-Bioware has failed to sufficiently inform their community as to whats going on, people have resorted to 'EDUCATED SPECULATION' as to when they'll get to play. People shouldn't be speculating when they'll be able to play a game, like most companies, you should have a fixed release date in which everyone is able to play at the same time


-Bioware has claimed it's not a stress test, but claims that letting more people in than what they did is a form of stress testing (Which is ********) the server proved it could hold up and to 2 million people during the final beta weekend. So why couldn't they begin with 2 million people this time.


-Go ahead. Complain that we're complaining, elitists. You are simply arguing for the sake of arguing, at least we have legitimet reasons as to why we can claim to be an unhappy/disatisfied customer, as opposed to complaining that people are using the forums to voice their opinion (which guess what, is what a forums for).


I had respect for bioware as a company, after this launch. Their failure to heed our warning, failure to address its public on a out cry. I hate them, worst company i have seen, they are worse than EA, and thats saying somthing.

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so the people who have been exploiting/rushing, get to get to level 50, then go farm all the bind on equip items they can find, and they get to set the market price. Because they preorded between july 21st and july 28. It's ironic july 21st is my birthday, but i don't spend my life on the net, so i didn't know about the preorder until much more recently, but had i known, i could have preordered on day one with ease.


So basically finding out about preorders at a later date, makes you less entitled to play then the person who paid the same amount of money as you or perhaps less money then you based on what edition you bought. This whole thing is ********. People think that this won't effect the games economy. If thats the case, sadly you've never grasped the economy of any mmo you've played, because day one effects the market that exists a year down the track. So screw you bioware, thankyou for ruining the launch experience for 70-80% of your community. Elitist ********'s please refrain from posting on my thread, i don't want to hear about how you think we don't have the right to complain.


The fact is


-bioware refers to it as a game launch


-early access advertising for you, may have said "up to 5 days", but there are many examples where the advertisement simply december "early access- december 13th"


-bioware has failed to sufficiently inform their community as to whats going on, people have resorted to 'educated speculation' as to when they'll get to play. People shouldn't be speculating when they'll be able to play a game, like most companies, you should have a fixed release date in which everyone is able to play at the same time


-bioware has claimed it's not a stress test, but claims that letting more people in than what they did is a form of stress testing (which is ********) the server proved it could hold up and to 2 million people during the final beta weekend. So why couldn't they begin with 2 million people this time.


-go ahead. Complain that we're complaining, elitists. You are simply arguing for the sake of arguing, at least we have legitimet reasons as to why we can claim to be an unhappy/disatisfied customer, as opposed to complaining that people are using the forums to voice their opinion (which guess what, is what a forums for).


let me guess? Someone stole


your sweet roll

Edited by metalgearyoda
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I missed the chance to pre-order early and am not expecting to get in for a day or so yet.


But this will have absolutely no bearing on my eventual enjoyment I will be sure to have when I do get in.


If the staggered entry of pre orders is really going to have such a negative impact on some as they are suggesting, then perhaps they should hang up thier balsters now.

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I cannot believe the number of spoiled, whiny kids and adults in this forum. Your not in the game. Get over it. You will be in soon enough and playing like the rest of the community. I am glad they are bringing people in slowly, that way when we do get in we actually get to play more than 30 min before a server crashes and we sit for 4 hours waiting for it to reset.


Quit your complaining and go do something until your email comes.

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I had respect for bioware as a company, after this launch. Their failure to heed our warning, failure to address its public on a out cry. I hate them, worst company i have seen, they are worse than EA, and thats saying somthing.


Good grief! If you hate them so much, it is easy to not do business with them.

Edited by ShotByBothSides
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Oh and let's not forget the amount of times Stephen Reid has contradicted himself. Sound's like alot of thought and planning was put into this launch. I wonder if EA's investor's will be happy to know that the $100,000,000+ put into this game, resulted in one of the most shoddy launches in history. People compare this game to other game laucnhes, but if i was 60 million dollars up on budget from any other mmo in history, i'd probably want to make sure when i claim i'm launching the game, that it will actually *********** launch properly.


ROFL, I doubt anyone is going take that away from Anarchy Online, Jr.




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You chose not to read the information about ealry access. That is not anyones fault but your own.


I knew quite well that I would not gain access on day one, since I did not enter my pre-order code until November 4th.


People are not complaining about your right to complain. People are complaining about the people who come in and create post after post about the same thing. The horse has been beat to death.


We get it, you are not happy that they did not hold your hand and send you five hundred emails saying "You will NOT get in on the FIRST day of Early Access, because you did not pre-order soon enough!". Those of us who actually took the time to read about it, are tired of hearing it.


I did not see a single advertisement that said "EARLY ACCESS- DECEMBER 13TH". Not one.

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i read all the information about early access, it was all very fuzzy and grey, especially back on July21st. Also, forcing people to pre-order a game to get the additional days 6 months prior!? sounds like a way to get people to spend money on something they can't even be sure will be worth it by time launch comes, i personally like to read many many many reviews on tests and betas, or have the opportunity to test it myself before buying it. If a waitress at a diner asked me if i wanted a cheeseburger but i had to pay up ahead of time and she told me it may or may not be cooked when she brings it out, i'm not buying it? As MMO fans you should not support the practice of a company forcing you to pay up 6 months before a launch in order to reap playtime benefits when they haven't even finished their product. You are setting yourself up to purchase something down the road that becomes an incredible failure by launch time. The real winners here are the group that launch the NEXT big MMO. now everyone is going to rush out to pre-order some unfinished crap because they might not get to participate in the launch if not.
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i read all the information about early access, it was all very fuzzy and grey, especially back on July21st. Also, forcing people to pre-order a game to get the additional days 6 months prior!? sounds like a way to get people to spend money on something they can't even be sure will be worth it by time launch comes, i personally like to read many many many reviews on tests and betas, or have the opportunity to test it myself before buying it. If a waitress at a diner asked me if i wanted a cheeseburger but i had to pay up ahead of time and she told me it may or may not be cooked when she brings it out, i'm not buying it? As MMO fans you should not support the practice of a company forcing you to pay up 6 months before a launch in order to reap playtime benefits when they haven't even finished their product. You are setting yourself up to purchase something down the road that becomes an incredible failure by launch time. The real winners here are the group that launch the NEXT big MMO. now everyone is going to rush out to pre-order some unfinished crap because they might not get to participate in the launch if not.


Welcome to gaming. It's not just MMO's that do this. EVERY Game does this. Skyrim did it, WoW expansions do it, rift did it, all PS3, Wii, and Xbox games do it.


Go to amazon and look at Pre-Order games and see the massive list.


I pre-ordered GT5 for the PS3 a full year before it was released.


Bioware just gave people a reward for those who had faith in them and pre-ordered early. I see nothing wrong with that at all. Other companies do not usually do this.

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Well then, my concerned hero, you should have registered in July. You didn't. That opportunity is gone. Learn to cope with it like an adult or cancel sub.


Precisely. For those whining about not getting in, it's awesome. You are missing a lot. Keep whining though

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cake is a lie??? :eek:







Ill bet it's Bioware's fault then! :mad: I even opted for early-cake-access and paid 5 bucks for nothing :(


Yes, cake is a lie :(


But ice cream is TRUTH! :p


So what is ice cream cake?? :eek:


And yeah, I'm mad too! I opted in for early-icecream-access and paid TEN bucks and all I got was this stupid cake access!

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I'll trade you my cake access for your ice cream access! OMG OMG OMG!


I'll sum up this entire thread with what I posted in another. Ready? READY?!!




Hear that?


There goes a Whaaambulance!!!


Ooooooh... pretty lights!

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I refuse to read through 23 pages of crap. But did anyone ever set the record straight on this guys claim about the pvp power leveling?


Because bioware has released a yellow post where they pulled the level logs of the highest player and it was "significantly lower" than the level 40 that was being claimed.


Chances are greater than not that the entire 40 thing is a troll. Especially since there are no screenshots to back the claim up.

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