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Remove Pulls, Jumps etc. from huttball (or for people holding the ball)


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I mean, you just see people going down to the "pit" under the goalline as a tactic. That place is supposed to be a place where you go "oh ok, now I have to go all the way back". Now you can just intercept an enemy standing on the ledge and go score.


The mechanics highly favours some classes, and a 4 man premade with the right classes can easily win alone.


You see people throwing the ball, saving and intercepting and suddenly it's 1-0 within the first 20 seconds of the match. Most of the time it's impossible to counter this with all the immunities, shields and heals that SOME classes have. Commando f.example has a shield that does basically nothing in a fight, and a knockback that is good, but extremely ineffective when they are "immune to knockback".


I know this sounds like a QQ, but when empire on our server gets to train huttball 9/10 matches, it's just a faceroll when they sit with a 4man premade and win 6-0 within 4 minutes because of the pull/intercept tactic.

Edited by Suzpaz
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..........and then you get someone with a push to knock them back off, how hard is that now????


That's all good and well, but the classes that have these abilities also have: Immunity to stuns/knockbacks, shields, force speed etc. And even if they do get kicked down, they'll just charge you again and you're back to square 1 with knockback on cooldown.

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Push and pull has a longer CD than leap/charge, plus they create a large amount of Resolve.


Are you people playing the same game? pushes and knockbacks don't even generate resolve people. I can leap to an enemy and get knock back down, if there is no friendly target there for me intercede to them, I'm dead with all the focus firing. I consider myself very good at Huttbal, playing a SJ Immortal, but trust me, without team help, I'm useless.

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IF they were going to remove the pull and jump/charge then they HAVE to remove the "Sprint" the Sorc,assasin,sage etc have since they can score from half the map in 10sec with it.


However, No they shouldnt remove them. Would be dumb as hell to do. If you get pulled under just PASS the ball to someone in your team and if no one is around just throw it on the ground to reset it

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so erm, don't stand on the ledge?


*claps for intelligence response*


This is the root of the problem with most teams, the inability of players to realize that standing like a deer in front of a car on the ledge is bad for your team. I love those sorcs all high and might just standing on the ledge pew'ing away, to busy trying to get kills to realize I just use them to win the wz's. I thank them all, please don't stop, continue farming kill, that will surely win you the warzone, or not! LOL

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i love these kind of post.

you know why


cause its made by people who dont want to get better and use ablitys to win they simply want to faceroll and win.


news flash! you have those same ablitys on your side as well. USE THEM


if you chose not to then dont come QQ on the forums cause ur incompetent to think about anything but doing damage and expect that to win your team the game.

Edited by marxo
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so erm, don't stand on the ledge?


They can actualy charge over to teammates as well. I do this all the time.


I stand right next to the enemys goal line in stealth, right at the ledge. then my buddy goes and grabs the ball, rushes down to the pit, and charges up to me. and scores. wrince and repeat.


It's totally unbalanced, in the sense that some classes have insane advantages over others in huttbal. However, they cant really fix this without revamping the map, or changing the classes.


So what we are left with is huttball being a race, whoever can grab the ball first and do this procedure will win. Simple tactic, no backfire.

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I mean, you just see people going down to the "pit" under the goalline as a tactic. That place is supposed to be a place where you go "oh ok, now I have to go all the way back". Now you can just intercept an enemy standing on the ledge and go score.


The mechanics highly favours some classes, and a 4 man premade with the right classes can easily win alone.


You see people throwing the ball, saving and intercepting and suddenly it's 1-0 within the first 20 seconds of the match. Most of the time it's impossible to counter this with all the immunities, shields and heals that SOME classes have. Commando f.example has a shield that does basically nothing in a fight, and a knockback that is good, but extremely ineffective when they are "immune to knockback".


I know this sounds like a QQ, but when empire on our server gets to train huttball 9/10 matches, it's just a faceroll when they sit with a 4man premade and win 6-0 within 4 minutes because of the pull/intercept tactic.



Please remove the ability to move from <-- to --> it is just not fair...

Also I find auto attack to be unbalanced please fix this or i cancel my account...


:tran_tongue: /Sarcasm.Off

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I mean, you just see people going down to the "pit" under the goalline as a tactic. That place is supposed to be a place where you go "oh ok, now I have to go all the way back". Now you can just intercept an enemy standing on the ledge and go score.


The mechanics highly favours some classes, and a 4 man premade with the right classes can easily win alone.


You see people throwing the ball, saving and intercepting and suddenly it's 1-0 within the first 20 seconds of the match. Most of the time it's impossible to counter this with all the immunities, shields and heals that SOME classes have. Commando f.example has a shield that does basically nothing in a fight, and a knockback that is good, but extremely ineffective when they are "immune to knockback".


I know this sounds like a QQ, but when empire on our server gets to train huttball 9/10 matches, it's just a faceroll when they sit with a 4man premade and win 6-0 within 4 minutes because of the pull/intercept tactic.


good idea.

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They can actualy charge over to teammates as well. I do this all the time.



It's totally unbalanced, in the sense that some classes have insane advantages over others in huttbal. However, they cant really fix this without revamping the map, or changing the classes.


This, this so bad.

As a scoundrel I am completely useless in Hutball.

The only and I mean ONLY thing I can do to contribute to the team is stealth attack the ballcarrier, who then mostly either; proceeds to force push me into a pit/fire/acid (forcing me to run alllll the way up, since we have no gap closer) force sprints through the fire and leave me standing there looking like an idiot, or just force leaps to the other side of the room.


And to add; this goes hand in hand with being burned by ranged from all sides, high up, on ledges, and down below. How do you prevent death? Use my 2 min Vanish, or run away and LOS. It's truely an unfair inbalance, and makes hutball very unfun to play for me.

Edited by Tokosteef
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I mean, you just see people going down to the "pit" under the goalline as a tactic. That place is supposed to be a place where you go "oh ok, now I have to go all the way back". Now you can just intercept an enemy standing on the ledge and go score.


The mechanics highly favours some classes, and a 4 man premade with the right classes can easily win alone.


You see people throwing the ball, saving and intercepting and suddenly it's 1-0 within the first 20 seconds of the match. Most of the time it's impossible to counter this with all the immunities, shields and heals that SOME classes have. Commando f.example has a shield that does basically nothing in a fight, and a knockback that is good, but extremely ineffective when they are "immune to knockback".


I know this sounds like a QQ, but when empire on our server gets to train huttball 9/10 matches, it's just a faceroll when they sit with a 4man premade and win 6-0 within 4 minutes because of the pull/intercept tactic.


Don't hate the playa', hate the game.

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This is ridiculous. All classes have their uses, even all advanced classes have their uses. I won't go through all of them because it would be an annoyingly long list.


Do me a favor.

List, according to you, all different uses of both the Jedi Consular and the Scoundrel in Hutball PVP.


I dare you.

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Do me a favor.

List, according to you, all different uses of both the Jedi Consular and the Scoundrel in Hutball PVP.


I dare you.



Rescue, Pulls an ally to the sages position, extremely useful when knocked off ledges or just to get around the map.


Healing, this is a given why its helpful.


Those are the two main ones that I know about as I play a Shadow and not a Sage. But Im sure I could find more if I knew the class better.


Scoundrels are less useful in pvp, but they can always heal and they have their amazing burst dps to wreck the ball carrier.


I can't comment on them either as I have barely played my scoundrel at all.


Also, each class has cc abilities which are vital to controlling the enemy ball carrier/team.


Edit: I apparently read your post wrong and I'm so glad you said consular and not just sage.


Shadow: Probably one of the best ball runners and most versatile classes if you have it specced right.


Resilience: cooldown 5 seconds with skill buffs, makes you completely immune to most cc and force/tech attacks. Pretty obvious why this is helpful.


Force Pull: pulls an enemy to you. This helps in many ways. Pulling enemies into fire/acid and just pulling them away from allies and off catwalks. One of if not THE most useful move that a Shadow has.


Spinning Kick: Specced right you can use it out of stealth and its another 2 second stun, you also get a 20% armor increase when its specced this way.


Force Potency/Telekinetic Throw combination: Its a long range, decently damaging slow, enough said.


Then there are about 4 buffs that make you basically completely unstoppable when running the ball.


Oh and Force Speed, Hopefully you know all about that.


Shadow is the perfect huttball class. Perfect class overall in my opinion. It's a tank that can crit 4k+ that also stealthes and occasionally heals itself in combat technique. There, now you know all my secrets.

Edited by Kadoozy
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*claps for intelligence response*


This is the root of the problem with most teams, the inability of players to realize that standing like a deer in front of a car on the ledge is bad for your team. I love those sorcs all high and might just standing on the ledge pew'ing away, to busy trying to get kills to realize I just use them to win the wz's. I thank them all, please don't stop, continue farming kill, that will surely win you the warzone, or not! LOL


You do realize that the Z axis of ALL knockbacks in the game is high enough to you push off any of the catwalks unless the person using the knockback is incredibly dumb and pushes you in line with the catwalk, right?

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I agree OP. In their quest to make balanced PvP all they made was warzones that very HEAVILY require specific classes.


All the *********** noobs that think otherwise will have a huge awakening when they introduce ranked warzones in the next patch and extremely serious, hard core teams will pretty require nothing but BHs and sorcerers.

Edited by Mackuss
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I really hope we get Rated Huttball, i'd love to see streams of people doing that **** with organized teams on each side with all the crazy stuff you can do.


um....that's all rated teams would consist of...is powertechs and sorcerers

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You see people throwing the ball, saving and intercepting and suddenly it's 1-0 within the first 20 seconds of the match. Most of the time it's impossible to counter this with all the immunities, shields and heals that SOME classes have. Commando f.example has a shield that does basically nothing in a fight, and a knockback that is good, but extremely ineffective when they are "immune to knockback".


I know this sounds like a QQ, but when empire on our server gets to train huttball 9/10 matches, it's just a faceroll when they sit with a 4man premade and win 6-0 within 4 minutes because of the pull/intercept tactic.


I'm going to let you in on a secret. The premades are going to win regardless of how less fun you make huttball.


Removing jumps, pulls, etc from Huttball makes it a really lame version of capture the flag.

Edited by Draemos
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