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How many subscriptions still around in 6 months?


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In 6 months I'd say it would have already plateaued at around 65 - 85k subs, I'd guess they would have reduced servers to approximately 4 or 5 US servers by that time.



With the launch of GW2 perhaps in 6 months or so, the 65k subs may even fall to 30 - 35k.


I think the star wats liscense alone will carry it more than that by a large margin.

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And the trend is that games crash faster and faster.


MMORPGs are a dead market, really. There isn't much "there" there. Everyone tries to knock off the game that every MMO player has thousands of hours and friendships and so on invested in, and predictably fails.


I think SP games are a more interesting market, with more interesting designs, than MMOs are. And I think almost every MMO is bound to fail if it tries to "compete" with WoW. Perhaps GW2 will do well, but it is not a sub model game, so it's very different economically right off the bat.


Yeah, by now, the ONLY MMO that can EVER "compete" with WoW, is Guild Wars 2. Even though I doubt it will affect the WoW player base very much.

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If you noticed in one of my other posts, I said I was mainly joking about that post I made. I actually DO agree with you. I just like bashing games, I guess haha.


Hehehehe. I missed it. But that's okay, I had to go back and edit my own post anyway. My mind is still stuck in the past. GW Corporate HQ moved from MD to Tenn almost 2 years ago. :rolleyes:

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Here are the facts!


The release was flawless compared to most every othere MMO's release!


The quest storylines are robust they compare greatly to the great quests you find in Pirates of the Burning Sea.... The cinematics are very good!


But there is NO content, no community, no economy, pvp is way out of balance!


This is a Mirror Image of Star Trek Online they released a similiar ThemePark RPG and the initial release had lots of subs because of its powerful IP, but STO is barely staying afloat! And that is the dismal future in store for SWTOR....


I think 120K in 6 months is being optimistic!

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Have any of you all ready cancelled your accounts? I know I have. I find it hard just to log into the game. I have a level 28 Consular and the three other classes I tried playing I got to level 4 at most. None of them grabbed me. The character customization is a complete joke. I do not like the UI. Hate the AH. The worlds seem lifeless and dead. I can play and see maybe one or two people if I am lucky. The bugs. So yea, I will not be making it past the first month even. Edited by AirshipGirl
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I doubt this game will ever grow more than it is right now. Maybe a little more than half of the ones that bought the game will continue to sub it.


Let's face it, we all wished this would be a MMO that rivals or even beats WoW. There is no chance of that happening now. It is an alright MMO, but it is more on par with Warhammer, and AoC than something that rivals WoW. To me it feels like a single player game with bad mechanics.


Now I am sick of WoW, but if I were to start playing an MMO in a serious manner then I would rather chose to go back to WoW than keep playing this. Sure, WoW has its flaws, but it is a more complete game than this. This game doesn't really bring anything special to the mix that appeals to me. Just more bugs and stuff that are missing or badly coded.

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around the 400k-500k mark i'd say


Bingo,it may even be less.Comparing to a new game like Rift I'd say this game is lacking,so I could see maybe 200k-300k at 6 month's,the diehards will keep it a little higher though.

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WoW grew, what makes you think this won't? This has had a much more successful launch than WoW could have dreamed of. Blizzard listened to its players and gave them content updates they wanted, added more and more and more new stuff for them to do so they could do something different every day, and it worked. People got interested, stayed interested, and the population soared. Bioware is doing the same thing; listening to us, planning on adding new content A MONTH after the game was released, fixing any and all bugs while adding new stuff for us to do....and you don't think it will grow?


EDIT: Although growing 4x's is a huge stretch. I do, however, think it will grow in six months, especially at the rate Bioware is going. But not 4x's.


Sorry to tell ya but I'm seeing less people in the first 5 areas then I did in Korriban alone just a week ago.That says people have left/are not joining,WOW actually grew in the 1st 30 days,this is nowhere close.

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Well I agree with you, but WoW launched in 2004. In 2004, there wasn't much competition in the MMO market.


You could make the argument that there isn't much "real" competition now either :rolleyes:


Seriously, I think it depends on the quality and frequency of patches and content updates but if they keep up the pace they've started with I could easily see them over 2 million in 6 months.

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There wont be many. . .Ill expalin.


Twice I tried to post about how I was quitting MMO's altogether and VERY good reasons why I was qutting, mainly pertaining to this game. I never made any assumptions or criticisms about how this game would turn out or how good or bad it was. Nor did I ever mention my opinion about "other" MMO's. I was completely civil, honest, and non-offensive. But they deleted my threads anyway. I brought up alot points that (again civily and non-offensive) many agree with.


This shows me Bioware knows the end is comming alot faster than expected. I dont care if I am wrong or right (but I do think I'm right) but I see an arrogant company that will make reflective decisions like blizzard. . .except 10 times worse.


I promised not to say anything negative about this game, but after deleting my posts for no reason at all except for there BS reasons, here goes. . .


If this game opened up with no bugs of any kind and actually ran just as fluid as another good MMO, its still a bad MMO. People are fools to think this game is good, still in denial, or dont have the experience of playing a good MMO.


And what a coincidence, I just saw a new thread about Bioware deleting threads in less than 60 seconds.

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Sorry to tell ya but I'm seeing less people in the first 5 areas then I did in Korriban alone just a week ago.That says people have left/are not joining,WOW actually grew in the 1st 30 days,this is nowhere close.


Funny Tattooine was the most populated on my server the other day. and with a new mmo Low level areas (korriban) tend to be more populated

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