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I suppose Rift, Aion, EVE, Warhammer, and SW:TOR can keep doing what they think is right.. while WoW remains king and completely untouched and unrattled.

That statement right there, just proves you are a pathetic fanboy that will give no meaningful information to any topic. Just go away, because your trolling arse is not wanted.

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I suppose Rift, Aion, EVE, Warhammer, and SW:TOR can keep doing what they think is right.. while WoW remains king and completely untouched and unrattled.


Face it, things aren't panning out as BioWare planned. Can you at least admit that? I'm here because I wanted something new. What I (and obviously many others?) got was a game that feels like it was released circa 1999. And you know what? That sucks, dude. I wanted this game to rock. I bought into the hype, too.


It must really hurt you to see WoW losing its crown to swtor....

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Are you seriously daft? Copy WoW? If they did that they would completely and utterly fail. Making a copy of something else isn't going to make people switch. Something new is what will make people switch from one to the other, and after less than a month, no one can say where this game will be in 6 months, a year, etc, so please stop acting like you know where this game will be in the future, because you haven't a clue.


You can say I don't have a clue, notice you're getting defensive and attacking me while I'm simply presenting facts and expressing the consensus of the games' player population right now (aka: the majority).


Neither of us have a clue where the game will be in 6 months or a year, but we can both make an educated, SUBJECTIVE guess.. can't we? By the way, this isn't something new.. for the record. I don't believe you even believe yourself when you say that. This game has been dozens of times in the last 10 years, and much better, mind you, with way more features and more heart / soul.

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I'm a silly little troll because 90% of the community would have rather BioWare focused on what KEEPS PEOPLE SUBSCRIBED (hint: look at Blizzard and completely copy them, if they were smart) and not some gimmick which, let's face it, gets old by level 35 ON YOUR FIRST TOON. This game is not conducive to alts. When a game isn't conducive to alts, or it feels like a chore, that's the making of an unsuccessful MMO.


Why would 90% of the community buy this game when it has been known for years that voice acting and story is one of the main selling points, if they want something else.


Why did you buy this game? You must be one of the less than 1% who didn't have a clue what the game was about.

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You can say I don't have a clue, notice you're getting defensive and attacking me while I'm simply presenting facts and expressing the consensus of the games' player population right now (aka: the majority).

If you are speaking for the 'majority' then how come you are the only one in this topic with your viewpoint? Hmmm. That's a tough one...

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It must really hurt you to see WoW losing its crown to swtor....


I suppose if 500,000 in 2 continents compared to 11.3mil in virtually every country known to man means it's losing its crown. And let's face it, the ONLY reason this game even has 500,000 subs is because of the SW:TOR name and the hype and budget behind it. Do you think if this game was released without Star Wars behind it, it would retain 100,000 subscribers?


God man.. be real with yourself. We can see right through you.

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If you are speaking for the 'majority' then how come you are the only one in this topic with your viewpoint? Hmmm. That's a tough one...


... do you read these forums? Do you read /1 in-game?


I really don't even need to respond to that beyond what I just wrote.


EDIT: This thread is me vs. 2 people. I'm not up against much, here lol.

Edited by Feelinestars
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You're sort of.. proving my point for me, bro.


The thought of leveling up another character on these boring, lifeless planets hitting spacebar for 50 levels is a daunting, unpleasant thought. Is this open for debate? I mean really man, there's opinion.. and then there's fact. I understand that RPG'ers play these games for a different reason, but guess what.. RPG'ers don't pay the subscription / new content bills, casuals and hardcores do. You may think I don't know what I'm talking about, but where this game will be in 6 months will speak VOLUMES for its success in the industry.


When Diablo 3, SC2x2, and WoWx5 come out.. you think people will still be playing this game? It won't even retain 500,000 subscribers. I've been around the gaming block, bro.


im not proving any point for you. this is an rpg so anyone that plays it is an "RPG'er". I know your one of those endgame is all that matters kind of guy but its fact that only 10% of a playerbase are active in endgame. In 6 months it will speak VOLUMES on this games success as almost half of WoWs playerbase will be gone and this game will be booming

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You're not the guy who determines what can and can be posted on these forums. I, and everyone else, are free to speak our opinions in a civil manner.. so don't sit there and troll me because we disagree. I'm not being disrespectful to you, don't be disrespectful to me.


Your attitude is already disrespectful and arrogant way up the thread ("BioDrones"), plus you keep stating subjective opinions as facts and implicitly mocking players who actually do like the game, and enjoy things like voice-acting.


Just GBTW already. BioWare probably wouldn't mind your money, but I certainly don't want to encounter someone like you in any game I play.


If you want to make constructive criticism intelligently, and simply give your personal feedback, instead of robotically repeating bullet points you've read on the forums from other assorted ******s and WoW fanbois, please do give it a try. I'm sure we'd all find it quite refreshing.

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I suppose if 500,000 in 2 continents compared to 11.3mil in virtually every country known to man means it's losing its crown. And let's face it, the ONLY reason this game even has 500,000 subs is because of the SW:TOR name and the hype and budget behind it. Do you think if this game was released without Star Wars behind it, it would retain 100,000 subscribers?


God man.. be real with yourself. We can see right through you.

Actually WoW is at about 8.5 million (which is a loss of over 30% in the last quarter alone). Get your facts straight before speaking stupidly.

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im not proving any point for you. this is an rpg so anyone that plays it is an "RPG'er". I know your one of those endgame is all that matters kind of guy but its fact that only 10% of a playerbase are active in endgame. In 6 months it will speak VOLUMES on this games success as almost half of WoWs playerbase will be gone and this game will be booming


Hey man, all my feelings for this game and your feelings for this game aside.. do you really think half of WoW's playerbase will be in this game in 6 months? Do you really believe that.. or are you clinging onto something you desperately want to be true, even though you may not even believe it yourself.. you just want it to be true so badly.


You think this game will have 6.5 million subscribers in 6 months? You believe that.. for real?


I'm more of a realist. And judging my the launch, the forums, and the players' general consensus, I can't see it being over 500,000 in 6 months. You're right about one thing, time will tell.

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You're sort of.. proving my point for me, bro.


The thought of leveling up another character on these boring, lifeless planets hitting spacebar for 50 levels is a daunting, unpleasant thought. Is this open for debate? I mean really man, there's opinion.. and then there's fact.


It is a fact that I like the leveling and level up several characters right now.


Does this make it a *fact* that the leveling is fun? Of course not. Fun is never a fact.


There is only one really important question: Why are you still here if you hate the game?

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I suppose if 500,000 in 2 continents compared to 11.3mil in virtually every country known to man means it's losing its crown. And let's face it, the ONLY reason this game even has 500,000 subs is because of the SW:TOR name and the hype and budget behind it. Do you think if this game was released without Star Wars behind it, it would retain 100,000 subscribers?


God man.. be real with yourself. We can see right through you.


1.5 million sales in the first three days. im sure they sold a bit more since then. so your 500k sub comment makes no sense.


you can see right through me????

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Actually WoW is at about 8.5 million (which is a loss of over 30% in the last quarter alone). Get your facts straight before speaking stupidly.


Ever read mmo-champion.com, or listened to the quarterly conference calls? 12.3 million down to like 10.9million. Don't make me go get a link, you can use google.com, I'm sure? Or mmo-champion.com, I'm sure? Where are you even getting 8.5 million? That's a made-up number, and you know it. If you'd like to challenge me on the numbers, I WILL produce a link.. but it'll require a few minutes of searching on MMO-champion.com, something I'm sure you're capable of doing yourself?

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It is a fact that I like the leveling and level up several characters right now.


Does this make it a *fact* that the leveling is fun? Of course not. Fun is never a fact.


There is only one really important question: Why are you still here if you hate the game?


I guess I'm here more out of curiosity.. I can't comprehend why those who are so die-hard for this game can't admit that it's not what we were promised, and the games' standards are quite low for such an enormous budget and hype.

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Ever read mmo-champion.com, or listened to the quarterly conference calls? 12.3 million down to like 10.9million. Don't make me go get a link, you can use google.com, I'm sure? Or mmo-champion.com, I'm sure? Where are you even getting 8.5 million? That's a made-up number, and you know it. If you'd like to challenge me on the numbers, I WILL produce a link.. but it'll require a few minutes of searching on MMO-champion.com, something I'm sure you're capable of doing yourself?

Your numbers are through Sept, mine are through the rest of the year, aka the last quarter like I said. Look it up. I'm right and your 'Wow-baby' is one big pile of fail.

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Your attitude is already disrespectful and arrogant way up the thread ("BioDrones"), plus you keep stating subjective opinions as facts and implicitly mocking players who actually do like the game, and enjoy things like voice-acting.


Just GBTW already. BioWare probably wouldn't mind your money, but I certainly don't want to encounter someone like you in any game I play.


If you want to make constructive criticism intelligently, and simply give your personal feedback, instead of robotically repeating bullet points you've read on the forums from other assorted ******s and WoW fanbois, please do give it a try. I'm sure we'd all find it quite refreshing.


Newsflash: people like you telling all of us to "go back to WoW" is BioWare's worst nightmare.. and that nightmare will come to fruition soon enough, I'm afraid.

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The voice acting itself probably cost 80 of the 130 million. Paying people to act is not cheap.


Ask any paid voice actor, they do not get paid anything when compared to what people think. The only people that really get paid a ton are the big names out there. Even they do not get paid all that much. It is the Hollywood screen actors that get paid millions of dollars to simply do a voice. Almost all people that are only doing Voice Overs (commercials, video games, anime, etc.) as their job do not get paid anything when compared to them.


As to answer the OP, yes, I do believe every dime Bioware spent is showing in this game. Yes, it does have bugs. I do not believe there will ever be a single MMO launch that does not have any bugs. MMOs functions completely different than any other game on the market and there are aspect that just are not even testable in betas.

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I can't comprehend why those who are so die-hard for this game can't admit that it's not what we were promised


This game is EXACTLY what we were promised, outside of whacky little bugs that will get fixed in time

Just because you aren't a real gamer and don't keep up with the news doesn't mean no one else is and does

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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Hey man, all my feelings for this game and your feelings for this game aside.. do you really think half of WoW's playerbase will be in this game in 6 months? Do you really believe that.. or are you clinging onto something you desperately want to be true, even though you may not even believe it yourself.. you just want it to be true so badly.


You think this game will have 6.5 million subscribers in 6 months? You believe that.. for real?


I'm more of a realist. And judging my the launch, the forums, and the players' general consensus, I can't see it being over 500,000 in 6 months. You're right about one thing, time will tell.


I said this game will be BOOMING and that wow will have lost its playerbase. I didnt say however they would all be here. I trully predict this game having around 2-3 million subs a year from now. WoW will stay around 4-5 for another 3 years. This game will continue to grow.


as someone who has been a part of every major mmo over the last 8-9 years... I have NEVER seen such a positive response for an MMO like this one. The last that was close was in fact WoW There is a buzz about this game thats undeniable and regardless of what you may believe, most people seem to truly enjoy it.

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I guess I'm here more out of curiosity.. I can't comprehend why those who are so die-hard for this game can't admit that it's not what we were promised, and the games' standards are quite low for such an enormous budget and hype.


Because we like it and think we got what we were promised?


Is it so hard to to accept that taste differs? I have no problem at all comprehending that you do not like it. There are most certainly millions after millions of people that would never play this game for more than ten minutes before getting bored. But they do other stuff instead and do not get worked up about something they do not care about.


We care about the game.

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