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Feel like BW pumped 100million or so dollars into it? Just thought about it on my break at work. Loving the game but curious and I'd really like to know what the other players think.


Myself? Short answer; yes game has tons of voicacting and good immersion and starwars license. BUT there are a fair number of bugs that made it to launch, certain parts of the game arent as dynamic as the devs made out early on, combat animations for example, PVP seems a little lacking, and for all the time and money nothing seems too innovative, not that game is bad by any means.

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Feel like BW pumped 100million or so dollars into it? Just thought about it on my break at work. Loving the game but curious and I'd really like to know what the other players think.


Myself? Short answer; yes game has tons of voicacting and good immersion and starwars license. BUT there are a fair number of bugs that made it to launch, certain parts of the game arent as dynamic as the devs made out early on, combat animations for example, PVP seems a little lacking, and for all the time and money nothing seems too innovative, not that game is bad by any means.


It's not so much the bugs, those will come with any game on this scale.. it's the lack of major 2012 MMO features. It's like.. it's almost like they want their game to fail or something. It's baffling to me how they could release the game in the state it's in. Not to mention, when we come right down to it.. there isn't much replayability in this game, and it most certainly doesn't have longevity..

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The voice acting itself probably cost 80 of the 130 million. Paying people to act is not cheap.


This right here accounts for a lot of it. afterall they did set a record for the most voiced lines in any form of entertainment ever.

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It's not so much the bugs, those will come with any game on this scale.. it's the lack of major 2012 MMO features. It's like.. it's almost like they want their game to fail or something. It's baffling to me how they could release the game in the state it's in. Not to mention, when we come right down to it.. there isn't much replayability in this game, and it most certainly doesn't have longevity..

Bugs aside, what are they missing in this game from other MMO's? Don't even think of saying a combat long or DF, because both of those kill the community in an MMO. Just look at WoW, the community has sucked donkey since they incorporated the DF, and combat logs just make it so people can't play the way they want, because every spec will have a cookie-cutter spec that people will HAVE to use or not get into a raid.


MMO's are about variety and teamwork, and both of those kill it.


Also, if they added an LFG channel, it would just turn into a global general chat, which would suck really really bad.


I could go on, but SWTOR has all the things you want in an MMO and left out all the things that has made other MMO's suck donkey and made people leave them for SWTOR, because they wanted something different.

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Bugs aside, what are they missing in this game from other MMO's? Don't even think of saying a combat long or DF, because both of those kill the community in an MMO. Just look at WoW, the community has sucked donkey since they incorporated the DF, and combat logs just make it so people can't play the way they want, because every spec will have a cookie-cutter spec that people will HAVE to use or not get into a raid.


MMO's are about variety and teamwork, and both of those kill it.


Also, if they added an LFG channel, it would just turn into a global general chat, which would suck really really bad.


I could go on, but SWTOR has all the things you want in an MMO and left out all the things that has made other MMO's suck donkey and made people leave them for SWTOR, because they wanted something different.


No, I will say what is missing completely, not a list that suits your needs. The major 2012 MMO features missing are LFR, LFG, combat log, no mods, no macros, no custom UI, awful stock UI, awful combat, terrible lag everywhere, useless PVP, no endgame, lackluster uninspired graphics, lackluster uninspired planets, lackluster uninspired quests, no recount.. these are just a small few of the major features which should be in the game, mind you everyone agrees (for the most part). Face it, no one wants to sit in trade and spam to look for a group. This isn't 2004 WoW.. this is supposed to be 2012 SW:TOR with 300 million dollars blah blah blah. This game is a terrible failure not for what it is (which is pretty bad, mind you), but for what it ISN'T.

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No, I will say what is missing completely, not a list that suits your needs. The major 2012 MMO features missing are LFR, LFG, combat log, no mods, no macros, no custom UI, awful stock UI, awful combat, terrible lag everywhere, useless PVP, no endgame, lackluster uninspired graphics, lackluster uninspired planets, lackluster uninspired quests, no recount.. these are just a small few of the major features which should be in the game, mind you everyone agrees (for the most part). Face it, no one wants to sit in trade and spam to look for a group. This isn't 2004 WoW.. this is supposed to be 2012 SW:TOR with 300 million dollars blah blah blah. This game is a terrible failure not for what it is (which is pretty bad, mind you), but for what it ISN'T.


Only thing I agree with you on is a customizable UI. other than that I completely disagree with you. good day.

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No, I will say what is missing completely, not a list that suits your needs. The major 2012 MMO features missing are LFR, LFG, combat log, no mods, no macros, no custom UI, awful stock UI, awful combat, terrible lag everywhere, useless PVP, no endgame, lackluster uninspired graphics, lackluster uninspired planets, lackluster uninspired quests, no recount.. these are just a small few of the major features which should be in the game, mind you everyone agrees (for the most part). Face it, no one wants to sit in trade and spam to look for a group. This isn't 2004 WoW.. this is supposed to be 2012 SW:TOR with 300 million dollars blah blah blah. This game is a terrible failure not for what it is (which is pretty bad, mind you), but for what it ISN'T.


LOL. You are one of those people. Just go back to WoW if all you want is a WoW-clone, because all those things ruined WoW (minus the bugs and graphics part, because I like both WoW and SWTOR's graphics as they are fitting for the type of game they are in) and will ruin any other game that implements them.


I sure hope that BW doesn't succumb to the QQ about combat logs, because they are 100% not needed. Same for macros and mods, becuase all they need to do is make the current windows moveable and resizable and add the ability to mouse-over Operation frames for healing, and they UI is perfect.

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No, I will say what is missing completely, not a list that suits your needs. The major 2012 MMO features missing are LFR, LFG, combat log, no mods, no macros, no custom UI, awful stock UI, awful combat, terrible lag everywhere, useless PVP, no endgame, lackluster uninspired graphics, lackluster uninspired planets, lackluster uninspired quests, no recount.. these are just a small few of the major features which should be in the game, mind you everyone agrees (for the most part). Face it, no one wants to sit in trade and spam to look for a group. This isn't 2004 WoW.. this is supposed to be 2012 SW:TOR with 300 million dollars blah blah blah. This game is a terrible failure not for what it is (which is pretty bad, mind you), but for what it ISN'T.


So you don't like anything about this game, and other people do

Instead of making a reasonable list of pros and cons you make a text block of hyperbolic whining


The game will be fine without you, thanks.


Oh and @OP, the amount of money that the devs make / put into this game shouldn't be a judgement of its quality, and they amount that they get won't be indicative of the quality or size of content that they put out

Just look at what WoW puts out with 10 million subs. Rift has less than a tenth of that and puts out far more major content at a far faster pace.

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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LOL. You are one of those people. Just go back to WoW if all you want is a WoW-clone, because all those things ruined WoW (minus the bugs and graphics part, because I like both WoW and SWTOR's graphics as they are fitting for the type of game they are in) and will ruin any other game that implements them.


I sure hope that BW doesn't succumb to the QQ about combat logs, because they are 100% not needed. Same for macros and mods, becuase all they need to do is make the current windows moveable and resizable and add the ability to mouse-over Operation frames for healing, and they UI is perfect.


If you call "ruin" 11 million subs, I believe BioWare would like a word with you.


Please stop being naive, good sir. Again, this game isn't a failure for what it is.. it's a failure what it ISN'T. Let that sink in please.

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How can he say LFG stops pugs from forming? That's an... odd, odd comment. It fosters the creation of groups. What is he talking about.. lol..


having 1 out of 8 pugs doing less dps then a tank and causing groups to wipe is what stops pugs from completing anything

Edited by Nyquil
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How can he say LFG stops pugs from forming? That's an... odd, odd comment. It fosters the creation of groups. What is he talking about.. lol..

I said combat logs stop pugs from forming, not LFD. I said LFD ruins the community. Maybe I wasn't quite clear enough, but now I am.

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having 1 out of 8 pugs doing less dps then a tank and causing groups to whip is what stops pugs from completing anything


Precisely. I'm agreeing with you 100% and pointing out the strangeness of the person you were responding to.


Only kids who don't want to get carried are against combat logs, recount, macros, and a good UI.

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I said combat logs stop pugs from forming, not LFD. I said LFD ruins the community. Maybe I wasn't quite clear enough, but now I am.


My apologies. Allow me to respond to this statement then.


Would you rather get into a group that will succeed and is competent, or get into a fail group where no one can see who is doing what wrong.. and improve your rotation, etc.?

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That's an untrue statement. The subscription numbers in 6 months will speak volumes. I don't understand why even BioDrones wouldn't want the game they're hopelessly clinging to straws to would improve? Do you agree that this game should still be in alpha? How can you argue that? That's not even really an opinion, its truly more of a fact..


nope just your opinion.

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My apologies. Allow me to respond to this statement then.


Would you rather get into a group that will succeed and is competent, or get into a fail group where no one can see who is doing what wrong.. and improve your rotation, etc.?

I'm not even going to get into this argument, other than to say that there is more to succeeding in an encounter than topping the dps charts. Knowing when to interrupt to save a tanks life, etc, is much more important than the re-re's that think they are all that because they just hit the same simple rotation and don't even bother moving, so that the healers need to over-work themselves to keep their dumbarses alive.

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Just because I disagree with things that are entirely unreasonable, doesn't make me a biodrone lololol

I love the stories

The combat feels AMAZING as a gunslinger. It's miles ahead of anything I've ever felt on my elemental shaman in WoW.


We do, however, need a combat log.

We also need a customizable UI

Mod support would help

Cover bugs need fixed

Rock collisions could use a revamp

THOSE are reasonable things to fix.

The majority of YOUR complaints were entirely unreasonable


If you have absolutely nothing positive to say, just leave

You clearly just haven't played a new game recently if you think that this should be in alpha

Reviewers clearly don't agree with you, since it has an 87 on metacritic....


Inb4 reviewers are bought, look at gameinformer.

They didn't even review the game, they just gave impressions

They were very positive

They even have a guild over on hyperspace cannon now to play

Edited by Paralassa
bad quote
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Just a question. How much else would they have been able to put into the game if they hadn't done any voice-acting? That would have been a lot of money to put elsewhere into the game. However...how well would the game have done without any voice-acting, since that was it's main drive? Hmm.
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