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Why bother making the purple version of any crafting?


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Seriously, most vendors and quest rewards give you the same or better then you can craft.

Blue quality is all you need while leveling, hell even some greens, its not like the game is hard in any way to require purple mods and gear.


I have artifice nearly maxed, and i am severly dissapointed with how easy, basic and very straight forward crafting is. Put this together with how easy leveling is and we have an easy game where you can just blow through everything without the neeed to craft or do anything really.


IMHO i know BW wanted to make a casual MMO, but this is just waaay to casual for its own good.


Crafting is pretty much useless , and this makes a domino effect where the trade market is pretty much useless. You dont even need to go near the trade market and level to 50 without a worry in the world.


BW,bw,bw, what have you done.


Anyone else feel like game companies nowdays honestly think we have an IQ of an ant and feel that we cannot handle a more complicated crafting system ( hell a more complicated GAME tbh )

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I've leveled to 45 using mods that I get from the GTN / commendations. Purple mods generally aren't worth it because people charge for them as if they're permanent when realistically they're only going to be there for 3-4 levels.


That doesn't make crafting worthless. Just find out the things people actually need from your crafting skill and sell them that.

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I like the armorcrafting on my smuggler. He has been able to crafter better than quest rewards, and it's far from worthless for him. I do not bother with trying to discover the purple version because I have been able to find enough resources to support such an attempt.
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I've leveled to 45 using mods that I get from the GTN / commendations. Purple mods generally aren't worth it because people charge for them as if they're permanent when realistically they're only going to be there for 3-4 levels.


That doesn't make crafting worthless. Just find out the things people actually need from your crafting skill and sell them that.


IN all mmo's i play, i pick crafting to support myself first, then make money second. I never realy on crafting to make money. Just the stuff imake for myself isnt any good at all.


All i have to do is run a few flashpoints a week and replace all my mods...

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Biochem ftw.


Stims get increased stats.

Healthpacks that heal above and beyond what you can purchase from vendors. (eg the purple level 24 healthpacks heal the same amount of vendor purchased level 32 healthpacks)

Healthpacks that heal you and your companion.


At purple level, stims and health packs are also all reusable.

Edited by Swift
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i've gotten cybertech to 400 and i can say that the purple mods I can make are better than anything i can get with commendations or that is already in armor...relatively the same for blues...the blues I can make arent usually available until the next planet i get to.
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Biochem ftw.


Stims get increased stats.

Healthpacks that heal above and beyond what you can purchase from vendors. (eg the purple level 24 healthpacks heal the same amount of vendor purchased level 32 healthpacks)

Healthpacks that heal you and your companion.


At purple level, stims and health packs are also all reusable.


OMG! I just googled it. I wish I had known that, thank you!

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You're smoking crack dude. I'm an Armortech and I can tell you right now that I am constantly upgrading my gear with what I craft for myself. In fact, the quest rewards so far haven't come -close- to what I can craft. On top of that, I can craft gear that is far better than the PvP gear.


With that said, purple versions are -well- worth it. They normally have extra stats such as defense rating, accuracy and critical strike on them. (In fact, purple versions usually have all 3.)

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Biochem ftw.


Stims get increased stats.

Healthpacks that heal above and beyond what you can purchase from vendors. (eg the purple level 24 healthpacks heal the same amount of vendor purchased level 32 healthpacks)

Healthpacks that heal you and your companion.


At purple level, stims and health packs are also all reusable.


The purple med packs heal the same as teh green version of it. But what I notice is WHY ARENT BIOCHEMS SELLING THEIR STUFF o.o


Its easy and cheap to make o.O


FYI the reusable ones require Biochem(0) to use so if you want you can just take it and use the reusable ones that you got off the gtn or something

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Seriously, most vendors and quest rewards give you the same or better then you can craft.

Blue quality is all you need while leveling, hell even some greens, its not like the game is hard in any way to require purple mods and gear.


I have artifice nearly maxed, and i am severly dissapointed with how easy, basic and very straight forward crafting is. Put this together with how easy leveling is and we have an easy game where you can just blow through everything without the neeed to craft or do anything really.


IMHO i know BW wanted to make a casual MMO, but this is just waaay to casual for its own good.


Crafting is pretty much useless , and this makes a domino effect where the trade market is pretty much useless. You dont even need to go near the trade market and level to 50 without a worry in the world.


BW,bw,bw, what have you done.


Anyone else feel like game companies nowdays honestly think we have an IQ of an ant and feel that we cannot handle a more complicated crafting system ( hell a more complicated GAME tbh )


I'm irritated that even at my level. the lower level (such as grade 3's) purple materials are still hard as hell to come by. The money I blow on getting those materials to then turn around and sell, i'm breaking even, if that.


I think I'm just going to give up on crafting until they fix it. there's too many things that bug me about it. Not only is it a pain to locate the schem I want to make in that HUGE list (And honestly, sorting it is still irritating), getting ahold of some of the materials is a study in frustration at times.


I can't even imagine the people who are trying to RE artifacts for legendary (deep purple) items. You guys are plain crazy to even try.


I should not have to blow the kind of money I do on an item that will be lucky to sell for 6k. When I spend at least that on missions for the purple materials to make it.


Don't even get me started on the rarity of exceptionally crafted items (with augment slots) I made one..... ONE. and I've gone from 0 to 400 in all of my crew skills and am sitting at level 49 and logged out because Corellia is boring me to tears..


In one way crafting is a lot more simple than other games, and in another way, it is just as frustrating, if not as time consuming. It consumes more credits for little profit.


SW:G's crafting system was crazy complicated. So complicated that I just ran harvesters and sold the materials. This game's crafting is really dumbed down, but the credits you spend. omg.

Edited by CriticalMasses
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You're smoking crack dude. I'm an Armortech and I can tell you right now that I am constantly upgrading my gear with what I craft for myself. In fact, the quest rewards so far haven't come -close- to what I can craft. On top of that, I can craft gear that is far better than the PvP gear.


With that said, purple versions are -well- worth it. They normally have extra stats such as defense rating, accuracy and critical strike on them. (In fact, purple versions usually have all 3.)


My experience as well, except I know nothing of the PvP gear. Even the basic gear I can make is better than quest rewards.

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400 Armstech (with Scav/Investigation) here, level 42 Sniper.


I make purple gun barrels for me and my fiancee, who plays a BH.


She is at 400 Cybertech, and between the two of us, we've had all kinds of epic barrels and mods as we were leveling up. I chose Armstech because, as a Sniper, I assume having the strongest gun possible is the best thing I can do to maximize my effectiveness gear-wise.


I realize that once we hit 50, we'll be replacing a lot of things that we've made with commendation stuff, and that's fine.


We've had prototype-level weapons and armoring for most of our leveling process. Since the leveling process in this game is actually incredibly entertaining compared to the MMO alternatives out there, investing in good gear while leveling makes it even more fun!


(And since I have a secret crush on Mako, I sneak her prototype barrels when the fiancee isn't looking... but don't tell her. She'll get totally jelly.)


Looking forward, though, I can see a few reasons to start making purples now.


- They will surely add more recipes for crafted gear in coming patches. I would imagine (this is purely speculative) that most of the crafting skills will get some kind of added utility thrown in with them, as Biochem is currently miles ahead of every other crafting skill in the game in this respect.


- We're two weeks in, and the masses are slowly leveling to 50. Once they hit 50, people usually do one of three things: Quit the game, make an alt, or grind out level 50 content. These alts are usually well-funded by their richer main characters. Whenever I've made alts in the past, I always enjoy spending lots of money to make sure they're up to date with their gear. Lots of people play this way and spend their money rather than hoarding all of it. This isn't a value judgment and I'm not saying it's the best way to play/manage all of your characters - it's just a common method and one you can take advantage of if you have a lot of crafting recipes that are alt-friendly. To that end, I have purple Aim and Cunning barrel recipes at every other rating, and all of them past 19. Once more time has passed and I've stockpiled a lot of mats for the various levels, I'll be able to play the market and throw them up onto the GTN and make some decent cash with it.


- The economy is tough in this game, in that there are a lot of credit sinks. Training costs are high and crafting skills are credit-intensive. I know I personally have skipped over training some skills I never use and purposely skipped over the level 40 speeder training and instead poured that money into crafting, gathering, and stuff for my alt (I have an altaholism problem). Once the masses all have their 50's, and have paid for their training and skill-ups and what-not, there will be more credits out there to chase. As it is right now, money in the game is just tight. It's not a bad thing, it's just different from what a lot of people are used to as the economies in all other MMO's out there are more developed.





That being said, I can still sell late-30's and high-mid 40's epic barrels for around 15-20k a pop and make money fairly reliably. If you spend a little money picking up the epic missions that bring in tons of the rare mats (Investigation, in the case of Armstech), the material cost doesn't end up being prohibitively expensive and you can still turn a profit.



1.) The current crafting recipes are not what we will be forever stuck with... more things will be added over time.

2.) Alts and twink characters will become more popular over time, providing a much larger market for crafted goods.

3.) Credits are tight in the game since we are still in the infant stages of the economy, and credit sinks are everywhere.

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Crafting is pretty much useless , and this makes a domino effect where the trade market is pretty much useless. You dont even need to go near the trade market and level to 50 without a worry in the world.


BW,bw,bw, what have you done.


Anyone else feel like game companies nowdays honestly think we have an IQ of an ant and feel that we cannot handle a more complicated crafting system ( hell a more complicated GAME tbh )


Lol, another Captain of Industry heard from. You know what they've done? They've 'crafted' a game that has sold over 1.5 million copies at at least $60 bucks a pop. With CE's, that's $100 million dollars in a Month. But I love how every talking head on TOR comes to the crew skills forum to start YET ANOTHER topic, exactly like 10 other topics on the same subject on the first forum page, to tell Bioware how they don't understand anything about crafting anything, manufacturing anything, economies, or money.


I tell you what, let's be fair. Darthjello, are you by any chance a published economist? Or have you managed a product that made, oh lets be easy on you, at least $1 million dollars in a year? Maybe even just an industrial engineer? If so, then please, hop on your jet and fly on over to Bioware HQ for a friendly game of squash and some tips on managing an in-game manufacturing economy. If not, then please, continue to contribute little nugs of your as yet unrecognized genius to this forum, but note: There are over 1,000 topics on this exact same subject in this forum alone. Any one of those will do, pick one, I'll promise you you don't have a single thing to say that hasn't been said in every one of those before. I assure you, the Darthjello name on the front of the topic there isn't going to be the one that BW looks at and says "Oh lord, Darthjello is here, we really don't know anything about crafting or money after all. Get him on the phone to save our game NOW!"


And to the rest of you out there that do have some interest in the economy of the game beyond using it as a pinata to blindly bash with your freshman social studies economic theory: I know I'm playing right into their hands by encouraging, prolonging, and bumping this topic. But please understand, I had to say it just once, for sanity's sake, just this once. I promise I won't do it again. :D

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Problem is when you hit 50. Then pvp gear outranks all crafted stuff. Maybe some crafted gear looks better but pvp gear have both piece and set bonuses. So crafted stuff will only be selling till we all have grinded Huttball endlessly and gotten the valor 60 pvp sets and all look the same.


Only ones who will be able to keep making creds are the biochem guys. Rest of us are screwed.

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Seriously, most vendors and quest rewards give you the same or better then you can craft.


i found that what i can craft is allways better than quest rewards or drops, or moddable items for the corresponding level, you dont need it but it makes questing easier, more enjoyable and gives you the edge. Additionaly you may provide items to the gtn or you help out frinds or guildies with gear

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you can't honestly believe crafting purples are worst off then the leveling quest rewarda and commendations? every epic mastercraft vibrosword I've made you would have to jump 2 planets in level difficulty to find a vendor to even match the raw base damage my sword ( match it not even top it) and even then it wouldn't offer all the stats my sword would.



also you are not screwed out of creds if you 50 and can't make gear comparable to 50 epics from pvp /raids. you should have a whole level 1-49 player base of epic weapon lines you can build and sell too. if you don;t that your own fault.

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you can't honestly believe crafting purples are worst off then the leveling quest rewarda and commendations? every epic mastercraft vibrosword I've made you would have to jump 2 planets in level difficulty to find a vendor to even match the raw base damage my sword ( match it not even top it) and even then it wouldn't offer all the stats my sword would.



also you are not screwed out of creds if you 50 and can't make gear comparable to 50 epics from pvp /raids. you should have a whole level 1-49 player base of epic weapon lines you can build and sell too. if you don;t that your own fault.


The problem with only leveling gear being useful to craft is based on 2 things.


One, you are marketing to an unstable market.

Most people don't want to shell out a lot of credits on items they know will be outdated soon enough and if you can't make enough money off of the items you just end up throwing credits away.


Two, gear from level 1-49 just is not very important.

As long as you have some blues or do Flashpoints leveling up and you are somewhat competent at your class there is absolutely no need for epic gear leveling up.

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Seriously, most vendors and quest rewards give you the same or better then you can craft.

Blue quality is all you need while leveling, hell even some greens, its not like the game is hard in any way to require purple mods and gear.


I know for Bio-chem it's the purples I want.. They are re-usable, meaning I'll never have to make more than 1. They also require Bio-chem skill to use so that means all the resources I gather can go straight to Blue quality items.


Additionally let's compare a "Standard" and a Bio-Chem med pac.


Purple Level 24 Reusable Specalized Medpac (RSM)vs a Standard lvl 28 Trauma Medpac


RSM heals 2050 to 2500

TM 1750 to 2150


That's a huge difference in the middle of a fight. Also Bio-Chem lets you craft Medpacs that heal your companion!

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The problem with only leveling gear being useful to craft is based on 2 things.


One, you are marketing to an unstable market.

Most people don't want to shell out a lot of credits on items they know will be outdated soon enough and if you can't make enough money off of the items you just end up throwing credits away.


Two, gear from level 1-49 just is not very important.

As long as you have some blues or do Flashpoints leveling up and you are somewhat competent at your class there is absolutely no need for epic gear leveling up.


All that said, the biggest problem is the money sink required for the crafted items. To make sure you have artifact gear/mods available for when you reach a specific level, you have to farm your gathering missions because you're never going to find material nodes to craft gear for your level, much less for the levels higher than you. Then, not only do you have to burn credits doing missions, you have to burn a lot of credits doing missions, because you need enough materials to craft and re-engineer enough time to learn the artifact schematic you actually want in the first place.


And then, after you've sunk several tens of thousands of credits into learning and crafting this specific piece of gear, the commendation vendors will replace it with prototype gear in about 4 levels.


So yeah, you can get some use out of creating your own gear. But you're burning credits and time on creating something that, not only isn't necessary because you're essentially overgearing for content, but will also be replaced for free a few gameplay hours later.


That's why people are complaining about crew skills. Commendation vendors trivialize the gear curve, and completely overshadow crafted gear at level 50.

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i've gotten cybertech to 400 and i can say that the purple mods I can make are better than anything i can get with commendations or that is already in armor...relatively the same for blues...the blues I can make arent usually available until the next planet i get to.


Also a 400 cyber here and I gotta say I was rather depressed after doing my dailies and making some discoveries. Within the hour after hitting lvl 50 I already had my epic armoring and an epic mod recipes, I was ecstatic and made myself some. The following day I did my dailies and to my shock, the armoring I could buy from daily commendations absolutely trumped the epic armoring I could make as a cyber. Still having a personal variety with the mods is cool and all but that is just saddening in my opinion.


Just some personal ranting about crafting skills. As of right now the only benefit to having a 400 cyber is the reusable grenades. Even then I don't know how the numbers compare to say a biochem with the super stims. Say in an hour time frame, you have the same exact geared people doing the same rotations (yes I know crits can be random w/e), how much dmg is that grenade going to pull out compared to the stat boost dmg the biochem has?


So far it really looks like biochem beats out a lot of the other crafters. Reusable medpacs that absolutely kick *** and reusable stim packs that are better.

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Also a 400 cyber here and I gotta say I was rather depressed after doing my dailies and making some discoveries. Within the hour after hitting lvl 50 I already had my epic armoring and an epic mod recipes, I was ecstatic and made myself some. The following day I did my dailies and to my shock, the armoring I could buy from daily commendations absolutely trumped the epic armoring I could make as a cyber. Still having a personal variety with the mods is cool and all but that is just saddening in my opinion.


Just some personal ranting about crafting skills. As of right now the only benefit to having a 400 cyber is the reusable grenades. Even then I don't know how the numbers compare to say a biochem with the super stims. Say in an hour time frame, you have the same exact geared people doing the same rotations (yes I know crits can be random w/e), how much dmg is that grenade going to pull out compared to the stat boost dmg the biochem has?


So far it really looks like biochem beats out a lot of the other crafters. Reusable medpacs that absolutely kick *** and reusable stim packs that are better.


I don't see a reason grenades should have such a long cooldown. 90 seconds should be fine, IMHO.

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I have yet to craft an epic grenade as I have yet to step into a HM FP and thus I have no idea what the cooldown is on grenade usage.


I was only trying to use a scenario as a potential example if anybody could crunch the numbers to compare the dmg of a cyber with the epic grenade vs. a biochem with the epic stim.

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