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Kids = Republic, Adults = Empire?


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I thought the MMO community was past this whole "adults play evil, gritty faction, and kids play the good, 'pretty' faction"? There's nothing to suggest that either side is more mature than the other, and anecdotal evidence is generally worthless as there are thousands of interactions at any given moment that you aren't a witness to. Besides, as it has been mentioned, most people play both factions at one point or another; if not, then you're missing out on a lot. Edited by HarlequinForest
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I'm 15 and my first and main character is a jedi guardian 'goody-two shoes' character. When i get sick of making everything i say needing to be nice and polite i got ot my BH who is my empire toon. The thing is i can go for days on my JK and feel alright, but after about a day on my BH i feel sick with myself over what i am doing. That's why i got up to 100 LS points on him, i just couldn't bring myself to do the evil thing. Also i think of the new trilogy only episode 3 had any potential. Original trilogy was the best.
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This thread again?


Empire mostly, Bounty Hunter and Sith Warrior. Republic sometimes when I want to play a different class on a different faction, Trooper. I am 24 years old.


I can tell you that both General Chat stations are filled with immature idiots promoting angst and common trolling, you will never get rid of that. Empire may have more adults than republic, because kids want to be good, they want to be the hero, I was like that when I was a kid and there's nothing wrong. But I can say that they're probably split even.


We all have one thing in common, we're fans of Star Wars. When I get ganked, I don't get mad. I think to myself, hell yeah! Star Wars! When I gank someone I feel the same way, just not the victim this time lol. People need to set aside their differences and just play the game. Have fun, enjoy your faction or factions and get along with one another. The general chat is full of such negativity that no wonder everyone is up each others' throats.


Yesterday I encountered two lvl 44's on Voss and they kept following me around killing what I needed to kill because they could and they were bored, it's things like that that make people wonder if they're playing with il-manored children or adults.

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You know the story if you play WoW, if you dont, i'll fill you in.

The Speculation of the Bad guys Horde, Empire etc, are mainly played by Adults. And Kids being the Opposite. Some say its one of the main reasons the Empire mostly win in pvp. But i just thought, any age play what ever speaks to their personality or likes, whatever that means.

But this statement from my mate made me laugh because he transfered to the Republic, and he complains about loosing all the time on the republic side pvp. Anyway he said this "The only Reason the empire win all the time is because most of the empire players are kids and they just speed level up to 50 and not taking an intrest in the story!" I just sat back and said, "Bull$!$%, if i was to say anything it would be the republic side who have the most Kids on their side, thats why you cant win, but i know some 25 year old on the republic side, because they wanted to be a Trooper, and i know another one on the Empire. Dude, people just play who they want to. Oh, but being on the republic will mean you will loose loads mate! FACT"


My point being, is it the same as World of Warcraft where MOST adults go towards the evil path, or in the old republic's case is it that the adults go towards the Lighter side? Or is it a balanced mix of the two?


Just your opinion, i know its just silly opinion thread, but i think it would be interesting to discuss everyone elses point of views.


You dont have to be harsh, all i was wondering was your thoughts.




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I agree with the guy who suggested there's a "mid-range" demographic that prefers to play the "bad guys", that tends to be from the mid-teens to mid-twenties, and that people both older and younger are more inclined to play the "good guys".


I can only speak for two people though, aged 29 and 36, both playing Republic.


I would actually imagine this is the truth.


Young kids always want to be the good guy hero


Then the teenage angst makes them want to be the "gritty dark" person


And then they go back to good because they don't want to be associated with the teens. lol

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However, its fact that empire wins more pvp battlegrounds.


I think its because more little kids play republic. They want their heros of the movies. Kids with 12+ can be better in pvp then 40+ adults, but a 6-10 year old pulls the hole team down.

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I am 26, republic and we (mates I play PvP with) win 90% of the WZ and I am quite sure LOADS of kids play Empire cause they want to shoot lightnings out of their fingers with red glow eyes and being such a tough guy overall. :rolleyes: Edited by Ishkur
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My point being, is it the same as World of Warcraft where MOST adults go towards the evil path, or in the old republic's case is it that the adults go towards the Lighter side? Or is it a balanced mix of the two?


Just your opinion, i know its just silly opinion thread, but i think it would be interesting to discuss everyone elses point of views.


You dont have to be harsh, all i was wondering was your thoughts.


Pretty sure it's a close balanced mix for both sides, just like horde/alliance in wow. However, it does appear that more players are rolling empire, so there is some population disparity. I guess the path to the darkside is easy and tempting afterall. :D

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I've played both sides, and I couldn't take more than 30-60 minutes empire side due to childish and rude behavior, and immature topics in chat. Also, the empire had more texting type chat like u for you. I know which side is filled with kiddies from my perspective.


After thinking about it though, I am not sure one side has a higher percentage. I think it's more that the empire has higher population which means you have more of every type.

Edited by Qoojo
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