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So I relaunched WoW to compare...


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In 1920x1080

The graphics were old, bad, wowish in a word.

But the rest, the UI, it was detailed and small, compact, clean in the bottom of my screen.


I do love SWTOR, but something is missing obviously. :eek:


ROFL......tell me the comparison in combat responsiveness.


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I went back to wow after Aion and made due. I tried going back after Rift and at that point it was so friggin ugly i wanted to poke my eyes out.


So even if it is missing something i suppose i am happy it isnt so ugly i want to hurt myself.

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ROFL......tell me the comparison in combat responsiveness.


In pvp...?

But before note that I LOVE SWTOR and want it to become my game for the years to come...


Sadly, SWTOR sucks big time in term of combat responsiveness, it's simply awful.

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I went back to wow after Aion and made due. I tried going back after Rift and at that point it was so friggin ugly i wanted to poke my eyes out.


So even if it is missing something i suppose i am happy it isnt so ugly i want to hurt myself.


Aion looked great. Unfortunately it turned into some crazy evil grind after L20.

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I went back to wow after Aion and made due. I tried going back after Rift and at that point it was so friggin ugly i wanted to poke my eyes out.


So even if it is missing something i suppose i am happy it isnt so ugly i want to hurt myself.


Ya, I log onto Rift after playing SWTOR and the detail difference is AMAZING to the point where I almost want to kiss my English bulldog on the mouth.


And the funny thing is, Rift runs at a higher FPS and doesn't run my PC nearly as hot.

Edited by Laeris
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Silly WoW Fanboys. You wont turn my TOR into WoW. No way no how.


I'm nowhere near a WoW fanboy and I'd love to see swtor with more customizable UI options and the addition of 3rd party addons. They can add significantly to the game experience if you chose to use them, and if not they have no effect on you. Before you accuse people of mindlessness you should consider what it is you're about to say.

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You purchased a month of wow gametime just to compare the graphics ? :o

Nope, I have the annual pass, I have WoW until November 2012 ^^ + Diablo III


But dont understand me wrong, SWTOR is my game, I want it to be the mmo for me.

But honestly, the UI scaling even on big monitors is terrible.

And the responsiveness in pvp is from the 90s...

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