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Crystal Ball as a Gunslinger is a PAIN!


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The quest "Crystal Ball" is a freaking pain while being a Gunslinger.


Mostly the part where you have to battle Lord ?? on Ilum (the woman Sith, the one that has a fling with her master, can't remember her name).


-- First you've got different clusters of mob that will turn aggro if you start a fight with ANOTHER group...

-- Then you get targeted while reviving yourself and STILL invisible.

-- After that, because of the previous point you tend to avoid enemy clusters, if you go around and fight the Sith Lord, another cluster will enter the fray. O_o

-- Also, if you get killed while fighting a cluster (by another cluster of course), the dead units of the one you were targeting RESPAWN! (Like it wasn't enough already!)

-- Finally, after making sure I was FAAAAAR from any other enemy cluster I confronted the Sith Lord only to have Guss disappear... somewhere... So I ended up fighting the Sith Lord and her remaining protector all by myself. At this point, after DYING AGAIN, I ragequitted by hitting ALT-F4.


I don't mind hard fights, but this is beyond ridiculous.


Word of advice: bring a friend if you can and it's possible.

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Yes, it's very stupid. I think I died like 6 times trying to do it. As a healer, having my companion CC'd completely (the Sith dudes with their force lift every 5 seconds for 5 seconds duration) makes it rough to solo 4-5 mob packs with non-improved dps spells. Edited by Maxvla
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Just got an email about the ticket I posted about this issue.


The ticket is essentially the same as the post above except for one thing I forgot to mention, and guess what the suggestion I got.


Resetting the UI? (***!?)

Abandoning/resetting the quest? (You do realize this quest spans several planets right!? I'm at the last leg, I will NOT reset the whole thing. Nuh uh!)


The icing on the cake: Resubmit the same damn ticket using a certain keyword (if the above didn't work). Wait, WHAT!?


In that new ticket I have to include toon name, server, etc... *** BioWare! Are you telling me ticket submission doesn't already include that information!? Serious eff'ed-up here.


And finally this:

Galactic Support is our speciality…


There's an error in that phrase; here, I fixed it for you:

Inane, inexcusable and irrelevant Galactic Support is our speciality…
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PVE on Ilum is the worst. As a scoundrel, the Imperial Officers can spot me and break me out of Stealth from attack range. It's ridiculous. I suspect they're the ones that are generating the long-range aggro and making res-invulnerability not work. I can't even vanish against them.


For whatever reason, some designer thought the game needed a unit to make Stealth classes miserable and in so doing, they broke the game for everyone.

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Wasn't that hard for me as a level 48 scoundrel at the time.


Make sure you clear the room before you engage her.


If you can't take her as a gunslinger during the first encounter, have guss CC her and take out her protectors. Then die (if you can't kill her then). She should be easy by herself and if you have the range advantage as a gunslinger.


Don't forget to stim before the fight and medpac during it.

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you know that tickets are for bugs, not just for quests that you arent skilled enough to complete?

please, dont waste support precious time over frivolities, there's people with real problems out there.


Yeah yeah. Big mouth. You're too good for this game. Go troll elsewhere.




I've never had a fight like that before. As soon as I start a fight with a group a second group will enter combat, even if I pick a remote group the closest group will enter the fray. I can take a group of 4 normal guys or 1 strong + 2 normal or whatever, but not 8 (two of which are strong) while Gus sits there doing nothing. Nuh uh.


As I said, Gus, for some reason, is bugging out and disappears. He actually teleports himself quite the distance from me and just stands there. He's not doing anything. No healing, no shooting at anybody.


I dare anyone to beat 8+ (at least 2 strong + rest) units in a fight.

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Abandoning/resetting the quest? (You do realize this quest spans several planets right!? I'm at the last leg, I will NOT reset the whole thing. Nuh uh!)


Slightly unrelated, but I just wanted to point this out.


When you hit reset on a quest, it will not force you to redo the whole quest length, but rather, the most recent portion of the quest you were on. There are flags that toggle when you complete certain objectives. By resetting your quest, you clear the progress of the flag you are currently working on. Nothing more.

Edited by Telyl
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Slightly unrelated, but I just wanted to point this out.


When you hit reset on a quest, it will not force you to redo the whole quest length, but rather, the most recent portion of the quest you were on. There are flags that toggle when you complete certain objectives. By resetting your quest, you clear the progress of the flag you are currently working on. Nothing more.


Thanks for the info. Wasn't entirely sure about reset. I know what Abandoning a quest does and thought reset would do the same thing but keep it assigned but unstarted.

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I did this quest as level 50 Sawbones. She's pretty easy if you clear the room before pulling her (she will make a random grp in the room come and assist her if you don't clear it).


Anyways good luck with her, and for the Scoundrels - don't use stealth much, if you're being marked either jump out of stealth or engage with a tranq.

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As a Scoundrel I usually use Risha and split incoming damage between us, but my tactics rely on stealth so as soon as I hit this room I had to think of something new. I hadn't really used Guss much until this point, but then I saw his value - even when being stunned by the Sith he was able to pop a few heals on me which was enough to deal with them. Not using stealth much and using LOS to bring the shooters to me, I was able to clear the room relatively easily. Of course, this was after I died about 4 times trying to clear it my usual way.
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  • 1 month later...

I've just tried this for the first time with my gunslinger. I'm pretty good about clearing out rooms before boss encounters, but I have to agree, this is pretty ridiculous.


My issue comes from the commander and sith apprentice in the middle. The commander's gas canister that prevents cover is such a monumental pain in the ***. It's one of those things that seems to be there just to screw over gunslingers, I mean after all, who else loses the majority of their attacks from that? The CC from the apprentice is a joke too as there is no activation for it so you can't interrupt it. I was able to win using the strategy of killing one, dying, killing the other, but that left my armor in tatters and finally broken.


I'm not trying to say this is impossible, nor am I saying that everything should be easily handed over. This is me just being frustrated and finding a place to vent with a few like minded people.


Oh well, back to Ilum...

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I managed to do it solo once I had gotten some better gear, i.e. did a few hardmodes. Either do that or ask a friend along to help. Also I started on the right and worked my way slowly to the left side of the room. Edited by Tetrablade
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Yeah, the encounter is silly. Clear the room (use flyby while you burn down the elite(s) of each group). Then on her use either Corso (time the Harpoon as an interrupt) or Guss, and make sure you stay close enough to use your non-interrupt interrupts (Pulse, Dirty Kick, Percussive Shot).


Or do enough Belsavis dailies to get two 126 barrels first.

Edited by flem
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I can't wait for you to fight darth Arho. He was actually a challenge.


I have no advice for a GS but for the scoundrels out there I just have to say that it is easiest too bumrush an officer with tranq and then kill the other guy. Also, if you haven't figured it out by now, when facing a boss always use disappearing act and then go cc the main enemy as you take out the rest of the adds.

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The Darth Arho fight was fun! I actually did it on my second attempt, narrowly died on the first one. Wish I could do it again, I think it was probably the best fight in the entire game.


I know it was super fun. I died first attempt too. So many people in my guild are having trouble with it. They NEED two people to do it. They think I'm lieing when I say I soloed it. It should be a daily... or something just to prove to all of them that I actually did.


Still my favorite battle was with the lightspring quest as difficult as it was. It offered something really different from the standard "get through my rotation and hopefully they will die" routine. The encounter just before this is how I always imagined the smugglers story would go.

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  • 1 month later...
I had over 100,000 credits prior to this quest and was going to get a level 3 speeder. Now I have died about 25 times and have almost no credits left. I can't abandon it nor can I get any other quests due to having this one. Tactics that work on one quest don't work on another so I am used to changing, but I have found no way to keep massive hits form knocking me out while Corso is still over half way from death. My new tactic is looking for other games to play. I will not start another character and I will not be an IMP. I am more than 3/4 gone from this game. Legacy, ha, I'll take my legacy to ME3, Bioshock Inf, or Diablo 3, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc....
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Do you guys know what the second M in MMO stands for?


Bring.... a.... freaking... friend!


Just because it is soloable doesn't mean you HAVE to solo it. It's even more fun to have someone along to back your play.


Near-impossible solo becomes challenging but fun with a friend. Hell, I helped someone do their final class quest and we still wiped the first time and that was with two people and two companions. Some quests just crank up the difficulty factor to 11, so why torture yourself by soloing?


Now, it may be bugged, I don't know - I just did the Directive 7 flashpoint and there's one area there where there is a known bug that causes it to turn into a subway station at rush hour except all these commuters want you dead - but in general terms, just get someone to go with already.

Edited by Nexdine
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Do you guys know what the second M in MMO stands for?


Bring.... a.... freaking... friend!


Just because it is soloable doesn't mean you HAVE to solo it. It's even more fun to have someone along to back your play.


Bringing a friend isnt a bug fix and to suggest that people should stop talking about the issue because there's a "workaround" is a little lame.

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Do you guys know what the second M in MMO stands for?

There are already many topics considering this part. Chain is stupid. It's not hard - it's just stupid. As it makes stealth-player to play non-stealth and clear zones. Same way as any commando would do. And it's not about skill of using tranq, sneak and stealth or something like that. It's not even about the gear, as it does not require too high one, actually. It's about strange (not to say bad) missions design.

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