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Sith Assassins: Please post your broken skills here


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Overload on the sorc is poop too as it * majority of the time * doesn't affect lvl 50 players in PVP * shielded or not *


Many times i have missed with it and it doesn't KB or even KD an opponent.

I have 100% acc and im in full champ gear and it misses i would guess around 75% of the time LOL


I have since then stopped using it because of its utter garbage success rate.

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I have a lvl 50 assassin tank and despite always upgrading my gear i was unable to beat any of the class bosses i had to get guild members to assist me with virtially all the class bosses and the final fight againt thanaton a frined of mine on a juggernaught tank solo'd it without a companoin after i tried to kill him with talos up healing me
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Not to mention that Maul's animation is STILL broken and sometimes the attack stops mid-way.


Electrocuting your target, getting behind him, clicking Maul...only to have the attack fail 2-3 times. Target gets up again and resumes the fight. Yay, wasted 10 seconds and half my force bar for nothing.

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I have a lvl 50 assassin tank and despite always upgrading my gear i was unable to beat any of the class bosses i had to get guild members to assist me with virtially all the class bosses and the final fight againt thanaton a frined of mine on a juggernaught tank solo'd it without a companoin after i tried to kill him with talos up healing me


Sometimes it's tactics... I was Darkness tank and the trick with Thanaton was to use Drelik (which you should anyway all the time) and once you engaged pull Thanaton away from your companion so he doesn't catch the ground AE effects. Then just keep moving and beat him down. For me the hardest was actually Zash, but after the 3rd attempt on same level I cracked her too.


But on topic, for me the most annoying broken thing is STEALTH. If I force cloak away in combat I still get hit and come out of stealth immediately that's just not right.

Edited by Neska
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That's just wrong! How the f! did you get it that high? were you perma-spamming death field and dots? I assume you were lvl 50 gear vs lowbies.


They had some lowbies yes just like my team and im not madness im deception all that dmg is single target people need to learn how to play before the go screaming we need a buff.

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Force Cloak is broken in pve. (Why is Vanish *always* broken?). It isn't the companion, it isn't a DoT. I cloak with companion dead, then go to seethe and I'm still in combat. Buggy Buggy Buggy. This worked just fine in earlier beta builds.


Force Shroud does not prevent all stuns/effects. I'm not sure which ones are hitting me, but I was under the impression that force and tech attacks were all there were... Is this some kind of "Heroic Magic" I don't know about? I use this ability to cross incinerators on huttball so I can't get stunned on the pad, but either bounty hunter or sniper have some ranged stun that is getting through my shroud, or that there is a disparity between the graphic and the duration of the actual ability.


I feel like my damage is in a good place as a deception assassin in mostly champ stalker gear. I've yet to see an ability crit over 4k, especially maul, though it has crit 3.5k.


I am aware that operatives put down higher crits than I do, as well as generally do more damage than I do in a match, but that is a far cry to calling for them to be nerfed. Without a combat log, I can't make a good determination. As I see it, they dump energy into someone and if they're alive after that, its time to bend over, which is exactly what happens if I'm still alive after their openers.


As far as gap closers go, that is laughable. Stealth and Force Speed make for a brutal combo, as does force slow. My only problem getting to targets is the knockback/root thing that people have going... That is the bane of my existence.


Broken Skills? Yep, we've got them. Broken Class? I do just fine.

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As an assassin i lol'd http://oi42.tinypic.com/if2v7d.jpg


Very impressive. I got into the 350 range last week, but we had 2 baller healers, so I had zero downtime. Assuming the same happened to you here.


Most of the time I'm running the ball because its the only way I'll ever finish my daily :p


Also, does anyone know why I queue for Huttball and sometimes get into this weird place with big guns or a ship? So odd. Must be a bug. Keep looking for the ball. I'll post back when I find it.

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Note that was a VoidStar.


Which means it could've been a pretty effing long warfront


It was a full duration Voidstar yes but correct me if im wrong its still 15min just like huttball if im not mistaken. Note not trying to come off as an *** or eltist i just dont think the class is broken some of the abilitys sure but the class as a whole is fine in my opinion.

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It was a full duration Voidstar yes but correct me if im wrong its still 15min just like huttball if im not mistaken. Note not trying to come off as an *** or eltist i just dont think the class is broken some of the abilitys sure but the class as a whole is fine in my opinion.



I think nwe're fine overall. But I do see the maul bug where the animation resets itself, or when I low slash someone and get behind but then get told that the required condition is not in effect


Also, full duration VoidStar >>> Huttball simply because of how everyone is funneled in VoidStar. Huttball is stupidly annoying because all the narrow ledges and crosswalks. That, combined with the lag (yes, I expect the knockback) makes avoiding falling off really, really annoying.

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I think nwe're fine overall. But I do see the maul bug where the animation resets itself, or when I low slash someone and get behind but then get told that the required condition is not in effect


Also, full duration VoidStar >>> Huttball simply because of how everyone is funneled in VoidStar. Huttball is stupidly annoying because all the narrow ledges and crosswalks. That, combined with the lag (yes, I expect the knockback) makes avoiding falling off really, really annoying.


I agree 100% voidstar is way better just saying the time duration is about the same.

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I often get 400k+ damage in warzones and most of the time im over 200k damage with 9-12 medals... this is solo queueing without any kind of team support. Darkness spec in dark charge with guard up.


If you cant get the 75k damage medal and the 2.5k damage medal then you need to get 50 and buy some epic gear from the market, or seriously learn to play.

Edited by SynapseX
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Another one:


We, as a class, often have difficulty gaining PvP medals in of all things, damage. I think this is a perfect indication of the state of our class.


??? Getting the 75k and 2.5k ones are very very easy the 5k one is pretty hard unless you get an expertise buff and the 300k one depends on the game but that doesn't really matter since there's three protection medals you can get just by taunting :S

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iI'm a darkness tank as well. I used Talos and I admit he gave me a heck of a time. I just pulled him away from Talos (he isn't so smart and refuses to move while healing) and just interrupted all of Thanaton's casts. We have 3 interrupts 4 if you count our lovely knockback. I beat him at lvl 49 so it's doable. Edited by pheonixf
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I have a lvl 50 assassin tank and despite always upgrading my gear i was unable to beat any of the class bosses i had to get guild members to assist me with virtially all the class bosses and the final fight againt thanaton a frined of mine on a juggernaught tank solo'd it without a companoin after i tried to kill him with talos up healing me


iI'm a darkness tank as well. I used Talos and I admit he gave me a heck of a time. I just pulled him away from Talos (he isn't so smart and refuses to move while healing) and just interrupted all of Thanaton's casts. We have 3 interrupts 4 if you count our lovely knockback. I beat him at lvl 49 so it's doable.

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Regarding Tumult, realize that every class has a copy of that ability. For BH it's Shoulder Slam. For SW it's Savage Kick. For IA's, it's Headshot. It's a situational PVE ability that doesn't see much use from anyone, but everyone has it. It's hardly a "broken skill", because literally everyone in the game is on the same footing with that ability. It doesn't represent a disadvantage to any other class in the game, in any setting. Edited by Harwel
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Medals are easy to farm on an assasin.


The 2 protection ones

2.5k hit

2.5k heal

5k heal

75k dmg

Killing blow

Solo kill

25k dmg

10 kills

25 kill


By my count that's 11 medals that are easily gotten, with a variance of around 1-2 per match.

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