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I am lvl 45 and concerned about this game..


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OK, while I do understand that it is fun accomplishing a goal which is to get to 50 and then going after the awesome gear. What really comes after that? I can only WZ so much and my server hardly has any republic to make Ilum worth while...


Now I did WoW for 7 months and the same thing happened. The only game that I truly stuck with was eve-online. It was a sandbox and everything was player influenced making things always interesting through out the game. In my opinion Eve-Online is the best game on the market hands down.


I just see a lot of us hitting 50 and then getting bored. I'm really not liking the end game content that my lvl 50 guild mates are doing and we're all concerned that this game will have a very hard time keep people interested and subscribing to this game. Is anyone else in the same predicament?


I'm not one to lvl every type of class. I'm more of a stick to one class kind of guy and I do think that this game should be able to entertain the players that like to do one class along with those who like to do multiple classes. I really could have done without all the dialogue if it meant better content and more things to do. I spacebar through the conversations more times than not.


Something isn't right with this game guys....Is it just met who sees this or are other people concerned and thinking about the same thing as well?

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OK, while I do understand that it is fun accomplishing a goal which is to get to 50 and then going after the awesome gear. What really comes after that? I can only WZ so much and my server hardly has any republic to make Ilum worth while...


Now I did WoW for 7 months and the same thing happened. The only game that I truly stuck with was eve-online. It was a sandbox and everything was player influenced making things always interesting through out the game. In my opinion Eve-Online is the best game on the market hands down.


I just see a lot of us hitting 50 and then getting bored. I'm really not liking the end game content that my lvl 50 guild mates are doing and we're all concerned that this game will have a very hard time keep people interested and subscribing to this game. Is anyone else in the same predicament?


I'm not one to lvl every type of class. I'm more of a stick to one class kind of guy and I do think that this game should be able to entertain the players that like to do one class along with those who like to do multiple classes. I really could have done without all the dialogue if it meant better content and more things to do. I spacebar through the conversations more times than not.


Something isn't right with this game guys....Is it just met who sees this or are other people concerned and thinking about the same thing as well?


It may just be that this game isn't for you, unfortunately. It's themepark style MMO, not a sandbox style, and that's by design. While I understand how much you enjoy Eve, you've got to realize that it's an extremely niche market. While there's a number of folks who love it to death, most MMO players are drawn to other styles.


Eve's a good game for the style it's created in. SWTOR just isn't aimed at that niche, though.

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I don't see how people can think this game is going to have a hard time keeping people entertained at end game when they are already adding in another flashpoint and a bunch of bosses to one of the operations. There's so much more stuff to do at 50 than any other MMO had at launch.
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OK, while I do understand that it is fun accomplishing a goal which is to get to 50 and then going after the awesome gear. What really comes after that? I can only WZ so much and my server hardly has any republic to make Ilum worth while...


Now I did WoW for 7 months and the same thing happened. The only game that I truly stuck with was eve-online. It was a sandbox and everything was player influenced making things always interesting through out the game. In my opinion Eve-Online is the best game on the market hands down.


I just see a lot of us hitting 50 and then getting bored. I'm really not liking the end game content that my lvl 50 guild mates are doing and we're all concerned that this game will have a very hard time keep people interested and subscribing to this game. Is anyone else in the same predicament?


I'm not one to lvl every type of class. I'm more of a stick to one class kind of guy and I do think that this game should be able to entertain the players that like to do one class along with those who like to do multiple classes. I really could have done without all the dialogue if it meant better content and more things to do. I spacebar through the conversations more times than not.


Something isn't right with this game guys....Is it just met who sees this or are other people concerned and thinking about the same thing as well?



The dead end is a symptom of the level based design. The fact is that level based game design have a planned obsolescence. Its why games like Ultima Online and SWG have staying power after years, but people get bored of the endgame gear grind in World of Warcraft and leave.


Why developers think its fun to run the same high end crap over and over again chasing after a piece of ugly gear escapes me...and I played WoW for 7 years. I finally got bored and unsubscribed last year. I have no desire to grind for gear anymore in WoW, or in this game for that matter.

Edited by Thamelas
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I don't see how people can think this game is going to have a hard time keeping people entertained at end game when they are already adding in another flashpoint and a bunch of bosses to one of the operations. There's so much more stuff to do at 50 than any other MMO had at launch.


There really isn't more to do at 50 than other games. It's probably comparable but definitely not more.


Also, seeing is believing. People will believe there is a commitment to endgame when they see it. I think there is a bit of a credibility problem right now due to the time it's taking to fix bugs.

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Its a common trend with new mmo's nowadays. Developers can't make the 'end-goal' too hard to get, cuz players will complain, but if you make it too easy, players will get bored.


If you make no end goal at all (exp gets exponentially harder to get every lvl but there's no lvl-cap), then players can get too big of an advantage over others and the balance will be gone...


So, whats a developer to do? Invest a huge amount of effort into the first part of reaching the end goal, and see how fast players are leveling. Try to anticipate on that and then try to focus on making more endgame material. All the while, fix bugs, get new subscribers and make sure everyone stays happy... In my opinion theyre doing the best they can so far.


It's quite a job making it all happen! And come on, we're not even 2 months after launch and people are complaining already??? Give it some time.

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Yes...but End Game is my concern here..


PvP, Operations, HM Flashpoints, finding spare datacrons and filling out my codex, rerolling for a new story, single player quests you didn't already complete, they're even adding 4 more encounters to the KP operation!


I'm sorry, but when people say there's a lack of stuff to do right now all I can think about is what a daunting task it would be to complete all of that. Game on, I say.

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I don't see how people can think this game is going to have a hard time keeping people entertained at end game when they are already adding in another flashpoint and a bunch of bosses to one of the operations. There's so much more stuff to do at 50 than any other MMO had at launch.


except no one will ever do that Flashpoint (Wait till 50 and you will understand why no one does flashpoints...) and those extra bosses will take about an hour at most to finish...


When you can finish all content at end-game in about 3-4 hours a week...There is very little to do...except sit and grind out pvp all day long...


Here comes a WoW reference:


WoW only had 1 raid at the start, MC - but that raid was tuff - MOST guilds doing Molten Core took multiple days just to complete it if you could even complete it and learning those raids took weeks/months for most guilds just to be able to down all the bosses - This left fresh content to work on multiple times a week (10+ hours a week) for the first couple months of release.


SWTOR's raid content is so easy that it takes 3 hours to complete it with a PUG and then you have nothing else to do.

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OK, while I do understand that it is fun accomplishing a goal which is to get to 50 and then going after the awesome gear. What really comes after that? I can only WZ so much and my server hardly has any republic to make Ilum worth while...


Now I did WoW for 7 months and the same thing happened. The only game that I truly stuck with was eve-online. It was a sandbox and everything was player influenced making things always interesting through out the game. In my opinion Eve-Online is the best game on the market hands down.


I just see a lot of us hitting 50 and then getting bored. I'm really not liking the end game content that my lvl 50 guild mates are doing and we're all concerned that this game will have a very hard time keep people interested and subscribing to this game. Is anyone else in the same predicament?


I'm not one to lvl every type of class. I'm more of a stick to one class kind of guy and I do think that this game should be able to entertain the players that like to do one class along with those who like to do multiple classes. I really could have done without all the dialogue if it meant better content and more things to do. I spacebar through the conversations more times than not.


Something isn't right with this game guys....Is it just met who sees this or are other people concerned and thinking about the same thing as well?



SWTOR is about the JOURNEY between level 1 and level 50, NOT getting to level 50.


If you loved the game with your current character, start a new one and enjoy what story line has to offer and then try the completely different story line on the Empire's side.



WoW originally was the same thing. You got to level 60, played for a few weeks and then quit if you were not interested in the level 60 end game material, which took almost a year to become worth while.


It will be many months before SWTOR has a valid end-game, but enjoy the different story lines in the mean time.

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PvP, Operations, HM Flashpoints, finding spare datacrons and filling out my codex, rerolling for a new story, single player quests you didn't already complete, they're even adding 4 more encounters to the KP operation!


I'm sorry, but when people say there's a lack of stuff to do right now all I can think about is what a daunting task it would be to complete all of that. Game on, I say.


The most 'obvious' thing to do would be to reroll, but that isn't going to keep MMO players. Most follow the "Play a Main' method and won't go for replaying characters over and over just to see different cutscenes.


Also, I would imagine quite a few MMO players aren't going to have much interest in filling out the codex either. For better or worse a lot of MMO players want endgame dungeons, raids, and gear.

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SWTOR is about the JOURNEY between level 1 and level 50, NOT getting to level 50.


If you loved the game with your current character, start a new one and enjoy what story line has to offer and then try the completely different story line on the Empire's side.



WoW originally was the same thing. You got to level 60, played for a few weeks and then quit if you were not interested in the level 60 end game material, which took almost a year to become worth while.


It will be many months before SWTOR has a valid end-game, but enjoy the different story lines in the mean time.


See I want to stick with one character and enjoy the game with him and make him elite status. I'm not trying to troll here but surely you guys do understand some of the points I make. I also have never started an MMO at launch. So I am willing to give this game 3 months(once I hit 50) which is a fair amount of time to decide if there is an end game.

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PvP, Operations, HM Flashpoints, finding spare datacrons and filling out my codex, rerolling for a new story, single player quests you didn't already complete, they're even adding 4 more encounters to the KP operation!


I'm sorry, but when people say there's a lack of stuff to do right now all I can think about is what a daunting task it would be to complete all of that. Game on, I say.


Don't forget all the super secret stuff in this game too, like the +10 stats datacron insanity and the mind boggling magenta adegan crystal. Who knows what other mysteries of the universe we haven't heard about that are in this game...

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Here's an idea. While waiting for more end game (which will come), why don't you level other characters up to 50 so when you do get all that lovely end game you're looking for, you'll have more level 50 characters to play with. Just a thought.
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except no one will ever do that Flashpoint (Wait till 50 and you will understand why no one does flashpoints...) and those extra bosses will take about an hour at most to finish...


When you can finish all content at end-game in about 3-4 hours a week...There is very little to do...except sit and grind out pvp all day long...


Here comes a WoW reference:


WoW only had 1 raid at the start, MC - but that raid was tuff - MOST guilds doing Molten Core took multiple days just to complete it if you could even complete it and learning those raids took weeks/months for most guilds just to be able to down all the bosses - This left fresh content to work on multiple times a week (10+ hours a week) for the first couple months of release.


SWTOR's raid content is so easy that it takes 3 hours to complete it with a PUG and then you have nothing else to do.


You must have been in a very good guild. My guilld with 250 members, could not even get the required 40 , we had tp borrow from other guilds. No LFR those days. And it was tough, very very hard.

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Don't forget all the super secret stuff in this game too, like the +10 stats datacron insanity and the mind boggling magenta adegan crystal. Who knows what other mysteries of the universe we haven't heard about that are in this game...


Lol now you're sounding like a developer trying to hype up a themepark linear game model

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Here's an idea. While waiting for more end game (which will come), why don't you level other characters up to 50 so when you do get all that lovely end game you're looking for, you'll have more level 50 characters to play with. Just a thought.


As I said earlier I just don't see this working. A lot of MMO players typically play a Main and probably aren't going to want to reroll just to keep busy.

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Also, end-game is highly dependent on an end-game community and there is none right now.


now cmon man not everyone when they buy the game logs in at 50 lol its 2 mons old

not everyone who buys a MMo is mashing the spacebar on the great quest to be lvl capped journey. cmon now lol.

Edited by Jiintao
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SWTOR's raid content is so easy that it takes 3 hours to complete it with a PUG and then you have nothing else to do.



8 man content yes. It's absurdly easy. 16 man is a different beast. Maybe not for the super ultra elite top 1% of the best 1% of raiding guilds out there, but for everyone else it's no cake walk.


I would love to see a 16 man PUG do Soa. The cluster-**** that is phase 3 is pretty ridiculous.

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See I want to stick with one character and enjoy the game with him and make him elite status. I'm not trying to troll here but surely you guys do understand some of the points I make. I also have never started an MMO at launch. So I am willing to give this game 3 months(once I hit 50) which is a fair amount of time to decide if there is an end game.


I totally understand that, and with the game as it is currently, nothing is preventing you from doing that, the only issue is that getting Elite wont take you more than a couple weeks from what I understand and then you don't have much else to work towards.


Which is why at that point, you need to remember what this game is about (Level 1 to 50 content) and start playing that again.


SWTOR is not and will not be a game where we focus on End Game content for many months to come, but it will come (assuming Bioware wants us to keep subscribing monthly).




Just change your perspective on alternates. They are not "optional" in SWTOR, they are pretty much mandatory if you want to experience the game to its fullest and get your money out of it.

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PvP, Operations, HM Flashpoints, finding spare datacrons and filling out my codex, rerolling for a new story, single player quests you didn't already complete, they're even adding 4 more encounters to the KP operation!


I'm sorry, but when people say there's a lack of stuff to do right now all I can think about is what a daunting task it would be to complete all of that. Game on, I say.


The new chars are not endgame content, but I agree that the lvl content is ace and I dont think I had seen such a good lvl content before. it is fun, you want to know more - but the day will come, when all Stories are told and then?



Endgame right now is pretty much running dungeons. While this is great fun with the right people, its boring with the wrong ones. I know how hard it is to find a good guild, not everyone has that luck - so that content is nothing for them. Also a LFG tool would not change this, as wow is boring as hell on max lvl - for such group content you really need a guild with nice people, else its a short trip and wont last very long. You just run after items in the end.



What I currently miss is the chance to do more with the companions. They should be able to advance, like a second class. Their Story´s are great too - this also should play a bigger part in endgame.


Also the crafting system needs more content. It is fun to lvl to 400 but then, what to do now?

I miss crafting of other games, where you can create a new piece of Armor by doing a long quest chain, which takes days. Right now some stuff does take hours if crafted, thats nice - but it should be more complex. Go hunt a special animal for its hide that you need, something like that. Not the go into a dungeon every day maybe you have luck to win the craft item, of which you need 3.

The animal should be rare, to find 1 might be easier but if you want another armor then you must wait very long until another one has grown up etc.



I really love the game, I still lvl my first char and it will take a while for me to finish the lvl content of every class. But the day will come when Im done and then I would love an endgame that isnt all about going into dungeons all the time.

I belong to those people that go once into a dungeon and then its done. The demon, monster or whatever is dead - I dont want to hunt for gear like at wow anymore.


How is it possible that the same demon that I killed last night, is there again? :)

Edited by RachelAnne
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