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Cloaking screen


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2 questions:

- does it break on damage received?

- how long does it last when fully trained?


Yes. Most annoying when a competent opponent uses a pbaoe of some kind to break you out of it.


You have super-stealth for 10 seconds. After that, it reverts to normal stealth. It doesn't break unless you take damage or do an action to break it.

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So you must cleanse all dot's prior to using cloaking screen. That might be pretty hard to do.


Does evasion remove all dots? If so I guess have to save evasion for use with cloak.


Yes, evasion drops dots. A concealment talent adds a sprint to cloak screen, makes it a bit more manageable to dip around to hidden strike, or to dodge out of pbaoe range.

Edited by Verg
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and you also have an instant cast with 4.5sec cd and low energy cost that cleanses out 2 physical/tech debuffs if evasion is on CD.


one thing i am unsure, is that with evasion adding 100%melee immunity for 3secs, since we usually pop it to use cover screen, does that immunity means that if we are hit with a kinetic/energy aoe while in cover screen+stealth, does it break? i think it doesn't but i didn't reach that high in beta.

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What exactly does pbaoe stand for? I understand the aoe part but the pb is new to me.


Assuming it's the same as in other games then it's POINT BLANK aoe so it's aoe that centres around the caster I guess, like errr frost nova/arcane explosion if you played that OTHER game.

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Assuming it's the same as in other games then it's POINT BLANK aoe so it's aoe that centres around the caster I guess, like errr frost nova/arcane explosion if you played that OTHER game.


I always assumed the pb stood for peanut butter. Thanks for the clarification though. Now I'll be less hungry whenever I see that acronym.

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