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Are high res out of the game because of the PC heat issues?


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Vsync caps the fps at 60, but while playing without, there is not FPS cap = more pressure to the system. atleast thats the case with my pc, and all my friends i do pvp with. They have the same issues.


And yes, I can easily *feel* the difference in vsync on or off. My mouse feels much smoother, and my char runs/reacts smoother as well. I play with 40-50 latency ingame.


I also know that not every game is as the same negative effect from vsync, but swtor does on my pc, and my friend's pcs, as well as a huge amount of people around the net. I notice the difference in WoW as well. Not everyone has the same issues, but lots of people does.


When i played 2400+ rating in wow, vsync on or off had atleast had a great impact, for ME, on MY comp. This is the case for a lot of others as well.


If you have a nvidia card turn frame prerendering off that will reduce your input lag.

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Heat issues are NOT caused by any game. They are caused by poor cooling.


You can easily use programs like Furmark to max out your GPU's load for extended periods to test your cooling system. This is more than any game could possibly do in a real-world application. If you do this and have acceptable temps, you should be fine since you should have the same or lower temps in SWTOR.


Check your ventilation, thermal compounds/pads, and fan speed.


Very very wrong. Software has been known to cause excessive heat. Remember starcraft 2 and how it fried peoples video card at the title screen?

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I am sorry these are all largely false assumptions that your vid card is hitting high temps due to swtors cut scenes.


What could cause overheating however is the drivers for your card but not the actual game.


The reason why people are probably complaining about higher temps with the cut-scenes is because they are getting higher fps during them, which makes sense.


The more fps you get the higher your temps will be.


I'm still not seeing anything out of the ordinary, though. With VSync off my temps just crack 60c on one card and stay high 50's on the other. With VSync off they are both in the mid to high 50's. And this is with SGAA forced through the CP, which will put more load on my cards and cause higher temps than normal. That's actually lower than Crysis, BF3, TW2, and quite a few other games.

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Why would you purposely sit on a quest dialog and try to heat your computer? How does this make sense?


Fail logic is fail >.>



People are doing it to confirm or disprove and issue with the GPU/cooling system (read: its for science)


Now excuse me while I purchase another tank of liquid nitrogen for my computer

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I love how people blame games and optimization for their problems but yet most don't share their experiences. Even if there are all these internet claims, no one is running out posting about how their machines are not overheating so the perception is skewed. For the record I have an Alienware with an I7 and a GTX 580 and my fans rarely even turn on in the game.


......Do you think everyone run on an expensive alienware comp made only for gaming?.. I have a pretty good rig as well, with very good cooling, and my only prob with SWtor is that it makes my comp heat up a lot more compared to other more intense games. but my comp still remains cool enough.


BUT, the problem is this:


The majority play on normal comps with much worse cooling then alienware/special built comps = the majority gets the heat issues.

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Very very wrong. Software has been known to cause excessive heat. Remember starcraft 2 and how it fried peoples video card at the title screen?


That was the same as this, people overheating their computers. Yes it was poorly optimized which resulted in 100% load at the title screen, but that should not overheat you if you have proper cooling. When I said "Every time a big new game comes out you see people claiming that it makes their computers overheat" I was referring directly to the SC2 example. If you get a crapton of people to buy a game, like for SWTOR and SC2, the small percentage with heat issues on their computers will amount to enough individuals to make a bunch of noise on forums like this. That doesn't mean it isn't their fault though. As these forums prove, many people who play these games lack basic knowledge about how hardware and software interact. Eg. the guy earlier in this thread insinuating that SWTOR fried his PSU.

Edited by TostitoBandito
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Games can only stress your PC to 100 percent load. Your computer should be able to cool itself at 100 percent load. if it cannot cool itself at 100 percent load, something is wrong, but it is not swtor.


if you are complaining about the game being poorly optimized, that is a different story. The game might make your components run harder than other games, but there should never be a heating issue. So really the only valid complaint would be regarding fan noise.


It is impossible for swtor to destroy any of your PC components.


Unfortunately it's much easier to blame a game for such problems than it is to blame either oneself or the manufacturers of the PC and its components.


The thing is that the game cannot 'fix' a problem that it isn't the direct cause of - the game is at most only a facilitator for the problem to show up, but it is no more to blame for crashing or overheating your PC than a stress-test or benchmarking tool is.


The only thing a game can do is put in artificial restrictions that throttle the useage of certain components so they don't get pushed past the point where problems start to occur. A forced FPS cap in games is an example of this.


THAT is not a fix of the problem however, it's a band-aid, a workaround to try and avoid the issue altogether. It's the equivalent of the government trying to solve the problem of car accidents by forcing car manufacturers to put a speed limit in every car that limits it to a topspeed of 40km/h. Yes you'd almost never crash, but we wouldn't call that a fix for car accidents now would we?

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That was the same as this, people overheating their computers. Yes it was poorly optimized which resulted in 100% load at the title screen, but that should not overheat you if you have proper cooling. When I said "Every time a big new game comes out you see people claiming that it makes their computers overheat" I was referring directly to the SC2 example. If you get a crapton of people to buy a game, like for SWTOR and SC2, the small percentage with heat issues on their computers will amount to enough individuals to make a bunch of noise on forums like this. That doesn't mean it isn't their fault though. As these forums prove, many people who play these games lack basic knowledge about how hardware and software interact. Eg. the guy earlier in this thread insinuating that SWTOR fried his PSU.


Do you expect or believe that every consumer that plays SWtor has a modified alienware rig with super efficient cooling like yourself?

We have good cooling, and most of the posters here at swtor prolly does have an above average decent rig and some clue, but the majority play on pc's that are NOT optimal cooling wise.


So yes, there is a reason why blizzard added a FPS cap, because they know not everyone spends 50000$ on their computer or cooling, but rather spends their money on something else, but still expect to avoid most of the issues. Because if the game wont run on the normal consumer's comp, he cancels his sub = bad business.

Edited by fendergibson
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......Do you think everyone run on an expensive alienware comp made only for gaming?.. I have a pretty good rig as well, with very good cooling, and my only prob with SWtor is that it makes my comp heat up a lot more compared to other more intense games. but my comp still remains cool enough.


BUT, the problem is this:


The majority play on normal comps with much worse cooling then alienware/special built comps = the majority gets the heat issues.


This is still not true.


I have yet to see one case of *anyone* having heat issues. Not a single person, as far as I know, has reported a real issue. You'd think if the "majority" had problems, at least one would have mentioned it by now.

Edited by imtrick
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OP wants a FPS cap option but refuses to use vsync lmfao. before you complain you need to learn nomenclature kiddo.


Vsync adds slight input lag compared to vsync off for me. I dont click my abilities with my mouse, like you prolly do yourself, and i try to play as optimal as i can in pvp, so i play with it off, just like many others who has the same issues with it on.


You need to smarten up, "kiddo" :)

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Do you expect or believe that every consumer that plays SWtor has a modified alienware rig with super efficient cooling like yourself?

We have good cooling, and most of the posters here at swtor prolly does have an above average decent rig and some clue, but the majority play on pc's that are NOT optimal cooling wise.


So yes, there is a reason why blizzard added a FPS cap, because they know not everyone spends 50000$ on their computer or cooling, but rather spends their money on something else, but still expect to avoid most of the issues. Because if the game wont run on the normal consumer's comp, he cancels his sub = bad business.


You can build an inexpensive machine, under $1000, that can play SWTOR and is well cooled. For the record, my laptop cost me a shade over $2000, so it was not ridiculously expensive either. I'm not using some uber-expensive FalconNW boutique $5000 desktop. It is essentially a souped-up Dell laptop. The assertion that you need to spend a ton of money to have a fast and properly cooled machine is BS. You just need knowledge or the patience to do some research and educate yourself.


I mainly blame the computer manufacturers for this. OEM's release these components that generate a ton of heat, and then computer manufacturers sell them to people in laptops and desktops with inadequate cooling and call them "gaming" machines.


Then the other part of it is people who don't know what they are doing building their own custom PC and not knowing how to manage heat properly. They find the fastest most powerful stuff they can get and cram it all in a case and don't want to spend any money or effort to make sure it is cool and reliable. Not just hardware, but also things like actively managing your fan speeds so they are more aggressive than stock. Little things like that can make a HUGE difference.

Edited by TostitoBandito
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I have this problem, this game makes the cooler on my GTX 580 run much faster than any other game does.


TostitoBandito: You are free to come along parroting that I don't know how to cool a PC or whatever, as you have done multiple times in this thread, but you don't know me and don't know what you're talking about.

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I lol'd.


My computer is brand spanking new, and what most would consider top-of-the-line. Maxed graphics + brilliant framerate with little toll on my CPU when playing Crysis 2 / Skyrim I have FIVE fans, plus liquid cooling, plus heat pipes and a fan on my video card. This thing is a practical block of ice; however, it heats up significantly more when playing SWTOR.


The game pushes processor power to the extreme, and is known to cause heat issues.


It's no coincidence that this is the only game I play in which these issues show face. This game's optimization is pretty horrid, but they did what was required to push the game towards release.


Here's hoping patches mend this little by little.

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You can build an inexpensive machine, under $1000, that can play SWTOR and is well cooled. For the record, my laptop cost my a shade over $2000, so it was not ridiculously expensive either. I'm not using some uber-expensive FalconNW boutique $5000 desktop. It is essentially a souped-up Dell laptop. The assertion that you need to spend a ton of money to have a fast and properly cooled machine is BS. You just need knowledge or the patience to do some research and educate yourself.


I mainly blame the computer manufacturers for this. OEM's release these components that generate a ton of heat, and then computer manufacturers sell them to people in laptops and desktops with inadequate cooling and call them "gaming" machines.


Then the other part of it is people who don't know what they are doing building their own custom PC and not knowing how to manage heat properly.


Yes, but the majority isnt a computer scientist :) They dont know how to buy a proper "built" pc, and they dont even spend nearly 1000$ on a stationairy comp, and 2000$ for a laptop comp that isnt even portable and obsolete in 1-2 years is way too much imo.

I went the 1000$ stationairy built route myself, and im happy i did, but i know that most people i know think thats a lot for a comp, because they rather spend their money on more important things, which i can totally agree on.


Again, its not just me seeing the issue with SWtor heating up more than other games. And it doesnt help that YOU have a 2000+$ alienware rig with modified cooling either, because only 1% is so stupid that they pay that amount for a laptop that works as a gimped stationary.

Edited by fendergibson
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I have this problem, this game makes the cooler on my GTX 580 run much faster than any other game does.


TostitoBandito: You are free to come along parroting that I don't know how to cool a PC or whatever, as you have done multiple times in this thread, but you don't know me and don't know what you're talking about.


So your fan is spinning faster, and still isn't maxed? What is the issue here, fan noise? What are the temps now? What are te temps if you set your fan to max speed?


And what is with the personal attack? I have not replied to a single post of yours, to my knowledge. Not even sure why I'm replying to this to be honest...

Edited by TostitoBandito
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So your fan is spinning faster, and still isn't maxed? What is the issue here, fan noise? What are the temps now? What are te temps if you set your fan to max speed?


The temps are within range but the issue is that a poorer graphics quality game should not cause fan spin ups. The game is great, it is just not utilizing its resources efficently.


With more optimizations among other things greater performance can be achieved with cooler and smoother results in game.

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The majority play on normal comps with much worse cooling then alienware/special built comps = the majority gets the heat issues.


True in itself, but potentially misleading given that there's no evidence that the majority of SWTOR players are getting heat issues.


All new releases result in the boards being full of performance complaints, not least because no game is fully optimised at launch, plus a lot of people are drawn to a game regardless of whether their system meets the recommended specs. The fact that there are a lot with this game is primarily a reflection of the number of people playing the game - the vast majority of whom aren't posting on boards because they're happily playing the game without any problems.


I don't level this comment at you personally, but the people who criticise those who argue that because they don't have any problems no-one else can, are usually themselves guilty of saying that because they do have problems so must everyone else.

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The temps are within range but the issue is that a poorer graphics quality game should not cause fan spin ups. The game is great, it is just not utilizing its resources efficently.


With more optimizations among other things greater performance can be achieved with cooler and smoother results in game.


I 100% agree with everything you just said about the lack of optimization. I don't think anyone is disputing that.


The issue is claims that the game, by itself, can damage/destroy system components that operate at normal temperatures in other games and stress tests and are properly cooled. Sure SWTOR might cause more CPU/GPU load than other games, but that by itself should not be a major problem.


And, as I've said a bunch and will keep saying, Furmark/Prime95 will tax/heat a system as much or more than any game will. This is a highly recommended baseline and/or troubleshooting step for those with thermal issues, so long as you carefully monitor temps during the test.

Edited by TostitoBandito
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This whole thread doesn't make sense. First, the high-res textures don't actually stay on during conversations. You might see them briefly (I do), but they quickly revert to medium textures for the rest of the conversation. Thus, high-res textures aren't causing any heating problem that you might be experiencing because you aren't actually using high-res textures for any extended period of time.


Second, if your GPU is overheating, then that's a problem on your end. If your system can't handle 100% load, then it was designed poorly. There are some applications that are known to make GPUs overheat (e.g. FurMark), but a well-designed system shouldn't have any problems with them. Indeed, even FurMark can only tax your GPU at 100%. Perhaps you should try running FurMark on your system to see what happens? I can run it without trouble on my PC, but I also don't experience any heating troubles when playing SW:TOR.


Finally, you could try playing the game in fullscreen (windowed) mode. Then, vsync isn't an issue at all. I play in this mode anyway, because it lets me see what's happening in the game when I tab out to check on something. Good stuff!


(And before you ask, I play at 1920x1200, max settings.)

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The temps are within range but the issue is that a poorer graphics quality game should not cause fan spin ups. The game is great, it is just not utilizing its resources efficently.


With more optimizations among other things greater performance can be achieved with cooler and smoother results in game.


This exactly, is my problem too. My comp is still running in the "safe" zone, but i have very good cooling and run skyrim maxed at 50 celsius. So for people with less cooling this is a much larger problem. Also its annoying that my fans kick in while playing swtor, but not when i play any other game or MMO with more intense graphics.

Edited by fendergibson
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So your fan is spinning faster, and still isn't maxed? What is the issue here, fan noise? What are the temps now? What are te temps if you set your fan to max speed?

I have not been monitoring the temps because I have the system set to alert me if it breaches my 100C threshold, and I know my cooling solution will never let it reach that. The problem is indeed fan noise, and I don't feel like replacing my cooling solution with an even quieter one just because one game pushes the GPU temp up that high, I'd like Bioware to optimise things better.


And what is with the personal attack? I have not replied to a single post of yours, to my knowledge. Not even sure why I'm replying to this to be honest...

I'm just tired of seeing you talking down to people so much, someone needs to put you in your place. You probably don't even realise how patronising you're being, makes me feel embarrassed to be a "tech-head" when I see my fellows acting like that (and it's common).


Feels bad to be talked down to the way I talked to you, doesn't it. Take note, because now you know how others feel when you talk to them like they're idiots.

Edited by PJEBarlow
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This whole thread doesn't make sense. First, the high-res textures don't actually stay on during conversations. You might see them briefly (I do), but they quickly revert to medium textures for the rest of the conversation. Thus, high-res textures aren't causing any heating problem that you might be experiencing because you aren't actually using high-res textures for any extended period of time.


Second, if your GPU is overheating, then that's a problem on your end. If your system can't handle 100% load, then it was designed poorly. There are some applications that are known to make GPUs overheat (e.g. FurMark), but a well-designed system shouldn't have any problems with them. Indeed, even FurMark can only tax your GPU at 100%. Perhaps you should try running FurMark on your system to see what happens? I can run it without trouble on my PC, but I also don't experience any heating troubles when playing SW:TOR.


Finally, you could try playing the game in fullscreen (windowed) mode. Then, vsync isn't an issue at all. I play in this mode anyway, because it lets me see what's happening in the game when I tab out to check on something. Good stuff!


(And before you ask, I play at 1920x1200, max settings.)


I dont have issues with Furmark either, and SWtor doesnt kill my comp, but SWtor heats my comp up much much more then other more graphic intense games or mmos like skyrim, BF 3, Rift, Age of conan, crysis etc. THIS is the problem, its badly optimized.

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I lol'd.


My computer is brand spanking new, and what most would consider top-of-the-line. Maxed graphics + brilliant framerate with little toll on my CPU when playing Crysis 2 / Skyrim I have FIVE fans, plus liquid cooling, plus heat pipes and a fan on my video card. This thing is a practical block of ice; however, it heats up significantly more when playing SWTOR.


The game pushes processor power to the extreme, and is known to cause heat issues.


It's no coincidence that this is the only game I play in which these issues show face. This game's optimization is pretty horrid, but they did what was required to push the game towards release.


Here's hoping patches mend this little by little.


5 fans, liquid cooling, heat pipes a fan on your gpu and it's still heating up?

you have major issues and your cooling setup is a mess

If your cpu is liquid cooled running an air cooled graphics card is daft.

one requires airflow through a case and over components the other requires airflow through a radiator mixing the two is a very bad compromise.


I run a liquid cooled setup, cpu & gpu in one loop with a 120.3 Rad with 3 slow 1000rpm fans and the coolant never goes above 45c

Edited by Woodspoon
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Vsync is a 60 fps cap (at 60Hz refresh rate & single frame present interval). You're going to have to explain that one, considering you're following it up with the allegation that they can't program their game properly, and considering how you are unlikely to know how the frame presentation of the Hero Engine is coded.


You guys do know that the human eye cant register much difference past 60 FPS right, anything else is just stroking your EPEEN.

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