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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Jedi Sentinal vs Imperial Agent


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What am I missing here?


You can't force leap to them because they are behind a shield. So you run to them, all the while they are hitting you for 3k-5k. Then you get to them and you can't interrupt the attacks so they have no incentive to move. And it appears they have no distance minimum for channeled abilities so they keep hitting you for 3k-5k when you are right on top of them.


And they have a knock back to boot to put you at distance again.


Is this fight really designed to be this unbalanced?

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the only classes meant to play pvp are Ops, sorcs, mercs and their conterparts... you mean you didnt know that???


Get ready b/c people are going to harass and flame you and consider you a bad player b/c youre having issues fairly facing an agent. You know... god forbid that perhaps a sentinels utility is faulted.


One of the things the bioware team tried to do is solve the WoW issue of wow acidently making casters being op in comparison to melee dou to the squishyness of the range archetype. Thus they created their crown jewel of the CC vs CC break. In doing so, somehow they ended up absolutely massacring the Jedi/sith melee class in the process. they were fearful of giving them too many stuns, charges and gap breaks. the end result you have a broken class incapble of having a realistic battle agaisnt anyone who is ranged.


I fight one of the, A jedi/sith mele leaps to me, i always instantly knock him back, then i fire on him. He breaks the gap by running to me, i stun him, he breaks the stun i kite him for a sec then i cc him again. then i finish him off. Or i stealth, stun him then 3 shot him.



Edited by LeonkRAV
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What am I missing here?


You can't force leap to them because they are behind a shield. So you run to them, all the while they are hitting you for 3k-5k. Then you get to them and you can't interrupt the attacks so they have no incentive to move. And it appears they have no distance minimum for channeled abilities so they keep hitting you for 3k-5k when you are right on top of them.


And they have a knock back to boot to put you at distance again.


Is this fight really designed to be this unbalanced?


pssft easy. Force Camo, Force Stasis, Dot, hit hit hit

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And it appears they have no distance minimum for channeled abilities so they keep hitting you for 3k-5k when you are right on top of them.


Yeah, it should be harder to fire a gun at point blank. The target is right in front of you, much to easy.

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The key to playing a marauder in warzones is really to queue with a healer or tank guarding you or both. I watched this 17k health marauder who was guarded by a tank+healer just shred everything he touches for the last week or so.


I'm not sure if you can use it while in cover, but you could try using force push while they are in cover when you are rooted or whatever when they are going for the big burst. Otherwise just stasis/camo.

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The key to playing a marauder in warzones is really to queue with a healer or tank guarding you or both. I watched this 17k health marauder who was guarded by a tank+healer just shred everything he touches for the last week or so.


I'm not sure if you can use it while in cover, but you could try using force push while they are in cover when you are rooted or whatever when they are going for the big burst. Otherwise just stasis/camo.


Teamwork pays off in any situation, it just doesn't work to run around alone in this game. That said, shadows/assassins are good against agents/smugglers in addition to the originally mentioned agents and smugglers from what I've seen.

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