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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Port to ship option?


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Never gonna happen.


Sometimes class story scenes play out as you enter your hangar.


Stop being lazy.


I could do without these pointless areas, not sure what BW was thinking.


Maybe you should play Pac-Man. MMOs aren't for you.

Edited by RazielHex
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Yeah that sure would improve the quality of life in game. Put it on a 1 hour cd.


There really is no need for all the fat such as airlocks, elevators, long hallways and running through the actual hanger which is instanced just for you.


^^The hardcore "nothing is fun unless it sucks" crowd can still do the schlepp, if they like.

Edited by Die_Scream
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There really is no need for all the fat such as airlocks, elevators, long hallways and running through the actual hanger which is instanced just for you.




That's how these things would actually look like and be like.

Edited by RazielHex
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That's how these things would actually look like and be like.

Yes, but there's a fine line between implementing realism to provide entertainment through immersion, and just irritating the player base with repetitive copies of something that amounts to nothing more than wasted time and space (pun and no pun intended).
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That's how these things would actually look like and be like.


I was thinking how real SWTOR looks last time I was in a spaceport.:rolleyes:


That argument never works. You aren't hardcore unless your toon must spend an hour in the john each morning!:)


As I said, you can run it all day, i don't care. How about the same consideration?

Edited by Die_Scream
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Up to four doors? What spaceport is there that has four doors between the spaceport fast travel point and your ship? The worst one I can think of only has two.

Lets assume you are on Voss, 1 for the shuttle to the orbital station, 2 if you count the elevator as a door, 3 for the airlock and 4 your ship.

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That's how these things would actually look like and be like.


So in a world where you can go faster than the speed of light with a laser sword on your belt, its inconceivable that the same ship can't maybe drop down to the planet's ground level and pick you up?

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The orbital stations are pretty much entirely pointless. Everything that they contain could have just been put on the planet in question with 2 fewer zone-changes.


This game is in LOOOOOOOOOVE with elevators; every place you go needs to have five of them, apparently. :(

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Using the ship is nothing but an annoyance. I wish I didn't have to deal with it altogether. It gets old to go through the exact same looking spaceports every where I go.


It would have been nice if each zone had a few landing pad areas where you could go to call up your ship and have it land to pick you up.

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Maybe Bioware underestimate just how tedious it is after several dozen trips. People don't like it, that's why fast travel came to be in the first place.


They had to make some silly decisions because it's a themepark MMO though. Like running across two maps to turn in a quest. You can't just holocall them? They have sentient droids!


I can live with that, since, yeah It's an MMO. The elevators and space stations are wasted resources and time for players IMO.


If the option is there to skip it after you get the ship 1st time, that'd be fine.

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Hey I'm all for realism and don't mind making concessions for it but the long haul to my ship does get rather tedious after doing it tons of times. It's on my minor 'ugh' list though. If not a QT to the ship it would nice to at least have a QT node in some of the space ports that takes you to where the hanger bays branch out of. Coruscant space port I'm talking to you especially! That one is an expedition. lol
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