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@Bioware Please lower repair costs


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shut the hell up. my guild is server 1st and we know pretty well what we have to do.


as said, lvl up yourself, mister lvl5 and shut up till then, smartypants troll




Problem exists between keyboard and chair.

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In tribute to SaltAU's uberness Bioware will introduce permadeath. Not just for your character, but your whole account will choke and take your PC with it. Either you L2P or you will be replacing a lot of hardware to pay the penalty for your inferior skills. After all, this isn't about fun.
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Pro Tip: Don't keep going into the same bugged instance. You will save yourself a steep repair bill and humiliation on the forums.


Not being a jerk, telling it like it is man. I could say the same thing if every time I went on an elevator I jumped up in the air to cause the free fall bug. Though I kept doing it for hours and hours and hours.


I mean seriously, how many times do you need to touch the red hot stove before you realize it will keep burning you?


or this.

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Hmmmm. I have not raided yet. I haven't had a problem with current repair costs. But like i said I haven't raided yet.. hmm. Not sure. Needs to be investigated if it is a serious issue though. We are aware of the ops bugs though, Which is why we plan on waiting. Wait for it to be fixed, PVP or do other stuff for the time being. 3/5
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In tribute to SaltAU's uberness Bioware will introduce permadeath. Not just for your character, but your whole account will choke and take your PC with it. Either you L2P or you will be replacing a lot of hardware to pay the penalty for your inferior skills. After all, this isn't about fun.


I think permadeath is a little harsh. I'd appreciate if you did not troll the general forums thank you.


I am saying that death in games should mean being better at what you do. if you are average to bad, which I honestly think is the problem here, then you should be better.


If you are good at your class then take Ortofs absolutely obvious suggestion. DO NOT start crying on the forums asking for content or game nerfs.

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Or they could lower repair costs inside certain flashpoints till they get their game fixed. That too.


OK so you in fact do need someone to stand right next to you and keep telling you, "don't touch the stove".......


On that note I am going to bed. that is the line in the sand. These trolls/complainers/wow people/internet fodder have simply become beyond my believe. Seriously, it is literally beyond my comprehension the lack of common sense anymore.


I guess blaming something/someone else is an easier route though. Don't see how, must be an accountability thing or not wanting any.

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Well, as far as I noticed SWTOR tries to evade a problem of every MMO (and in general cRPG) where cash is useless because there's too much of it. Problem lies in a constant (and unlimited) cash supply in the game's world. Making our cash flush away prevents a hyper-inflation, and is granting the credits some worth.


Of course, system will eventually erode - most MMOs switch to the item-based currency after some time (I gues that in case of TOR it would be materials or mods), due to farmers, hardcores playing 12+ hours a day, glitchers etc. But it is very important to prevent the cash barons in the early stage of live, when the new players are still incoming and balance between players is still shaping. I can only applause to that.


So my dear Bioware - keep our online lives expensive.

Edited by dadamowsky
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If the repair price is high and you know there is a bug. Why you keep going back?


Wait until they fix the bug. Do something else that will make you credits.


It is kind of dumb to keep walking home in the same direction and falling into that same hole that you know is there because you fell into it yesterday. Wait for the sidewalk to be repaired before going home that way again.

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lvl up to 50 , get epic gear and wipe 5 hours in a flashpoints BECAUSE OF BUGS, then come back here and open your mouth.


If you have issues with it don't run it until bugs are fixed then. Kinda silly to keep banging your head against the wall and then complain about bugs.

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Repair costs are way to high, as are skill costs. I can't even train my skills to par, which means I'm less effective, which means more repair bills.


Thanks for the second job Bioware, in this economy..oh wait, it's pretend money.


Bet the gold farmers love this.

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Repair costs are way to high, as are skill costs. I can't even train my skills to par, which means I'm less effective, which means more repair bills.


Really? I've had no trouble purchasing all my skills while leveling up (both class and trade skills), along with speeders and stuff. Money practically falls from the sky in this game. As long as you don't blow it on the GTN every time you have change in your pocket, paying for training is easy.

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  • 6 months later...


The penalty for death is pretty much non existant. Which i absolutely despise!


Lowering the repair cost? You may as well make every character in the game indestructible, whats the point of even trying if there is zero penalty for dying? If anything the repair costs should be raised significantly.


your selfish arrogance truly astounds me. Why not ask for perma-detahs while your at it. Not everyone is a hardcore player or a heck even a good player. Repair costs increase exponentially and some bosses can be really hard requiring several wipes to learn the tricks to beat him. Credits dont come by THAT easily, especially with the inflation in this game.


If you want greater penalties so badly go throw away some credits as a personal punishment everytime you wipe. Dont seek to make life more miserable for others.

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3 hardmode flashpoints, with it's bugs and learning death: 45K cr repairs


it's WoW all over again... by night do instances, by day farm for money and buffs...


and 45 k is...... 2-3 dailies in Black hole so what? 15-20 minutes at most?


45k is nothing at all!

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