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Continuing at level 50


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Basically, I've finished my class quest, which I have to say was a pretty good story. People complain about the story sometimes, but I honestly don't see where they're coming from at all. In fact, I've gotten my character to look dang near perfect the way I want them to look. Dual red sabers, matching dark armor for my dark side character, they look like a real hero of sorts.


My problem is that I basically feel as though this character is "finished". After you do your class quest, all of the magic in the game kind of sinks out. Doing anything else, all the customized gear goes out the window and my character gets all ugly and unsatisfying, throwing out all the work I did leveling on gathering gear that I liked. And pvp is a joke with that pvp stat "expertise" basically ensuring that any 50 is god-mode compared to even the level 49 players. Really, the game just doesn't entertain me once you take out the story element. It's just a continuous grind to get... well, nothing that I really even want.


I feel like the only thing I can really do at this point is to just keep making alts and hope things change, but at the same time, if things don't change I don't want 3-4 level 50 characters in a game that I don't want to play at all anymore. It just seems like a waste of time.

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Well you can say the same thing about any RPG, lets take KOTOR for example. After you finish the story line the game ends and you need to make a new char or stop playing it. That isn't really a waste of time is it? Edited by Korton
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Basically, I've finished my class quest, which I have to say was a pretty good story. People complain about the story sometimes, but I honestly don't see where they're coming from at all. In fact, I've gotten my character to look dang near perfect the way I want them to look. Dual red sabers, matching dark armor for my dark side character, they look like a real hero of sorts.


My problem is that I basically feel as though this character is "finished". After you do your class quest, all of the magic in the game kind of sinks out. Doing anything else, all the customized gear goes out the window and my character gets all ugly and unsatisfying, throwing out all the work I did leveling on gathering gear that I liked. And pvp is a joke with that pvp stat "expertise" basically ensuring that any 50 is god-mode compared to even the level 49 players. Really, the game just doesn't entertain me once you take out the story element. It's just a continuous grind to get... well, nothing that I really even want.


I feel like the only thing I can really do at this point is to just keep making alts and hope things change, but at the same time, if things don't change I don't want 3-4 level 50 characters in a game that I don't want to play at all anymore. It just seems like a waste of time.


It's got really weak endgame at the moment. I'm waiting to see what happens with their big content patch at the end of January.

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Well you can say the same thing about any RPG, lets take KOTOR for example. After you finish the story line the game ends and you need to make a new char or stop playing it. That isn't really a waste of time is it?


Yeah, but this is an MMORPG...


You need things to do when you hit level 50.


Leveling alts shouldn't be the "hook" of your game.

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Yeah, but this is an MMORPG...


You need things to do when you hit level 50.


Leveling alts shouldn't be the "hook" of your game.


Exactly my fear, I'm nearing lvl 50 myself, sure I can gear up my char and my companions, but making an alt is not something i want todo, because lets face it, the class story might well be done well, but the rest of the quests get very tedious quickly, and repeating those, listening to the voice over on missions to go kill or collect stuff is well, long winded and dull to me.


I'm sure more endgame will come in time, as far as im aware no other mmo shipped with much endgame content anyway, but alts are a no go for me and im sure many others.

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exactly I love the story had a lot of fun leveling (felt like i was playing wow + mass effect)


except now there is nothing left to do... I do some warzones but they are the same ones I have been doing since I was level 10....


also my story just kind of ended felt like the npcs were like thanks for doing all this stuff for us... we didn't really give you anything cool or reward you for all your hard work but be sure to respond when we call on you again some time!


Also I don't feel like replaying any other story after realizing all of the "important" decisions you make lead you to the exact same point in the end...


6 years of developing for a decent RPG and a below standard endgame... they failed hard on this one... i've unsubbed already due to having full gear and sitting on fleet with my thumb up my butt

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What do you mean nothing to do after Lv 50? have you completed all the heroic versions of the flaspoints? have u completed all the Operations size flaspoints if there is any atm?


there are but hardmodes are pretty much the exact same instance as the normal and although I never do raids I've talked with a buddy who does and he says with the bugs its pretty crappy...


endgame is FILLED with bugs and the animation delay makes trying to play with any sort of skill unbearable....


the endgame feels like a 2006 Alpha of some mmo...

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What do you mean nothing to do after Lv 50? have you completed all the heroic versions of the flaspoints? have u completed all the Operations size flaspoints if there is any atm?


If i want to do flashpoints or "instances" i will go play WoW... seriously, why did an old concept have to be reused...? Its one thing i have hated is the flashpoints.. Heroic Quests i actually enjoy.. the Flashpoints can fly a kit with its WoW following...

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This is really concerning.


First of all, if you've killed the game in less than a month, you need to turn off the computer and perhaps relate to people outside of the Internet. Play scrabble or monopoly!


Secondly, if you were to look at how WoW developed overtime, you'd realise how this will evolve too. I'm sure many would remember DAoC... This was no different.


Thirdly, please remember that only a small percentage of people are level 50 at this point.


I'm truly hoping that this doesn't fail, as I'm currently 38 and enjoying the solo game, even though I'm with my guild. I'm hoping the game has some raid encounters and some real world PvP in development which will keep us hooked.


I'm not there yet but I hope you're wrong!

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This is really concerning.


First of all, if you've killed the game in less than a month, you need to turn off the computer and perhaps relate to people outside of the Internet. Play scrabble or monopoly!


Anyone who progresses faster than you is clearly a basement dwelling nerd, and anybody who doesn't progress as fast as you sucks at the game. AMIRITE?

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Well you can say the same thing about any RPG, lets take KOTOR for example. After you finish the story line the game ends and you need to make a new char or stop playing it. That isn't really a waste of time is it?


That is not a great position for an MMO to takes. Forward progression should always remain king, rolling an alt should be a diversion. Not a requirement.

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Well you can say the same thing about any RPG, lets take KOTOR for example. After you finish the story line the game ends and you need to make a new char or stop playing it. That isn't really a waste of time is it?


There's a couple problems with this. 1. There's a monthly fee with this game. 2. Because there's a monthly fee they put massive time sinks into the game to make it take longer to experience all the content.


If they took all the time sinks out and removed the monthly fee, yeah, it would be probably the best single player RPG ever created. But it's not, it's an MMO that's intended to keep you playing forever.

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What do you mean nothing to do after Lv 50? have you completed all the heroic versions of the flaspoints? have u completed all the Operations size flaspoints if there is any atm?


You consider doing the same exact flashpoint/operation you already completed but with bigger numbers and maybe a new ability or two as new content? Really?


The more we accept this kind of garbage the more of it we're going to get. I don't see the fun in grinding content (even if the numbers are bigger) for random item drops. That lost its allure back in the 90s. I'm not a rat in a skinner box. I want something dynamic and fun for end-game rather than the same old mundane loot treadmill.

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He doesnt want to do FP or ops, doesnt want to level an alt, doesnt want to do PVP. Well? What the heck were you expecting? All you got left are dailies. In your mind you've basically completed the game, got all the gear you want because it looks cool and nothing else interests you. What more could you ask for?
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Level 50 is just terribad in this game. I'm mean really, honestly, horribly, unfinished terribad.


If your reading this thread and not 50, just slow down, chill out, don't worry to much about getting to 50, because once you get there, the game, for all intents and purposes, is over.


1-49 is *GREAT*! I seriously never enjoyed a mmo so much before.


50 however, is AWEFUL. There are 30 minutes worth of dailes on illum to do, some pvp and really no trade skills to speak of, some world bosses, and flashpoints.


Additionally, I'm tired of apologists making up excuses for poor content.


If anything, given all the opportunity swtor has had to look at other games and see where they were lacking, means there is even LESS excuse for swtor to be like this at 50.


- P

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He doesnt want to do FP or ops, doesnt want to level an alt, doesnt want to do PVP. Well? What the heck were you expecting? All you got left are dailies. In your mind you've basically completed the game, got all the gear you want because it looks cool and nothing else interests you. What more could you ask for?


I just don't want my character to get actually worse if I decide to "progress" through raids or by PvPing more. And I want an actual reason to do this limited content that isn't "he has purples, kill him!" It's all just very boring. The storyline is great, yeah, but as soon as you get all your abilities there basically isn't a story anymore and you're left with a very boring, very average game in just about every other respect.

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If you're not interested in raiding or repeating things you've already done whether it be via an alt or hard modes that's it. Time to move on.


I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I've found myself doing that in all the games I've played since EQ. Max my character, see the sights once and move onto the next game.


I enjoy the discovery and exploring a new game world. Running the same wheel tracks over and over isn't for me. Really enjoyed SWOTR sp far because of the story. Just a shame they have chosen to stick to the old and tired "endgame" formula.

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Well you can say the same thing about any RPG, lets take KOTOR for example. After you finish the story line the game ends and you need to make a new char or stop playing it. That isn't really a waste of time is it?


What about old Ultima Online or Eve Online? The games more or less starts when your char is completed.

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He doesnt want to do FP or ops, doesnt want to level an alt, doesnt want to do PVP. Well? What the heck were you expecting? All you got left are dailies. In your mind you've basically completed the game, got all the gear you want because it looks cool and nothing else interests you. What more could you ask for?


He clearly does want to do some of these things. He just doesn't want to lose all of his character customization and the storyline that drove us through all the grindy parts of the game. What more you could ask for is--more. That's why they're charging a monthly fee, is to provide more.


The complaints about max-levels being forced to use generic gear is a real problem, as everyone eventually will see. Likely will be altered eventually, but it needs to be pointed out, certainly no harm in that.

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He doesnt want to do FP or ops, doesnt want to level an alt, doesnt want to do PVP. Well? What the heck were you expecting? All you got left are dailies. In your mind you've basically completed the game, got all the gear you want because it looks cool and nothing else interests you. What more could you ask for?

Some valid reason to do dailies/PvP/FPs? Other than the fact that you're paying for subscription. I've heard they have tiered gear, vanity items, titles, PvP and raid progression, and even achievements to encourage people to do endgame content in a certain game, abbreviated as WoW. The question is whether we have to wait 6 more years to get something like this in SWTOR or if we're stuck with creating more and more alts for the rest of our play time.

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