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Sith chain of command


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Having a whole lot of guys with blaster rifles does tend to make one less likely to take a Sith apprentices crap. While there maybe a heirarchy on paper, the real truth is that you have as much authority in the SE and you can hold. You have as much respect as you can inspire. If an apprentice gets slapped down by a Moff, the apprentice either takes it or doesn't. If he takes it it make his boss look bad and that has ripples. If he does and force chokes the Moff, he makes the Moff and his patron look bad but that also has ripples.


strength grants you power, if I am quoting right

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Sith apprentices are like the spoiled rich children of CEO's.


Non-force users are like the executives.



Yea while you are interning at the company you have to technically do what you're told but everyone knows who your dad is so you are given free reign.

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So is there actually a set chain of command or what?


Sort of. The military has a clear chain of command. Sith lords are basically independent, answering only to the dark council and the emperor (Darths can't just boss lords around, but they are usually stronger and have enough influence that lords stay out of their way). Acolytes are under the orders of the overseers, and apprentices answer to their masters.


Imperial military grunts basically take orders from any sith, but command ranks can speak equally to apprentices, and the Moffs and other high ranks (like Keeper) can talk to anyone short of the emperor and at least be listened to (because, as has been noted, they are very influential, and also very valuable to the empire.) The imperial military can't command sith of any rank, but high command has the influence to make requests of high ranking sith.

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Sort of. The military has a clear chain of command. Sith lords are basically independent, answering only to the dark council and the emperor (Darths can't just boss lords around, but they are usually stronger and have enough influence that lords stay out of their way). Acolytes are under the orders of the overseers, and apprentices answer to their masters.


Imperial military grunts basically take orders from any sith, but command ranks can speak equally to apprentices, and the Moffs and other high ranks (like Keeper) can talk to anyone short of the emperor and at least be listened to (because, as has been noted, they are very influential, and also very valuable to the empire.) The imperial military can't command sith of any rank, but high command has the influence to make requests of high ranking sith.


Okay so how does the relationship between say an Imperial sergeant and an Acolyte work out?

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It's not really so black and white I don't think.


Remember how Tarkin ordered Vader around in the movies? It wasn't because he was higher ranked than Vader (Even though he kinda was), it was because Tarkin had control over everything that involved the Death Star. The Emperor put him in charge specifically for that. Darth Vader was out of his area of jurisdiction, so to speak.


I'd say that and Sith is above anyone who isn't a Sith BUT, a higher ranking Sith can assign a lower ranking Sith to be under the command of a non sith. Like the Palpatine did to Vader, though that's I'm pretty much only guessing here. Not to mention,


if a Moff is in control of something specific, I don't think a normal Sith can disobey him in regards to what he controls. Like if a Moff controls Hoth, if he says this Sith can't kill republic troops on Hoth, the Sith must obey. But that doesn't mean that the Moff can tell this Sith what to do on Hoth, that is only the case if the Sith's master tells him to serve that Moff.


But that's all just guessing really :/.



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The only non force users in the Sith empire who aren't subservient to force users are the Emperor's Imperial Guard.

This is not true. In the IA questline, Grand Moff Regus on Ilum explicitly states that he does not take orders from Darth Malgus at one point when the two disagree about how to proceed with a task. I get the impression that the Imperial chain of command disintegrates into politics at the top level, with the only clear authority being the Emperor - whose seeming absence perhaps accounts for some of that ambiguity.


The Sith seem to be a sort of nobility. That places them in a higher social station than an Imperial, hence the honorifics "my lord" and so forth, but does not necessarily grant them an actual command. Ostensibly then they can compel individuals of lower station to act but not hijack missions in the same way. An Imperial commander might nevertheless detach assets under his command in service of arbitrary Sith tasks for political reasons.

Edited by Laiov
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I don't think it's anything so complicated. Although I'm nowhere near as familiar with the setting as others.


A sith has command over any non-force user, unless the non-force user has enough political, personal or military clout to ignore/kill the sith.




think of Sith as Royalty, a royal blood sect

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The answer is simple.


Officially the likelihood is high that the Imperial Officers have some measure authority over Sith Force Users, particularly at the higher level. This disintegrates however the moment that the officer is unable to enforce his orders.


If Grand Moff Kilran makes a bad call and gets force choked for it out of hand, there will probably be no official repercussions for the one who killed him for his failure unless another independent agent is able to carry it out. Basically, it is all about what you are personally capable of getting away with.

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Sith apprentices are like the spoiled rich children of CEO's.


Non-force users are like the executives.



Yea while you are interning at the company you have to technically do what you're told but everyone knows who your dad is so you are given free reign.


I think this idea has a lot to do with it.


I think theirs enough Sith laws that can suggest they can get away with messing imperial affairs up, so imperials have to tread carefully around them.


It's not so much about by law who has command, it's more like the FBI and the CIA, two different arms entirely, but Sith laws give them some messed up advantages if interpreted erratically by a ticked off Sith.

Edited by kalexkhan
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I think the members of the Dark Council outrank Grand Moffs.


All Darths not on the Council would probably be at the same level as a Grand Moff.


Lords would be on the level of a Moff/General but slightly under the sway of a Grand Moff.


Apprentices would be commanded by Moffs/Generals.


Acolytes are technically beneath everyone... but the footsloggers know to mind themselves around a Force user.

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Apprentices and Acolytes probably outrank most officers who are not flag rank or holders of a political rank like Moff.


A full-fledged Lord of the Sith probably technically outranks everyone except a Moff or Grand Moff in that Moff's own territory. A wise Sith isn't going to ignore the council of senior officials on a whim, however.


Darths appear to be a bit more nebulous. If the Darth is a member of the Dark Council, then there's no question that he or she outranks anyone except for the Emperor. If they're a "second rate Darth" like Malgus, is seems to get a little nebulous.


The Sith, for the most part, act outside of the normal military and political hierarchy only moving within it when they choose to do so and/or it benefits their personal goals. Sith are also highly political creatures, so if they can make an ally by helping out a particular Moff or officer, it's probably a good idea to do that... A Sith has got to look after his own power base, after all.

Edited by Heimskringla
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                                                  Dark Lord/Sith Emperor                                                                   |Dark Lord's Apprentice/Emperors Wrath/Voice of the Emperor (anyone else working for the Emperor directly)                                                                  |                                                        Dark Council                  ............................................... | .............................................                 |                                                |                                             |            Darth's                             Imperial Intelligence                         Grand Moff                    |                                                |                                             |              Lords                                             |                                          Moffs                 |                                                |                                             |Overseers/Teachers/Inquisitors                      |                               Planetary Governor                 |                                                |                                             |        Non-titled Sith                                      |                                             |                 |                                                |                                             |           Acolytes                                           |                                             |                 |................................................|.............................................|                                                                  |                                                      Imperial Military                                                                  |                                 Nobles/Powerful force user producing Bloodlines.                                                                  |                                                             Citizens                                                                  |                                                              Slaves



Darth's answer to no one except each other and the Dark Council up. They can kill Moff's, Imperial Agents and Planetary Governors, however they must be wary of doing this without reasonable cause as the Dark Council may have issue with doing this which can lead to repercussions. They cannot order Moff's or Imperial Agents without Dark Council Authority, however they can order Planetary Governors about. They are free to kill and order about any lesser Sith and Imperials for any reason. They can kill each other with impunity too. They may only kill Dark Council members and up to take their place.


Lord/Overseers/Teachers/Inquisitors/Non-titled Sith, these work roughly the same as Darth except the answer to their superior Sith ranks too. They can only kill a higher Sith rank than themselves if they intend to to take their place.


Acolytes can order and kill lesser Imperials only. They are not even allowed to kill each other without permission.


Moff is a political title (Governor of a sector of space), they have complete authority over Imperials within their space. They also have authority over "lesser than Lord" Sith in their space too. They cannot kill Sith or Imperial Agents without Dark Council authority. (Grand Moff is given to whomever is in charge of the main sector of space "the seat of power"). (As Imperials they must still show respect to all Sith, as lack of respect is a valid reason for Sith killing them)


Planetary Governors have complete authority over Imperials on their planets (most Planetary Governors tend to be Sith anyway). If they are not Sith then have no power over Sith or Imperial Agents.


Imperial Intelligence have complete authority over other Imperials, however they must be careful not to overstep their position on this as it may lead to repercussions from the Dark Council or other Sith. They cannot kill Sith or Moff's without Dark Council authority. (As Imperials they must still show respect to all Sith, as lack of respect is a valid reason for Sith killing them)


Admirals/Generals/Ship Captains - Emergency Authority - occasionally if the situation calls for it "Lesser than Lord" Sith and Imperial Agents can be ordered about by the commanding officer of a ship/space station/ground base. However this is in completely emergency situations only (if Republic forces invaded a Imperial ship and it had Sith on-board the Captain would be allowed to command the Sith to stop the invasion).

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This gets kind of muddled in the SW story line as it is very clear that various military officers up to a Moff is serving under Baras. They won't hesitate to tell you that they are working for your master, so bugger off and express exasperation when faced with Sith "politics." So it gets really fuzzy the higher up you go apparently.
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