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What!! NO ADD-ONS to be authorized!!!!


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Well, on the one hand, not having addons is a good thing because you can watch the game, instead of a bunch of numbers and timers. A lot of addons really ruin the immersion.


if i had addons i'd spend more time watching the fight and less time watching buffs on my character bar....


however, if you wish to remain in a fallacy, feel free.

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1) And being told by a guild / raid leader OR reading about it on a website is much different? Really?


2) See number 1.


3) See number 2.


4) See number 3.


Don't want to feel like your cheating? Cool. Don't read ANY articles on websites, turn off TS / Vent and don't listen to your guild / raid leader in chat.



Quite frankly, one is being done by a Human, the other is not. Human's make mistakes, programs are much more reliable. That is why it is pretty much cheating.

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I think a no add-ons policy is perfectly fine. It reduces both technical and account security issues that are not present without add-ons. On the other hand, they need balance in this policy. They will need to take to heart what their player base wants. If no to add-ons, fine! Just be sure to make adjustments to the UI that will improve the game play for a lot of people. An option that would allow us to adjust the size of buff durations would make me very happy. It is by far the one thing that I am extremely unhappy with about the UI.
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Quite frankly, one is being done by a Human, the other is not. Human's make mistakes, programs are much more reliable. That is why it is pretty much cheating.


Fact: Even with addons, a human STILL needs to be in control when taking part in encounters like raids. Yeah, I know, it's a shocker ain't it.


Or are you under the belief that a player doesn't need to be in control in a raid and move the character / use abilities as and when required?


If so, then that's a gross exaggeration.

Edited by Tarka
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Glad they won't allow these. Such addons force the developers to change the content to suit the addons, meaning it changes the content of the game for everyone. WoW entered that cycle where addons simplified the game, so developers had to throw more crap into every encounter to overcome the addons, leading to the steaming pile of junk WoW is today.


Well said.


Bioware has not overlooked Addons....they chose not to allow them. I too am glad they have chosen not to allow them.

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I would prefer that they just work on developing better interface options in-house and not allow third party add-ons. If they do allow add-ons I hope they strictly limit them to things that only effect the interface. DBM, GS, etc. are a detriment to game design overall IMHO
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Lol. Are you insinuating that a player doesn't need to be in control in a raid and move the character / use abilities as and when required? If so, then that's a gross exaggeration.


No, I'm saying it makes it FARRRRRRRRRR easier for the ENTIRE raid. Everyone who has ever played high end raiding in WoW knows this, this is why they, for the most part, became REQUIRED.


Blizzard had to start building raids with Add-ons in mind, this is NOT something we want.

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I'm glad to see that those who are crying out for add-ons to be allowed are the minority. If they want them so bad, they can go back to their "other" game and enjoy them.


Everyone knows that the entire purpose of the add-ons is to make things easier and gain gameplay advantages, otherwise no one would use them. Anyone who denies that is just lying for the sake of argument. Under that logic, it's nothing more than running a third-party cheat program.

Edited by Darkness_Squall
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The biggest problem I've found with not having any addons is playing a DOT based class like a sage.


Its fine questing and even acceptable in flashpoints to have to focus on the debuff bar to know when to recast but in operations its impossible. You have no way to know easily which debuffs are yours so you end up guessing when they will run out, any simple DOT tracker would completely remove this problem.


To all the people saying "I watch the game not bar etc..." Its pretty much impossible to watch anything but the area just above the bosses health at the moment if you want to do decent DPS. I'd like to watch the fight too but I'm too busy trying to work out which ones is mine and when it needs recast.

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1) And being told by a guild / raid leader OR reading about it on a website is much different? Really?


2) See number 1.


3) See number 2.


4) See number 3.


Don't want to feel like your cheating? Cool. Don't read ANY articles on websites, turn off TS / Vent and don't listen to your guild / raid leader in chat.


I said this earlier, and I'll say it again: Addons will never, ever fundamentally change how good a player is at playing a class in situations like raids.


Let's keep things well within the realms of reality.



1- Actually, it is. Or do you not understand that having your team be a team is completely different from having a program all but do it for you?


2- See #1


3- See #1


4- See #1


And if addons do not affect performance, why do you need them so badly?

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No, I'm saying it makes it FARRRRRRRRRR easier for the ENTIRE raid. Everyone who has ever played high end raiding in WoW knows this, this is why they, for the most part, became REQUIRED.


Blizzard had to start building raids with Add-ons in mind, this is NOT something we want.


On the fundamental level there is NO difference whatsoever between an addon telling you when to move or that a particular attack is coming, to your guild / raid leader telling you over VOIP. Of course, that's assuming that the raid / guild leader knows what he's doing.


Far easier? No. Definately not.


Easier for the raid leader? Yes.

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theres a difference between being creative and designing encounters around having add-ons in the first place. It's absolutely not necessary, wasn't in Rift and won't be here.


I pretty sure gold farmers want addons and exploiters looking for new ways to exploit

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Comprehension is important.

saying they are going to add heal tools such as target's target and unlocking the UI and such does not mean addons are confimed. It means they are going to add heal tools and are working on unlocking the UI non of which require an addon


Those aren't addons. You're grasping at straws. The addon UI is confirmed.

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The raid leader gives you an idea of where and what needs to be done during a fight, add ons show you where to go with the equilivent of neon lighting exactly what you need to be doing. And honestly if you've been so indoctrinated by WoW raiding, that you can't do ops or FP's without add ons. Maybe you should just go back to your comfort zone, so you can have an add on tell you how to play your game again. I mean if guilds are going thru the 1st tier nightmare modes already without them, what does that say about the people who need them. Pro skills? No.. Mediocre? More likley.
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1- Actually, it is. Or do you not understand that having your team be a team is completely different from having a program all but do it for you?


2- See #1


3- See #1


4- See #1


And if addons do not affect performance, why do you need them so badly?


1) Teamwork involves doing things at the right time and knowing your duties in the team.

Like I said before: No addon will ever, make up for a bad player. And no addon will replace teamwork. So your argument about "working as a team" is irrelevant.


To answer your final question: Convenience to overcome shortfalls in the UI and / or encounters.

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I dont remember ever reading anything anywhere from any site authorized or not about how the development team was trying to outsmart an addon especially when they could just ban one and block its use in the game, and they did block addons.


I forgot to mention healing addons, ever have a non-addon using healer in your raid? That other MMO still doesnt have a functional healing UI. IMO ;)


Most addons I used where to customize the hotkey sizes, placement and so on, I used healing/dps meters to evaluate my healing performance.


If you were truly a good player, that add on garbage would not be needed. Learn how to play instead and you will be a better all around player and will have a much more satisfying experience. Too much crybaby easy mode in other MMOs

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If you were truly a good player, that add on garbage would not be needed. Learn how to play instead and you will be a better all around player and will have a much more satisfying experience. Too much crybaby easy mode in other MMOs


Lol. So you think that people should just "learn 2 play" rather than the developers actually make the UI intuitive and user friendly, or for addon developers to do that for them? Really?

ROFL. Perhaps you would prefer it if we had NO actual icon based UI?


You know, if companies like Microsoft and Apple followed THAT logic, we'd all still be using command line run operating systems, whilst software developers would be telling people to "learn 2 type" (pun intended).


Oh please, don't give me that "satisfying experience" line. You don't get satisfaction from a badly designed UI.

Edited by Tarka
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I'm happy there are no addons. I hope there will be no user modifications to this game.


If they do allow it, it will just end up like WoW where if you don't have "this" or "that" you "suck" and will not be grouped or guilded.


Then, after even longer, the game becomes annoying to play without certain addons.


Then, addons get broke by patches and you have wait and wait for it to be fixed by some anonymous author. Then, the authors up and quit the game themselves and the addons you became addicted to are no longer updated.


All addons really do is support Elitism and Bullying.


No... thank you.

Edited by Zebular
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1) Teamwork involves doing things at the right time and knowing your duties in the team.

Like I said before: No addon will ever, make up for a bad player. And no addon will replace teamwork. So your argument about "working as a team" is irrelevant.


To answer your final question: Convenience to overcome shortfalls in the UI and / or encounters.


Exactly. And a program removes teamwork and individual responsibility from the equation.


UI, to a degree, is one thing but trying to addon your way out of difficult or tricky encounters is something else. Or are you actually trying to say that addons are necessary for broken encounters?

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1) And being told by a guild / raid leader OR reading about it on a website is much different? Really?


2) See number 1.


3) See number 2.


4) See number 3.


Don't want to feel like your cheating? Cool. Don't read ANY articles on websites, turn off TS / Vent and don't listen to your guild / raid leader in chat.


I said this earlier, and I'll say it again: Addons will never, ever fundamentally change how good a player is at playing a class in situations like raids.


Let's keep things well within the realms of reality.


If you learn the skill to be a good player, you wont need the crutch of easy mode add ons. Quit being lazy

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If you learn the skill to be a good player, you wont need the crutch of easy mode add ons. Quit being lazy


So, essentially you are agreeing with me that an addon will never, ever replace a player having a measure of skill at playing their particular class. And that an addon will never replace a player.


So what's the problem with having addons then?

Edited by Tarka
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I'm happy there are no addons. I hope there will be no user modifications to this game.


If they do allow it, it will just end up like WoW where if you don't have "this" or "that" you "suck" and will not be grouped or guilded.

There were plenty of groups and guilds to join who didn't require those things. Think up a real excuse instead of relying on fantasy.

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