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This class is just a joke


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Clearly didn't even get past the turrets before first boss in EV.

So pls su, u no nothing.


We have successfully downed all of EV in normal and 4/5 in EV Hardmode. Do you want screenshots or pictures of loot to prove it? The only slight trouble with enrage timers we had was the first boss in hardmode, but with careful healing / proper placement it's easy

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Compared to my BH powertech i levelled to 50 first, the Juggernaught is definately weaker.


Its a combination of things.


A lack of AoE as 90% of the mobs we face are packs and we have 1 good AoE on a 15sec cooldown and a rubbish aoe that tickles enemys (but all classes get one of these). IMO we could do with a frontal cone attack ala Shockwave from WoW warriors.


Lack of movement speed. Considering the lack of actual AoE skills we have i would have expected some increased movement speed to make up for that so we can move from mob to mob quicker (force jump having a minimum range and we use it to start the attack anyway).


A lack of CC an stuns. We have force choke which takes us out of the combat too which isnt a good thing, but its a cool ability.


We have 2 abilities which are situational and restricted by effects affecting the mobs.


Most of the "hard" hitting abilities really dont seem to hit that hard in all honesty. Also Sunder imo needs to do more damage as a main ability .


Channeled attacks for a melee class = silly design UNLESS your able to move without breaking the channel.


Poor, uninspiring skill trees. Tiny insignificant dots as talents? Boring talents that have minimal increases at best and generally poor talents.



Towards the end of beta the devs said that Warriors/knights were next in line for a revamp but it never came.


IMO once the above are tweaked the Knights/Warriors will feel a whole lot better. Nothing major needs changing, just slight buffs, tweaks and changes here and there.

Edited by Sivn
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All that means is the class requires a highly skilled player just to get mediocre dps/survivability while a novice can roll a gunslinger and faceroll people with little to no experience. Realize that your skill is bridging the gap of a mediocre class and that you'd be far better with any other class.


This ^.


I just made a Operative (i wanna know the story of the Imperial Agent) and i just noticed on Warzones that i can make 6 medals easy as hell at lvl11. I was able to kill two times the most strongest SI Assasin i've seen on my server (Hex Droid) with a little help. Its just to damn stupid. An operative can heal 3k crit since lvl11 (i DID it), can dps crit as melee for 3k (against non pvp-geared people) and can easily beat anyone at higher levels).


Juggernauts are supposed to be the Sith Warriors, like Darth Vader, unbeateables, but they are more like Kit Fisto, just die in a pathetic way against a melee inquisitor :/....

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This ^.


I just made a Operative (i wanna know the story of the Imperial Agent) and i just noticed on Warzones that i can make 6 medals easy as hell at lvl11. I was able to kill two times the most strongest SI Assasin i've seen on my server (Hex Droid) with a little help. Its just to damn stupid. An operative can heal 3k crit since lvl11 (i DID it), can dps crit as melee for 3k (against non pvp-geared people) and can easily beat anyone at higher levels).


Juggernauts are supposed to be the Sith Warriors, like Darth Vader, unbeateables, but they are more like Kit Fisto, just die in a pathetic way against a melee inquisitor :/....


Is getting 6 medals supposed to be difficult? A warrior has the absolute easiest time out of any characters farming medals in the warzones.

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You realise a juggernaut has guard right? That basically means you will get more medals than any other class along with bounty hunters/assassins. This is what you do ok you ready for it?


1) You target some guy thats taking damage, might be confusing actually targetting your allies for once instead of those evil enemies but I assure you this works.

2) Now press/click your guard button.

3) ????

4) Proceed to get 2-3 medals for doing nothing, more if you survive.


Not sure why you people are complaining. Threat actually matters in this game unlike WoW where it pointless being a tank because you don't do anything. DPS have to manage their threat as well but I'd hazard a guess that you just need to learn to play your class properly. You DO NOT NEED TO TANK ALL THE MOBS, the best way to take down packs is it to have DPS pick off all the weak mobs (they can survive the damage easily) while the tank builds threat on the strong/elite mobs. Even the best tanks will not be able to have 10 enemies stick to them like glue.


This isn't WoW, you are not an overpowered faceroll idiot machine. Learn to actually improve yourself instead of whining like an idiot all day.

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Is getting 6 medals supposed to be difficult? A warrior has the absolute easiest time out of any characters farming medals in the warzones.


Well... think about this.


Im Juggernaut Rage lvl50 full pvp set Champion, i usually get an average of 8-10 medals (including 2,5k heal medal) and making around 250k damage per warzone sticking FULLY to do my job on the Warzone (carry the ball, protect a base, etc).


With an Operative lvl11 by sticking on the same way i can make 150k damage 30 kills and heal around 20-30k and earn 6 medals without getting any of the three protection medals i get as Juggernaut. Does it sounds for you?


I make the same stuff with a lvl11 than a lvl50 fully geared...

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You realise a juggernaut has guard right? That basically means you will get more medals than any other class along with bounty hunters/assassins. This is what you do ok you ready for it?


1) You target some guy thats taking damage, might be confusing actually targetting your allies for once instead of those evil enemies but I assure you this works.

2) Now press/click your guard button.

3) ????

4) Proceed to get 2-3 medals for doing nothing, more if you survive.


Not sure why you people are complaining. Threat actually matters in this game unlike WoW where it pointless being a tank because you don't do anything. DPS have to manage their threat as well but I'd hazard a guess that you just need to learn to play your class properly. You DO NOT NEED TO TANK ALL THE MOBS, the best way to take down packs is it to have DPS pick off all the weak mobs (they can survive the damage easily) while the tank builds threat on the strong/elite mobs. Even the best tanks will not be able to have 10 enemies stick to them like glue.


This isn't WoW, you are not an overpowered faceroll idiot machine. Learn to actually improve yourself instead of whining like an idiot all day.


I hope you are joking...


1) You focus on someone taking damage, put over him guard, if someone is hitting you and the one you put guard isnt a tank, you are dead, and if its a tank it will have guard over someone else.


2) Switching from Shi-cho or Shien form to Soresu actually DESTROY your tree, as you wont build rage.


3) Even, if you switch to Soresu and put guard over someone, you will be useless and thats not profitable to your warzone mates (only on huttaball).


4) We have a HUGE lack of Crowd Control.


5) We havent got any kind of inherent slow on our atacks, we can be kitted VERY easily, i was hunter since Burning Crusade and i can assure you i facerolled the tanks you say from wow.


6) We havent got any heal, i wont talk about a 2 minutes CD heal of 10% hp (which can be around 2k if we have 20k hp...9


7) We LACK any huge nuke, there is no point on telling that we have Smash because one tree talents valuable from three isnt being reasonable. We got smash crits for 4k (6k if you stack the two pvp buffs). Other clases like Bounty Hunter just keep smashing the keyboard to shoot 3-4k missiles each second or like SI Assasin, a tank who can heal himself with each hit and can cast ranged atacks (like shock or debuffs).


Dont try to say it again, Juggernauts are underpowered, maybe not very far, but we lack of essential stuff.

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Is getting 6 medals supposed to be difficult? A warrior has the absolute easiest time out of any characters farming medals in the warzones.


Yep, just got 8 medals with my lvl 24 Juggie on a Huttball that we lost 5-0 to a premade.

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I hope you are joking...


1) You focus on someone taking damage, put over him guard, if someone is hitting you and the one you put guard isnt a tank, you are dead, and if its a tank it will have guard over someone else.


2) Switching from Shi-cho or Shien form to Soresu actually DESTROY your tree, as you wont build rage.


3) Even, if you switch to Soresu and put guard over someone, you will be useless and thats not profitable to your warzone mates (only on huttaball).


4) We have a HUGE lack of Crowd Control.


5) We havent got any kind of inherent slow on our atacks, we can be kitted VERY easily, i was hunter since Burning Crusade and i can assure you i facerolled the tanks you say from wow.


6) We havent got any heal, i wont talk about a 2 minutes CD heal of 10% hp (which can be around 2k if we have 20k hp...9


7) We LACK any huge nuke, there is no point on telling that we have Smash because one tree talents valuable from three isnt being reasonable. We got smash crits for 4k (6k if you stack the two pvp buffs). Other clases like Bounty Hunter just keep smashing the keyboard to shoot 3-4k missiles each second or like SI Assasin, a tank who can heal himself with each hit and can cast ranged atacks (like shock or debuffs).


Dont try to say it again, Juggernauts are underpowered, maybe not very far, but we lack of essential stuff.


1) Take guard off? Or maybe don't play stupid?

2) You don't have to switch all game, guard get your medals, then do what you want.

3) Tanks are not useless in this game, they are what win games. You can keep people off the turrets, door and hold the huttball the longest. Not to mention that guy healing you, YEAH HE IS TAKING 50% LESS DAMAGE SO HE CANT DIE EITHER. Hardly what i'd call useless.

4) Just because you don't have the crowd control of a clothy sorcerer doesn't mean you need it? You have heavy armor for a reason - so you have played wow? Do warriors have CC? Other than hamstring - not really.

5) Neither does any other melee class.

6) Use medpacs? Powertech doesn't have a heal, assassin doesnt have a heal either. You're a tank not a healer? Medpacs are overpowered enough as it is.

7) A sorcerer is lucky to crit over 3k and you are saying you don't have burst? 4k without any trinkets is amazing?


I think you rolled the wrong class, infact the class you wanted to play isn't in the game. It's the class that can DO EVERYTHING. So stop crying whiner.

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1) Take guard off? Or maybe don't play stupid?


Then why give us the guard ability ?

I use it all the time and with a good pvp gear it's not useless when well placed !

I agree on the fact that guard is a huge and appreciated buff in PvP.


2) You don't have to switch all game, guard get your medals, then do what you want.


You have to switch it the whole game or you won't get a lot of medals !

I'm talking here because I usually don't get less than 9 medals during warzones.


3) Tanks are not useless in this game, they are what win games. You can keep people off the turrets, door and hold the huttball the longest. Not to mention that guy healing you, YEAH HE IS TAKING 50% LESS DAMAGE SO HE CANT DIE EITHER. Hardly what i'd call useless.


Agree !


4) Just because you don't have the crowd control of a clothy sorcerer doesn't mean you need it? You have heavy armor for a reason - so you have played wow? Do warriors have CC? Other than hamstring - not really.


Agree !


5) Neither does any other melee class.


Wrong ...


6) Use medpacs? Powertech doesn't have a heal, assassin doesnt have a heal either. You're a tank not a healer? Medpacs are overpowered enough as it is.


Wrong ... Assassins tank for example have a better capacity of healing while we have ... nothing (we did have something during the beta last summer).


7) A sorcerer is lucky to crit over 3k and you are saying you don't have burst? 4k without any trinkets is amazing?


To reach 4k ... I need to be rage spec with my full PvP gear (10% bonus damage) and hit a class with low armor (then the Smash goes on cooldown, I can't spam 4k like BH/Trooper).



The Juggernaut's tanking abilities are fine but this class NEEDS some tuning !

We need too much Strength to hold a stable aggro without having to put our taunt ability in our cycle.

Deflect/Parry animations prevent us from launching some spells etc ...


Just look at this forum (and this thread), some guys are explaining very well why we need some tweaks ... we don't need to be buffed imho ... we need tweaks !

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Then why give us the guard ability ?

I use it all the time and with a good pvp gear it's not useless when well placed !

I agree on the fact that guard is a huge and appreciated buff in PvP.


You're taking it out of context, he is saying he is dieing when they focus him.


You have to switch it the whole game or you won't get a lot of medals !

I'm talking here because I usually don't get less than 9 medals during warzones.


Once again out of context.



Originally Posted by Moshbeast

5) Neither does any other melee class.

Wrong ...


You're right sorry, forgot assassins have slow, but afaik thats about it.


Wrong ... Assassins tank for example have a better capacity of healing while we have ... nothing (we did have something during the beta last summer).


The assassin tank is based off the healing from dark charge, kinda like a DK. It's just a different way of tanking. They still have no castable healing abilities.


To reach 4k ... I need to be rage spec with my full PvP gear (10% bonus damage) and hit a class with low armor (then the Smash goes on cooldown, I can't spam 4k like BH/Trooper).


So does a sorcerer? Are we complaining about troopers now?


The Juggernaut's tanking abilities are fine but this class NEEDS some tuning !

We need too much Strength to hold a stable aggro without having to put our taunt ability in our cycle.

Deflect/Parry animations prevent us from launching some spells etc ...


Just look at this forum (and this thread), some guys are explaining very well why we need some tweaks ... we don't need to be buffed imho ... we need tweaks


I agree they need tweaking but so does every other class in the game. To say they are horridly underpowered however is way to premature. People aren't playing to the strengths of the class which you're supposed to do, you don't play a warrior like a sniper? Everyone says maraders are useless in PvP? Check out Klinda's video, clearly not as useless as you think. It's only time before someone good plays a Jugg and shows people how to play.

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I was thinking the same thing, juggs are a joke. I have a level 36 Vengeance Jugg for PvE grouping only with friends and we all scratch our heads at how bad juggs are. Even Jaesa tanks better. DPS wise it is pretty decent, Im proud of my damage output, but calling this class a tank is just weird. I've seen Assasins tanking better.


My groups healer is constantly wondering where all my HP is going, Shes always saying she turns her head for one sec and my health is below 20%. That being said, the storyline is pretty good and choke is fun but calling Juggs a tank is the running joke in my circle.


Maybe in PvP this class owns but I can tell you it is a joke in PvE. Its only by the virtue I play in a group I find this class fun to play in PvE.

Edited by LenaMarie
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I was thinking the same thing, juggs are a joke. I have a level 36 Vengeance Jugg for PvE grouping only with friends and we all scratch our heads at how bad juggs are. Even Jaesa tanks better. DPS wise it is pretty decent, Im proud of my damage output, but calling this class a tank is just weird. I've seen Assasins tanking better.


My groups healer is constantly wondering where all my HP is going, Shes always saying she turns her head for one sec and my health is below 20%. That being said, the storyline is pretty good and choke is fun but calling Juggs a tank is the running joke in my circle.


Maybe in PvP this class owns but I can tell you it is a joke in PvE. Its only by the virtue I play in a group I find this class fun to play in PvE.


Cant really complain about tanking ability when you just said you are using a DPS spec.

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You're taking it out of context, he is saying he is dieing when they focus him.


No, i was talking that when on huttaball you are guarding someone, and you are in the middle of the fight (always, you are a melee class), you tage huge damage because you take your damage and 50% the other guy takes, and if he isnt tank, he will take a huge amount.


And oh, by the way, if its easy with a Juggernaut, try with a Bounty Hunter, i just put guard over a clan mate with a lvl26 Powertech and took 3 medals while making dps from faaar away.




Once again out of context.


Again, no it isnt. Winning Warzones isnt the same than winning medals, while a Powertech can switch to tank form and still doing damage while guarding, we cant, or we guard (as dps i mean), or we do damage, we CANT do both.




You're right sorry, forgot assassins have slow, but afaik thats about it.


Assasins got slow, Powertech doesnt need slow as they got a hook to pull the enemy, we can be kitted by someone smart enough to be 9 meters away as our Chilling Scream cannot reach him and our Force Charge cannot be used.



The assassin tank is based off the healing from dark charge, kinda like a DK. It's just a different way of tanking. They still have no castable healing abilities.


Well, they are bassed on healing, so they have a stacking ability that make them have 15% more absorb, and they have 150% more armor from the tank switching, and they have a less cooldown shield, true story yes... they feed much on 50 damage heals...



So does a sorcerer? Are we complaining about troopers now?


Sorcerers can spam 4k ability, Bounty Hunters can, Imperial Agents can... Juggernauts CANT. You see the point? or need a map?




I agree they need tweaking but so does every other class in the game. To say they are horridly underpowered however is way to premature. People aren't playing to the strengths of the class which you're supposed to do, you don't play a warrior like a sniper? Everyone says maraders are useless in PvP? Check out Klinda's video, clearly not as useless as you think. It's only time before someone good plays a Jugg and shows people how to play.


They are underpowered on all points. Less tanks, less dps, and no heal after all.


- We still with a lack of CC, a heal can just overwhelm our damage in our face.

- We dont have a main nuke as dps, EVERY class can take us down on one on one with the same gear and same brain (i mean a fair fight both with the same gear).

- We dont have any slow or any way to keep us near the enemy, but every enemy got a way to kitte us.

- We dont have heals, every other class/spec have.

- We only have one viable DPS on PvP (Rage) and it isnt waaaay overpowered as people crys out there. We can make a 6k hit with all pvp set, 2 PvP buffs against someone without set. While a Bounty Hunter missile-guy can spam on us 4k crit missile from a far range and even atack us without looking us. A Sith inquisitor can faceroll us on every aspect, as they usually lack of brain we can kill them. And Imperial Agents just makes us feel impotent... we can force jump over them or they can just steal and stunlock without having a brain and hit us for 4-6k every blow.

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I was thinking the same thing, juggs are a joke. I have a level 36 Vengeance Jugg for PvE grouping only with friends and we all scratch our heads at how bad juggs are. Even Jaesa tanks better. DPS wise it is pretty decent, Im proud of my damage output, but calling this class a tank is just weird. I've seen Assasins tanking better.


My groups healer is constantly wondering where all my HP is going, Shes always saying she turns her head for one sec and my health is below 20%. That being said, the storyline is pretty good and choke is fun but calling Juggs a tank is the running joke in my circle.


Maybe in PvP this class owns but I can tell you it is a joke in PvE. Its only by the virtue I play in a group I find this class fun to play in PvE.

Yeah would be kinda curious how you are using your Vengeance Jugg. Are you using Shien or Shi-Cho and trying to tank? Cuz don't think that's gonna work out so hot if you do.


And what is your equipment like? Is your gear up-to-date? Are you using a shield?


If your gear is good and you are using Soresu form you should have little problem tanking with a decent healer backing you up. Sure 4-5 Elites pounding on you is still gonna make you drop, but not much is gonna prevent that. You have to spread the damage a bit for those cases.

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- We dont have a main nuke as dps, EVERY class can take us down on one on one with the same gear and same brain (i mean a fair fight both with the same gear).


Wait, what? What? Seriously? The only class that can consistently take me down in a 1v1 fight (rage spec'd juggernaut) is a sorc, and that's only if they can keep kiting me. I have no idea what you're doing, but something's messed up. I by no means claim to be a 'god' with the 'naut, but the way you people describe it maybe I am >.>

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Yeah would be kinda curious how you are using your Vengeance Jugg. Are you using Shien or Shi-Cho and trying to tank? Cuz don't think that's gonna work out so hot if you do.


And what is your equipment like? Is your gear up-to-date? Are you using a shield?


If your gear is good and you are using Soresu form you should have little problem tanking with a decent healer backing you up. Sure 4-5 Elites pounding on you is still gonna make you drop, but not much is gonna prevent that. You have to spread the damage a bit for those cases.


My gear is always up to date, and I use a shield. I mostly use Shien. I never solo with my jugg so at the least I always have a party member, mostly a Sorc, so healing isnt a problem, we can do heroics fine. The only real issue is how easily my health tanks even from standard or champion mobs. We basically had given up on jugg tanking and have Khem and Jaesa tank while I focus on DPS so the healer doesnt have to work so hard. But I would like to tank since I signed up as a Jugg because of the role saying tank.

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And oh, by the way, if its easy with a Juggernaut, try with a Bounty Hunter, i just put guard over a clan mate with a lvl26 Powertech and took 3 medals while making dps from faaar away.


Powertechs are mostly melee with some ranged abilities


Assasins got slow, Powertech doesnt need slow as they got a hook to pull the enemy, we can be kitted by someone smart enough to be 9 meters away as our Chilling Scream cannot reach him and our Force Charge cannot be used.


Turn around, walk about 2 meters, turn around, use charge? Or is that too hard to grasp? They can't kite you permanently, they either have to stand still to channel or their slow is on a cooldown.





Well, they are bassed on healing, so they have a stacking ability that make them have 15% more absorb, and they have 150% more armor from the tank switching, and they have a less cooldown shield, true story yes... they feed much on 50 damage heals...


And your class is based on cooldowns. You realise they get all that because they have light armor right? You have heavy armor.


Sorcerers can spam 4k ability, Bounty Hunters can, Imperial Agents can... Juggernauts CANT. You see the point? or need a map?


Sorcerers can't spam 4k. Bounty hunter tracer missles hit for 3k max. Stop over exaggerating.


The rest is your complaining about the same things, again and is not worth explaining again since you obvious don't get it.

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My gear is always up to date, and I use a shield. I mostly use Shien. I never solo with my jugg so at the least I always have a party member, mostly a Sorc, so healing isnt a problem, we can do heroics fine. The only real issue is how easily my health tanks even from standard or champion mobs. We basically had given up on jugg tanking and have Khem and Jaesa tank while I focus on DPS so the healer doesnt have to work so hard. But I would like to tank since I signed up as a Jugg because of the role saying tank.


Um...I guess you haven't seen the Tip on the loading screen that says how you only have a chance to USE your shield (ie you still get stat boosts) if you are in Soresu form.


Also, as said...Vengeance Tree and trying to tank........Assassins don't try to tank with the wrong tree and complain do they?

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