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This class is just a joke


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From my experience (and this is in pvp since that's my main occupation) Juggy sucks from lvl 1-49 but once they get to lvl 50 and start getting pvp gear they are *********** bosses in the battlefield if played right.


High AOE burst damage (rage tree), high survivability (can basicly take the hutt ball from my own goal line and make it to theirs without dying), high mobility (force charge, intercede, obliterate), and we can occupie a whole group and stop them from taking a turret or plant the bomb untill help arrive for some time.


Playing a Juggy is a high lurning curve but once you know how to be mobile and effective everyone's wanna have you in the group.

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Powertechs are mostly melee with some ranged abilities


Whatever you like, you keep thinking Juggernauts and Powertech are only tanks :/.



Turn around, walk about 2 meters, turn around, use charge? Or is that too hard to grasp? They can't kite you permanently, they either have to stand still to channel or their slow is on a cooldown.


If you do that to me (with me as DPS), then i will walk 2 metres towards you. You know what means mantain a range, dont you?



And your class is based on cooldowns. You realise they get all that because they have light armor right? You have heavy armor.


Exactly on which cooldowns? What do we have that others dont? Endure Pain xD? And by the way, you (that think Juggernauts are only tanks) may know that Assasins got 150% more armor with tank stance, which lets them with the same than us, dont you?



Sorcerers can't spam 4k. Bounty hunter tracer missles hit for 3k max. Stop over exaggerating.


Sorcerers can, and Bounty Hunters can, if you havent seen maybe your server isnt PvP fully, but try on Hex Droid. You will see them.


The rest is your complaining about the same things, again and is not worth explaining again since you obvious don't get it.


Well, im lvl50 Juggernaut, i got hands and brain, i can pwn every noob on Warzone, i can be the top medals on warzone, i can score most goals from huttaball and defend a base/gate against three guys. Thats pretty cool, but thats only because i got BRAIN, not by being a Juggernaut and by my overexagerated damage or my PvP crowd controls. And if you say that i dont wanna get it, i think i will stop answering you, as you think you are obviously in the truth and dont wanna "see" what 90% Juggernauts are saying. I just tel you this, if you are half good of what you says, just make an Operartive and try a Warzone at lvl12-13. You will see how easy as hell is make everything in comparation with our Juggernauts.



Wait, what? What? Seriously? The only class that can consistently take me down in a 1v1 fight (rage spec'd juggernaut) is a sorc, and that's only if they can keep kiting me. I have no idea what you're doing, but something's messed up. I by no means claim to be a 'god' with the 'naut, but the way you people describe it maybe I am >.>


You obviously didnt fought any scoundrel/operative in one on one yet... maybe you didnt sufferd a 4k tracer missile from a Bounty Hunter yet. What people claims is no "i die against everything", rather is "i dont die because i got hands and brain". Every guy here telling "i PWN on warzones" or "i earn 12 medals" are people with pocket healers and PvP premades, which cannot be used to say "hey the class is ok".

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I was thinking the same thing, juggs are a joke. I have a level 36 Vengeance Jugg for PvE grouping only with friends and we all scratch our heads at how bad juggs are.


Oh... go immortal, I haven't had problems in pve.


PS- on the subject, I think we're supposed to lose to scounderal/operatives, they're our bane.

Edited by Sookster
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I have no problem with my Vengeance Jugg on PvP, even with terrible team mates it takes a lot to bring my toon down.


Point is, you survive because you probably have a BRAIN and you use it, not because the spec. Every spec got MAAAAAANY ways to survive but we lack of enough damage to kill before they kill us, to survive against more than one enemy and to heal.

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4) We have a HUGE lack of Crowd Control.


I'm a lvl 46 Immortal and as far as PVP goes, we have a LOT of cc.


1 - Force Chock (talent points make this instant cast with no channel) - stun

2 - Backhand - stun

3 - Force Push - stun & gap maker

4 - Charge - short root & gap closer

5 - Intimidating Roar - AOE stun

6 - Chilling Scream - AOE slow


I went Immortal spec around lvl 30 and never looked back. I feel like I'm doing the same dps I was doing a rage/veng (they could use a buff..) and I have more cc and survivability. I'm using Jeasa and have geared her out so we both just destroy pve like its nothing.

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I'm a lvl 46 Immortal and as far as PVP goes, we have a LOT of cc.


1 - Force Chock (talent points make this instant cast with no channel) - stun

2 - Backhand - stun

3 - Force Push - stun & gap maker

4 - Charge - short root & gap closer

5 - Intimidating Roar - AOE stun

6 - Chilling Scream - AOE slow


I went Immortal spec around lvl 30 and never looked back. I feel like I'm doing the same dps I was doing a rage/veng (they could use a buff..) and I have more cc and survivability. I'm using Jeasa and have geared her out so we both just destroy pve like its nothing.


God, seriusly, when you read Juggernaut you understand ONLY TANK?


I as Juggernaut ex-VENGEANCE had:


-> Force Push.

-> Force Charge.

-> Intimidating Roar (Breaks with damage).

-> Chilling Scream (Ridiculous range).

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I've found I have about as much survivability as immortal spec as rage spec which is little to none with no CDs up. That being said as rage spec I can keep pressure up with some decent burst and my survivability/utility goes way up when there are healers in the group. This allows me not to die in 10 seconds because


1. I'm always attracting attention for some reason

2. I usually have some dude guarded whos getting slaughtered.


The things that make us shine the most is intercede, force charge, and taunts. We do so much damage mitigation on others its amazing. Unfortunately a lot of that crap doesn't translate well when you got turd brain guardians wanting to "duel" you with his trooper buddies shooting you 30 meters out while trying to guard the ball carrier.


I might top total damage and most protection but I usually top total deaths too. :(

Tiss the fate of the melee class in pvp.


I think my only real complaint is the lack of knockback protection in pve. Every little knockback power just knocks you around. Seems pretty excessive in flashpoints.


Not only is it irritating to be launched around the field like a ping pong ball only to end up snared in place while troopers go to town on you its even more irritating to have ability delay affect the moment of when you use smash and watch as that freaking inquisitor use his aoe knockback COMPLETELY wasting your smash.


Oh and half the time I use force push the guy seems to get launched behind me or in some crazy *** direction that is anywhere but in front of me.


This one time in huttball I had my back to our goal line between the 2 force traps. I decide to push the guy off the edge to force him off. Well he went in a weird direction behind me towards the corner and then as he hit the wall going towards our goaline he teleported to the goal line scoring. God I hate force push so much.

Edited by Kabloosh
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My gear is always up to date, and I use a shield. I mostly use Shien. I never solo with my jugg so at the least I always have a party member, mostly a Sorc, so healing isnt a problem, we can do heroics fine. The only real issue is how easily my health tanks even from standard or champion mobs. We basically had given up on jugg tanking and have Khem and Jaesa tank while I focus on DPS so the healer doesnt have to work so hard. But I would like to tank since I signed up as a Jugg because of the role saying tank.


Jug is not a problem in pve, since i have been tanking in flashpoint till lvl 40 with a DPS spec. Its your problem. Or your healers problem, does your healers know that they can put barriers on you and not only heal you? Do you use all your Jugg tools?


Because arround lvl 32-34 I made a heroic 4 with 2 dps and my companion as only healer and we killed the special boss and everything, its an amazing class on pve.


The problem is their lack of burst dps and their survivality in pvp.

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My gripe about the juggernaut isn't that the juggernaut is horrible, it's that it's considerably worse than the assassin. I've played both up simultaneously, usually i'll take the assassin in first, then the juggernaut. One's cybertech and one's synthweaving, so I keep the gear up to date on both, though the juggernaut generally has slightly better gear, as I have more time to gather while leveling the assassin.


The difference in survivability, utility, and DPS is astounding. The juggernaut, either immortal or vengance spec, has worse DPS while simultaniously having worse survivability. I'm using Vette and Revel, so the companion is exactly the same.


The issue is that juggernauts pay a huge amount for heavy armor, which is functionally worthless. The difference in damage, combined with the fact that kinetic/physical damage is only half of what's going on, means that on average your "bonus" is useless, and in exchange you don't get CC, stealth, as many survival abilities, or abilities on short cooldowns, or the ability to tank perfectly fine from 10m (outside of most of the PBAoEs the juggernaut has to suck down)


Also, the assassin tank tree combines both tanking and DPS bonuses, while the juggernaut tank tree is extremely mitigation focused. The assassin tree reminds me of the old WoW feral druid tree, where you get everything without having to cherry-pick much.


I guess i've just assumed they'll get around to making the juggernaut be competitive, but if not it's not a huge deal, it'll just become a bank alt for me.


So, in closing, the juggernaut is OK, it's just worse than the assassin at everything.

Edited by Wraeththu
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I dont know why I choose the juggernaut, he is the worst class I have ever played.

His tank abilities are just zero, for a headhunter its just too easy to steal my aggro.

Till with guard it is hard to keep aggro, in groupfights I run like a chicken between my targets, yuhu 90% ranged mobs, and not one good skill to bind them on me...

Very funny, if I charge a turrent the play with me tennis or pong.

Next point PvP whats my function in it? All other classes can hold the ball longer and better than me. Ok ok every 3 min I can take my CD but what should I do than? Waiting for them to come back?...

My damage is soooooo unbalance that my opponent can go sleep or something else.


I hope I am not the only one with this problems, or somebody can help me.


Another terrible player who wants to blame the class.

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The tanking at 50 is fine and the jug in pvp is pretty OP if played correctly.


Tanking at 50 is not fine.


Maybe when you start running with really geared players you will see that.


Having only 1 threat ability (backhand) is not fine.


Tanking with forced attacking and not threat building is not fine.


Sure i can do it, ive been doing it, but it is far from fine.

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Next point PvP whats my function in it? All other classes can hold the ball longer and better than me. Ok ok every 3 min I can take my CD but what should I do than? Waiting for them to come back?...


taking dammage away from other players. using you group taunt in the middle of a brawl cuts every enemies attacks by 30% as long as there not hitting you that is plus guard thats another 50% off one person pluse that intercept move wich is another 20% off one person.


so all in all you can take 90% of the damage of what one person is receivng and 30 of every one else.


what more do you want as a tank?

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Tanking at 50 is not fine.


Maybe when you start running with really geared players you will see that.


Having only 1 threat ability (backhand) is not fine.


Tanking with forced attacking and not threat building is not fine.


Sure i can do it, ive been doing it, but it is far from fine.


If you're having problems tanking for "really geared players", then you're a pretty damn fail tank. You should probably quit and go find an easier game to play. End game tanking for Jugg's is just fine. People like you need to not be such a crybaby and go study some game mechanics for a bit.

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I dont know why I choose the juggernaut, he is the worst class I have ever played.

First of all, in PvE the class is perfectly fine.


His tank abilities are just zero, for a headhunter its just too easy to steal my aggro.

It takes a lot of skill. You have to constantly dps the enemy in order to hold the Aggro. If you stop attacking and start being lazy in a fight the aggro is gone. Besides that, not even the best DDs are able to steal the aggro from the mob youre curently attacking, at least not in the current heroics.

Till with guard it is hard to keep aggro, in groupfights I run like a chicken between my targets, yuhu 90% ranged mobs, and not one good skill to bind them on me...

There is the major flaw in your thinking. You are definitely not supposed to tank everything. You focus on the silver and gold-enemies. Every DD in the game has some defensive cooldowns or burst-cooldowns to kill the normal mobs easily without getting in any trouble

Very funny, if I charge a turrent the play with me tennis or pong.

Sorry I dnt get this sentence.

Next point PvP whats my function in it? All other classes can hold the ball longer and better than me. Ok ok every 3 min I can take my CD but what should I do than? Waiting for them to come back?...

you are a heavy armorwearing meatshield with good dps, awesome movability and the abiliy to becoming nearly unkillable.

Absolutely NO class (with the exception of Sorc/Sage) can live longer and get to the goalline faster than a proper geared and specced Juggernaut.

Played well the Char is an absolute PvP-Monster.


My damage is soooooo unbalance that my opponent can go sleep or something else.

I hope I am not the only one with this problems, or somebody can help me.


Questions: Do you have proper Gear? Whats your PvPrank? How many heroics did you maintank?

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Jug + healer at hutball = faceroll. Stay in the middle until resolution is up then just charge up and go to score. Rince and repeat.


Jug at civil war or the third one = faceroll medals. wait for your teammates to go, see all the enemies focusing them. Charge + AOE taunt, see the medals poping.


Jug at HM flashpoints = faceroll. Put guard on healer. See which DPs is taking aggro off you, then transfer guard to him. Faceroll the flashpoint tanking nothing less than elites, the DPs tri shot the rest of mobs.


I am obviously trolling here, but the spirit is there. Just learn to play your class and quit beeing a qq b***.


Those who think tanking is easy should quit comparing to WoW, or compare it when the game was actually challenging (remember your first Shattered Halls HM, then quit qqing).

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PvE Deep Immortal Tank, and PvP Rage Naut here...


Tanking is fine to me. Granted its not as easy as others since they can spam AoE. We have to actually tab target and go for specific targets as DPS take on the weak ones. If you don't like moving from target to target, don't like a challenge and actually have to think to do your job then roll something else.


This is typical Warrior gameplay for any MMO. If you don't like it or can't be successful at it then this class isn't for you.


PvP is fine for me. I can take any class on 1v1 and come out on top quite well. 2v1 still isn't much of an issue for me. 3v1 is when it starts getting messy.


This is without a pocket healer. This is without consumables. This is with my knowledge and experience of PvP. Using my abilities to my advantage.


This is without picking up the PvP Buffs.


Pick your targets, play smart.


Attacking the healer is not ALWAYS the best option. I find knocking them out of LoS with Push, even into a pit is way more effective than trying to nuke them down.


Tab > Push > Tab > Kill.


Pick your fights rather than charging into the middle of a group "because your melee".


Just because your in heavy armor and have defensive cool downs, it doesn't mean you can take a face full of damage from 4 people.


Single people out and rip them apart. Push them into pits and kill them. Push enemies off your friends who are melee'ing.


If your on huttball and someone is on a high platform shooting down on your allies... charge at him and push him down. Feed him to the Piranha's if he wants to play with them. :D

Edited by Areoss
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