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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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I'd give it a 7/10 just because when a lot of games have debuted the pvp system has been even worse than it is here. They're trying, at least. And frankly my only real gripe is having to play Hutt Ball so much against my own faction as Empire. Even the premade 50 stomps don't bug me that much, it'd still happen at 50. Everyone gets smashed once in a while, that's the nature of any matchmaking system (they all suck, after all).


try getting smashed every game like repub does on my server.

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2nd worst PvP in a MMO I've seen.


Major issues,

Premade teams of 50's. (Apparently this will be fixed... yet to see it while the 50's just get more and more gear so will be miles ahead when others reach 50. A month of farming lowbies in warzones will make an unsurmountable difference).


Class Balance. (Or lack of. There is no reason one class like the agent can take someone down in the duration of a stun. Or sorcerer where lightning can take 50-75% of someones life in one spell).


Warzones. (3... boring, badly designed.)


Basically PvP is a complete waste of time in this game. It's so unbalanced, laggy, and unfair where Sith always win every single game that people just are losing interest. On my server it's hard to get a warzone because so few republic are queuing up, most have gone sith.

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Right now I'm pretty pissed off with just how imbalanced it is. You face a few 50s and they'll blow away anything under 40.


Come'on devs. What does it take - 10, 20 lines of code to check what level characters in a match.


I can't tell you how angry and upset this is making players who are being blown away in unfair competition. And obviously right now - the Dark Side has far more juveniles playing 50 level Sith chars than the Republic.


This is the #1 issue right now for PvP - it's not only bad PvP balance - it's bloody atrocious. Who in their right mind thought that there was some semblance of balance having 50s in a group - which are far superior in so many ways versus groups within 10 to 40.


So - yeah - I would give the PvP pretty high ratings if it weren't for how angry I get every night and how upset I see other players having to put up with the PvP imbalance right now.



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Ability lag is killing it for me. I just got out of a warzone where it made me want to pull my hair out. Class imbalance is another one. Lack of fun warzones would be another. I hate to say it, but I actually enjoy FFXI Ballista more than this, right now. 3/10


Edit: Forgot to add stun and knockbackfest game mechanics. These should be seasonings, not the entre.


Also, combat logs. I need them. I cannot tell what the heck is going on half the time. I just stood shooting tracer missile into someone and nothing happened over and over again. Were they immune? Am I missing? I can't tell.

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its a stunfest, nothing more. Resolve does not help at all till you have so little health you cant cast anything anyway.

Every game i play (Jedi Sage healer) i just get stunlocked to death. If i break it, i just get stunned right after. Im lucky to even get a rejuv off and thats INSTANT cast. Its retarded.


And when im not being focused i cant keep anyone alive because despite having ~1300 willpower with stim i crit my heals for ~1k less than most of the crit damages going around.

1on1 fights i can keep someone alive, only just though. Add any other form of damage in there and i cant do anything about it.

"Get gear, derp" Cool, will do, oh by the way cant use the crap till i get valor 60 anyway (or atleast the ones that dont HURT my stats for a sliver of expertise)


Im not going to play 1-2 months of solid frustration just so i can actually try to play. Canceled my subscription over this. I may come back several months down the road if it actually gets fixed, which i doubt. Core of the game at release is what dictates how well it will do - swtor's core for pvp is nonexistant.

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Chain CC.

No brackets, Needs at least 10-29, 30-49, 50.

Insane lag inside warzones while rest of the world and flashpoints run smooth.

Half the keypresses not registering, need to hammer abilities.

Some classes 10 times more powerful in pvp then others.

Only 3 warzones and you cant choose.

Warzones are badly designed and boring.

No Arena.

Pvp gear looks like crap on almost all classes.


In other words pretty much worse pvp I have ever seen, even WoW pvp is miles better and runs smooth. Not gone bother with pvp in this game at all, pointless.

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Chain CC.

No brackets, Needs at least 10-29, 30-49, 50.

Insane lag inside warzones while rest of the world and flashpoints run smooth.

Half the keypresses not registering, need to hammer abilities.

Some classes 10 times more powerful in pvp then others.

Only 3 warzones and you cant choose.

Warzones are badly designed and boring.

No Arena.

Pvp gear looks like crap on almost all classes.


In other words pretty much worse pvp I have ever seen, even WoW pvp is miles better and runs smooth. Not gone bother with pvp in this game at all, pointless.


WoW's PvP sucked balls and that was still years after release date hint why i only played it for 2 weeks and getting cap within the first week.

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WoW's PvP sucked balls and that was still years after release date hint why i only played it for 2 weeks and getting cap within the first week.


Yes but at least it was smooth and flowing instead of that stuttering monstrosity that is swtor.

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things that are the most annoying- spending all day trying to get the daily finished because people are either bad or under leveled geared, getting four champion bags not one of them has a piece of gear in it.



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I'm a hardcore MMO PvPer for 10 years.




3 biggest Issues:

- Game too focused on warzones, no real incentives to pvp outside of them

- No ladders for OWPvP or even warzones.

- ABILITY delay: not one animation could justify for the ability to be delayed, end of story. And combat responsiveness overall.

- Engine too heavy, warzones are laggy as **** with a capable computer and once you get more than 20 persons on your screen in the open world, it gets jammed again. I don't mean it gets unplayable like under 10 fps, but significantly worse than normal and when I PvP, I expect the game to WORK PROPERLY.. 20 players on screen should not justify such a low graphic game to lag.

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I'm a hardcore MMO PvPer for 10 years.




3 biggest Issues:

- Game too focused on warzones, no real incentives to pvp outside of them

- No ladders for OWPvP or even warzones.

- ABILITY delay: not one animation could justify for the ability to be delayed, end of story. And combat responsiveness overall.

- Engine too heavy, warzones are laggy as **** with a capable computer and once you get more than 20 persons on your screen in the open world, it gets jammed again. I don't mean it gets unplayable like under 10 fps, but significantly worse than normal and when I PvP, I expect the game to WORK PROPERLY.. 20 players on screen should not justify such a low graphic game to lag.


Totally agree if they put Warzones on a hour cool down it would force people outside to have to PvP for more medals etc.

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WoW's PvP sucked balls and that was still years after release date hint why i only played it for 2 weeks and getting cap within the first week.


Pro gamers disagree, it has smoothest and best quality PvP out of all MMORPGs.


Anyways, ill give PvP in this game 2/10 out of pity. Ability delay, makes any serious PvP impossible and untill they fix that, its all just a scrubfest as it is now. When they fix ability delay, get nice ranked ladders for serious PvP, good PvPrs might turn to this game and those that think they rock in PvP atm will be demolished.

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8/10. Enjoy the pvp a crap ton in just about any time of day, and on any type of characters. Yeah, I'll go up against some premades and stuff, but it's bound to happen.


Hoping to see more open world pvp stuff, and can't wait to see Ilum. Even if there isn't much yet, I know there will be. Then I can give it a 10/10.

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Pro gamers disagree, it has smoothest and best quality PvP out of all MMORPGs.


Anyways, ill give PvP in this game 2/10 out of pity. Ability delay, makes any serious PvP impossible and untill they fix that, its all just a scrubfest as it is now. When they fix ability delay, get nice ranked ladders for serious PvP, good PvPrs might turn to this game and those that think they rock in PvP atm will be demolished.


This is just wrong ... WoW PvP may be pro suitable, but it's far from best quality. Once you get to max level it gets so boring. Arena are brainless deathmatch pits and warzones are a mess without any direction. I will take my chances with anything new before current WoW PvP.

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Pro gamers disagree, it has smoothest and best quality PvP out of all MMORPGs.


Anyways, ill give PvP in this game 2/10 out of pity. Ability delay, makes any serious PvP impossible and untill they fix that, its all just a scrubfest as it is now. When they fix ability delay, get nice ranked ladders for serious PvP, good PvPrs might turn to this game and those that think they rock in PvP atm will be demolished.


Legend of mir 2 had the best and smoothest quality PvP and it destroyed WoW in every aspects imho.

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This is just wrong ... WoW PvP may be pro suitable, but it's far from best quality. Once you get to max level it gets so boring. Arena are brainless deathmatch pits and warzones are a mess without any direction. I will take my chances with anything new before current WoW PvP.


Thats your oppinion. Most people thathated arena werent very good in it and people usually dont want to see how mediocre they are in terms of "skill". In this game ability delay and bad craracter responsive evens out the playfield since good players cant perform as well as they could. Their fast reactions to situations and countering enemy moves is denied by animations preventing em to start new ability even when GCD is over. When pro gamers can interrupt their own INSTANT casts, there is something seriously wrong in the game.

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