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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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Pre level 50, I'd say about 5-6 out of 10.


After I hit level 50, as low as 1 or 0. Classes are not exact mirrors, imperials have an edge in almost every class.


Ilum pvp is just a big joke, I cannot complete any quests as the imps outnumber us, at least 4 to 1.


Gear and valor grind is completely skill-less. Why no dailies that promotes getting "top healing" "top dps" "top guard"?




Beta test forums said the same thing, and nothing was changed. I hope that BW changes it very soon.

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Agreed on a pvp server every territory should have an area where a guild or even side has to actually control it. Maybe a command post that rewards xp buffs (for lower levels) or better drop rates. I'm going to say it maybe even some REWARDS like setting a tax rate on sales in that area you control. Lineage 2 reference I know I did it. Can't beat those grind games :)


I'm with you man. Games like that were built strictly to enable PvP all day. Not this instanced carebear crap. I wanna be in the open world and feel like I need to watch my back every second. I wanna roll through with my guild and have epic battles to decide who's territory it is. Ilum = joke and WZ's are nothing but a cookie cutter PvP instance that we've all seen for years. This system gives us nothing new. Where is the creativity? This is Star Wars man, make me feel like it matters. CMON!

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1 - give us brackets. This is faceroll.



YESSS, Seriously, they claim that there is PvP equaling/Scaling which is supposed to make everyone equal. Not by a longshot, There are so many ways to prove that this cannot work.


I have been playing, or trying to play PvP Warzones, however when PVP is non-bracketed it's lvl 50 VS lvl 10 WHYYYY, when we learn new abilities with each level gained, we also increase the potency of these attacks by increasing the rank of each ability. When you gain PvP gear, you also gain ability increasing buffs, increased range of attacks. It's simply not fair for lower levels, at level 10,,,how many abilities do you have? compare that to a lvl 50 player, the lvl 50 can nail you with forced lightning from such a distance that you cannot even evade it,,,I've ran around the arena trying to get out of range to no avail, the lvl 10 player has such short ranged attacks in comparison, that you can not even interrupt.


:mad: I am so passionate about this topic that I cannot possibly make sense without some insane ramblings occurring. :eek:


I cannot express how badly this game needs 10 lvl brackets, and a seperate bracket for lvl 50's I think that this would hugely increase Q times, especially on low population servers, so, I also hope that they introduce multi-realm PvP at the same time, against the opposing faction,,,they'd have to for it to work IMO---------On a separate yet connected matter, introduce an LFG tool for Flashpoints AND Heroics Also make it Multi-Realm, TYVM for your patience if you actually read all of my rant:D

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I think the balance is great in this game. I enjoy the WZ's at 10-49 a lot. 50 Q times are horrendous anytime but peak. If your unable to play at peak your unable to PVP at 50 :eek:


The owpvp could be amazing! ,but its not in its current state.


There needs to be more incentives to fighting in ilum, allow Mercenary tokens to drop from killing players only when your faction controls ilum. That would make all the bases important and would keep a consistent fight going on. As of now there will sometimes be some epic battles and you can finish your daily without needing to collect a single box, this is when ilum is great! Othertimes its 40+ empire running in circles camping boxes in mid, and its pointless...




50 Operative 51valor, 30 Maruader 30valor, 25 Sorc 19 valor.

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- Mirrors are not actually mirrors because of ability delay


- CC's is ridiculous. Every class has half a dozen CC's and only one CC break which is on an absurdly long CD.


- Only 3 Warzones and one is idiotic in the extreme.


- Sorcerer's. 'nuff said.


- Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile... dead.


- Melee is terribad. If you get close enough to attack, then you get stun locked and face melted while ranged can sit in the back and kill everything and not get CC'd at all.


- Ilum is a joke. There's no HP buff for the team that's outnumbed. ffs, Planetside had this feature and it was released a decade ago.



But after all is said and done, you have to PVP in order to play because the PVP armor is better for raiding than anything else you can get before you raid. So even though PVP is awful, everyone has to grind through it for their first set of gear so they can start HCM raiding.



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As of today, if I were to rank it as-if it were the first MMO ever - 10


If I rank it knowing that Mythic is a part of EA/BW and their past games - 2 (ignoring War; DAoC was a 10 compared to this)


Ranked comparing it to WoW - both WoW and this game get a 3


Ranked compared to all MMOs that have ever been - 3

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Level 50 brackets is nice.

Those QQing about being level 10 and being rolled in PvP, well, I'm sorry you insisted on queue-ing at level 10. That's your fault if you can't hold your own. There's these neat things called expertise adrenals. Use them, Love them. I hold my own on my 14 marauder half the time. The other half of the time someone knows how to play.

Gear sets at level 20 and level 40 is awesome! Why'd you up the price on them though? There is no need for that. Instead introduce a new gear set at level 30. Add in a level 25 and level 40 mount for pvp. There's your commendation sink :)

I initially despised the idea of getting random gear from the bags. I still do hate it, but it wasn't near as bad as everyone was making it out to be.


How to improve PvP?

Ilum needs huge work. Warzones are fun and all, but Ilum should be where the real pvp is at while we wait on the new Warzones and Arenas.

Ilum is entirely too large! Maybe it'll change in a few months? I doubt it.

Perhaps when we entire Ilum's other map (where the pvp happens) auto-put someone in an ops group! Make it so if you AFK you are removed from the group, and once you un-afk you get a new invite or whatever.

It would force everyone to cooperate :)


Also, time for my little QQ



Warzone Weekly is 3X the Warzone Daily.




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i hate to be that guy, but wows pvp is sooooo much better than this ability lagging POS bioware put out. I hionestly doubt anyone that was intio wows arena (so someone that would have some background into mmo pvp) would give this anything above a 2. Ability lag is gamebreaking. Cant really judge the game till thats fixed.
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Map designs are quite nice, if not very varied - could do with some more epically sized, less linear ones (thinking gantries and stuff over hangars). I suppose more maps are a WIP.


Matches seem always very one-sided; playing as the Republic I've never seen a Republic win, always seems to be no shortage of Imps rushing around and swarming and a deficit of Republic, leading to constant 1 vs 7 engagements...


5/10, I'm pretty ambivalent. It just doesn't seem to work well atm.

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Both points for kinda fun arenas in pvp, but thats all, 95% of it is Huttball now and even if it was a bit fun for a while u get tired of it fast, more annoying is it that today i did win 7times and 3 of them counted, so instead of 2 more for weekly i still got 6 to go. But thats still not the worst....the worst thing is Ilum...so called world pvp....without any ppl to kill. I have about 5 kills there in 2hours...and all of them was the same guy so only got 1kill for 150 weekly and about 15 boxes coz there was 30 ppl with nothing to kill trying to get to the same box...


So great work BW, maybe try a little more ppl to fix pvp and the silly high amount of bugs in this game, and a little less ppl closing almost every thread that u dont like..

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How to improve PvP?

Ilum needs huge work. Warzones are fun and all, but Ilum should be where the real pvp is at while we wait on the new Warzones and Arenas.

Ilum is entirely too large! Maybe it'll change in a few months? I doubt it.


I actually think that Illum has about the right size to enable lots of different playstyles (zerging, group pvp, solo) the problem is that the current size is much too big for the current content available.


But I really hope they have created such a vast zone to be easily upgradeable with future content, guild claim and upgradeable outpost/fortresses for example scattered around the zone would be awesome (and is the one thing mythic is famous for).

I would be very surprised if this is not something that will come in future patches/free expansions.

Edited by Garbald
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PvP is perfect from my perspective.


Do I lose a lot when I queue solo? Yes.

Do I expect to lose a lot when I queue solo? Yes.

Do I rage during matches? Yes.

Do I expect to rage during matches? Yes.

Do I continue to rage once the match is over? Only sometimes.

Would I have it any other way? No.

Am I Empire? Yes.

Do I feel sorry for Republic? No.

Am I easily destroyed by certain classes? Yes.

Do I give up because I am easily destroyed by certain classes? No.

Are classes completely balanced? No.

Are they balanced enough to play any class? Yes.

Have I played all three trees from my class in PvP? Yes.

Have I been successful with all three? Most of the time.

Am I a Sith Juggernaut? Yes.

Do I feel like every class other than Marauder and Sniper is superior to me? Sometimes.

Do I get better against classes I feel are superior to me as time goes on? Most definitely.

Do I get blown away by Sorcs when I'm a tank? Yes.

Do I blow away Sorcs when I'm a DPS? In most cases.

Do I intentionally target Battlemasters to the point where they remove their title so they stop getting focused? All the freaking time.

Am I a Battlemaster? No.

Have I been level 50 since December 17th? Yes.

Do I have every piece of Champion gear for both my primary roles? No.

Have I gotten a Champion weapon in the 57 valor ranks I've gone through? No.

Has everyone around me gotten their purple lightsaber within their first 10 bags? Yes.

Do I care? No. I at least have the Centurion weapon for both specs.

Do I like Huttball? Hell yes.


PvP is about what I expected it to be - maybe even a little better. There are parts that are frustrating, but I don't want everything handed to me so this works out perfectly. I may have rated it lower 3 weeks ago, but the more I play, the better I become and the more I realize the PvP isn't as bad as people make it out to be.

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The matchmaking system (if any at all) is a joke. Simply way too many imbalanced fight, were 1 team own the other totally. Mostly the premade team or the team with the least number of low levels.


Some classes do 2-3 times more dps than other (Commandos and Bounty Hunters) other classes (melee) suck big time.


Fix matchmaking system, let premades play against other premades. Level the teams dont have one team with most 40-49 levels where the other team has a bunch of below 20.


I mainly play this game due to PvP, but will unsubscribe soon I reckon.


Don't know how the lead PvP designer can fail so bad.

Good luck out there.

Edited by Baramaethor
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At this point, 5/10.




-Sans gear, I think the classes are pretty balanced. This is what I've noticed in my 1v1 OPvP fights.

-Fights have gotten better with the recent changes. I've been finding more of them, in Ilum for instance, with a larger variety (zerg v zerg, small group, solo).

-WZ all 50 bracket is much better and the fights are more challenging and intense.

-Changes and updates have been pretty fast. This is encouraging for the future.




-There are ability delays in combat that are extremely frustrating.

-No overall PvP objective. It's just a Gear and Valor grind. Pretty hollow and uninspiring.

-Faction imbalance makes Ilum a struggle and unfun at times.

-Bag RNG system for gear is garbage.

-Still no leaderboard. Still no combat log. Still no Wartab.

-Quitters in WZs need to be penalized. I hate being queued into WZs that are almost over with no chance of winning.

-Resolve system doesn't work right. Still too much CC.

-No reward for OPvP fights on planets other than Ilum. Ilum is one of the most god awful planets in the game. It would really be better if more OPvP fights were encouraged on some of the other planets. Some of the best OPvP battles I've participated in have for World Bosses.


At the moment, the negatives pretty far outweigh the positives imo. However, overall, I am still having fun in PvP and that's the most important thing. Still needs a lot of work though.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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PvP is perfect from my perspective.


Do I lose a lot when I queue solo? Yes.

Do I expect to lose a lot when I queue solo? Yes.

Do I rage during matches? Yes.

Do I expect to rage during matches? Yes.

Do I continue to rage once the match is over? Only sometimes.

Would I have it any other way? No.

Am I Empire? Yes.

Do I feel sorry for Republic? No.

Am I easily destroyed by certain classes? Yes.

Do I give up because I am easily destroyed by certain classes? No.

Are classes completely balanced? No.

Are they balanced enough to play any class? Yes.

Have I played all three trees from my class in PvP? Yes.

Have I been successful with all three? Most of the time.

Am I a Sith Juggernaut? Yes.

Do I feel like every class other than Marauder and Sniper is superior to me? Sometimes.

Do I get better against classes I feel are superior to me as time goes on? Most definitely.

Do I get blown away by Sorcs when I'm a tank? Yes.

Do I blow away Sorcs when I'm a DPS? In most cases.

Do I intentionally target Battlemasters to the point where they remove their title so they stop getting focused? All the freaking time.

Am I a Battlemaster? No.

Have I been level 50 since December 17th? Yes.

Do I have every piece of Champion gear for both my primary roles? No.

Have I gotten a Champion weapon in the 57 valor ranks I've gone through? No.

Has everyone around me gotten their purple lightsaber within their first 10 bags? Yes.

Do I care? No. I at least have the Centurion weapon for both specs.

Do I like Huttball? Hell yes.


PvP is about what I expected it to be - maybe even a little better. There are parts that are frustrating, but I don't want everything handed to me so this works out perfectly. I may have rated it lower 3 weeks ago, but the more I play, the better I become and the more I realize the PvP isn't as bad as people make it out to be.





You sir, win the internets. all of them.


I agree with all of this. and Juggs rule. That is all.

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I'm at about a 3/10.


Having about 1/4 of my matches count for nothing due to a bug is annoying. The bolster system is not working. Certain classes/professions are leaps and bounds ahead of others. Huttball is a nuisance (and I'm Republic). How can you call it a "War"zone when you're playing a game with a ball vs the same faction as yours. Playing the champion bag lotto is not a good way of gearing up. Pugs vs Premades are bad, and so is the fact I can only queue with 3 other people. Ilum is an absolute joke, where PvP gets in the way of getting PvP gear. The "fixes" they have in store for the planet will not change anything.




The map layouts are nice. When you get two teams that are more or less equal it can lead to some very entertaining matches (when they count anyways).


7/10...but 8/10 would be my highest score for anything non-EVE PVP as it's pretty much unbeatable. Overall, I'm really enjoying SWTOR PVP, especially Huttball :)

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PvP is perfect from my perspective.


Do I lose a lot when I queue solo? Yes.

Do I expect to lose a lot when I queue solo? Yes.

Do I rage during matches? Yes.

Do I expect to rage during matches? Yes.

Do I continue to rage once the match is over? Only sometimes.

Would I have it any other way? No.

Am I Empire? Yes.

Do I feel sorry for Republic? No.

Am I easily destroyed by certain classes? Yes.

Do I give up because I am easily destroyed by certain classes? No.

Are classes completely balanced? No.

Are they balanced enough to play any class? Yes.

Have I played all three trees from my class in PvP? Yes.

Have I been successful with all three? Most of the time.

Am I a Sith Juggernaut? Yes.

Do I feel like every class other than Marauder and Sniper is superior to me? Sometimes.

Do I get better against classes I feel are superior to me as time goes on? Most definitely.

Do I get blown away by Sorcs when I'm a tank? Yes.

Do I blow away Sorcs when I'm a DPS? In most cases.

Do I intentionally target Battlemasters to the point where they remove their title so they stop getting focused? All the freaking time.

Am I a Battlemaster? No.

Have I been level 50 since December 17th? Yes.

Do I have every piece of Champion gear for both my primary roles? No.

Have I gotten a Champion weapon in the 57 valor ranks I've gone through? No.

Has everyone around me gotten their purple lightsaber within their first 10 bags? Yes.

Do I care? No. I at least have the Centurion weapon for both specs.

Do I like Huttball? Hell yes.


PvP is about what I expected it to be - maybe even a little better. There are parts that are frustrating, but I don't want everything handed to me so this works out perfectly. I may have rated it lower 3 weeks ago, but the more I play, the better I become and the more I realize the PvP isn't as bad as people make it out to be.


So then since u rated it a 10/10 you dont have the same starnge, frustrating delay before every ability? I know its the same for everyobne and all that, but comopared to iother mmo pvp it feels unbel;ieveably clunky. 10/10?!?! ***, maybe if there wasnt a total lack of balance, and weird delay on abilities. even then idk. and things like that ARE what make the pvp in a game good or bad. not if ur a battlemaster or not, ffs...

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PvP is perfect from my perspective.


Do I lose a lot when I queue solo? Yes.

Do I expect to lose a lot when I queue solo? Yes.

Do I rage during matches? Yes.

Do I expect to rage during matches? Yes.

Do I continue to rage once the match is over? Only sometimes.

Would I have it any other way? No.

Am I Empire? Yes.

Do I feel sorry for Republic? No.

Am I easily destroyed by certain classes? Yes.

Do I give up because I am easily destroyed by certain classes? No.

Are classes completely balanced? No.

Are they balanced enough to play any class? Yes.

Have I played all three trees from my class in PvP? Yes.

Have I been successful with all three? Most of the time.

Am I a Sith Juggernaut? Yes.

Do I feel like every class other than Marauder and Sniper is superior to me? Sometimes.

Do I get better against classes I feel are superior to me as time goes on? Most definitely.

Do I get blown away by Sorcs when I'm a tank? Yes.

Do I blow away Sorcs when I'm a DPS? In most cases.

Do I intentionally target Battlemasters to the point where they remove their title so they stop getting focused? All the freaking time.

Am I a Battlemaster? No.

Have I been level 50 since December 17th? Yes.

Do I have every piece of Champion gear for both my primary roles? No.

Have I gotten a Champion weapon in the 57 valor ranks I've gone through? No.

Has everyone around me gotten their purple lightsaber within their first 10 bags? Yes.

Do I care? No. I at least have the Centurion weapon for both specs.

Do I like Huttball? Hell yes.


PvP is about what I expected it to be - maybe even a little better. There are parts that are frustrating, but I don't want everything handed to me so this works out perfectly. I may have rated it lower 3 weeks ago, but the more I play, the better I become and the more I realize the PvP isn't as bad as people make it out to be.


Perfect. Agreed.

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