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Hoping that BW will wise up and drop the staggered EGA


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You need to wake up. SO you want to be competitive and still you slacked and preordered late? You deserve to be bored until 2012. Really. God im tired of you whiners.


you are a good example of a successfull community split.

thank you BW


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OMG, another one of those threads?


To make it real simple - they told us how the EGA would work and EVERYONE had the chance to read the conditions of the pre-orders. It's your own damn fault that you can't be bothered to read a few lines of text.


Just to make you all feel better, I've been playing since the first wave yesterday.

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Of course you don't care because you are not the one losing money...BW/EA will be.


I don't understand why people like you and others continue to provoke and troll unhappy players. You act like we have no rights to speak up about poor customers service.


I may have to start flagging people like you who just continue to troll and provoke us. It clearly states on the forum rules no provoking.


You may not agree with me or others but please stop with the name calling, and provoking us. I will start flagging people now. Beware.


The part you are missing is the majority are not upset or threatening to ragequit. The majortiy knew this was going to be staggered access. The problem I have w/ all these threads complaining about EA is that it pushes legit threads to the back. All these threads should be in the suggestions forums since this is exactly as advertised.


So in reality it is the folks who keep these silly threads going that are being provoking and thats why the mods have been closing the threads.

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OMG, another one of those threads?


To make it real simple - they told us how the EGA would work and EVERYONE had the chance to read the conditions of the pre-orders. It's your own damn fault that you can't be bothered to read a few lines of text.


Just to make you all feel better, I've been playing since the first wave yesterday.


and where is your "i enjoed it mutch" slap in our faces ?

you fail

Edited by rawfox
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Every game has a bad point that people mock for years to come.


This staggered release is going to be SW:TOR's.


I'm not complaining but most people, especialy long time MMO players, know there is always one point you mock about a certain game.


The sad point for me was when folks over on DCUO started mocking this. If those buggers are mocking then you know something is wrong.


Gonna let you in on a little post mmo-launch secret. After it's over and done, no one will give a crap.

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I am sorry that you preordered in OCT, if you knew you were going to play you should have preordered in July Like me and others who were first in.


And if everyone would have done the same (or even just half the people), we would still be in same situation, because when you get in, is based on that how many people pre-ordered before you. Not at what day you did pre-order. So in ANY possible scenario of X ammount of people pre-ordering day Y or E, there would be huge ammount of annoyed people because others get to play while other don't, that is with this staggering system.


Like i've said many time, i would rather have the Aion queues, for a month, than this staggering EGA for a week. (i ordered last week because i've got ZERO emails from swtor.com since i did singup for beta, which did lead me to forgot that there is SWTOR at all)

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OMG, another one of those threads?


To make it real simple - they told us how the EGA would work and EVERYONE had the chance to read the conditions of the pre-orders. It's your own damn fault that you can't be bothered to read a few lines of text.


Just to make you all feel better, I've been playing since the first wave yesterday.


im convinced that people who are pro staggered access either work for EA, Bioware, Lucas Arts or have already received an early access invite.

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With all the rage caused by staggered EGA, I am hoping, praying that Bioware will drop this crap about phasing in pre-order customers.


Considering that people are already exploiting wzs, they really need to do something now. I don't mind power gaming on a pvp server, even as the underdog. However, facing lvl 50s fully decked out, when it's going to take the rest of us forever to gear/level up is complete and utter BS.

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and where is your "i enjoed it mutch" slap in our faces ?

you fail


No, he doesnt fail. Hes right. He beat others to the punch, and earned his early access. So he may be adding a little bit of attitude, who cares... ****, I'm not likely to be in early access for another few days, but I'm with him. You selfish, immature people need a "I enjoed it mutch" slap in the face.


You should have read the terms. Nothing is new here, regardless of whether you agree with this staggered approach or not. It has been stated this was the way they would do things for months. They even added two extra days for us. You may not think it is the most ideal way to handle this, but you guys act like this came out of the blue. And that is what kills me the most.


So, no..

You fail.

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And if everyone would have done the same (or even just half the people), we would still be in same situation, because when you get in, is based on that how many people pre-ordered before you. Not at what day you did pre-order. So in ANY possible scenario of X ammount of people pre-ordering day Y or E, there would be huge ammount of annoyed people because others get to play while other don't, that is with this staggering system.


Like i've said many time, i would rather have the Aion queues, for a month, than this staggering EGA for a week. (i ordered last week because i've got ZERO emails from swtor.com since i did singup for beta, which did lead me to forgot that there is SWTOR at all)


i would have too (but we know what we signed up for) pref'd short term queues. but thats my opinion. oh, and that thing about you forgetting swtor exists, that truly sucks dude, my heart goes out to you

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im convinced that people who are pro staggered access either work for EA, Bioware, Lucas Arts or have already received an early access invite.


Or they were able to comprehend the line, "your EGA is based off of when you redeemed your pre-order code"

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With all the rage caused by staggered EGA, I am hoping, praying that Bioware will drop this crap about phasing in pre-order customers.


They should hopefully by now realize it is the worst idea in MMORPG history no one cares about lag we do however care that because we were unable to preorder before others, we are less important in Bioware's eyes.


We are all paying customers who want to play an MMO competitively, it's not fair to allow such huge headstarts because they are favoring people who were able to purchase the game earlier.


This will kill the economy and any hope elitists have at server firsts.


Please keep this thread alive and ask/beg Bioware to just let us all in already.


Dream on. They might ramp up the amount they let it, but they aren't likely to drop the staggered start.

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Considering that people are already exploiting wzs, they really need to do something now. I don't mind power gaming on a pvp server, even as the underdog. However, facing lvl 50s fully decked out, when it's going to take the rest of us forever to gear/level up is complete and utter BS.


So you won't roll another character ever because there will be fully decked 50s on the server... interesting.

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Of course you don't care because you are not the one losing money...BW/EA will be.


I don't understand why people like you and others continue to provoke and troll unhappy players. You act like we have no rights to speak up about poor customers service.


I may have to start flagging people like you who just continue to troll and provoke us. It clearly states on the forum rules no provoking.


You may not agree with me or others but please stop with the name calling, and provoking us. I will start flagging people now. Beware.


QFT: I second that. While its amusing to read these constant battles between the trolls and dissatisfied customers, it is now really starting to look bad for the image of the forum. I am sure some of us at least are a bit fed up with it by now.


I have been wondering to myself what motivates people into defending Bioware's roll out of the game, as well as the Rage Quitting and demands for access now type posts. Reading both sides of the argument, and I can see the points of view from all sides of this, I have to say as a customer, who also pre ordered, Bioware WAS probably some what vague at first about how and when things would happen, often saying "details would be released later"


Personally as things turn out with the staggered email invites for getting access to the game, I think it does feel like Bioware are discriminating against those by using a "first come first served policy". While many people feel thats a fair policy, it would be if the process of inviting people back into the game, was handled better. The one aspect of this that I find disappointing is the fact that I pre ordered with the aim of getting early access, not really bothered about a free light saber crystal.. to find that Bioware are basically not shipping Pre orders till on the day of the 20th of Dec. This means I could of restrained myself from pre ordering, and bought the game on the day from a local retailer. This doesn't seem to be rewarding pre order customers to me.


I think peoples concerns are perfectly legitimate and I too might start flagging Trolls and people provoking people who are genuinely upset by the way they feel they are being treated by Bioware. I understand EA games and Bioware have some pretty hard core fans, that despite any marketing flaws usually defend the company position no matter what.


just my 2 cents.

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Considering that people are already exploiting wzs, they really need to do something now. I don't mind power gaming on a pvp server, even as the underdog. However, facing lvl 50s fully decked out, when it's going to take the rest of us forever to gear/level up is complete and utter BS.


Or are mature enough to not want everything now!!


And have lived through enough 'throw everyone in and chuck on some extra servers' launch fiascos to last a lifetime, the people in the game are able to play lag free, the servers are stable, I'll happily wait a couple of days to have the same when I start playing.

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I understand that people have some more legitimate excuses for wanting to get in earlier that transcends the "I was promised x number of days" excuse (which they were not). Regardless of the reason, I still vote for Bioware to stay the course if it means stable servers and hopefully no queue once we actually get in.


All in all, especially with the information available from the beginning, I would hope elitists would have realized that they should have pre-ordered as early as possible. I suppose it's a bummer (though I never understood the "elitist" fascination), but it's just something they'll have to live with. As someone else said, there will be chances for that later once they start rolling out new content.


I'm willing to bet Bioware has no intention of dropping their plans, though I wouldn't be surprised to see them rush most people in within the next 2 days.

Edited by EtherealPotato
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