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EGA handled very poorly


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It's not the same, if you want to play you should be able to queue and wait to play. You shouldn't have to wait for access behind a load of other people who won't potentially be playing. The server has queues so it doesn't crash, and the servers will have to handle full loads during peak time after launch, so they can handle just pre order players now.


I don't know about you but I haven't seen much on these forums in the way of praising this.



I'd rather a buggy game that I'm allowed to play than a smooth one I can't ANY day of the week. I'd rather a queue that tells me when I can play than being left in the dark without a clue any. Day. Of. The. Week. I'd rather be kicked off the server due to a crash than to have never been on the server in the first place, you guessed it, ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.



As I said with the last line of my post, Either way people are going to like it and hate it. Thanks for your opinions but restating them doesn't change anything. MY opinion is that either way I am waiting to play. BW has decided that this is the best way for them to approach it, you can disagree all you want but they aren't changing their minds. You will have people agree with you, and people flame you, but its not going to change the fact that you will get to play some time this week, and everyone that gets the game later, will play when they get the game.

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I agree with this guy. The OP should go back in time and learn about the pre-order process back then. Then he won't have this problem in the present.

Yes, because the preorder process wasn't plastered in neon letters a mile high with lots of people agonising over preorder codes being held by retailers back in July. Oh wait, it was, with as many threads as this about it.


Fact 1: Stephen Reid made it clear this was how they were going to approach the preorders in July. July, kids. It's been a while to take notice, no? They have had an FAQ up for four months. To be terribly surprised now and yet mysteriously be an active forum member for some time is just plain contradictory.


Fact 2: Nobody has paid anything for a game and won't be charged until the 20th, unless you got charged by a greedy retailer for your preorder, in which case, well, that's your choice isn't it? Amazon doesn't charge for preorders, for example. Preorder is free time. If your retailer charged you for this, take it up with them.


Fact 3: Given that we were promised 5 days of early access, that everyone is ************ 6 days before launch is beyond stupidity. Please learn addition & subtraction. Tomorrow is the 5th day. Go nuts then, ffs.

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I posted this in another of these thread, I'm posting it here as well!



I can't get my head round a lot of these threads, where were these threads on the 12th December before anyone got in?, because the situation was exactly the same then, it hasn't changed. 'You will get into early access based on when you redeemed your pre-order code'. It wasn't a problem 2 days ago but now it suddenly is?


The only valid reason I can see for complaint here is if you pre-ordered early, (say around July/August time), and someone who pre-ordered after you got in before you, or if you pre-ordered on say day 1 or 2 of pre-orders and aren't in yet, that's it.


The situation has not changed, if you knew 2 days ago there was a chance you wouldn't get in on day one of EGA because of when you redeemed your pre-order code and you didn't complain about it then....then what gives you the right to complain now, apart from the reasons I outlined above?



Having said all this, those of us that are 'in' should in no way be provoking the situation. Let's not rub peoples noses in it, keep the silly comments like 'you mad bro' etc, etc to a minimum.

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The only way bioware can ever make up for this outrage is to create and release baldurs gate 3! You can do something else until the 15th, once that comes around you can start bickering about not getting your "up to 5 days" 'guaranteed' time.



Anyone up for some multiplayer Ms paint?

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The point of this thread? I just think the EGA method is trash and I can't see a reason to do it like this, maybe someone can point a legitimate one out.


Considering that players are in their 30s already due to a pvp exploit, I agree with you. Deleting all the threads about it, won't make the problem go away.

Horrible horrible EGA implementation.

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As I said with the last line of my post, Either way people are going to like it and hate it. Thanks for your opinions but restating them doesn't change anything. MY opinion is that either way I am waiting to play. BW has decided that this is the best way for them to approach it, you can disagree all you want but they aren't changing their minds. You will have people agree with you, and people flame you, but its not going to change the fact that you will get to play some time this week, and everyone that gets the game later, will play when they get the game.


It's a fact, not an opinion, that with this method there will be people let in who aren't even trying to play, which is unfair to players who actually want to play but can't try.

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It's a fact, not an opinion, that with this method there will be people let in who aren't even trying to play, which is unfair to players who actually want to play but can't try.


So you are mad because someone presumably got an email before you and isn't using it?

Non staggered - Less people in front of you a que

Staggered - If they aren't in game, they aren't adding to the server load, thus making the decision to add more people more likely (less people in fornt of you)


I still cannot find a big enough difference in the 2 to warrant as much disdain as there has been. I suppose its just Rose colored glasses and all though

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if there are so many threads complaining about something then there is clearly a problem.


yeah because we should always listen to the angry pitch fork mob... good plan for your brand new Starwars MMO that took 3 years, 100 million, a RL Bioware expansion, etc, etc

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The crying here is just unbelievable. Seriously people, get a life. I didn't preorder until late October but hopefully I will get 1 or 2 days of early gaming. Great, that's a bonus!


Good luck to you true fans that preordered as soon as it became available. I hope you are enjoying it. As for the morons (lets be honest) that preordered in December and think they should have the same bonus as the July preorders I just hope that somehow your name is missed from the lists.

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Ive got a legitimate point for you: The game is not launching until next week. The early access you get now is a bonus, a gift form bioware to their most loyal fans (those who pre-ordered the first). If you did not pre-order on the first day (21 July) you are not a true hardcore fan and you do not deserve access until you do. (I pre-ordered somewhere in october because I really can not care about these 5 days)


Just because you order a game does not make you loyal, play the game for several years paying each month would then make you loyal. but preordering a game no.

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Devs are closing all threads people are discussing the games handling of early access. Calling it off topic, in a general discussion thread no less. lol They don't want the truth out there. But look for the closed posts if they haven't deleted them yet. What is going on with EA's handling of this game has been one big f#$king mess. Showing once again EA doesn't have a clue and pissing off a whole new set of people.
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Why come into the thread? Its titled "EGA handled very poorly". Not a big shocker what was going to be contained in this thread. No reason for you to be here since you have such disdain for the content.


I came into this thread to give my opinion on how moronic this thread is, how dumb the OP is for posting it, and how idiotic those are who agree with him. Much the same reason 75% of the posters in this thread are here.


Though, disdain is a harsh word. I'd prefer to call it fascination. Kinda like why scientists run off to Africa to study the feeding/social behaviors of stupid herd animals.

Edited by McVade
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Devs are closing all threads people are discussing the games handling of early access. Calling it off topic, in a general discussion thread no less. lol They don't want the truth out there. But look for the closed posts if they haven't deleted them yet. What is going on with EA's handling of this game has been one big f#$king mess. Showing once again EA doesn't have a clue and pissing off a whole new set of people.


All the threads Ive been a part of werent closed for off topic, they were closed telling you to join the main conversation. But then again, all this QQ is from people that have no reading comprehension, so why would I expect people to read the reason the thread was closed.....

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Devs are closing all threads people are discussing the games handling of early access. Calling it off topic, in a general discussion thread no less. lol They don't want the truth out there. But look for the closed posts if they haven't deleted them yet. What is going on with EA's handling of this game has been one big f#$king mess. Showing once again EA doesn't have a clue and pissing off a whole new set of people.


They're just tired of children like yourself whining and spamming the forums.

Let's go get you a whaamburger and some french cries, until BW kisses your booboos.

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I'm talking about European players, i fail to see why they cannot have 2 teams of people working around the clock to ensure a smooth succession of waves to ease the players into it.


Yes finally a worthy point in this whole thread, why oh why do we europeans have to wait for americans to wake up and send out emails. should have another european team to take care of the european servers and early game access. I dont care if its 7 days or half a day early access as long as its an early access. come on people its a nice holiday present from BW.

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I don't like how this has been handled at all, what's worse is the apologists on this forum constantly trying to justify this to aggravated players (can we even call them that since they aren't able to play? hurrhurr).


The servers were stress tested in the beta weekend, and everyone was let in at once, I found there to be very little in the form of server stability issues here - sure there were queues, but these are the lesser of two evils, though I'm getting ahead of myself and will get to queues later. Anyway, the beta weekend was fine letting people in all at once, and if people are let in all at once now, I don't see how that is going to be worse than any peak time after release. My point is, the servers should be able to handle it, and queues are in place to make sure they don't get overloaded.


Queues versus the arbitrary first come first serve wave system. There is one huge flaw with the system being used, in that it is effectively one big queue, but not all the players in the queue will necessarily be able to play when they are let in. With traditional queues, you are waiting behind other players who wan't to play and are waiting to do so. With this, there will no doubt be a lot of people effectively in front of you in the queue who are let in and then don't even play. This is in my opinion the main flaw, if people want to play, they should be able to queue and be given their place in the queue (woohoo we are foreshadowing the next point), that way players who aren't trying to play aren't in the queue.


Next up is the way people are being let in, 'waves' of people let in throughout the day. Firstly I'm told by people that there are very few people actually on the server (at least the server they are on) sometimes which leads me to believe that the previous point (people not actually playing after being let in) is occurring, or that simply not enough people are being let in. Who could blame people for not playing once let in though? When you are given no indication of when you will be allowed to play, instead you have to check throughout the day each time a wave is released.


Patch days are a similar scenario in which lots of players will be trying to log onto empty servers at once eager to access new content, I doubt that this method would be used for them though so why do it now.


The point of this thread? I just think the EGA method is trash and I can't see a reason to do it like this, maybe someone can point a legitimate one out.


I would say lets see after today the dates people are reporting when they are in. Is this system great? No, but everyone who bothered to read any info at all knew this is how it would be. They wanted to see how the first day went. Ok cool. Now they see and lets see how they handle it from here on out.


As to a legitimate reason. One I can think of is to keep the starter areas less crowded. To thoes of us who have been apart of an MMO launch before we know what to expect. Most of us dont mind it or actually enjoy the chaos. However with a launch on an IP such as StarWars they also have alot of people who havent played an MMO before. Maybe its for them.


I wont put you in the same catagory as other idiots posting. You actually put some thought into it and didnt just say "SCREWZ DA BIOWAREZ IM CANCELING" like most are. With exception of calling it trash of course. Even so I may not agree with you (and no, I'm not in) at least you attempted to act like an adult about it.

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