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C2-N2 Needs to stop talking.


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Basically everything he says irritates me, and he's in a place on my ship that I obviously have to pass by every single time I leave and enter owning a Thunderclap.


Give me an option to rip out his vocal processor via dialogue chat cutscene things, or just disable it permanantly OR even just move him.


Something's got to change about him though, that's for sure.

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Basically everything he says irritates me, and he's in a place on my ship that I obviously have to pass by every single time I leave and enter owning a Thunderclap.


Give me an option to rip out his vocal processor via dialogue chat cutscene things, or just disable it permanantly OR even just move him.


Something's got to change about him though, that's for sure.


yeah really - every time i move around my ship at all the guy NEVER shuts up - move him to an area that is not passed as often or something please??

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Really, out of all things you could complain about you complain about something extremely stupid.


It's not what he complained about. It's how he went about complaining. Seriously, nobody is going to listen to him until he demands it gets fixed immediately or else he'll rage quit and go back to WoW.

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The option would be nice. So players who like him can let him drone on and on and on until their ears bleed,

while the rest can have their peace and quiet.


Even C-3PO could be deactivated when he got too annoying.


He's going to be adjusted in the next patch. PTR notes are up.

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