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Question from a noob- Is this normal in an MMO?


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I'm completely new to MMOs but have become pretty hooked since trying swtor. This happened to me today-


Fighting as Republic, and questing in an Imperial area, I was followed for some time by an Imperial human player. He was healing the NPCs I was fighting, making it impossible for me to beat a mob. I tried to take out this healer, but I couldn't (he was not in PVP mode)


I ignored him for a while, as usually idiots go away when ignored. He didn't, and continued to follow me.


To say I became a trifle upset is an understatement of epic proportions. The profanity in the chat box was unspeakable. I called him names beginning with W, P, P, A, and a few others as well. Insulting his maturity, masculinity and intelligence.


He then taunted me he could follow me around all day.


Commence further profanity.


I took a few minutes to compose myself as I was getting nowhere, and finally convinced him to go away by informing him I was reporting his conduct to Bioware. I was left livid with him, and embarrased with myself.


I have a question, as I am new to MMOs. Is this normal behaviour in the MMO world?

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I'm completely new to MMOs but have become pretty hooked since trying swtor. This happened to me today-


Fighting as Republic, and questing in an Imperial area, I was followed for some time by an Imperial human player. He was healing the NPCs I was fighting, making it impossible for me to beat a mob. I tried to take out this healer, but I couldn't (he was not in PVP mode)


I ignored him for a while, as usually idiots go away when ignored. He didn't, and continued to follow me.


To say I became a trifle upset is an understatement of epic proportions. The profanity in the chat box was unspeakable. I called him names beginning with W, P, P, A, and a few others as well. Insulting his maturity, masculinity and intelligence.


He then taunted me he could follow me around all day.


Commence further profanity.


I took a few minutes to compose myself as I was getting nowhere, and finally convinced him to go away by informing him I was reporting his conduct to Bioware. I was left livid with him, and embarrased with myself.


I have a question, as I am new to MMOs. Is this normal behaviour in the MMO world?


It's called "griefing", and it's a playstyle that is centered around ruining the experience of other players.


THe kind of behavior you are describing should be reported to a GM.

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In any MMORG you will run across some who will be jerks to others (hmm, you see that in the real world too).


And you will run across some who will be helpful and friendly and polite.


You tend to remember the jerks more because they generate stronger emotional reactions on your part.

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I'm completely new to MMOs but have become pretty hooked since trying swtor. This happened to me today-


Fighting as Republic, and questing in an Imperial area, I was followed for some time by an Imperial human player. He was healing the NPCs I was fighting, making it impossible for me to beat a mob. I tried to take out this healer, but I couldn't (he was not in PVP mode)


I ignored him for a while, as usually idiots go away when ignored. He didn't, and continued to follow me.


To say I became a trifle upset is an understatement of epic proportions. The profanity in the chat box was unspeakable. I called him names beginning with W, P, P, A, and a few others as well. Insulting his maturity, masculinity and intelligence.


He then taunted me he could follow me around all day.


Commence further profanity.


I took a few minutes to compose myself as I was getting nowhere, and finally convinced him to go away by informing him I was reporting his conduct to Bioware. I was left livid with him, and embarrased with myself.


I have a question, as I am new to MMOs. Is this normal behaviour in the MMO world?


He was griefing you. This is par for the course. Remember, Imps are the enemy faction, and they don't feel any guilt about doing whatever it takes to get you to leave their zone. You did say you were in an Imperial area so... you should expect it. Any imperial player is going to be offended to see a Republic player running around killing stuff in their territory.


And if you start to insult him in chat it will just reinforce the fact that he's pissing you off, and then you'll never get rid of him.

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In every game there will be the ******es, don't worry. When you tell him to stop and he doesn't report him and try to fast travel somewhere and lose him. On WoW pvp servers there would always be max leveled people destroying me in the questing area when I was 50 levels below them. Sadly this is something that will probably always be prevalent in MMOs.
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Is this normal behaviour in the MMO world?


Yes and no.


You'll always find people like this in a MMO, they're called griefers, because they get enjoyment out of causing people grief.


Sadly there's seldom any good way of dealing with them directly, because they make sure you can't retaliate against them. If you could that would ruin their fun and they can't have that.


There are not however a lot of these kinds of people so you won't seem them constantly, just every now and again.


There's only two things you can really do.


One is to ignore them, and if possible move on and do something else for a bit, or change instances.


Two is to report them to the GM's, and maybe they'll be dealt with.


But try not to let them ruin your fun, there's a lot of enjoyment that can be had in a MMO, don't let a few <blanks> stop you from doing that.

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It's called "griefing", and it's a playstyle that is centered around ruining the experience of other players.


THe kind of behavior you are describing should be reported to a GM.


He said he was in an imperial area. For him to expect to be able to run around in an Imperial area and just have imperial player /wave at him is kind of stupid, don't you think? On a PvP server he wouldn't get out alive.

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I suspect this is a troll, but in case it isn't, I will answer:


Are you asking about your behavior or his?


He wanted to get a reaction out of you. He was laughing his butt off, tears of laughter streaming from his eyes - all because of your reaction.


You made his day. Maybe his whole week.


Now, I deplore his behavior. I absolutely don't condone it in any way. He was a punk and he deserved to be reported for griefing.


However, if you had just ignored him, camped out for a couple minutes, gone to the bathroom, got a drink, ordered a pizza, watched a little TV, or god forbid, read a chapter of a book, then logged back in, that schmuck would have been miles away harassing some other poor slob.


Either way, I hope you did report him for griefing.


Net time, exercise some self control and resist the temptation to give them what they want. Ignore them and report them immediately. Leave that quest area and go to an area friendly to your faction - if he folows your guards will kill him.


My final thought is, assuming this is not a troll and this really is possible in this game (I have never tried it or seen it done), then such actions should be made impossible or they should auto-flag for PVP if someone tries to heal another player's engaged targets.

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He said he was in an imperial area. For him to expect to be able to run around in an Imperial area and just have imperial player /wave at him is kind of stupid, don't you think? On a PvP server he wouldn't get out alive.


Cause delivering insults of the non-rp type probably about the OP's parentage and sexual prefferences as well as skills with the game, is indeed what a decent player should do when encountering a player of the opposite faction on a pve server.

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I'm completely new to MMOs but have become pretty hooked since trying swtor. This happened to me today-


Fighting as Republic, and questing in an Imperial area, I was followed for some time by an Imperial human player. He was healing the NPCs I was fighting, making it impossible for me to beat a mob. I tried to take out this healer, but I couldn't (he was not in PVP mode)


I ignored him for a while, as usually idiots go away when ignored. He didn't, and continued to follow me.


To say I became a trifle upset is an understatement of epic proportions. The profanity in the chat box was unspeakable. I called him names beginning with W, P, P, A, and a few others as well. Insulting his maturity, masculinity and intelligence.


He then taunted me he could follow me around all day.


Commence further profanity.


I took a few minutes to compose myself as I was getting nowhere, and finally convinced him to go away by informing him I was reporting his conduct to Bioware. I was left livid with him, and embarrased with myself.


I have a question, as I am new to MMOs. Is this normal behaviour in the MMO world?


As others have mentioned it's called griefing, and it's something you can report him for as it falls under harassment.

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Ah griefing...reminds me of the sweet old days of people (not me of course!!!!11!) training 50 mobs over people at the Crushbone zone line in Everquest.


Not much you can do but get the name and actually report the turd. MMO companies will usually go after these types with more fervor than they do the most egregious bugs in the game.

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one thing though, the guy who was healing the mobs you had aggressed should have been flagged for pvp because of this action. i'm not saying that he should have been flagged due to current game mechanics, but that BW should consider implementing this as a game mechanic.


but yeah, play on a pvp server. it's more fun anyway.

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The best way to deal with a griefer like that is to simply quicktravel to someplace he can't follow, then do something else for about an hour so he'lll get bored and give up on waiting for you to come back. Doesn't hurt to report him either.


The way I, personally would have delt with him is to wander to someplace relatively safe nearby where mobs aren't spawning and just stand there for hours on end. Occasionally moving about a half inch to keep myself from idling out. I'd be watching anime and eating cheesy poofs and snacky cakes while doing this. :D

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W,P,P and A is a bit over the line don't you think?


People be stupid and annoying? Are you not on a pvp server?


It was on a PvE server. I am new to MMOs so was not aware this existed, believing conflict with other players only happened on PvP.


And yes, I felt deeply embarrased by my own stupid actions. But when the red mist descends........

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