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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 25 Legacy - Where's my reward?


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Nerd on Nerd hate. Nice.


We are playing an MMO. We are all nerds.


speak for yourself :p




no really, are you guys using 'nerd' as an insult? I only read up to page 5 and it seemed to be all in jest, but I could be wrong *shrug*



either way I'm legacy lvl 2, and since knowing there's nothing to gain right now anyway I'm not bothered by it either. I'm also not bothered at all by people having legacy lvl 25 already and an 'advantage' once the legacy actually does something. after all I .could. technically play 24/7 (sleep is for the weak) .. but I don't. and that's my own choice, same as it was the OPs choice to do.. whatever you need to do to get it up to lvl 25 ;) and make a post about something not being in game that everyone knew is not in game :p


(if this makes no sense at all, blame lack of sleep)

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speak for yourself :p




no really, are you guys using 'nerd' as an insult? I only read up to page 5 and it seemed to be all in jest, but I could be wrong *shrug*



either way I'm legacy lvl 2, and since knowing there's nothing to gain right now anyway I'm not bothered by it either. I'm also not bothered at all by people having legacy lvl 25 already and an 'advantage' once the legacy actually does something. after all I .could. technically play 24/7 (sleep is for the weak) .. but I don't. and that's my own choice, same as it was the OPs choice to do.. whatever you need to do to get it up to lvl 25 ;) and make a post about something not being in game that everyone knew is not in game :p


(if this makes no sense at all, blame lack of sleep)



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So you come whining on the forums because you failed to notice, the first time, that the feature wasn't implemented yet?


So why did you bother rushing to get it to level 25?


This makes no sense. It's not like they randomly decided to announce it wasn't ready yet when you just dinged 25, it was there THE WHOLE TIME.

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I'm 400 Biochem, 400 Bioanalysis, 400 Diplomacy - this was after I dropped my 400 Cybertech, 400 Scavenging and 400 Slicing.


I'm full epic.


You like floating your own boat don't you. All I see is an unwashed person with no social life, sorry.

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I'm glad to see the boards are full of rl-insulting people who define the 'pot kettle black' phrase.


There's a difference between a gamer and a person who does literally nothing but game. The Pot kettle thing died out when games got more popular.

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does that mean we're now all allowed to report the topic since you admitted to being a troll? :eek:


The point is:


Why would you implement something unfinished when people will farm it to destruction so when it is finally implemented said people get a huge advantage. Like I said, the system should be put on hold till it's ready for release or reset to 0 and put on hold. I don't care about either solution, because it's easy to farm anyway.

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The point is:


Why would you implement something unfinished when people will farm it to destruction so when it is finally implemented said people get a huge advantage. Like I said, the system should be put on hold till it's ready for release or reset to 0 and put on hold. I don't care about either solution, because it's easy to farm anyway.


Because not everyone does nothing but game, and doesn't want to boringly grind, implementing it now, for normal people allows them to get started on legacy is why they implemented it. Legacy I know for a fact, is going to in no way, give anyone a huge advantage. Unless you consider better customizations and random small **** for levelling huge advantages.

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Because not everyone does nothing but game, and doesn't want to boringly grind, implementing it now, for normal people allows them to get started on legacy is why they implemented it. Legacy I know for a fact, is going to in no way, give anyone a huge advantage. Unless you consider better customizations and random small **** for levelling huge advantages.


We have recieved no information on the legacy system. This is pure speculation.

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We have recieved no information on the legacy system. This is pure speculation.


No you have receive no information, because you blindly go to cry on the forums instead of actually searching for the information. They've made plenty of hints about legacy. The majority of so are customization. You'd have to be blank upstairs to think it'd actually give anything good.

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No...the fanboys just have a problem understanding that everything in the game is half-finished, that or they are okay with getting things that are half finished, either way really. No, legacy shouldn't have been put in place because as it stands you will end up with people who have nothing better to do farming it while they wait for BW to finish their raids, or fix their combat system for competative pvp.


Every MMO on the market has taught people how to farm. Most of us who play a lot of MMOs got real good at farming Maybe legacy will be trivial, and if its then no harm no foul. But if its not I can't wait to see all the complaining when the fanboys start dying to Cran's lvl 5.7 billion legacy death cannon.

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No...the fanboys just have a problem understanding that everything in the game is half-finished, that or they are okay with getting things that are half finished, either way really. No, legacy shouldn't have been put in place because as it stands you will end up with people who have nothing better to do farming it while they wait for BW to finish their raids, or fix their combat system for competative pvp.


Every MMO on the market has taught people how to farm. Most of us who play a lot of MMOs got real good at farming Maybe legacy will be trivial, and if its then no harm no foul. But if its not I can't wait to see all the complaining when the fanboys start dying to Cran's lvl 5.7 billion legacy death cannon.


Right I'll take being a fanboi over a whining nerdrager. You people expect things to be perfect off the bat, well crymore. You also think things are broken because they aren't the way you like, go cry about it. Whining and crying doesn't fix anything. Also i'll sure as hell take legacy levelling up for me while I level, or as now, do heroic raids, as to waiting for it to come out then grinding for what i may want for my alt.

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I can't wait to see all the complaining when the fanboys start dying to Cran's lvl 5.7 billion legacy death cannon.


I want that. "level 25 legacy cannon of death" hits you for 2492958279492692 damage.


Oh wait, combat logs aren't in. You'd just see on your screen "dead".

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