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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 25 Legacy - Where's my reward?


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You grinded for something....that serves no purpose now...for which they've stated many times it serves no purpose now....but will later...


And you are complaining that you didn't get anything?


Bravo, your are the shining example of humanity as it stands, way to go.

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It's not. Bioware will have to apply rewards for level 100, 150, 200 legacy. I could -easily- hit level 100 legacy (playing as I am now) in 54 days. Hell I could play double the time and get it in 28 days. That's why it's broken. I can get a large advantage over anyone and render the system useless because of how easy it is to level.


To each their own then. I'd rather be getting the experience now (just like the other players that started on launch) and be able to use it than having to level it when the system is fully implemented thus losing leveling experience that new players will be getting.


I like to think of it like WoW's guild leveling system. We've got a guild that's been around for five years why the hell should we be starting at level 1? Did none of what we did before matter? Bioware is letting what you are doing now matter towards a system that they claim is coming.


The only way this ends badly is if they end up scrapping the system entirely, but i suspect that it wouldn't be in at all if at least part of it wasn't coming shortly (like first/second content patch).

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So you'd rather the experience portion wasn't in now and you'd have to grind out that twenty-five levels when they do put it in without the benefit of getting the legacy experience that you gained while leveling post Act I?


Would I rather have a working Legacy system right now? Sure. However, if it wasn't fully ready to go I'd rather be getting the experience right now and then be able to use it when it comes out as opposed to having to grind out the experience when they do release the benefits.


It's a smart design choice.


^THIS^ ...its totally better to allow us to be gaining the xp now rather thn all our activities be wasted and have to try and grind it at max level....


why you're complaining about this is beyond me

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^THIS^ ...its totally better to allow us to be gaining the xp now rather thn all our activities be wasted and have to try and grind it at max level....


why you're complaining about this is beyond me


Assuming legacy is purely cosmetic, that's fine. I get to be unique for a while. Assuming it affects gameplay (it might happen, BW have very little knowledge how to deal with MMOs as is) I'll have a huge advantage over everyone. I am confident I'm better than 99% of players anyway, I don't need any huge advantages to do what I can do without them. It's boring if I win by too much.


The system, imo, should either be reset when it goes live or simply disabled until it can go live. As is you'll have a bunch of people who farmed the crap out of it (read: me) get some huge advantage they shouldn't have.

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Would you *really* rather they had waited to add the Legacy system?


Then you'd be saying -- I wish I'd known this was coming before I leveled my alts, now I'm screwed, all of my previous playtime should be applied to this, etc etc.


Personally I'm glad that I can work on gaining Legacy levels now so that I don't have to worry about leveling more alts to gain xp after the time I've already put in.

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I have to agree that it is frustrating that there isn't even any word on what will be included. I've been holding off making an alt because of the extra options opened up but I'm getting impatient.


I am surprised that no one has made any Hotpocket or poop-bucket jokes. Seriously I took nearly 2 weeks of vacation off work for this game (major nerd points) and am rocking a level 5 legacy level (apparently not major nerd points).

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Just like other features that people are wanting to be implemented that they may have enjoyed in other mmo's or games, can't people understand that maybe Bioware wanted to wait and see if the game was an actual success and having the subscription support before adding, completing and expanding other game features?


I won't deny that not having a few things we took for granted for in other games would be nice but as a company, I'd probably want to make sure there'd be people around to pay for it too as blunt as that may sound.


Seriously, congratulations on grinding out your legacy levels. Now just grind out some patience?

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I recently hit level 25 legacy. This requires, largely, farming the following amount of legacy points:


244,500 x 25 = 6,112,500


Where's my reward. Implementing something which is pointless and saying "it will be implemented later" is poor form in my honest opinion. I'd rather the legacy system be disabled because when it goes live, I'm going to have a large advantage over everyone because of my legacy level.


PS: for level 25 legacy I'd like all my alts to start with the title "Servent of Clarissa" [main char name]


Pics or it didn't happen.

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I have to agree that it is frustrating that there isn't even any word on what will be included. I've been holding off making an alt because of the extra options opened up but I'm getting impatient.


I am surprised that no one has made any Hotpocket or poop-bucket jokes. Seriously I took nearly 2 weeks of vacation off work for this game (major nerd points) and am rocking a level 5 legacy level (apparently not major nerd points).


Epic nerd points. Not so much nerd, more grinding it while watching Top Gear/singing+dancing to Pendulum.

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Are you upset there aren't any rewards yet, or that you'll have some super advantage when they come out, or both?


Though it doesn't really matter - For all intents and purposes, the Legacy system isn't even implemented, except for allowing you to gain levels in it for when it comes out. I'm fairly certain they acknowledged this ahead of time, so there should be no surprise here.


Second, it isn't like you are the only one who will have Legacy experience - and whats more, we have no idea what kind of rewards they are offering and how many they are. Cosmetic or not, they may cap where the rewards end, and slowly add more or something.

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BIOWARE: "hey everyone! we love you guys, our customers, and are designing a great new systems that we think you"re just going to love! Here's a little taste of it to wet your wistle and build a little community suspense and get a little conversation started!"


COMMUNITY: "I don't know what it is and I know It hasn't been released yet but I mastered it anyway and I want my f'ing glowing sparkling pony with laser eye's and deathstar pooop and I want it now!

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hey guysssssss


it has nothing to do with the fact that this person has grinded out 25 levels of legacy and everything to do with the fact that bioware put out an incomplete system


Welcome to MMOs. We hope you enjoy your stay.

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Welcome to MMOs. We hope you enjoy your stay.


and you wonder why people say your mmo is bad


this would not fly in any other genre of game. why should it fly here?


this game has been in development for three years and they have released with so many bugs, bad design ideas, incomplete systems and a terribly optimised engine that i would forgive somebody for thinking that the game was rushed out the door.

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hey guysssssss


it has nothing to do with the fact that this person has grinded out 25 levels of legacy and everything to do with the fact that bioware put out an incomplete system


It was not Bioware's intention to put out an incomplete game. EA bullied them into releasing the game in time for Chri$tma$.

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hey guysssssss


it has nothing to do with the fact that this person has grinded out 25 levels of legacy and everything to do with the fact that bioware put out an incomplete system


The guy grinded his life away on a system he knew to be incomplete.. Sympathy = zero.

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and you wonder why people say your mmo is bad


this would not fly in any other genre of game. why should it fly here?


this game has been in development for three years and they have released with so many bugs, bad design ideas, incomplete systems and a terribly optimised engine that i would forgive somebody for thinking that the game was rushed out the door.


3 years was no where near enough time to have everything at 100%, welcome to MMO world. 10 years wouldn't have been enough. They have done an outstanding job with the time they had.

Edited by Stutter
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Ok, so you gained Legacy level 5 and there was no reward. Then when you hit 10, you thought "maybe, just maybe there will be something". Yet there was nothing.


At 15, there may have been a chance, but once again, no. 20 seems like a big solid number. Must be something at 20 right? Nope. Ok, lets keep grinding. 25!!! Nope, nothing at 25.


Obviously you need to grind it to 100 to get your reward.

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