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Overpowered Scoundrel at work (Video, 1080p)


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All I saw in this was just more proof that Ops / Scoundrels needs to have their burst toned down.


Absolutely pathetic damage, even without the consumables its just over the top.

Noone else even comes close to this even with consumables, so consumables isnt even the issue, its just the scaling and the amount of damage from your abilities.

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OKAY PEOPLE, he has an infinite amount of time to make this video, picking the one that showcases it the best, he is level 50, and this is NOT a level 50 bracket. He is using consumables where some people don't even use a single one the ENTIRE game! And ignoring the simple fact that he may just be GOOD. I will agree to a nerf once intelligible data from a reputable source over a spread out populous is presented.




-Rational individual


Hes not good..


Full resolve bar and 80% HP, runs behind a wall to heal?


That is some mad skills, knowing how game mechanics works etc, rofl.

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Any geared DPS class can pop consumables and absolutely destroy people. Scoundrel/operative with its up front burst is one of the most affected since the initial numbers on shoot first/hidden strike are higher than most other abilities and thus buffs scale tremendously.


Consumables used:


-Adrenal- Bonus: 565 Power. 3min CD, 15s duration, shares cooldown with other adrenals only

-Trinkets- Bonus: 220crit/surge and 355 power. 2 min CD, 30s shared CD (can't hit both at once, but can rotate them), 20s duration.

-Expertise pot- Bonus: 15% expertise (additive with gear/powerup). 3 min CD, 25s duration. Shared CD with commendation heal consumable.

-Warzone red buffs- Bonus: 15% expertise (additive with gear/pot). Respawn every 2 minutes, easy to reach locations in all WZs.

-Rakata Medpac- 5000-6000heal +2000hot/15secs every 1min 30s, shares CD only with other medpacs.


Basically, without any powerup or consumable you can bet on me critting anywhere from 4.0-5k on squishy classes with shoot first, and around 2.5-3k on sucker punch and back blast.


I sometimes blow a combination of 15% expertise+redbuff (+30% total expertise, over 40% showing on char sheet), power adrenal and crit/surge relic together. This totals +30% damage, +565 power, +220 crit, +220 surge for a total of 15 seconds in which they all apply together before the adrenal drops. ~5k crits on spam attacks and ~7.8k crits on opener becomes possible on squishier players.


At other times, I rotate them and keep maximum uptime on at least 1 consumable at a time. This can easily result in ~4k crits on spam attacks and ~6.5k crits on openers.



Screenshot of a pug WZ while using the same consumables http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/sparks03max/swtor2012-01-0303-51-06-87.jpg


Nerf consumables first, then check class balance again before nerfing classes.


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Hes not good..


Full resolve bar and 80% HP, runs behind a wall to heal?


That is some mad skills, knowing how game mechanics works etc, rofl.


I did not have a healer there to depend on and all 3 enemies had me targetted. Getting out of LOS for a few seconds and casting a heal made them change targets by the time I came back out to kill them. Hate all you want, but I'm playing to win and not expecting much out of pugs on my team. May as well use them as distractions while I kill instead of tanking the damage myself.

Edited by Kutsus
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if i make a video i would make people mad,


I do same with buffs and they are way too OP,


I crit some poor guy for 7079 first shoot then 4900 and boom 2 shoot.


I soloed 3 Lvl 50s using same rotation while abusing CCing.


Ofcourse gear and skill makes a difference am a lvl 62 valor Scoundrel.

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How can some of you say Scoundrel/Ops isn't overpowered? I agree if you have a skilled group in Alderaan they aren't too much of a problem, but in Huttball and even Voidstar (way more Huttball), my God they are ridiculous. In Huttball, if you have under 60 sometimes 70% HP running with the ball, you won't be for much longer. In full premades, if a team has two scoundrels/ops in Huttball it's hell to get the ball in with the terrible resolve bar. In Voidstar, they do FAR too much burst for anything but a Sorceror to heal through, and Expertise really isn't worth much due to the fact it isn't resilience, which is another discussion. The burst on Scound/Ops is too much for a HoT based healer to handle. While they are pretty worthless if they don't get their opener, their opener is too powerful. Not even an argument


dude we SUCK in huttball, we cant even pushback, and people throw us all over the place...

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All I saw in this was just more proof that Ops / Scoundrels needs to have their burst toned down.


Guess you should look again, more closely.


Consumable are over the top, its WoW all over again. Stack trinkets and procs and BAM blow someone up in seconds.

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Any geared DPS class can pop consumables and absolutely destroy people. Scoundrel/operative with its up front burst is one of the most affected since the initial numbers on shoot first/hidden strike are higher than most other abilities and thus buffs scale tremendously.


Consumables used:


-Adrenal- Bonus: 565 Power. 3min CD, 15s duration, shares cooldown with other adrenals only

-Trinkets- Bonus: 220crit/surge and 355 power. 2 min CD, 30s shared CD (can't hit both at once, but can rotate them), 20s duration.

-Expertise pot- Bonus: 15% expertise (additive with gear/powerup). 3 min CD, 25s duration. Shared CD with commendation heal consumable.

-Warzone red buffs- Bonus: 15% expertise (additive with gear/pot). Respawn every 2 minutes, easy to reach locations in all WZs.

-Rakata Medpac- 5000-6000heal +2000hot/15secs every 1min 30s, shares CD only with other medpacs.


Basically, without any powerup or consumable you can bet on me critting anywhere from 4.0-5k on squishy classes with shoot first, and around 2.5-3k on sucker punch and back blast.


I sometimes blow a combination of 15% expertise+redbuff (+30% total expertise, over 40% showing on char sheet), power adrenal and crit/surge relic together. This totals +30% damage, +565 power, +220 crit, +220 surge for a total of 15 seconds in which they all apply together before the adrenal drops. ~5k crits on spam attacks and ~7.8k crits on opener becomes possible on squishier players.


At other times, I rotate them and keep maximum uptime on at least 1 consumable at a time. This can easily result in ~4k crits on spam attacks and ~6.5k crits on openers.



Screenshot of a pug WZ while using the same consumables http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/sparks03max/swtor2012-01-0303-51-06-87.jpg


Nerf consumables first, then check class balance again before nerfing classes.


holy crud scoundrels are OP jesus christ LOL thats just nuts. cant beleive how OP they are LOL. i can see them getting nerfed.


i knew they was OP but i didnt know they was that OP.


thansk for this vid it will be proof t o people that they need nerfing <3 :)

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holy crud scoundrels are OP jesus christ LOL thats just nuts. cant beleive how OP they are LOL. i can see them getting nerfed.


i knew they was OP but i didnt know they was that OP.


thansk for this vid it will be proof t o people that they need nerfing <3 :)


Either you are very thick, or trolling very hard. Either way i feel only pity for you.

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Guess you should look again, more closely.


Consumable are over the top, its WoW all over again. Stack trinkets and procs and BAM blow someone up in seconds.


Although I have those same consumables, but I dont run around critting people for 7k, because my class is decently balanced.


If you do not think operatives/scoundrels needs their damaged toned down, you are either playing it, or you are deluded.

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Although I have those same consumables, but I dont run around critting people for 7k, because my class is decently balanced.


If you do not think operatives/scoundrels needs their damaged toned down, you are either playing it, or you are deluded.


And aslong as those consumables are ingame you dont know that, you are just guessing because in your perception (as you provide no proof) Scoundrels are doing good with consumables. Which might just be because they scale stronger with consumables for all we know.


You just want to nerfhammer them into the ground based on highly subjective and biased information. I cannot take you seriously then. And for the record, i have seen other classes do insane burst hits. Marauder 6k AOE ? thats 6k per target.


enjoy Edited by Terrahero
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And aslong as those consumables are ingame you dont know that, you are just guessing because in your perception (as you provide no proof) Scoundrels are doing good with consumables. Which might just be because they scale stronger with consumables for all we know.


You just want to nerfhammer them into the ground based on highly subjective and biased information. I cannot take you seriously then. And for the record, i have seen other classes do insane burst hits. Marauder 6k AOE ? thats 6k per target.





Now you are just assuming things aswell.

Do you think me saying that their damage/burst needs to be toned down, means that I want them nerfed to the ground?


I want their damage balanced out, not nerfed to the ground. Because I prefer balance to classes being nerfed.


The point I am making is the fact that even without consumables Ops and Scoundrels damage is still too high because of how their disables work. You do not have to actively be skilled or set anything up in order to be able to get a target down extremely low just for an opener alone. Its the fact that you cant do anything to prevent it unless you have your two minute PvP trinket up.


I do know that the specific ability hits for alot, but I do not think its OP in the same sense simply because you have to set it up, and people can avoid it in a completely different matter. This means that a skilled player can prepare for it, whilst getting opened on by a scoundrel / operative just means you need to sit their and wait for them to do their damage by pressing 123.


I really want people to understand that the damage and burst needs to be changed somehow, either tone the damage down, or change the way you do the burst, so you can actually act and counter if it you are good and knows what to do.


I do not want ANYTHING nerfed to the ground, got tired of that in WoW. I just want to be able to act and outplay people that are not as good as me by using my cd's properly, but this is not the case if I get opened on by a scoundrel/operative at the moment, regardless of buffs/consumables or not. It is still too much damage.

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Guess you should look again, more closely.


Consumable are over the top, its WoW all over again. Stack trinkets and procs and BAM blow someone up in seconds.


Strange I don't do 2/3 the dmg with all consumable/trinket/buff effects on my Sentinel :)

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I do know that the specific ability hits for alot, but I do not think its OP in the same sense simply because you have to set it up, and people can avoid it in a completely different matter. This means that a skilled player can prepare for it, whilst getting opened on by a scoundrel / operative just means you need to sit their and wait for them to do their damage by pressing 123.


If the BHs/Troopers on your team are so unintelligent that they can't use their stealth detection ability properly, then whose fault is that? Definitely not the Scoundrel/Operative's.

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If the BHs/Troopers on your team are so unintelligent that they can't use their stealth detection ability properly, then whose fault is that? Definitely not the Scoundrel/Operative's.


If you are lucky enough to get one on your team..

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So after watching this video, Ive confirmed something


1. Class is really balanced


2. Consumables are OP



now before anyone flame me cause I know everyone thinks that Operatives/scoundrels are OP, try doing what the poster did in his videos in which case USE consumables.


you see I tried that earlier in a warzone and to my surprised I 3 shotted a not so geared player, well you can argue that its not a geared player but really 3 shotted? I hit him for 4.5k then 3k then 4.5k in a span of 4.5 sec. while without the consumables I could only hit him 3k max on my best attack -_-. well my class isnt an Op or scoundrel but i seemed to replicate the damage he did on the video all thanks to the consumables :D

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I have the same consumables on my sage. However..



I crit for 4k when I pop them all.. however...


I still get wrecked by operatives if I don't have my trinket up for their first stun.


It's not the games fault you're incapable of using the tools it gives you to beat operatives, which you should. You don't need trinket up, either.

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