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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Get rid of the damn revive timer "10 min"


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I said this way back in Beta and everyone got all over my case like I just said something bad about their mothers. I agree, the progressively longer res timer is a group killer. Besides, the repair bills are punishment enough, and there is no real reason to have timers. Edited by Glowrod
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what is the point of the timer???? trying to kill a boss, died 3 times and now i have to wait 10 min to try again?? that is completely uncalled for. what is the point???? already getting ganked left and right, getting my *** kicked by a boss and now i have to sit for 10 !@#$&!@# min. i am not the only player that is troubled by this, get rid of the timer or tone it down to a couple min. 10 min is ridiculous.


It's called a death penalty, and it's easily the most lenient I've ever seen. It certainly does not need to be removed.


It's never 10 minutes. Ever. I call BS. Or maybe you haven't noticed there are two buttons?

Edited by imtrick
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I said this way back in Beta and everyone got all over my case like I just said something bad about their mothers. I agree, the progressively longer res timer is a group killer.


If you're in a group, have a team mate rez you. If you're alone go to the med droid and reset your timer.


Or as someone else inferred ..take the extra time to rethink your tactics ;)

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It's called a death penalty, and it's easily the most lenient I've ever seen. It certainly does not need to be removed.


It's never 10 minutes. Ever. I call BS.


If you die several times back to back it shoots up to 10 minutes. But if you only die occasionally with long peirods of time in between, then the rez timer is pretty fast - reward for being good lol. But I agree, having a death penalty is a necessity. If you're up to 10 minutes, you either need to change your strategy, or come back to the boss later when you have better gear/higher level/more skills, etc.

Edited by Leiloni
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I prefer games were I can die an unlimited number of times over and over and instantly revive myself on the spot and it never costs me anything ever. Stop to consider pure immortality with no consequences at all. Its fun!


Don't be silly. The repair bills in this game can easily bankrupt a toon.

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Isn't the revive other ability a 10 min timer? Is that what the OP is talking about?


I had a buddy fail against the elevator boss twice last night. Second time he had to revive at a med station. Obviously his fault for failing it, but really, its a bit of an inconvenience to me for no good reason.

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what is the point of the timer????


You can return to the medcenter and not wait that long.


Rez'ing in place isn't going to help you defeat the boss, they get back full HP when you die. in fact going back to the med center might be the best option. Can get more healing kits, some stims, and maybe get your CD's back again.


The reason is, because there should be some sort of penalty for dieing. This game has quite frankly the most lax penalty out there as is, remove the timer and you might as well have people simply respawn in palace with full HP when they die.

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