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A quick update on Ability Delay


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Yea can't take it anymore in pvp, key ability's not working at all, UI freezing and inop constant control-U in the middle of combat, finish my free month and that's it if no improvement, suck to be a Sin with low power and ability lag galore...gets me soooo angry in warfronts


Doesn't help that coming out of a warfront seems to trigger a very long loading time.

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Perhaps Bioware believes that all the hype regarding this has died down now and they can get on with it. perhaps make a little note in a patch saying "fixed some ability delay"...


Very disappointed once more in Bioware, I think that my time with SW:TOR is concluded once my video is released. No communication at all since the 6th on the hottest topic these forums have yet seen.


Not impressed with the direction Bioware is taking with the continued development of their MMO.

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I am having really bad Ability Delay / Ability wont Trigger problems on my sith warrior.

It really feels like Deflect is cancelling my actions.


1.) On many occassions i have had tried to activate Ravage, the animation runs every time, but no damage is done and no cooldown is activated on ravage (The GCD is triggered though). More than once i have hit ravage over and over again out of pure frustration that the ability is doing nothing every time (5+ times, animated every time, no damage every time, oh look the cd wasnt triggered on Ravage...hit it again? ;) ).


2.) Deflecting too much can effectivelly "stunlock" my character, the UI says i can click actions, and when i do, nothing happens. I loose aggro because i am not doing anything, and i usually die because i cannot activate any cooldowns. I assume this will get worse with more defence added to my tank character.


3.) Retaliation will not fire sometimes. I click it, the character half animates then stops, no dmg done. In some instances i have hit retaliation 5+ times, same half animation every time, no action was taken, its like retaliation thinks i never pushed it.

(Same thing happens with Force Scream, Vicious Slash)


4.) Cooldowns not activating. I activate a CD, I think it is active, only to find out it never triggered. Perhaps because i deflected just as i was triggering the ability.


5.) Vicious Slash constantly does not trigger. I have to spam it to ensure it fires. But this leads to an awkward animation where the char will half animate the action, stop, then fully animate. So it looks like my character is psyching the mob with the first hit and then actually follows up with the real hit.


I have to play with the mindset i need to constantly ensure what i am trying activate actually activates. This forces me to constantly watch the UI. DPS/Threat obviously goes into the tank when abilities are not firing or taking twice as long to activate (Due to the stuttering animation due to me spamming the button).


These problems are very apparent on my Sith Juggernaut, my other chars (Sith Sorcerer, Jedi Shadow, Mercenary ie: Non defensive/deflect characters), rarely see the same activation problems.


Despite others telling me "Doesnt happen to me, its hardware related", it happens consistently on my juggernaut character on all my cpus ( I have 3 different comps (always updated drivers). This problem is a game breaker for my Sith Juggernaut.




My main is a Guardian and I have all of the above issues. As a tank having abilities misfire is game-breaking especially when we have so many clunky abilities like sunder on long cooldowns. Pretty sure the not being able to act because of deflections stunlock is working as intended (bad design is bad) but the abilities not activating but resetting the gcd (like force sweep, force stasis, riposte) is horrible to tank with.


Combined with terrible tab-targetting and the games controls are just no other way to describe it bad.


I've rerolled twice since launch for various UI related issues. Rerolled from Sage because of the raid frames not working making healing tedious, and rerolled from Sentinel because of lots of ability misfires/delay just make the class a chore to play.


I'lll probably finish leveling my tank which should be next weekend, but if the ability delay isnt fixed by next month I'll probably say bye to SWTOR, since some decent titles are coming out in Feb anyway.

Edited by oflow
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84K views, more than any other thread on the forums.... and they are letting it slide to to the end of eternity. roflmao.


I guess that they have fixed the Ability Delay?


Lemme go check....


no they dont :p


If they manage to resolve the issue i think that they change their homepage in



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Maybe the Ability Delay is working as intended afterall or tehy fixed it now in a patch and let us wait... ?

Dosent make sense to "unstick" a EXTREMLY important thing what really starts to freaking everyone out but wouldnt be a big suprise if this "unstick" is a bug too.

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Now there's one thing left to laugh at.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllll the people who kept saying, and continue to say "you're stupid, there is no ability delay in SWTOR. Your computer just sucks".


Oh, so I guess this official thread is about nothing, right?



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Now there's one thing left to laugh at.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllll the people who kept saying, and continue to say "you're stupid, there is no ability delay in SWTOR. Your computer just sucks".


Oh, so I guess this official thread is about nothing, right?




I'll be honest... I didn't see it at all back when it was first brought up. I thought maybe it was one of those things that only happens in isolated cases.


I was, of course, wrong about that, so if you come across any old posts from me saying anything like "It seems fine to me; it must be something with your system," please disregard them.

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Just because this is unstickied does not mean they're "sweeping it under the rug"


If they were to do such a thing this would have been deleted and EREBODY MENTIONING IT WOULD BE BANNED!


But that is not the case. Cool your jets and go play the game or read or eat babies, whatever your fancy.

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