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A quick update on Ability Delay


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uploaded a couple of videos showing no ability delay




let's have bioware add auto attacks and animation clipping to hide the "delay" and appease people who most likely have network problems.


You're absolutely right. There's no delay. Bioware is just admitting there's one for no reason.



Stop trolling. It's just sad at this point.

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no one from bioware has discussed the source of the problem. people need to stop insisting it's a universal problem. my videos clearly show it isn't.


There clearly is delay in your videos, you may not notice cause your spamming the buttons but its there. In the second video you can clearly see the shots don't fire immediately after the cast bar is done.

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There clearly is delay in your videos, you may not notice cause your spamming the buttons but its there. In the second video you can clearly see the shots don't fire immediately after the cast bar is done.


if you're referring to underworld medicine, that's a normal part of animation. the heal takes effect once the green body scan is complete.

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it's not delayed, guy. it's part of the normal animation. when you use the skills in rapid succession, the animations are actually cut short.


I'm not going to argue, I don't know how to point it out to you with out showing it to you, if you don't see I'm sorry. The animation is just not flowing and the first shot is delayed then the others are a whole 1 second or so late.


Point is, there is a problem and it's getting looked into.

Edited by Littlescuba
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I'm not going to argue, I don't know how to point it out to you with out showing it to you, if you don't see I'm sorry. The animation is just not flowing and the first shot is delayed then the others are a whole 1 second or so late.


no, dude. they're not.

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Hi DeltaGun,


Customer service is routing incoming bug reports to the appropriate developers.


Are they being forwarded verbatim, or saying "This person reported a bug with X?"


And is there any chance we could get a larger "known issues list?"

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Same here and I've got 580 SLI and an Core i7 860. Other games, even crysis or bf3 run much better. Nar Shaddaa is my crux somehow. There are a lot of areas, even without enemies, where I run below 30 fps. And I'm neither incompent nor clueless (I know, everybody thinks that).


Sad to say but there is definetily something wrong with your computers. I am using 2600 with 8 gigs ram and gtx 570 HD sc and i havent found single place on game that droos my fps below 60 with all settings max.


And to the hater saying that the ability delay affects everyone is so wrong...

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There is ability delay, and sometimes even the game telling you, "no. not gonna let you do that at this moment."


I don't have a video example, but I promise you that any sentinel will tell you this is true:


If you have 30 centering built up and you want to cast zen (an instant cast that is off the GCD), no problem. Cast it. If you cast cauterize first, and then try to cast zen immediately (remember, off the GCD) the game straight up tells you no and never uses zen. You have to wait for cauterize to finish its animation. However, if you are casting slash or merciless slash, you can almost use zen immediately. It doesn't make any sense and it needs to be looked at.

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uploaded a couple of videos showing no ability delay






let's have bioware add auto attacks and animation clipping to hide the "delay" and appease people who most likely have network problems.



^^^ clicker\



Keybinding guide for ya. its Rift but its the same keys

Edited by JDSH
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Extremely satisfied with how Bioware has handled the trolls and are willing to listen to the players the last few weeks. I can't wait to see the changes and improvements that will be made in the next 3 months.



You call anyone who critiques the game a troll, the critiquers are the ones who pointed the flaw out that buoware now claims they are going to fix.


Not the brighest bulb are ya

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I havent seen your video that debunks this


come back when you have it.

I can wait :rolleyes:


The guys a troll. Just report him. He enters all these threads and regardless of what the community knows and the developers have admitted, he insists that there is no problem. He's bad, he's slow and he's a troll. Just report him.

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what have the developers admitted? they haven't admitted the problem is universal nor have they discussed the source of the problem. go ahead and ignore evidence that the problem isn't an inherent flaw in the game's engine.


The problem with the ability delay...? just the fact that they already responded is that they are working on it, you expected them to go all technical in full detail when the majority of other users wont understand a flying squat what he's talking about?

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