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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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Lets keep this simple lol


The best textures you can get are in the cut scenes and when you preview gear on your companion. It should be showing these textures while in game while "high" is selected. It is a bug.

This is what is SUPPOSED to be "high" settings. It was broken and Bioware has said that. "High" settings have never worked properly on the release client.



On current "live" game, there is no change in gear texture quality between "med" and "high" settings. Once again, Bioware is aware and it is a bug.


Now, the new issue. On the current "PTR" (test server), there is no more "med" setting. They RENAMED "med" settings as "high", and got rid of "med" settings all together. Your only options now are "low" and "high" ("high"="med"). Why, because "high" never worked on official release client so we won't notice any change anyways. So people feel like Bioware, instead of fixing a known bug, have tried to just burying the issue so new players won't even know a better setting existed. Until it's resolved... I hope.


The high rez textures are physically in the game files, they are there. Someone else has already stated how they are compressed in more detail.



So the cut scenes is what the game is actually supposed to look like on "high" when the issue is/if corrected.


If this goes live and these textures keep the medium quality look, then i'll be very unhappy.

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it seems that the smaller your body size, the least affected you are...however your screenshot is also zoomed out too far for us to notice any flat textures.


actually never mind I think you're right, something definitely looks wrong with the first pic.


I wasn't posting that comparison for character textures I was showing Chromiie that he was indeed not running max settings, hence the picture showed his "Max" on top and my Max on the bottom.



For character textures.. Yes High only appear in cutscenes as show on one of my characters here..


Character Textures During and After Cutscene

Edited by Rorcus
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I wasn't posting that comparison for character textures I was showing Chromiie that he was indeed not running max settings, hence the picture showed his "Max" on top and my Max on the bottom.



For character textures.. Yes High only appear in cutscenes as show on one of my characters here..


Character Textures During and After Cutscene


Yes I misread your post, my bad :rolleyes:

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Stop bringing up the cpu core's,


Cores are generally less important then clock cycles when it comes to gaming fps.


Very few programs dedicate affinity cores, instead they interlace / HT load across the board.


Ill say it again, dual core, quad core or 4 core with 4 emulated in I7 won't make a squat of difference for quality and only affects fps performance in a decent amount/chunk if it is bottlenecking bussway thoroughput(such as when you bottleneck highend sli). Some games are more cpu reliant then others, but this is usualy games with physx or extreme resloution water/shadow rendering usualy forced via custom ini settings.


Some games want to have GPU be less of a factor such as wow did and will also be highly cpu reliant.


But rule of thumb, clock cycle increase in dual is going to see you more of a gain then a low hz quad upgrade. Stop throwing around buzzwords. It reminds me of when my grandma taps her lcd and tells me her hard drive is clogged.


With hardware you always have to look at the rig as a whole and how each part plays off each other.

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For all the neigh sayers out there :rolleyes:


i7 2600K @ 4500 Mghz


Nvidia GTX 580


http://i39.tinypic.com/2qx144k.jpg - LOW

http://i43.tinypic.com/bx2fm.jpg - HIGH

http://i40.tinypic.com/ip8wmb.gif - Comparison animated

Edited by Venares
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For all the neigh sayers out there :rolleyes:


i7 2600K @ 4500 Mghz


Nvidia GTX 580


http://i39.tinypic.com/2qx144k.jpg - LOW

http://i44.tinypic.com/29bg3s.jpg - HIGH

http://i40.tinypic.com/ip8wmb.gif - Comparison animated



I like your sweater in the first pic.

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I thought my guy has been looking blurry a little too often. Seems like there is a ton of texture popping for me. I get those low textures a lot and if I stick around long enough it loads the medium / high textures for the environment.


Considering how awful fleet has been running with 200+ people I'm scared to think what it would do if the game had to load more than the medium settings... maybe that is why they aren't letting high load in game. I'm pretty sure it would kill my video card based on how much trouble it has in empire station on "High" right now.

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We have words like " cover-up" " swept under the rug" " intentional silence"


You people are acting like this is the Kennedy assassination or some x-file. Get real here people if Bioware can't get hi-Rez textures to load properly and then wants to get rid of the high button and call medium, high. Then they can. Deal with it.


I guess when you spend $50 bucks these day you get to own the company and act like a friggin jerk.



Has anybody ever even considered the fact that they don't even know how to fix it, and for the sake of not looking like complete morons and keep saying " we are working on it" for the trillionth time, they are just gonna let it be.

Edited by bobbyisrael
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Yeah that is only the lighting changing. I have to laugh every time someone posts one of those.


When you click on the holoterminal, the game tries to change the scene and where you are standing. You don't move, it's impossible. Otherwise you would be standing in a different spot, talking to no one. Try the other thing that summons all your companions in the conference room of your ship. Same exact thing.

Edited by Aisar
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Yeah that is only the lighting changing. I have to laugh every time someone posts one of those.

From your posts about how dual core PCs have inferior graphics, to this - I think you just don't know anything about PC graphics and gaming.

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From your posts about how dual core PCs have inferior graphics, to this - I think you just don't know anything about PC graphics and gaming.


Dual-cores do not produce graphics so I would never have stated this. The problem is likely the graphics card, the memory or the motherboard that usually comes with a dual-core system.

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While it is a shame that we would have to resort to this but since the textures are already in the game files, is there a client side mod or .ini tweak that anyone has figured out to try and force the higher textures to work? Edited by BearBreaker
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You are very borderline Flag material. Please post something constructive or do not post at all. The community and the Devs thank you :)


Post a pic of you characters using the holocron, maybe then you could be considered constructive. :)


While it is a shame that we would have to resort to this but since the textures are already in the game files, is there a client side mod or .ini tweak that anyone has figured out to try and force the higher textures to work?



There is no ini tweak. A .dll is forcing it to render at half its original size. I'd think modifying might be against the eula

Edited by Caonimah
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While it is a shame that we would have to resort to this but since the textures are already in the game files, is there a client side mod or .ini tweak that anyone has figured out to try and force the higher textures to work?


On another note it would be nice if Bioware would cease with the Corporation Talk & Weasel Words. Simply explain to their customers the problem and when it can be fixed. A lot of people would have their confidences restored with such a simple act of honesty & modesty.


But if not more people that were once on Bioware's side will take the 4chan stance on how they've just become yet another Corporate drone branch.


Help us decide Bioware, prove us doubters wrong....please....


If they were more upfront, honest, communicative (im not talking about these stupid official things they put out, stuff that nonsense).


I would probably resubscribe. But they wont tell me what I want to know so I will not be supporting their behavior.

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That is obviously a dual-core system and not a good one at that (no one would know this better than me).


Dual-cores do not produce graphics so I would never have stated this. The problem is likely the graphics card, the memory or the motherboard that usually comes with a dual-core system.

??? If dual cores do not "produce graphics" how the hell can you tell he has a dual core from a bloody screenshot?


For that matter, like dual-core vs quad core cpus, motherboards/memory will rarely impact the way a game looks - though they will affect fps.

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