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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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Your right my 4k system with 4 sli cards all liquid cooled is from 10 years ago lmao.


I hit around 150 fps in this game everything maxed with 8x AA forced. With V sync forced im at 60 fps and never drop below that number.


The games engine blows.


How bout you get off your fanboy wagon or go try some recent mmo's with ground breaking gfx and get back to me on what bioware should be fixing in this graphics engine.


My 50 year old parents might think swtor looks great to in its current state though.... lol


60hz LCD is soooo 10 years ago. 4 cards? Quad 580 and you can't even run 3D


At least your set for winter!

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You need to upgrade your computer if it does not look that way for you. It does for me, it's just going to cost you 600-1000 dollars. I did it, games looks amazing.


This guy has no idea. But at least he is satisfied in his ignorant bubble, we gotta admire that at least.

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You need to upgrade your computer if it does not look that way for you. It does for me, it's just going to cost you 600-1000 dollars. I did it, games looks amazing.


Again another post were someone says something completely useless. I play at MaX. Do you get that max settings at 1920x1200. With forced AA now kindly take a look and tell me does this look like max to you?





Edited by Chromiie
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You do NOT know what your are talking about buddy. Maybe gaming for 10 years on a crap computer has made you not realize how sharp textures look like but I can guarantee you that these textures are muddy/blurry by most games standards. Yes, even games that were released a good 5-10 years could have better textures than this. Just look at some of the things people have made for morrowind.


Try playing The Witcher 2 on high. Now you know what real graphics look like sir.

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Try playing The Witcher 2 on high. Now you know what real graphics look like sir.


Qft and an mmo can be made with these graphics. It is just if you use an engine, that does not scale probably, you are screwed. Unfortunately bioware wont update us on detail about their tech they use. *sad panda face*

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Again another post were someone says something completely useless. I play at MaX. Do you get that max settings at 1920x1200. With forced AA now kindly take a look and tell me does this look like max to you?






He'll probly just say you need to upgrade your rig, because he upgraded his and it looks "amazing." :D

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They do not need an excuse. Dumbing down the graphics, even slightly, is a brilliant marketing move. They do not care about losing 100,000 customers when 5 million (potential, possible) people can play it because their slightly older or very older computers can run it.


I have not seen Aion graphics, frankly I do not care. You cannot believe a screenshot unless it's very obviously trustworthy and make sure the specifications of the computer of the screenshots are made public.


So you guys are posting screens from a dinosaur computer and matching it with a supernerds 2000 dollar computer.


bunch of silly bandwagon jumpers.


Are you really an idiot?


It has nothing to do with dumbing them down so more can play lol. A good optmized game can easily run on lower end system.


Fact is they screwed up. They failed to optimize properly for whatever reason.


Perfect example in this video with over 200 people from one faction raiding in a pvp zone. It has very smooth high res textures, heat waves, dof effects, smooth shadowing, displaying hundreds of people on screen.



You are very ignorant if you think that bioware is right lol. A game made 3 years ago using the crytek engine for its mmo did it just fine with graphics that far surpass what swtor has to offer or can offer for that matter. Yet with our ****** textures and our horrible shadowing there are countless my fps is horrible and i have a 500 series + gfx card with a multi core processer. This game is having major engine issues running bad on even current machines in alot of cases.


How are you going to sit there and blindly defend that when theres proof that you are wrong in over 80 pages in this thread and countless others with people having fps issues despite their dumbed down graphics.


Get off your short bus pull your head out your you know what and look around you.


And the vid above was before they optimized their engine and upped the graphics

Edited by Barracudastr
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Again another post were someone says something completely useless. I play at MaX. Do you get that max settings at 1920x1200. With forced AA now kindly take a look and tell me does this look like max to you?






That is obviously a dual-core system and not a good one at that (no one would know this better than me).


Now post screenshots with this system.


Processor: Intel® Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz

Memory: 8192MB RAM

Card name: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series

Display Memory: 742 MB

Dedicated Memory: 1010 MB

Shared Memory: 3828 MB


I guarantee you it wont look anything like those screenshots. You or someone else purposely used those screenshots to sow discord by showing how bad the game can really look. You are dishonest and that is not sometihng you should be proud of.

Edited by Aisar
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He'll probly just say you need to upgrade your rig, because he upgraded his and it looks "amazing." :D


And if looks around in the pictures you can see that other people or npcs have better looking textures on them (not highrez ofcourse just better) or my own character which don't look nearly as ****** as the carpet in the Imperial Fleet.

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Witcher 2 is gorgeous though. :confused:


Witcher, custom ini settings, some post fx injection, 3x580's with a nice large samsung 120hz screen to run the game in 3D about 2 meters away from you.


That game was simply amazing.





But to not let this derail the thread. We don't witcher graphics, we just want detail on our gear.


This is important because when I have the choice between 30 shades of grey, black and brown for my gear. It is the detail that is going to make them look different to each other.




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I can't believe some of these clowns are suggesting that TOR has secret graphics settings that only appear on DECENT high-end machines.


[edited original post for truth] That is exactly what I am saying. Sorry if you do not like it lol. Keep in mind this only applies to people going from a system like mine to what I have now. The difference is insane.

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Heres another vid from a game put out 3 years ago.


Watch in 1080p.


Notice the realtime HDRI effects, shadows, textures and of course how responsive it is in pvp.




Anyone defending how bioware put this game out in its current state is just lying to themselves or blind.

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Just wanted to pitch in my evidence to the evidence pile:




I understand that the higher texture quality can cause poorer performance, but that should be our decision to make. The textures are there. Why not let us use them?







How do i do this trick? I want the game looking better because atm it looks like watery ****...

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No one is asking witcher 2 graphics , we are asking the graphics that already exist within the cutscenes to be made permanent in game for high setting.


And i repeat don't let the troll hijack the thread, just ignore him.


I'll have to check cutscenes out more on my new system. Either way game looks great and I might even resub (I know is that not insane?)


Have fun all! It's 4:30 why am i having such a hard time finding a group as a healer right now lol

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