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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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sad indeed how can they mess up this bad...... in beta the textures were gorgeous and now were stuck with these half assed texture. dont expect a fix any time soon, they have their "high priority bugs" to fix that no one seems to notice.
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It's simple. Sometime in the next 12 days they will enable me to turn on the textures which already exist and which my system can handle, or I will cancel my currently set-up 6 month subscription and never look back.


Re-labeling the awful Medium textures to "High" and calling that a "fix" is a lie and I don't make a habit of paying companies that behave toward me as if I were an idiot.

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It's simple. Sometime in the next 12 days they will enable me to turn on the textures which already exist and which my system can handle, or I will cancel my currently set-up 6 month subscription and never look back.


Re-labeling the awful Medium textures to "High" and calling that a "fix" is a lie and I don't make a habit of paying companies that behave toward me as if I were an idiot.


Same story here too. If they think they can pull a fast one with a cheeky move like this they can kiss my sub goodbye.

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Same story here too. If they think they can pull a fast one with a cheeky move like this they can kiss my sub goodbye.


You know what really sucks? Their internal builds obviously have the high res textures ... go look at the media screenshots area ... they're all the high res textures.

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It's simple. Sometime in the next 12 days they will enable me to turn on the textures which already exist and which my system can handle, or I will cancel my currently set-up 6 month subscription and never look back.


Re-labeling the awful Medium textures to "High" and calling that a "fix" is a lie and I don't make a habit of paying companies that behave toward me as if I were an idiot.


Same here. It really is the ultimate slap in the face. Im reinstalling the game on my new quad-core right now. I do not expect it to be better but if they do not fix this by the end of my free month I will not be resubscribing.


Just because a Graphics Engine is easy to use and updates in real time does not make it good >.> Think about the customer first and the long term. This is called being responsible ^^

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I called it in another thread - they are making the current medium the "high" setting in the PTS. I dunno why we can't have high res characters globally... or an explanation as to why we can't have them.


Look at all this hate they are amassing. All they need to do is give us a straight answer.

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I don't think it's the actual textures that are broke, It seems to be the meshes. If the textures were changing it would have to re-load when switching to a cutscene. During normal play there is no normal or bump mapping either, looks very dated :/


Also the lighting/shading on characters is reduced during normal play as well which makes it even worse.

Edited by NasherUK
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Way to pull information out of context. You didn't specify what your specs are. What you are actually running.


With my computer 460 GTX overclocked(beta drivers) in ALderaan it says;

GPU Temp 45 C (at 40C before)

Fan Speed 54% (before playing the game it was at 50%)

vRam is at 550MB before(150)

GPU load is 0-2%


That is with everything on high even the shaders and also some tweaked .ini setting like Forced AA. This Game seems to not even denting my card.





Will never, ever ever happen. Name an MMO that allows people to mess with the source code.


Try that without ALT+TAB'ing out of the game and you will get a drasticly differnt result.

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Definitely want to see this issue addressed (and not just forgotten about by renaming medium to high).


But all in all the worst thing about all this is the absence of response from the developer. It's like not calling your mother for a long time. The longer you wait, the more mad she will be.

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Definitely want to see this issue addressed (and not just forgotten about by renaming medium to high).


But all in all the worst thing about all this is the absence of response from the developer. It's like not calling your mother for a long time. The longer you wait, the more mad she will be.


haha, good analogy :p


but in all seriousness the lack of response is beginning to become more annoying than the texture problem itself.



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Definitely want to see this issue addressed (and not just forgotten about by renaming medium to high).


But all in all the worst thing about all this is the absence of response from the developer. It's like not calling your mother for a long time. The longer you wait, the more mad she will be.


As I said in an earlier post.

Nothing and I meen NOTHING makes a gaming community rage more than bad CS and communication.


This IS an issue, it NEEDS to be resolved and NO WE ARE NOT GOING TO BE QUITE ABOUT IT :mad:

Edited by Venares
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Also if you set textures to LOW, this only effects the world textures and not characters. Characters are either stuck in low or medium with basic shaders and it can't be changed :/


There must be a workaround to force it either in the ini files or another way, we just need to find it.

Edited by NasherUK
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Definitely want to see this issue addressed (and not just forgotten about by renaming medium to high).


But all in all the worst thing about all this is the absence of response from the developer. It's like not calling your mother for a long time. The longer you wait, the more mad she will be.


Yea, it just feels so disrespectful at this point. It's like they are mocking us and don't deem us worthy enough for a response.

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