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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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Ok, if they'are talking about this issue right now, why they don't just calm everyone down with official responce? Or they just ashamed of it:)?


Took them almost a month to reply to same-sex companions and that was a way hotter topic then this so probably a little over a month to get your answer?

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Opinions are nice and all, but anyone with semi-decent knowledge of video games and graphics can see there's an obvious lack of texture detail in this game right now. Flat, bland textures. This isn't an opinion thing, it's factual.


I agree to an extent. The game on medium/high textures only uses ~256mb of texture memory (~360 with triple buffering).


That's really low for 2012 where 1g texture mem is standard, and 2gb texture mem cards exist.


In no way is the game unplayable for me because of this... for an MMO, the graphics are pleasing enough for me. This issue alone wouldn't cause me to unsub. However... 256mb... on high? Come on.

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I already unsubbed and probably will stay unsubbed as this company is spiiting in the face of customers. They do not communicate honestly at all. Instead they hide.

Sad, for it could have been such a nice game.

Edited by Ommm
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For the record - If you're like me and read the following post:


If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection.


To mean that if you were to reinstall the game after 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, the issue would be resolved. I can say definitively say that after completely uninstalling, and reinstalling and downloading the game via ORIGIN, this does NOT resolve the issue.


Also, bump for great justice.

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I already unsubbed and will stay unsubbed as this company is spiiting in the face of customers.


They do not communicate honestly at all.


So all those posts they made recently and this giant patch on Tuesday is spitting in our faces? Get real. I hate this issue more than most people, but unlike most people I realize it's probably something that isn't easily fixed.

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For the record - If you're like me and read the following post:


If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection.


To mean that if you were to reinstall the game after 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, the issue would be resolved. I can say definitively say that after completely uninstalling, and reinstalling and downloading the game via ORIGIN, this does NOT resolve the issue.


Also, bump for great justice.


COrrect, I mean do they have someone who likes to write riddles create that work around. Its very vaque first off, and second it does absolutley nothing.


I just reinstalled on the 6th, i got nothin. Same old muddly blurry textures.

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Even when in high res the textures look like *** so it hardly matters. How about a more photo realistic texture pack, or one with duller less wow-ish color scheme.


Man, if they just open up the textures for modding, this whole texture problem goes away without costing Bioware/EA a dime! I'd do their work for free, honestly.

Edited by Daemonjax
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right there i can see you will have graphics issues. Televisions are not made to the same specs as high end gaming computer monitors. you'll see a big improvement if you used something like this:


Dell - UltraSharp U3011 30-inch Widescreen Flat Panel Monitor


That's my monitor. But I also used to play on a 42" 1080p screen (moved into a bigger apt, computer moved into a spare bedroom/office, started working from home more). Yeah there is a difference, but texture clarity still matters - and for what it's worth the 42" was an amazing gaming screen, it just sucked *** for text. Games often looked better with it - and they often do on the 32" Vizio 1080p my gf uses for gaming (right behind me). The Dell is incredibly superior for text - an awesome development monitor, and has really good color reproduction. But games are often made for over-saturated TVs anyway, and can sometimes look a touch bland even if you put the screen into "game" mode.


In the end though, if you play at 2560x1600 (with SWTOR I usually don't, 40fps sort of sucks), the washed out textures actually look worse. Skyrim though, Skyrim looks amazing at 2560x1600 with AA at high.

Edited by eskachig
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Wanna see something funny.


Stand at your intercom on your ship. Zoom in close to your character. Click the intercom


Vioala!!! For .5 seconds you have high res textures for your armor!




BioWare trolled us with the textures in this game and they have yet to own up to the fact they are missing features from a shipped product that have representations in the game.


Age of Conan comes to mind when they shipped it out saying it was DX 11 capable and where mute on the fact it wasn't after sooo many posts on forums- it was one of the top reason why the game flopped! eventually they enabled it but by then the damage to thier rep was done!

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a 1080p television that is LED will generally be just as good if not better than most of the monitors out there.


The monitor you posted is a super high end Dell monitor that is rediculously expensive for what you get.


My TV which is a LED LCD is better than almost any monitor you can get. Try again troll

Not for text dude, not for text. Or CAD, or graphics design/photo manip, etc. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, but the ultra-high DPI 30" IPS screens excel at text, detail, and color reproduction - there is absolutely no comparison.


But they are professional-grade hardware, made for a niche market (hence the price, my monitor is more expensive than my computer by a decent margin) with small runs. And that niche market is not a gamer.


Though it's quite fine at gaming, I'm very happy with mine. It's just that if gaming was my first priority I'd never buy this monitor for it.

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Age of Conan comes to mind when they shipped it out saying it was DX 11 capable and where mute on the fact it wasn't after sooo many posts on forums- it was one of the top reason why the game flopped! eventually they enabled it but by then the damage to thier rep was done!


Yeah, I remember that... but it took them like over a year to do that ;)

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So all those posts they made recently and this giant patch on Tuesday is spitting in our faces? Get real. I hate this issue more than most people, but unlike most people I realize it's probably something that isn't easily fixed.


True. But they could put alot more on the known issue page.

Instead they hide and ppl post alot about these same issues everyday.

Edited by Ommm
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