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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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Probably they done it becuse they dont want people to have performance problems on their systems.


The game looks a bit unpolished yea... so what. They have bigger worries to deal with. For example: They MUST the fix FPS performance, so computer system wich smoothly runs on high settings BF3, COD5 and Skyrim, smoothly runs SWTOR. If you dont belive what im talking about, im inviting you to enable full shadows, bloom in graphic settings and join any warzone... fun fun fun :confused:




1st fix - Graphical driver/settings optimizations for FPS gain. So we can keep HIGH settting and still enjoy the game.


2nd fix - Ability Delay. So we can have smooth combat system without "virtual" lag and cluncky feeel (WOW players knows what I'm talking about.


and 3rd - High resolution textures



I understand where you're going with that but this should be a customer option. There's a reason why games are built with the option to tune graphics to low, medium or high.

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Again how many times must we repeat this , we are all aware there are more critical issues that must be addressed and we are fine with that. However those issues have been acknowledged and they are working on them. The issue at hand has been ignored over and over and now they are trying to make it go away by ninja fix in 1.1 we are not asking for a priority fix or saying that this should come before x issues. We are asking for them to acknowledge the problem and promise a fix however long it may take.


If they don't admit there is problem they don't need to fix it , and its exactly what is going on right now.

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Actually, changing the ahem 'high' settings to low still provides poor performance in Warzones and the fleet for me at least. I played a couple of matches today with everything set to low and it was still quite dreadful in both areas, although my FPS did increase a little but certainly not as much as expected. Therefore, I don't think the high resolution armor textures would decrease performance that much, or at least shouldn't do because it's very poor as it is now when set to low.


Surely a computer consisting of a quad-core Core i5 760 @3.8GHz, 8GB 1600MHz DDR3 RAM and an AMD Radeon HD5870 should be enough to get a smooth gameplay experience during the fleet and Warzones? After all, I get superb performance in BF3 64 player maps, The Witcher 2, Skyrim, Warcraft, Rift etc. Others have posted their PC specs that far surpass mine who still have poor performance. It is not a hardware issue!


Clearly then, there are either major issues with the coding, optimization, HeroEngine or all of these elements combined, coupled with the annoying issue of poor armor textures and shadows. That's without the character responsiveness issues and complete lack of any UI customization (okay we know the latter is imminent at least). In my opinion, I would rather they tackle all these issues first before even thinking about releasing new content.


I think it's important to reiterate that the community are only highlighting these issues because we want SWTOR to be as good as it potentially can be and there's just too many issues currently for the game to come close to that.


I hope BioWare don't start to be more in touch with the community when people start to leave the game because quite possibly lots may never return. On the flip side, it is still early days but I just wish BW would keep the community a bit more involved because they have been practically silent even during the beta! That's not exactly a recipe for success in an MMO.

Edited by decampo
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Frankly, I cannot see why this thread was created, during beta and directly afterward they acknowledged that high res textures were not being displayed in some circumstances, and it was being worked on, no mystery no drama, and certainly no need for "clarification", nor any need to repeat what has already been said. Those who have the inclination can go scroll through all Stephen Reid's tweets, several of the earlier ones address the question of high res textures not being displayed.


However, anyone who is expecting a dramatic change in visuals will be sorely disappointed, aside from a little more bump mapping and texture detail in some cut scenes, char wardrobe display and close ups there is not that much difference. It will most certainly not alter the art style, or offer up a dramatic difference over that which is currently available.

Edited by HexCaliber
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Frankly, I cannot see why this thread was created, during beta and directly afterward they acknowledged that high res textures were not being displayed in some circumstances, and it was being worked on, no mystery no drama, and certainly no need for "clarification", nor any need to repeat what has already been said. Those who have the inclination can go scroll through all Stephen Reid's tweets, several of the earlier ones address the question of high res textures not being displayed.


However, anyone who is expecting a dramatic change in visuals will be sorely disappointed, aside from a little more bump mapping and texture detail in some cut scenes, char wardrobe display and close ups there is not that much difference. It will most certainly not alter the art style, or offer up a dramatic difference over that which is currently available.


Please go read the rest of the thread and the 1.1 PTR patch notes.

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Frankly, I cannot see why this thread was created, during beta and directly afterward they acknowledged that high res textures were not being displayed in some circumstances, and it was being worked on, no mystery no drama, and certainly no need for "clarification", nor any need to repeat what has already been said. Those who have the inclination can go scroll through all Stephen Reid's tweets, several of the earlier ones address the question of high res textures not being displayed.


However, anyone who is expecting a dramatic change in visuals will be sorely disappointed, aside from a little more bump mapping and texture detail in some cut scenes, char wardrobe display and close ups there is not that much difference. It will most certainly not alter the art style, or offer up a dramatic difference over that which is currently available.


The textures are currently bad on armors they suck quite fronakl. NO AA NO AF and NO HRTP is dissapointing severly. I have a high end machine and really would like more options. its currently not a MMO for 2012 graphicaly. months down the road i could see more DX options i did not expect that at launch. But AA that is a standard feature for games released 3 or 4 years ago. I could understand a slight delay on HRTP but this problem has been a issue since first build beta. Lets not defend a non defendable issue. My guess is there is serious problems with there version of hero the stripped and rewrote. the engine cant even support all the additions Hero put in since 2007.

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At this point I am not hoping for better textures throughout the game just an option to allow the high resolution textures on the characters in the game world, including our own characters. This is what most of us expected before we purchased the game since all the screenshot displayed in the media section show the high resolution textures on all characters including the enemies.


Take this shot for example, look at how great the characters look!


Edited by ToonPhil
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Please go read the rest of the thread and the 1.1 PTR patch notes.


I am perfectly aware they are working on the problem, and they have been since they addressed the question in beta.


However, that does not change the fact there will not be a sudden dramatic improvement in the look of the game, the textures are already there and always have been, they are simply not being displayed correctly. They were not intentionally switched off, removed from the download due to size restrictions, nor hidden for some other obscure tinfoil hat theory, it was a bug.


If you actually pay attention in game, once in a while you can see the textures in all their glory, but what they offer, is not all that far removed from what is available now, all you will notice once fixed is a little more detail and bump mapping.

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I am perfectly aware they are working on the problem, and they have been since they addressed the question in beta.


However, that does not change the fact there will not be a sudden dramatic improvement in the look of the game, the textures are already there and always have been, they are simply not being displayed correctly. They were not intentionally switched off, removed from the download due to size restrictions, nor hidden for some other obscure tinfoil hat theory, it was a bug.


If you actually pay attention in game, once in a while you can see the textures in all their glory, but what they offer, is not all that far removed from what is available now, all you will notice once fixed is a little more detail and bump mapping.


I think you're missing the point of this thread. All we are asking for is to display the textures correctly, as in hi res. Let me spell it out: high resolution.

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I would also like an answer. This thread is huge, and frankly I am not sure why Bioware has ignored it. Comon it takes 5 seconds to post a reply saying they are working on it, and 10 seconds to say how they plan to fix it. Covering it up is truly a horrendous way of going about it.
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If you actually pay attention in game, once in a while you can see the textures in all their glory, but what they offer, is not all that far removed from what is available now, all you will notice once fixed is a little more detail and bump mapping.


Some of us have more of an eye for detail. I find it strange how you claim that we should pay MORE attention in order to see LESS detail. It's the other way around. If you raise your level of awareness, you can easily realize that the high-resolution textures used in cutscenes are much better than the Medium textures used during gameplay.

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The textures are currently bad on armors they suck quite fronakl.


I think we should have stopped this thread at this sentence. It's amazing.


Secondly, I don't see what the big deal is here. The game is gorgeous. My graphics appear high res. If they are in fact medium, then damn...it's still gorgeous.


You're all being extremely petty.

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The textures are currently bad on armors they suck quite fronakl. NO AA NO AF and NO HRTP is dissapointing severly. I have a high end machine and really would like more options. its currently not a MMO for 2012 graphicaly. months down the road i could see more DX options i did not expect that at launch. But AA that is a standard feature for games released 3 or 4 years ago. I could understand a slight delay on HRTP but this problem has been a issue since first build beta. Lets not defend a non defendable issue. My guess is there is serious problems with there version of hero the stripped and rewrote. the engine cant even support all the additions Hero put in since 2007.


AA is currently on the Test Server (and can be forced in the live build)

AF is currently on live.

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I think we should have stopped this thread at this sentence. It's amazing.


Secondly, I don't see what the big deal is here. The game is gorgeous. My graphics appear high res. If they are in fact medium, then damn...it's still gorgeous.


You're all being extremely petty.


Please read the main post and look at the screenshots linked in it.

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Bump again for good measure.


BW has stated the importance of character looks and visuals. We already have a very poor variety of armors and robes in this game, on top of that they look crappy, except in cutscenes.


Yes there are more pressing matters to fix...ability delay, fps, green lines of doom, endgame, but we are just asking for a response.


Player textures in WoW look better, and textures in lotro look far better. This isn't a comparison of games...but it isn't 2005 anymore.

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Please read the main post and look at the screenshots linked in it.


I did and I don't care. I'm 32 years old. I had more fun playing 8-bit Dragon Warrior than I have any game that's come out in the past 10 years. I'm not petty. The game is gorgeous. it plays well. It runs smooth at a good clip. Shadows are amazing. Details in environs are good. Armor and spells are crisp.


I don't need everything super cranked (altho my computer can handle it) to play a game. In fact, I have this beat computer and I've always turned graphics to low in raiding environments. So it really doesn't matter to me.

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This is the most pathetically embarrassing thing I've seen this company do. You can't get textures right? Your 2011 released game looks like a 2002 released game.


We have a pretty good idea of what you spent on VO. Hire some decent programmers. The one's you are using are apparently incompetent. Maybe blizzard will lend you some.

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I did and I don't care. I'm 32 years old. I had more fun playing 8-bit Dragon Warrior than I have any game that's come out in the past 10 years. I'm not petty. The game is gorgeous. it plays well. It runs smooth at a good clip. Shadows are amazing. Details in environs are good. Armor and spells are crisp.


I don't need everything super cranked (altho my computer can handle it) to play a game. In fact, I have this beat computer and I've always turned graphics to low in raiding environments. So it really doesn't matter to me.


One thing is that you think the game is gorgeous. That's nice


A different thing is that the character textures are not displaying correctly. That's not nice.


See what I did here? Apples and Oranges.


I'm glad you like the game, and I agree it's aesthetically beautiful, but the textures should still display correctly at high settings. And BioWare should comment on this issue in an official response

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I did and I don't care. I'm 32 years old. I had more fun playing 8-bit Dragon Warrior than I have any game that's come out in the past 10 years. I'm not petty. The game is gorgeous. it plays well. It runs smooth at a good clip. Shadows are amazing. Details in environs are good. Armor and spells are crisp.


I don't need everything super cranked (altho my computer can handle it) to play a game. In fact, I have this beat computer and I've always turned graphics to low in raiding environments. So it really doesn't matter to me.


That's good on you man, more power to you!

However, some of us WANT the option to be there.

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I think a lot of people have gone off track here.

Its not the fact the the game doesnt look great currently, it does.

But the fact that they are intentionaly trying to ninja fix and hide the problem in the 1.1 update that has caused all this furuor and anger.

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I did and I don't care. I'm 32 years old. I had more fun playing 8-bit Dragon Warrior than I have any game that's come out in the past 10 years. I'm not petty. The game is gorgeous. it plays well. It runs smooth at a good clip. Shadows are amazing. Details in environs are good. Armor and spells are crisp.


I don't need everything super cranked (altho my computer can handle it) to play a game. In fact, I have this beat computer and I've always turned graphics to low in raiding environments. So it really doesn't matter to me.


Then why are you here.... to troll about a known bug, that is important to others, that YOU don't care about!?


I have SNES ROMS and a 3ds, wii, 360, ps3 and even a mac mini along w/my gaming PC.Each are good for certain things. But I don't have a gtx580 OC to play dragon warrior, i have my DS for that. When a game is ADVERTISED with the high textures and in same advertisement asking you to pre-order. When I get the game, if I have a capable PC, I expect to get what was advertised. As do the others on this page. Part of a total package is graphics.


Whats important about a car is how it runs. But people want it to be cool looking and it means a lot to them. The same thing. I want gameplay with a good graphics on a PC system, as it was advertised and called next gen!


The high rez textures are there! We just want a follow up from Bioware with some recognition of the known issue and acknowledgement that they're working on it. I don't expect a ETA. But they can say whether the issue behind it is gonna be a large or small fix to give us a idea.

Edited by WarheartZero
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I think a lot of people have gone off track here.

Its not the fact the the game doesnt look great currently, it does.

But the fact that they are intentionaly trying to ninja fix and hide the problem in the 1.1 update that has caused all this furuor and anger.


At this moment, SWTOR probably has the WORST looking textures on characters in the MMO market:


- WoW

- EQ2

- Aion



- AoC

- Lineage 2

- Fallen Earth






And the list goes on. Seriously, just look at your character. It's been like 10 years since we have seen something looking THAT bad.

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I did and I don't care. I'm 32 years old. I had more fun playing 8-bit Dragon Warrior than I have any game that's come out in the past 10 years. I'm not petty. The game is gorgeous. it plays well. It runs smooth at a good clip. Shadows are amazing. Details in environs are good. Armor and spells are crisp.


I don't need everything super cranked (altho my computer can handle it) to play a game. In fact, I have this beat computer and I've always turned graphics to low in raiding environments. So it really doesn't matter to me.


So then why are you here?


If you don't care about something, you stay home. You don't go to the rallies for it and shout "I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THIS CAUSE" out of a megaphone.

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